Always You

8 Spammer

A week has passed since she started receiving the same messages from the unknown sender but her wish did not come true. The sender didn't get tired and was very consistent in sending the same content every day. She made sure to ignore all those messages and quickly deleted it as soon as she received it. She saved the number 'Spammer' and now considering if she should block the number.

'My patience is wearing thin.'

'The sender is so stubborn. Still not tired?'

Ali frowns, she thought maybe it is someone who knows her and she might know the sender too. That is why the sender is so persistent on sending messages. But if it is really someone who knows her, why not introduce yourself properly? What's so fun in annoying me?

'I wonder who is so patient to poke fun at me.' Ali pouted while thinking of possible suspects.


-Hi. How are you?- Another message from Spammer. "Argg! You are really getting into my nerves! You jerk. Can you stop sending me the same messages over and over?"


-Hi. How are you?- "This person is really something. Are you so free and have nothing to do with your life and now your pestering me? Haaaa. Stop bothering me!"

And now she finally snapped.

-Who are you?- she made up her mind on what to send after a long deliberation.

-It will be highly appreciated if you will stop sending me the same messages every day. I'm kind of busy and I don't have time for this.-

'And send. You are so.. so so dead!' Ali thought. She was totally annoyed. Ali received at least 40 messages every day with the same content. It really pissed her off.


'Ohh, that was fast!' Ali thought.


-So, is it okay to send a message with different content?- Ali did not expect this kind of response.

"Argggg. What's this? Are you kidding me? I sent you a decent message and this is your reply?!" Ali is now fuming.

-Guess your face! Stop sending me messages!!-

After a few seconds, Ding!

-Hey! It's Axel. Don't be angry. :) – This message came as a surprise, Ali didn't expect that the jerk that sending her nonstop messages would be Axel.

-I already lost my patience. You better give me a good reason.- Although Ali sent this reply, she was relieved that it is Axel and not someone else.


-I'm just teasing you. I am betting with myself that if you don't give me a reply today I'll tell you myself. But ~.~ I got a reply. Ü Ü - Axel

-And, what did you get? Is it funny? Hmmp.- Ali was mad but the intensity already lessen.


-What did I get? Of course, your reply. It's all I am waiting for. ü How would I know you're such a snub! :P – Axel

-Me?! Snub? I'm fairly sure why I did that. If it's you, if you are on my position… what would you do? Receiving nonstop messages with the same content from unknown number? You'll also flip out.- Ali didn't realized that they been sending messages to each other for quite some time now.


-If it's me, I'll call you immediately. Ü – Axel

-Hmmp! I didn't know you're such a flirt! – Ali quickly typed a message and sent it. After a while, she screamed. "Argggg!!!"

'My gosh Ali, why did you send that? Are you saying that he is flirting with you and you're ok with that?'


-I am not. I am just having fun. Ü – Axel

-Having fun? And your target was me? Are you satisfied now?- It sure was hard not to admit that she was also having fun now.


-I am really enjoying talking to you. How about you? – Axel

-…?- Ali can't help but let out a little laugh. She didn't notice that she was not mad anymore.


-I can't decipher the ellipses. Care to explain? – Axel

-You don't have to. Anyway, I am going to be now. Good night!-


-Good night, Ali! – Axel

Ali slept comfortably with a little smile on her face.

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