Cangshan looked at Feng Qiandao in front of him.

He shook his head, suddenly sighed, and said, "Do you know who the ruler of the world is? "

League of Nations?" Feng Qiandao frowned.

"No... The so-called League of Nations is just a government on the surface.

"If the most authoritative force in the eyes of the common people is just a puppet, then what kind of changes will happen to the world?"

Soyama continued: "War will break out sooner or later... Until that day comes, all the forces are fighting for the gas pieces on the board.

"The more pieces, the better the odds of winning."

Hearing his words, Feng Qiandao sneered, "I am a combat power? So someone is going to fight for me?

"No kidding!"

Feng Qiandao slapped the table with a slap, and the wind around him raged fiercely, and the glass of the window instantly exploded.

"What about Qiu Yu? Because his strength is not as good as mine, is he an abandoned pawn?

Cangshan didn't speak.

These are not questions he can answer, and he can't give an accurate answer.

"Let's go."

Cangshan said helplessly: "In the academy holy land, there is a teacher who protects you, but he can't overdo it, you are here, the alliance will put pressure on the academy." These

words undoubtedly pushed Feng Qiandao to a dead end.

But as an official under the League of Nations, it was already the greatest mercy to let Feng Qiandao stand in front of him and speak, and let him go.

He is also under a lot of pressure.

"Hmph, this kind of academy, I don't bother to stay."

Feng Qiandao did not do anything to Cangshan.

Because this old dean was just an insider, he couldn't decide anything.

Feng Qiandao knew that once he left Academy Island, he would be besieged by the Magic Envoy Squad of the League of Nations.

But he had a gas element and was confident enough to leave.

Just like that, he walked out of the office.

Left Academy Island.

Watching his figure gradually disappear, Ying Array sighed, lifted the magic of the man-eating flower, and released the four people inside.

After the four came out, they directly chased after Feng Qiandao.

And the next thing has nothing to do with the Academy Holy Land.

This whole process, Mu Yue saw it in his eyes.

He had already ordered Mu Er to come to the sea area of Academy Island and hide, just waiting for Feng Qiandao to come out.

And in the waters off Academy Island, there is a submarine.

Part of the submarine surfaced with another uninvited guest standing on it.

She is scantily dressed and is a tall, seductive-looking woman.

One of the seven sins, lust.

She is the only one of the seven sins who does not hide her identity.

Because it's not necessary.

No matter how she hides, someone knows her.

Feng Qiandao saw her after he came out.

"Oh, the seven sins are also coming."

Behind him, the League of Nations' magic envoy squad followed.

Five people, sealed his front and back two ways.

"The 16th-ranked Magic Envoy Squad, and the strongest mercenary Seven Sins, this farewell ceremony is really luxurious."

Feng Qiandao was not afraid.

Because the sin of lust is not strong, and the 16th-ranked magic envoy squad, he also has the power to fight.

The magic caused the leader of the squad to frown when he saw the sin of lust.

Another team member wondered, "Why are the seven sins here?"

"Don't worry, our task is to catch [Forbidden Ahead], as for the seven sins, if she dares to stop it, she will dispose of it together."

Lust Guilty Dance stood on the submarine, she covered her mouth and chuckled, "The slave family is here to meet [the forbidden ahead]." Hearing

this, the magic made the leader of the squad disdain: "Hmph, [Forbidden Ahead] really colluded with the mercenaries.

"Let's go on."

The strength of the four of them is very strong, and each of them is much more powerful than Chi Jingxin Long Qingxi.

Their strength is probably comparable to the strength of the Water and Fire Sword Saint of Sakura Island.

The four of them together, even Feng Qiandao felt a lot of pressure.

The most important thing is that the injuries caused by Feng Qiandao by the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes are not good.

Not long after the exchange, the wound opened again, bleeding on the chest.

Seeing Feng Qiandao's defeat, Phantom Light Dance muttered, "Almost."

She pulled a pill out of her pocket and ate it.

The next moment, the elements in her body skyrocketed, and the surrounding sea water instantly surged.

Several water pillars rushed up, separating several people in the hand, and faintly, it seemed to protect Feng Qiandao.

"Lust, you are provoking the League of Nations!"

Hearing this, Phantom smiled lightly, and said without care: "Ah, just the four of you, can you also represent the League of Nations?" This

sentence seems to have two meanings.

But they can only listen to the contempt of Zhuo Lust.

"Don't be too arrogant, lust!"

There are four of them, and they can take down all the sins of lust and [forbidden ahead].

"Arrogant is not arrogant, don't you see clearly? A little hint for you... Guess what's under my feet? The

submarine beneath the feet of Phantom Light Dance completely surfaced.

Seeing this, the pupils of several people contracted violently.

Because on the submarine, there is a small yellow fan logo.

"This is ... Nuclear weapon? "

This represents the strongest weapon on the side of Blue Star Technology, comparable to strategic level.

"It's about handing over [the forbidden ahead] ... Or with Academy Island... How about everyone having fun together? Brothers? The

four showed unwilling looks.

Because nuclear weapons threaten not only them, but also hundreds of thousands of lives on the entire Academy Island next to it.

They soon received the order to retreat.

Feng Qiandao's chest was already stained red with blood, and his strength was not as good as before.

They watched as their prey was taken away.

For the sake of a rare element, scientific extremism turned out to come up with a handful of nuclear weapons, which is simply madness.

Soon, Feng Qiandao was bound by the current and was brought into the submarine by the phantom light dance.

Watching the submarine sink into the sea, the four people had different expressions, and the leader looked gloomy.

They can face all four levels of pollution, but they are put together by the weakest of the seven sins, the sin of lust.

Seven Sins... Walk and see, sooner or later, the League of Nations will wipe out the entire mercenary association.

"Let's go."

With their departure, it seemed that everything had returned to calm.


In the villa area dormitory, Mu Yue's eyes showed a smile.

It was a real bonus.

The magic of the League of Nations made the squad actually go.

He didn't even have to come into conflict with the League of Nations.

"Little two, three, let's start."

[Obey, master.] The

voices of a man and a woman came in my head.

A cyan light and a black light fell from the sky at an extremely high speed and rushed into the sea.

The black light is a flying machine of Sansan, and this thing comes and goes freely even in the seawater.

And Sansan itself is also waterproof.

Looking at these two rays of light, Ying Jin stood on the roof of the teaching building of the academy holy land and was surprised.

"Does it really exist... An unexpected force of the alliance. "

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