But neither the Earth nor the Blue Star have ever contacted the galactic civilization, so the galactic fleet that appears at this time is strange to the entire Earth.

The leader of the core-level mech squad that faced him was a major of the patrol team, and he was an experienced soldier.

The number of a mecha squad is also four, as well as two specialized mech maintenance divisions, a medic, and an all-round logistician.

Each mecha squad has the ability to fight alone and survive alone.

Four core-class mechs rushed towards the strange fleet of the galactic civilization, they stopped in front of the fleet, and the captain of the squad turned on the all-round translation system and asked with the megaphone of the mecha: "Who are you?" In

the flagship of the galactic civilization, a man's voice came from him, and he said lightly: "Hand over the Genesis Stone, which is the endless energy in your mouths." Hearing

this, the captain of the leader changed his face.

Endless energy, that is the hope of the entire earth, hundreds of millions of people sleeping in China, but they are still waiting for endless energy to save their lives.

If the other party wants to take away the endless energy, it is to offend the entire Chinese scale.

The leader of the squad threw out the idea of negotiating in his heart, and then gave the order:

"Sixth patrol team, meet the enemy."

The earth has developed for thousands of years, and the number of core-level mecha is less than a hundred.

This force cannot be ignored even by galactic civilizations.

The fleet launched rocket-like attacks, with four core-class mechs dodging in mid-air.

And the hive nine hundred meters underground is still safe for the time being, these missiles do not have the ability to penetrate the land of nine hundred meters, at most they can only make the hive shake a few times.

The hive is located underground, and when this huge building was built, the first protection, and the most important process, was earthquake protection, so even how much shaking would not cause the hive to have the slightest surprise.

As the four mechs met, some fixed defensive weapons were also exposed on the ground, and several lasers were launched and began to attack the fleet of the galactic civilization.

The latter opened up its energy protection, while also sending out its own mechs and gene enhancers.

Other patrol teams arrived, and in a short period of time, three mecha squads had already arrived here.

But they are facing hundreds of drone mechs of galactic civilizations.

The performance of these drone mecha is not as good as that of core-level mecha, and the intelligent system is not as good as Mu Yue's enlightened man-machine, so they fight more with less, but they are only slightly inferior.

But these drone mechs are only the first wave of offensives sent by the other party to test it, and the other party must have more powerful attacks.

What happened here on Earth has reached the Blue Star Huaxia battleship.

The First Star Sky God of War Qingtian hurriedly rushed into the space folding platform and came to Earth to support.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue were still in front of the statue of the Huaxia Hope Academy, watching the battle on the screen.

Mu Yixue gritted her teeth and said softly: "Brother, I'm going, I can't let them destroy my brother's hometown." "


Mu Yue pulled her and shook his head: "Continuing to use power will only accelerate the devouring of endless energy power, and you don't want to never see me again, right?" Hearing

this, Mu Yixue's lips pursed, and she could only retreat.

"Don't worry, this is Huaxia, I have a lot of scientific research achievements here, it will not be so easy to break." Mu Yue comforted.


Who are these outsiders?

They came for endless energy, and they seemed to know the earth very well, as if they had always lived here.

But they are not the American Union that has left.

Thinking of the triangular sea area of Blue Star, two distant planets have two places in common, and if this is a coincidence, it is a bit too far-fetched.

If it is not a coincidence, then it must be the same force that left the same thing in Blue Star and on Earth.

Maybe...... Is it the surveillance of higher civilizations on lower civilizations?

This is the greatest possibility, so the other party can know the endless energy, and can also directly find the location of the hive on the earth, and can also instantly know that Mu Yue has come to the earth from Blue Star.

If you think about it, thousands of years ago, in 2023, the earth realized the importance of resources and began to promote environmental protection and conservation, as well as resource recycling.

During that time, the earth's resources were improving, but one day hundreds of years later, the earth's resources suddenly began to plummet, and soon became energy scarce.

Subsequently, the major countries began to fight for resources, which continues to this day.

Perhaps, the earth's resources were stolen.

In Dijing City, everyone was nervously watching the virtual image in mid-air.

This is the first time in a thousand years that an external enemy has attacked the hive.

The students of Huaxia Hope Academy all came to the statue, looking at the virtual images in mid-air, and they couldn't wait to rush into the battlefield one by one.

But the students only have training machines, which are equivalent to cannon fodder.

Everyone can only gather here and pray for the fighters on the front lines.

"Yixue, let's go."

Mu Yue took Mu Yixue's hand and prepared to leave.

After all, the enemy is coming at them, and only if they leave, those outsiders will have a truce.

Mu Yixue nodded and let Mu Yue pull her away.

There is nothing to visit in the hive, and in a thousand years, the place where Mu Yue grew up has become a desert.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue came to the position of the space folding platform, and the two put on protective clothing and prepared to leave the earth.

Soon, the space wormhole opened, and the two came to the Huaxia battleship that stayed near Sky City.

Mu Yue's departure also made Earth's Galactic Civilization fleet stop attacking.

Now, Mu Yue has determined that there are third-party forces on the blue star, and they are hidden in the triangular sea.

The other party's scientific and technological level will not lag behind the peak Huaxia, and it is undoubtedly a strong enemy.

Now the human god mecha is repairing itself, the time is half a month, there is no god mecha, Mu Yixue can not make a move, they are not able to match the existence of the insect emperor in the top combat power.

The only way is to create another top combat power.

But Mu Yue's mind is now on Mu Yixue's body, and he has no energy to think of anything else.

If you want to understand the reason why Mu Yixue was swallowed by the endless energy power at this time, you must first understand the power of endless energy.

That is, the creation stone in their mouths.

Mu Yue stood up and prepared to go to a place.

Triangular sea.

The Insect Emperor is a natural enemy of mankind and cannot be negotiated, and Huaxia's understanding of the Genesis Stone is only scratching the surface, so the only place that can help him is the third-party force in the triangular sea.

Therefore, Mu Yue wanted to go there and find a way to understand the Genesis Stone.

Only by understanding the Genesis Stone can he have a way to save his sister.

Of course, Mu Yue was not prepared to swagger, he just went over to steal some information and test the other party's technological level by the way.

So, it's going to be a purely technological battle.

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