On the streets of College Island.

A teenager in his early meters and six meters tall was bouncing down the street, holding a string of sugar gourds in his hand.

The teenager looks cute and lovely, and the whole person is sunny and cheerful.

"Is that him? Freshman escort?

"Yes, that's right, Gao Xiaoshen, it is said that he is quite a genius magician."

"Don't be mistaken, Li Chao Demon only gave us a total of two forbidden demon realms, one has been lost, and now only the last one remains, and there are not many high-level of this thing, because it involves Sirius, it was given to us two."

"Absolutely, he is Gao Xiaoshen, capture him, only then can we leave Academy Island."

These days, with the new students in the academy holy land being arrested en masse, it is only a matter of time before their stronghold hiding on Academy Island is discovered.

But it is almost impossible to leave Academy Island, this is one of the three major academies, they are just ordinary people, and it is impossible to beat that group of magicians.

The only way is to use the Forbidden Demon Realm to take a genius of the Academy Holy Land as a hostage, so that they have a chance to leave Academy Island.

The next moment, they opened the forbidden realm.

The two people, dressed in black and masked, rushed towards Gao Xiaoshen.

Gao Xiaosheng's mouth ate three sugar gourds and stuffed them full.

Before he could react, a black sack slipped him in.

Only half a bunch of sugar gourds were left at the scene, and a group of stunned melon-eating masses.

On Academy Island, there were people who robbed students in broad daylight.

In the crowd, Mu Yue looked at this scene, turned his head and left.

Something that has nothing to do with him, he doesn't want to get involved at all.

But not long after, his phone rang.

Caller, Chi Jingxin.

"I'm sorry, Senior Brother Mu... We really can't help it, hope you can help. "


Student union, meeting room.

Seeing Mu Yue, several people in the office exclaimed.

Because Mu Yue's school uniform is to accompany the class.

They had long heard rumors that the student union had asked a new student to join the accompanying class.

I thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true.

Seeing Mu Yue again, Luo Cheng held his hands to his chest, his face full of nobility.

However, she just glanced at Mu Yue, and then turned her head arrogantly, looking very disdainful.

Xu Qin on the side couldn't help but say: "Mu Yue, why did you run away last time, I'm still coming out for you!"

"That's... I'm a bit busy.

Mu Yue became distressed.

I really want to be a transparent person, interpersonal communication is troublesome.

If only everyone were as obedient as Yixue.

Xu Qin, as a member of the Freshman Wind Discipline Committee, this incident will most likely become her first mission.

Moreover, the kidnapped Gao Xiaosheng is her classmate.

Student Union President Qiu Yu said coldly: "The kidnapped is Gao Xiaosheng, the freshman class of the first school district, and the gangsters are the remnants of the magical enemy organization, and their purpose is to let Academy Island provide a plane to escape through hostages. Hearing

this, everyone became serious.

Although the magical hostile organization is terrifying, having hostages becomes even more troublesome.

"This group of untouchables really dare to kidnap the magic envoy on Academy Island." Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows and said.

"Senior Sister Luo Cheng, pay attention to words." In addition to Xu Qin, who had an iron head, Chi Jingxin dared to accuse Luo Cheng.

One is Her Royal Highness the princess, one of the five major countries, and the other is the eldest lady of one of the five major families.

"Got it, Senior Sister Chi."

Long Qingxi sat next to Qiu Yu and said solemnly: "This time the situation is different, the special equipment found in the Heavenly Wolf Forest last time seems to have the function of shielding magic, presumably Gao Xiaosheng was also arrested like this."

"This mission, I will personally lead the team to the stronghold of the magical enemy organization."

As the chairman of the Wind Discipline Committee, Long Qingxi's skills are naturally good.

And this time the mission needs to be skillful, because magic is likely to be unavailable in this mission.

Thinking of this, Xu Qin stood up and said excitedly: "I haven't lost a fight."

Luo Cheng glanced at her, not to be outdone, "I can too." Seeing

this, Long Qingxi nodded, and then looked at Mu Yue.

"Senior Brother Mu Yue, we need your help in this mission, without you, it is difficult for us to rescue Gao Xiaoshen, rest assured, human life is at stake, we can agree to any of your requests, and we will also protect you."

Hearing this, Xu Qin and Luo Cheng's faces changed.


The two looked at each other and said in unison:

"How can ordinary people perform such a dangerous task?"

"How can ordinary people perform the same task as me?"

Long Qingxi sighed and said helplessly: "He is indeed an ordinary person, but he has a special ability that can help us..." Hearing

this, Xu Qin looked at Mu Yue with some incredulity.

What ability? Can you catch her ability to lightning?

In front of everyone's eyes, Mu Yue nodded.

He and his sister rejected the student council last time, and this time they sold each other a face, which was also convenient for them to stay in the academy holy place in the future.

After all, they are still students here.

This time, the team that rescued Gao Xiaosheng was formed like this.

Long Qingxi, Xu Qin, Luo Cheng, Mu Yue, Bai Chenfan.

The last one was called over by Long Qingxi, he was from a military background, and this time he could help.

And the League of Nations forces on College Island will also come to the aid.

Locking the enemy's stronghold, several people immediately set off.

Long Qingxi finally asked, "Senior Brother Mu Yue, are you really okay?"

"I regret it, can I not participate?"


corner of Long Qingxi's mouth twitched.

Could it be that this kid still has a little humor cell on his body?

College Island, an abandoned factory.

Gao Xiaosheng was tied up by five flowers, blindfolded his mouth and eyes, and crawled around on the ground like a caterpillar.

The leading Scar man was speechless: "Why is he so energetic? "

What about him, boss, do you think the Academy Holy Land will let us leave like this?"

"Then it depends on how valuable this so-called genius escort is, I gave them an hour to prepare the plane for us."

"Goo~" An

inexplicable voice came from Gao Xiaoshen's stomach.

The scar man's brain was black: "Your kid's stomach has been crying for a long time, are you so hungry?" "


Outside the factory.

Countless League of Nations troops surrounded the place.

Long Qingxi met the commander of the army.

The latter said solemnly: "There are a total of thirty-one of them, the leader is nicknamed Scar, who has won seventeen consecutive victories in the underground boxing ring before, and is a small boxing king.

"There are a lot of explosives buried around the factory, the location is unknown, and there are only 20 minutes left before the agreed time."

"Our people can't get in, they only let the students of the academy holy land in to negotiate."

Hearing this last sentence, Long Qingxi sneered: "Can we kill a few more magic envoys by the way?" It's really underestimated.

She turned her head to look behind her and said solemnly, "They have conventional weapons, and they are difficult to deal with without using magic.

"So, Senior Brother Mu Yue, after entering, we need you to snap your fingers on the spot, and everyone remember to cover your ears when Mu Yue snaps your fingers."

Hearing this, Mu Yue nodded.

The tactics are good, but it really can't be without him, no wonder the attitude of the student union is so low.



Here is the author's self-talk:

This book has no realm division, so the strength looks mixed.

Therefore, a special issue of strength interpretation was issued.

The rating criteria are one to five threat levels judged by the primary one.

Each level is divided into lower, middle, and upper sub-stages (there is no such lower, middle-upper, and upper stage in the book).

The twelve gods, except for the Jingu Chizuru and the God of War, are all fifth-level threats (medium).

Jingu Chizuru is the most dish, is a five-level threat (below); God of War is the strongest, and it is a level five threat (above).


Seven Sins.

The crime of gluttony caught is strategic, level five (lower).

The second is the sin of anger close to the strategic level, the fourth level (upper).

The third is the sin of arrogance

, the fourth degree (middle) greed and laziness, the fourth (lower)

sin of lust and jealousy Chen Xiaowei is the most dish, the third level (top), and the polluted gravity queen is also the third level (top).


College Mecca.

The tenth to second seats are from level 2 (upper) to level 3 (middle).

The first seat fault leads, four levels (middle).

New students are less than one level new.

Xu Qin, Gao Xiaosheng, Luo Cheng, Level 1 (top).

The Miscellaneous Soldier Discipline Committee and the Five Great Powers Miscellaneous Soldier Magic Make the squad level (top, middle, and bottom).

The strength of rare elements has nothing to do with age, for example, Luo Ying starts from level three.

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