"Yixue... Woo hoo.

Xu Qin and Luo Cheng hugged Mu Yixue's arm left and right, and they finally couldn't help but start crying.

After holding Mu Yixue's arm, they found that the cold in their arms was surprisingly cold, and the girl's arm had no flesh feeling, it was the same as ice, a hard feeling.

Xu Qin couldn't bear to lift a little bit of Mu Yixue's sleeve, and after seeing the scene inside, her heart burst out and she didn't continue to speak.

The two let go of Mu Yixue's arm and looked at her worriedly.

They didn't dislike Mu Yixue's body for being too cold, but they were worried that their body temperature would melt each other.

Mu Yixue didn't care, she looked at the food on the table and said lightly: "Taste, I made it with my brother."

Her expression was as cold as before, but it had changed most fundamentally.

Although the tone was still cold, Xu Qin and Luo Cheng could feel the temperature.

After eating the meal, everyone went back to their rooms.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue's room.

Mu Yixue untied her long skirt and exposed her entire body in front of Mu Yue.

Seeing Mu Yixue's appearance in front of him, Mu Yue's expression became a little heavy.

Mu Yixue's body was crystal clear, almost from the neck down, all the way to the top of the ankle was ice element.

As the area of the ice element increased, the faster Mu Yixue's body was devoured.

The current situation may not take five days at all.

Maybe sleep one night today, open her eyes tomorrow, and Mu Yixue will turn into a humanoid ice sculpture.

Mu Yixue walked in front of Mu Yue, and seeing the latter's sad look, she smiled bitterly and said a little frustrated: "I am now... Is it ugly?

"How can it be ugly, Yixue is shiny now, very beautiful."

Mu Yue couldn't help but hug Mu Yixue, even though the latter's body was cold, he didn't let go.

Then, Mu Yixue gently pushed Mu Yue away, she stood in front of Mu Yue, held Mu Yue's cheeks with both hands, then closed her eyes, stood on tiptoe, slowly approached her extremely beautiful face, and said softly: "This is the softest and warmest place I have now."

She put her lips up and kissed Mu Yue.

Mu Yue did not close his eyes, but quietly looked at the other party's clumsy kiss.

Mu Yue's bed had turned into an ice bed, and the temperature of the entire room was below zero, and he was worried that his sister would melt, so he deliberately made the temperature here extremely low.

This night may be their last time.

At two o'clock in the morning, Mu Yixue opened her eyes, and she looked at Mu Yue, who was asleep next to her, showing a reluctant expression.

She carefully pulled Mu Yue's hands holding her body away, and then sat down at the table.

She got dressed, sat down at her desk and began to write the letter.

Every time she wrote a line, she had to look back at Mu Yue on the bed.

Looking at it, two lines of tears flowed from her eyes, then turned into Xiaoice crystals, fell on the table, and made a ticking sound.

After writing this letter, Mu Yixue stood up, she came to the bedside, kissed Mu Yue's forehead with attachment, and whispered: "Brother, I will protect you..."

She left the room, stood in the courtyard, and raised her head.

In her eyes, there seemed to be a sea of stars.

Cold ice wings spread, Mu Yixue vibrated her wings and flew into space.

She can fight in the universe, and she wants to use her last strength to solve the biggest trouble for Mu Yue.

Get rid of the Worm Emperor.

After Mu Yixue left, Mu Yue opened her eyes.

"She's gone?"

[Tell me that Madame has gone to find the Worm Emperor.] Listening

to Xiao Yi's voice, Mu Yue's eyes showed an indescribable expression.

Yi Xue knew him, why didn't he know Yi Xue.

Mu Yue brought the endless energy with him and put the Xuan Armor on his body.

This is the equipment he used when he first fought alongside Yixue.

The last time we fought side by side, it should be like this.

Mu Yue came to the courtyard, and Yi Xue wrote to him without reading it.

Because he knew what Yixue would write and say, he knew Yixue better than anyone.

The soles of the Xuan Armor ejected fire snakes, driving Mu Yue's body, began to fly, and disappeared in an instant.

In the entire Sky City, with no one in the entire Huaxia fleet knowing, the two of them were ready to give their lives for each other.

Mu Yue's target is the Galactic Civilization fleet in the Triangle Sea, and he wants to destroy the Space Leaping Platform of the Galactic Civilization.

This time, Mu Yue came to the triangular sea area in an upright manner.

At the same time, he also exposed the endless energy, just to attract the attention of the galactic civilization.

They learned that Endless Energy was sent to the door by itself, and they would definitely do whatever it took to grab it.

Watching Yumina lead the army to surround herself, Mu Yue smiled.

Coming to him, Yumina frowned and said, "It's you again, come with the Genesis Stone, are you ready to surrender?"

Mu Yue shook his head.

Thinking of a thousand years ago, he and Endless Energy crossed over the blue star, and when the endless energy fell to the blue star, it caused a devastating blow to a large number of lives in the blue star.

Mu Yue took out endless energy and said lightly: "Let's go." "

Endless Energy has already been entered by Mu Yue in advance.

Unleash elemental power in the deep sea and destroy the fleet of the entire galactic civilization.

Watching the other party throw the Genesis Stone out, Yumina looked delighted.

You know, even they don't know about the creation stone, this legendary existence, what kind of power it has, they have never heard of.

Including Mu Yue, he didn't know about the Genesis Stone.

But he understands endless energy, something he created with his own hands.

The moment the endless energy came into contact with Yumina, it erupted with terrifying power.

This force instantly tore Yumina's body apart, and she was enough to match the body of the core-level mecha piloted by Wang Chenning, and her vitality plummeted.

"Not good!"

Feeling the pain in her body, Yumina was blinded, she stared at Mu Yue not far away, and said angrily: "Kill him!" "

The Lord of the Genesis Stone is not dead, no one can use the power of the Genesis Stone, and just seeing the Genesis Stone being thrown over, she ignored this most crucial point.

The power of Endless Energy exploded this time, almost destroying more than eighty percent of the fleets in the triangular sea.

But Yumina had some life-saving cards, and although she was seriously injured, she unpacked the space compression and entered the body of a mech.

The performance of this mecha is also above the human-god mecha, and it is also the strongest mecha of the galactic civilization, and its name is [Galaxy].

She is driving this mecha to fight against the insect emperor and become the first strongest in the galaxy.

She crossed the endless energy and chased towards Mu Yue.

On the face of the latter, under the armor, a faint smile appeared.

He turned around, turned on the fastest speed of the Xuan Armor and flew towards the direction of the universe.

And the endless energy released the power of the second wave, completely destroying everything related to the galactic civilization in the triangular sea.

This blow seemed to affect the core of Blue Star, causing earthquakes in every corner of the planet.

Yumina looked back at this scene, she gritted her teeth, looked at Mu Yue, who gradually flew into space, and said in a condensed voice: "I must kill you!" "

Endless energy followed Mu Yue, got out of the sea, and also headed towards space.

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