In the past few days, the entire blue star has been unusually quiet.

The humans on the blue star are dead and gray, alive like puppets, and I don't know when the Zerg will carry out a second wave of attack.

At that time, whether they can survive or not is a matter of two opinions.

And Sky City is just as calm.

The citizens of Sky City live as always, fishing, shopping malls, and everyone has a good time.

It's not that they don't have confidence in Sky City, it's that they are people who should have died a long time ago.

Sky City saved them and let them live to this day, even if they die now, they are not at a loss, so they are still optimistic.

Mu Yixue's body is getting weaker and weaker, she can't control her body temperature now, and sometimes her body will involuntarily elementalize.

When Mu Yue slept with Mu Yixue, he found that almost sixty percent of the latter's body had turned into ice cubes.

Ice crystals also appeared on the exposed skin.

Soon, she will turn into an iceman, lifeless, and become a real humanoid ice sculpture.

Mu Yue just wanted to stay with Yi Xue for a while, and now it seems that she can only last for about five days at most.

Mu Yixue looked as usual, going to various places with Mu Yue every day, and the two spent this time like an ordinary little couple.

Mu Yixue knew that she would die, and she also wanted to accompany Mu Yue more, so she stuck with Mu Yue almost every day during this time.

And today, Mu Yue was in the courtyard of Sky City, chatting with others about homely things.

Chen Jingyan sacrificed, although he was erased by the rules of time from the point of existence, but without him, everyone still felt that something was missing.

Gao Chengming sacrificed, and when Mu Yue knew, he was silent for a long time.

He chose the least regretful approach, he has never lived for himself in his life, once for the country, now for his children.

Nan Nan runs around the yard, and now she is only eight years old, still a primary school student, a fun-loving age.

The monk demon and Qi Tian were playing with Nan Nan, and it was hard to imagine that two powerful Zerg apostles would actually accompany a little human girl to play.

Xu Qin and Luo Cheng did not quarrel today, while Gao Xiaosheng supported his chin and was stunned.

Mu Yue walked into the kitchen, looked at Mu Yixue, who was busy inside, and said with a smile: "Yixue, can you do it yourself?"

"I can, brother."

Mu Yixue was wearing a small apron and was cooking.

Now she is not the girl who used to blow up the gas.

She is also a top chef with great culinary skills.

Today, she is going to cook for everyone and prove herself.

Mu Yue smiled, but there was some bitterness in his eyes.

During this time, in the eyes of everyone, Mu Yue did not look for a way to save Mu Yixue, so everyone thought that he had no way, so he chose to give up.

"I'll help you."

Mu Yue walked next to his sister, and the two began to get busy in the kitchen together.

The meal was destined to be made by the two together.

In the courtyard, everyone was silent.

Wang Chenning clenched his fists, he looked at the two figures in the kitchen, and said in a low voice: "Really... No way? "

Mu Yixue... Is it really going to die?

The person he feared the most was leaving them forever.

Luo Ying sighed next to him and said helplessly: "If there is a way, Mu Yue will not look for it, even he gave up, then there is really no way." Both

of them were beaten by Mu Yixue, but they liked this girl very much.

"Xiao Mu has changed." Morin said.

He was the only one in Huaxia who came to eat in this courtyard.

His existence, similar to Gao Chengming, is also Mu Yue's teacher.

It was also he who ignored the obstruction of his superiors and bent on introducing eighteen-year-old Mu Yue into the Supreme Academy of Sciences, which led to the later genius scientist.

Wang Chenning nodded and said, "Yes, a girl who changed Lao Mu." "

He has memories from a thousand years ago, and Mu Yue at that time can basically be described as ruthless.

"You've changed too." Mo Lin looked at Wang Chenning meaningfully.

The number one strong man in China is not even thirty years old, and at such an age, he should not be afraid of heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chenning would be afraid of a sister who suddenly killed halfway.

Thinking that Luo Ying was the descendant of Luoshen Dance, Wang Chenning's heart was full of guilt.

The peerless gravity queen a thousand years ago finally married someone she didn't love.

They are all for their hometown, and now, does he really want to let Luo Ying follow the path of Luoshen Dance?

Luo Ying's feelings for him were siblings at first, but from the time she found that Wang Chenning was strong, and it was powerful that she couldn't chase, could she really treat Wang Chenning as an ordinary younger brother?

She is now following behind Wang Chenning all the time, even if suddenly one day, Wang Chenning disappears.

That way, I will never see Wang Chenning again, because Luo Ying will not be able to catch up with Wang Chenning at all, and if the latter leaves Blue Star, then Luo Ying will never see Wang Chenning in this life.

She was scared, but because of her sister's identity, it was difficult to speak.

Their relationship has changed subtly since Wang Chenning was desperate to drive the God of War mecha to save Luo Ying.

It's just that neither of them picks it out, and they don't understand their own intentions.

But in the eyes of Mo Lin, who came over, even if these two people don't understand their intentions now, they will understand it sooner or later in the future, it's just a matter of time.

They just didn't get along for a long time, and they didn't experience much together, but in their eyes, there was no room for other members of the opposite sex.

Soon, Mo Lin saw Mu Yixue walking out with a plate.

The girl's appearance is exceptional, and after being with Mu Yue, the originally cold iceberg girl has now become a little gentle.

Coldness and tenderness, appearing in a girl's body at the same time, is something that no man can refuse.

But as soon as he thought that Mu Yue would lose Mu Yixue soon, a sense of powerlessness welled up in Mo Lin's heart.

Thief God, do you want to see what you're doing?

Finally, a girl who could unswervingly accompany Mu Yue actually wanted to use this method to take her away.

Or can only watch her lose her life little by little, the feeling of powerlessness, Morin is indescribable.

He couldn't imagine what Mu Yue's next life would be like if he lost Mu Yixue now.

Mu Yue also walked out of the kitchen, and the two of them went back and forth in and out of the kitchen together, brought out the cooked meal, and placed it on the stone table in the courtyard.

Looking at this sumptuous dinner, everyone present was silent, no one spoke, and their faces showed sad expressions.

Xu Qin and Luo Cheng, who had been bickering, their eyes were red, and they seemed to be holding back tears.

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