Always You

9 Test of patience


Axel woke up early and could not sleep again so he just decided to work out before eating breakfast. He drank a cup of green tea and proceeded to find his energy to kick start his morning. He started his short workout with 10 minutes on the exercise bike, a set of push-ups, and jumping rope then he runs for about 15 minutes.

While eating his breakfast, Axel recalled that he asked for Ali's number last night so he decided to send her a quick message.

Axel stood up, grabbed his phone and started typing his message.

-Hi. Good morning, how are you? Did you sleep well last night?-

'Hmm, is this ok?' Axel thought while gazing intently on his phone.

'Tsk. Why am I asking if she slept well? This is only my first message..... Delete.'

-Hi. How are you?-

'Hmm, i think this is decent enough.'

Axel spent a lot of time thinking what message to send before he decided to type a simple greeting then he clicked the send button and then stared at his phone waiting for Ali's reply.

'I forgot to indicate my name. Oh well, I will just send her another message to introduce myself. '

But his phone suddenly rang before he even started typing his new message. He looked at the name's caller, frowns a little and answered it.

"Yes, Kim"

"Good morning Sir, I just want to remind you about the meeting we have scheduled today. The supplier will be here at around 10AM."

"Yeah, i'll be there. Bye."

"Bye Sir."

Axel ended the call immediately and started to get ready.

'It's still early; i only have two scheduled meeting this morning. But, i better get off early to avoid traffic.

Before he got into the car Axel checked his phone to see if there's a reply but unfortunately, there is nothing.

'It's been an hour and i already sent a few messages, why is she not responding?'

'Is she busy?'

'Ignoring me? I'll send you a message every 15 minutes, let's see how long is your patience.' Axel thought with a devil smirked.

''It's been days and she is still ignoring me."

"What's this, test of patience?"

'Pshhh, I'm running out of patience.'

'Now i know, i have a very limited patience. Haaaaa, how long will i wait?'

'Still nothing?' Axel didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he started this and now he can't endure the long wait. He could only complain at how silly his idea was. This is really sucking out all his energy.

'Maybe it's not a good idea, should i just stop this?'

'I started this. I must see it how it goes until the end. And, she didn't block my number so there is still a chance.' Axel encouraged himself and feeling determined to keep going.


-Who are you?-

"Finally, I got a reply! The long wait is over. Ha ha. I thought I will wait for nothing, it's good that there's no forever. Ha ha. "

'Let's tease her a bit.'

'You're so snobbish. You want me to stop sending you messages? What if I don't? What will you do? He he.'

Axel didn't realize that even though they are exchanging silly messages, it makes his mood lighter and it is making him smile just like the way they were before.

And at this moment, it makes him remember the time when they were young. How they enjoy each other company, how they would laugh at the most unpredictable moment, bicker with the smallest reason, their little eye contact that can easily understood its meaning. Those were the days he missed the most, they were so young, happy and free.

He recalled their youthful love affair, the passion for each other were so beautiful and innocent.

Axel may not remember all the stories they shared, all the memories they made… he may not be able to verbalize what exactly happened but it all existed in his head. His mind is full of their joyful experiences; his heart flutters because of her.

His lingering feelings started to overwhelm him. It may seem hard to get over Ali, now that their connection was rekindled especially when their emotions run deep.

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