In the sea near Academy Island, in the submarine, Li Chaomo and Phantom Light Dance looked solemnly at the two strange figures in front of them.

One was wearing cyan armor.

This he knew was the culprit who killed Li Mo, their entire SE organization was thunderous, and their strength seemed to be extremely strong, at least they also had the strength of a third-level pollutant body.

And the woman next to her wearing a black maid skirt and a black mask is very strange.

But under her feet was a very pressing high-tech mount, which looked oppressive.

They are scientific extremist organizations that pride themselves on science.

But the two sci-fi-like products in front of him made Li Chaomo doubt himself.

Is this really a product of Blue Star? Are you sure it's not an alien?

"The urban legend of Xichuan City destroyed the culprit of Li Mo's capture of gravitational magic."

Li Chaomo looked at this scene, pondered for a moment, and said: "The crime of jealousy was injured by the cyan armored man, can you beat him?" Hearing

this, Phantom shook her head slightly.

"I'm similar to Chen Xiaowei's strength, and the medicine that briefly improves my strength has just been eaten, if you take it again... I myself will be affected.

"It doesn't hurt."

Li Chaomo's eyes looked at the technological products in front of him with interest, and said, "You go and fight them, I want to see what these two guys are." Hearing

this, Phantom Light Dance's expression darkened, and then he gritted his teeth and obediently ate a pill.

However, the cyan armored man in front of him suddenly raised his palm.

Lasers gush out of it, directly penetrating the submarine.

Li Chaodemon shook around, and the entire submarine began to sink, and he said angrily: "This is a nuclear submarine!" How dare he attack directly!

Phantom Light Dance pulled his arm and hurriedly said, "The submarine is sinking, I'll take you out first." "

She's the magic of the water element, and this is home to her.

She was mainly afraid of the explosion of the submarine.

This is, after all, nuclear weapons, not a joke, in case of bombing they will not even have ashes left.

"[Forbidden ahead], take him out with you!"

If they lose [the forbidden march ahead], then such a laborious operation will be lost.

From the beginning of the student council president of the academy holy land to pick up the mission, all the way to Sakura Island is in their plan.

Their biggest miscalculation was that Jingu Chizuru did not leave [Forbidden Ahead] behind.

But the problem is not big, and they still have a way to remedy it.

And now it's the last one, and there must be no surprise.


Phantom Light Dance was just about to be distracted to find [Forbidden Ahead], but found that the blackened maid had broken in through the hole where the submarine had been leaked, and stabbed her with a sword.

Phantom Light Dance hurriedly used the attack as a defense, and forced Sansan back with the water flow.

But Sansan is like a light skill master in a martial arts film, coming and going freely in the small space of the submarine.

On the other side, [Forbidden Ahead] had already been found by Mu Er, and the flying machine of the third third held up Feng Qiandao.

Li Chao Demon looked at this scene with a blank eye, his originally calm expression disappeared, but he shouted with a distorted face: "Put him down!" Put it down!! But

he was dealing with two artificial intelligences.

If ordinary people see his crazy face, they may be shocked.

But the two artificial intelligences, only have tasks in their eyes, do not bird him at all.

"Why!! Why were the submarines penetrated and the nuclear weapons did not explode! "

Li Chaomo's mind now seems to have a hundred thousand whys.

He now finally knew Li Mo's mood before he died.

Phantom Dance pulled him out of the submarine and out of the deep sea.

Although the nuclear weapon did not explode, the attack just now caused nuclear fuel to leak out.

If you don't care, I'm afraid that the nearby sea will not grow a single grass.

[Three-three, allow you to use space jump permissions.] Mu Yue said.

Sansan's aircraft is loaded with a space jumper.

However, the spatial jump can only be teleported to places where there is also a spatial jumping platform.

In the range of Blue Star, there are a total of four space folding platforms.

Future Science and Technology City, Sansan's flying machine, Qinglong satellite, and that Suzaku that can't be used for the time being.

"Obey, master."

Sansan stood on the flying machine, and the flying machine under her feet began to deform, and in the middle of the arc, a cannon barrel was opened.

[The folding light is accumulating, and the estimated time is fifteen seconds.] [

The folding light charge is complete, and the black hole is being built.]

In the barrel of the aircraft, a white light was emitted.

The white light seemed to shatter space, forming a black hole channel in front of the aircraft.

The black hole's strong gravitational pull gathers around it, as if it wants to suck all the surrounding seawater into it.

The Qinglong satellite in space opened its mouth and emitted light of the same color, building a white hole.

The entrance is a black hole and the attribute is attraction.

The exit is a white hole and the attribute is a repulsive force.

In this way, two spatial folding platforms build a spatial channel.

Black holes suck nuclear fuel into it, which is subsequently emitted in space.

Soon, when the nuclear fuel disappeared, Sansan's vehicle closed the black hole and stopped the space jump.

Nuclear pollution was released into space.

And Feng Qiandao has also been rescued by them.

It was the only way he could survive.

With the exception of Future Tech Corporation, no organization in the world will keep him alive.

He seemed destined to become an experimental subject for the SE organization.

Mu Yue recognized his personality, plus he was now suffering from enemies, and he was simply an ally who was pushed over.

If nothing else, he will become the first internal employee of the future technology company besides him and his sister.

Being targeted all over the world, this seems to be the most important standard for their company's employees.

After all, this guarantees that there will be no betrayal, all grasshoppers on the same rope.

This also means that Mu Yue will open the "employee commander", and the permission level is under Mu Er and their artificial intelligence.

In the final analysis, Mu Yue established a future technology company and created a war machine of "four holy beasts", as well as artificial intelligence such as Mu Yi, Mu Er, and Mu San, in order to rule the world?

That's certainly not, he's just there to be able to protect himself.

At first, I was just afraid that a pollutant would suddenly appear, and I would be photographed to death without knowing it.

Later, he was worried that the management of this world would discover his identity.

The exposure of technology did not matter to Mu Yue, but he did not want to expose his identity until he was sure to deal with the so-called "twelve god generals".

Including his sister is in the same situation.

She can be a double star, Mu Yixue, or any identity, but until she has enough strength, she can't expose the elves in her body.

"Feng Qiandao is a person who has no way back, but we have not yet reached a dead end."

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue stood on the balcony and said to their sister: "In this world, it seems that someone is playing a game of chess behind their backs, planning unknown things.

"Yixue, there will be wins and losses on the chessboard, there will be losses for the pieces, and we will either be outside the board forever and become bystanders, or we will sit in front of the board and become chess players."

Mu Yixue stood behind Mu Yue and gently hugged her brother from behind.

"Brother, if you are a chess player, then Yixue is willing to be your pawn forever..."

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