Several people walked into the factory.

The moment they stepped into the factory, they could clearly feel that the magic in their bodies was restricted.

After confirming their student IDs, two men with guns led them to Scar.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, it was the chairman of the Wind Discipline Committee of the Holy Land of the Academy, Long Qingxi, this name is really thunderous.

Scar's gaze circled around several people, revealing an excited look.

"Xu Qin, who is the first in admission, Imperial Princess Luo Cheng, plus Gao Xiaosheng, who has already been tied... Hehe, this lineup, even if I die here, I won't lose it.

Hearing this, Long Qingxi said coldly, "I want to confirm the safety of Gao Xiaoshen."

Scar clapped his hands.

The boy who was tied up as a caterpillar was thrown out, and after falling to the ground, he twisted and pinched, with a funny feeling.

A man with a gun walked over and took off his hood.

This is a very cute little brother, who knows at a glance that he has not yet experienced the beatings of society, and his face is full of immaturity.

He looked at Xu Qin blankly, and as soon as his mouth pouted, he became aggrieved: "Sister Xu Qin, I'm hungry."

"Shut up, what's the situation still hungry."

Xu Qin's brain was black, and he immediately scolded.

Then, Long Qingxi looked at Mu Yue, who nodded slightly.

[Inform that sonic shock is ready.] ]

the next moment.

Mu Yue's raised hand was a snap of his fingers.

At that moment, everyone in the academy holy land covered their ears.

But the violent impact is still difficult for them to bear.

Luo Cheng shouted, "What happened?!

Xu Qin stared at Mu Yue with wide eyes and difficulty.

Her thunder and lightning could not hurt Mu Yue, and at this time, Mu Yue showed another incomprehensible method.

This guy, how many secrets there are.

Except for them, all of those present fell.

"Save people." Long Qingxi said immediately.

But suddenly, her face changed.

The scar in front of him actually stood up again.

He took a pistol and aimed it at Long Qingxi.

Seeing this scene, Long Qingxi's expression changed greatly.

The man's ears were still bleeding, and he was staring at her fiercely at this time.

A hint of surprise flashed in Mu Yue's eyes.

This guy, who has really experienced hundreds of battles and is worthy of being an underground boxing king, actually covered his ears decisively the moment the voice sounded.

He only endured the initial sonic shock and was deaf in both ears, but not to the point of coma.

"It's not good, Xu Qinluocheng, take Mu Yue and Gao Xiaosheng away!"

Long Qingxi took a step sideways, but the speed of the bullet was difficult for her to dodge, and the first shot, even if she dodged, was also hit in the arm.

Seeing this, Bai Chenfan's pupils contracted violently.

As a soldier, he actually had a student injured in front of his eyes, and this person was also the daughter of the Dragons.

Long Qingxi's forehead broke out in cold sweat, if she hadn't dodged quickly, I was afraid she would have died.


She looked at Bai Chenfan and shouted, "Run with the others!" Xu

Qin and Luo Cheng took Gao Xiaosheng away at the first time.

And Mu Yue, I don't know when, has disappeared.

The two women also thought that Mu Yue had already run away, so they could only take the comatose Gao Xiaosheng first.

"No one can go! There are still our guys outside.

Scar sneered.

His body is tall and powerful, and he looks extremely combative.

Bai Chenfan gritted his teeth, got up and ran to Long Qingxi's side, hugged her and turned around and ran.

"Hmph, I said, no one can run."

Scar's pistol was aimed at Bai Chenfan's back.


A crisp gunshot rang out.

Bai Chenfan used all his strength to escape.


A scalpel flew over and hit the bullet straight out.

The two sides collided, rubbing Mars in mid-air.

The pain that Bai Chenfan imagined did not come, but he didn't have time to think, and ran out of here in the next second.

Mu Yue suddenly appeared from the corner, he stretched out his hand, and the scalpel seemed to be attracted by his palm and returned to his hand.

Seeing this strange scene, Scar was shocked: "This is... Rare element??

"No, there is a forbidden demon realm here, are you strategic... Impossible, so young absolutely cannot be strategic, what the hell are you?

Scar's pistol was aimed at Mu Yue.

After all, why didn't the bullet he just hit hit?

He only saw a spark appear in the air, and then a small knife fell to the ground.

The bullet was blocked by this knife?

How is this possible? Is it luck?

Mu Yue looked at him and said curiously: "Magic hostile organization, I understand that you advocate science, but why kill innocents?" "

Scar's ear was injured and he couldn't hear it anymore.

He shot at Mu Yue.

Bullets flew out of the gun.

And Mu Yue's left eye turned blue.

The speed of the bullet was like turtle speed in his eyes, and the blue eye even predicted the trajectory of the bullet.

He waved lightly.

The scalpel cut the bullet in half in the air.

His scalpel is not an ordinary scalpel, this thing can even cut off the skin tissue of the third-degree pollutant.

And bullets, even the skin tissue of most first-class pollutants cannot be broken.

Scar looked at this scene in shock.

"Strange... Monster. "

Is this young man in front of you really still human?

He threw away his pistol, ran to the other side and picked up his companion's submachine gun, and it was a sudden rush against Mu Yue.

All the bullet trajectories were clear in Mu Yue's eyes.

He walked towards Scar step by step, dodging the bullet lightly.

"Can't hit! Why can't it hit! Damn it! Damn monster!! "

The magazine was empty very quickly.

He took out a grenade and threw it towards Mu Yue.

Mu Yue raised his head, and the blue light of his left eye swept towards the grenade.

[Inform, interference successful.] The

grenade fell to the ground and did not explode.

Scar threw all the grenades on his body towards Mu Yue.

With a flash of blue light, all the grenades were like toys, rolling on the ground a few times, and then lost their motion.

"In that case..."

"Then no one wants to live!"

Scar pulled out a button.

That's an explosive switch that detonates an entire plant.

It is precisely because of this thing that the troops outside do not dare to come in, no matter how fierce the movement is here.

But after the switch was pressed, the sound of the explosion did not sound.

Scar desperately pressed the switch, and after finding that it had no effect, he fell the switch to the ground in a fit of anger.

"Damn the magician, did you manipulate the dynamite, who are you, with such power, it is impossible to be nameless."

Mu Yue had already walked in front of him.

Scar punched towards Mu Yue.

The latter held a scalpel and waved it lightly.

The sharp scalpel was like cutting tofu, chopping off several things from Scar's fist.

Blood gushed out.

He exclaimed, sat on the ground with his butt, and looked at Mu Yue with a terrified expression.

He...... Unexpectedly, he slashed me with a knife as usual....

Mu Yue doesn't like to kill.

But he also has little feeling about killing.

On Earth, resources are scarce, wars are happening every day, people are dying every day, and although the scientist is neutral, he is also used to death.

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