Feng Qiandao opened his eyes from the coma.

He sat up from the bed.

As far as the eye can see, it is white.

Not far away, there was a man sitting there, wearing a white coat, tapping rapidly in front of a computer.

And his computer is not an entity, but a projected light and shadow, which looks full of technology.

Feng Qiandao looked at this scene blankly.

The personality of [Forbidden Ahead] is reluctant to come out in his body, so he looks very honest now.

It didn't seem to be the League of Nations, and his last consciousness was taken away by a cyan armored man.

So...... Where is this?

"You're awake."

Mu Er turned off the computer, and the projected light screen disappeared.

He came to Feng Qiandao and said, "Welcome to the Future Science and Technology City. "

Future Science and Technology City?"

Feng Qiandao frowned, "Why didn't I know there was this city?"

"Of course you don't know, because externally we are called Future Tech Company."

Hearing this, Feng Qiandao suddenly realized.

Future technology companies, of course he has heard of this, he usually plays this company's games, and almost all the popular games in the world come from future technology companies.

In terms of strength, future technology companies can definitely be regarded as world-class large groups with deep roots.

But with that ensuing was a thick sense of doubt.

Why did he appear in Future Tech Companies?

And Mu Er in front of him gave him the same feeling as the strange maid in black dress before.

Are they in a gang?

"I know you're confused, but I'll explain it to you patiently."

Mu Er took out an electronic agreement.

This is a genuine electronic agreement, and it was cast in front of Feng Qiandao.

"Now that the whole world is looking for you, and the League of Nations has positioned you as the most wanted criminal of the highest rank, you have nowhere to go."

"You read this agreement carefully, after signing, you will become the first employee of the future science and technology city, we will use our knowledge to train you, of course, you must obey the orders of the creator and unconditionally protect the future science and technology city."

Feng Qiandao listened to his words and asked in a deep voice, "What if I refuse?" Are you going to kill me?


Mu Er smiled slightly and said, "The order of the creator is that if you refuse, then we will do some tricks on your memory and let you leave here."

Hearing this, Feng Qiandao's face was full of incredulity.

Hands-on on memory... What does that mean? Is that what he understands?

From the time he opened his eyes until now, all he saw was something incomprehensible.

Most importantly, he couldn't feel the magic elements in his body now.

That is, in this place, he is just an ordinary person and cannot use magic at all.

He can refuse, but when he goes out, he will be wanted by the whole world.

As things stand, he has no choice.

Feng Qiandao hesitated for a long time, while Mu Er also waited patiently.

Soon, Feng Qiandao nodded slowly and said, "I agree, do I need to sign?"

"No need."

Receiving an affirmative reply, Mu Er smiled.

The task assigned to him by the master was finally completed.

The next moment.

The electronic protocol turned into a ray of light and drilled through Feng Qiandao's brain.

"This... This is? Feng

Qiandao's face was shocked.

"Don't worry, the agreement contract has been bound to the depths of your brain, as long as you are still an employee of the Future Science and Technology City, then the above two rules, once you violate one of them, will be automatically handed over to the Future Science and Technology City network, and the judgment will be made according to the degree of violation."

Although Feng Qiandao didn't understand these words, he understood the core meaning.

The law cannot be violated.

Mu Er said: "Don't worry, if you want to quit the future technology company in the future, you can apply for dismissal from the creator of the instruction, and if the creator agrees, you can cancel the agreement contract."

"However, once the contract is terminated, then when the contract leaves your head, it will take away all the memories between the beginning of binding the contract and the termination of the contract."

Subsequently, Mu Er gave him an electronic dictionary.

"A lot of knowledge you don't know is in it, during this time you can rest here and learn some knowledge, the dungeon of future technology companies can only be entered by employees and above, so you can rest assured to stay here, no one can find you."

Hearing this, Feng Qiandao was silent for a long time, and finally asked:

"What is the creator of the instruction?"

Mu Er turned around and said lightly: "This is not within my authority, but since the creator recommended you, it means that he has seen you."

After that, Mu Er left here.


College Island, villa area dormitory.

Mu Yue was in a good mood today, so he specially let Sansan play on the side, and he fried four dishes and one soup by himself.

"Why is my brother suddenly happy today?" Mu Yixue sat at the table and asked curiously.

"Yixue, the science and technology that I am proud of has finally been seen."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue said with a smile: "If the conditions allow, my brother can't wait to let the world see it."

"It's my sister, or you know me."

"Feng Qiandao will not appear for a while in the future, but when he appears again, he will probably already be a powerful combat force that cannot be underestimated by the League of Nations."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue puffed out her mouth and said anxiously: "Brother, I am also very powerful." "

I know."

Mu Yue touched his sister's little head and said with a smile: "We Yixue are already very powerful magic envoys now. "

Mu Yixue's current strength is affected by Mu Yue, no matter who he fights, he will retain a point of strength, and even his subordinates will show mercy.

Once Mu Yue agreed, she was full of firepower.

With Mu Yixue's talent now, it is absolutely impossible to be just a so-called "double star" genius, but a real powerful combat power.

However, this time, although Mu Er and Sansan did not directly confront the League of Nations, if the SE organization did have a connection with the League of Nations, then the current cyan armored man and Sansan had become an existence that the League of Nations could not ignore.

It's just that it hasn't been lifted to the bright side.

In any case, if the League of Nations were in the next game, the whole world would be a chessboard.

Once the chess game is formed, the world is bound to suffer unimaginable blows.

Although the future science and technology city is not a force on the chessboard, but also on the blue star, it is only a matter of time before it intervenes.

Then Mu Yue must also lay out in advance, at least, he must be able to protect his sister and other relatives and friends.

Moreover, with Mu Yixue here, the future science and technology city will definitely intervene.

Mu Yue had a hunch that Mu Yixue was a vital existence for the League of Nations.

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