Always You

7 The messages

"Maybe, it is better for us to act as strangers."

"Maybe we could use this chance to understand each other more."

"Does she still think of me?"

"Yeah, maybe I can fish out some information from her."

"Will she be happy if i send her flowers?"

"Am i being too fast?"

"Wait, I thought, i decided to let her be?"

"But, she might think I'm too eager if I get too close or too negligible if I am too passive. Well, how should I act before her?"

"Axel, don't be dumb. What exactly do you want from her?"

Axel thoughts are obviously jumbled. When it comes to her, he couldn't think straight. Axel thought he matured and he already learned his lesson but these proved him otherwise, he is still a fool.

"Will you flee if I tried to get close to you, Ali?"

"Arghhhh, damn." Axel can't help but cussed himself.

"I am a mess."


Ali woke up on time; she dressed though casually but still chic, her white feminine blouse paired with black and white striped knee length skirt and nude heeled sandals. Her hair was loosely tied in a soft curly ponytail with a bouffant. Ali used a minimal amount of foundation and eye makeup completing the look with a bright red lipstick.

She was ready and about to go to work when her phone rings.

She checked her phone thinking it might be a message from the company.

"Huh?" she said while frowning.

-Hi. How are you?- Ali received a three messages with the same simple greeting which annoyed her so much.

"Who is this? Another anonymous message, tsk." She was irked.

"Why am I always receiving messages like this? There are really people who have a lot of free time." She commented.

"Hi my face. It's so early in the morning and you want to ruin my day. Sigh, forget it. If you have nothing to do, don't pester me." Ali decided to just ignore the message.

"It's a beautiful day today and I won't waste it on you." Ali smiled as she goes.

When Ali arrived at the office, she put her cellphone on silent mode. Ali wanted to have a productive day so she started to get busy. She has a scheduled meeting at 9 in the morning until 12 noon so Ali makes sure that the documents are all organized before she went.

The meeting was extended until 2 in the afternoon, Ali's stomach is now growling.

"My head hurts." Ali pouted.

"Kelly, I'll go ahead first. Make sure that the minutes of the meeting is finished before the end of the day. I'll check it before you send it to other departments." Ali said to her secretary.

Ali is working in Human Resource Department for a year now. She wanted to increase her knowledge that is why she is also studying Industrial Relations at a prestigious university.

Ali went to her table to get her wallet and cellphone.

"Hmm, 20 messages? Who is this?" When Ali checked her cellphone she was annoyed to see 20 messages with the same content from an unknown number.

"Oh well. Delete! It's good that cellphone nowadays are very smart." Ali smirked.

Ali proceeded to the cafeteria to have her lunch. After that she continues to do her work.

It's already dark when Ali left the office. She went directly to the food park to eat dinner; since Ali is living alone she often eat outside.

After dinner, Ali immediately went home.

After she showered, Ali was arranging her bed while singing a song from a well-known movie when her phone starts ringing.

♪ ♫ And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted ♪ ♫

"It's already late, I wonder who is it?" When Ali checked her cellphone and saw the message, her beautiful face grimace.

-Hi. How are you?- the same message she received all day.

"Again?! Why are you so persistent? Delete. Delete."

-Can you please stop sending me messages, it's annoying!!!!!-

Ali could not stop herself from typing this kind of response because she is so irritated but she stop herself from sending it. She deleted what she typed and decided to sleep.

"Hmmp. I'll just ignore you. You'll get tired in a few days."

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