Am I A God?

Chapter 1089

濂 尪钖埌 cha Mocha 璇 inch 殑璇濓纴韬綋寰 well 涓 € 碉纴绗戠潃璇撮 碉纴绗戠潃璇撮 碉纴绗戠潃璇撮 锛 滃灏戝 滃灏戝 滃灏戝 滃灏戝 滃灏戝 锛屼袱涓︼ 锛屼袱涓︼ 锛屼袱涓︼ 锛屼袱涓︼ 锛屼袱涓︼ Rickets

Mocha 锛 滈偅浜涜 滈偅浜涜 佸浼欙纴鎴戠幇鍦ㄦ墦鐚鍦ㄦ 佸浼欙纴鎴戠幇鍦ㄦ墦鐚鍦ㄦ 锛岃缮镐曚粬浠纻鍒 椂 椂 欐垜浠袱涓︼仈 欐垜浠袱涓︼仈 欐垜浠袱涓︼仈Emerald Cauldron

濂 尪绗戜 尪绗戜 尪绗戜 鈥滃厛涓嶈杩欎 鈥滃厛涓嶈杩欎 鈥滃厛涓嶈杩欎 鈥滃厛涓嶈杩欎彧鍜屼粬闀垮缑寰埚儚镄勭尗鈥[€[€


鈥滀絾鐪熺殑 鈥滀絾鐪熺殑 忚 忚 澶 澶 澶 濆ザ锣 濆ザ锣 濆ザ锣 濆ザ锣 濆ザ锣 濆ザ锣 濆ザ锣 濆ザ锣 皟鍑 皟鍑 镦 镦 镦 墖璇撮 墖璇撮 墖璇撮 滆尪鍝ヤ綘鐪嬶纴鐪熺殑寰埚儚銆傗

Mocha 镄勮剳琚嬩 浜呜 浜呜 鏉ワ纴宸偣浠ヤ 鏉ワ纴宸偣浠ヤ 闾 槸 槸 槸 槸 愧浜呜嚜宸 愧浜呜嚜宸 愧浜呜嚜宸 € € €


鍙 <竴杈癸纴Zhao Yao 涓轰澶勭悊 Mocha 镄勪簨鎯呰€屾殏镞剁寮€镞讹纴灏佸嵃涓栫晫涓殑濞滆帋浜斾汉绔嫔埢浜充€充充璧璧

阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 鈥滈槦闀匡纴浣犲 鈥滈槦闀匡纴浣犲 鈥滈槦闀匡纴浣犲 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 璋 三 三 三 三 三 三 三

濞滆帋璇撮 锛 锛 滃洜涓 滃洜涓 滃洜涓 滃洜涓 滃洜涓 粬澶熷 粬澶熷 粬澶熷 欙纴鍙湁瀛樻椿涓 欙纴鍙湁瀛樻椿涓 欙纴鍙湁瀛樻椿涓 欙纴鍙湁瀛樻椿涓嫔幓锛屾垜浠殑钖庝唬 嶆湁 嶆湁 chain 轰 孼 孼 Yao Yao Yao 澶熷 锛屾湁浠栫殑 锛屾湁浠栫殑 姪锛屼 姪锛屼 姪锛屼 镞忕殑镞ュ瓙浠ュ悗浼氭洿濂 銆傗 銆傗 銆傗

涓€镞佺殑绮夊彂灏戝コ璇撮镞佺殑绮夊彂灏戝コ璇撮锛气锛€滃彲鏄€[€〉彲鏄€[€〈粬鍜屾垜浠兘涓嶆槸涓€涓湴鏂圭殑浜哄晩锛屼綘鐪嬭 Umbrella 棰楁槦鐞冿纴浠栦 鐢熸椿镄勬瘮鎴戜 鐢熸椿镄勬瘮鎴戜 鐢熸椿镄勬瘮鎴戜 骞 骞 骞 骞 澶 澶 澶

濞滆帋璇撮 锛 锛 沧暣涓︷摱娌 沧暣涓︷摱娌 沧暣涓︷摱娌 沧暣涓︷摱娌 沧暣涓︷摱娌 沧暣涓︷摱娌 沧暣涓︷摱娌 郴镄勪 垬绾 垬绾 垬绾 垬绾 垬绾 垬绾 垬绾鏄棭鏅氱殑浜嬫儏銆傝 屼笖浣犱 屼笖浣犱 屼笖浣犱 鐪嬬湅杩欓噷锛岃 鐪嬬湅杩欓噷锛岃 鐪嬬湅杩欓噷锛岃 鐪嬬湅杩欓噷锛岃 涓剰璇嗕箣锲 涓剰璇嗕箣锲 纴鍙瘮鐩熶 纴鍙瘮鐩熶 镄勮缮瑕佸ぇ銆傗

钖埌杩椤彞璇濓纴浼椾汉涔熷ソ濂囧张鎯婅鍦 Dress up 鐪€鐪煎墠镄勫皝鍗 笘鐣屻€

浣滀 浜 浜 棌鍙嶆姊阒佃惀镄勬渶寮 棌鍙嶆姊阒佃惀镄勬渶寮 棌鍙嶆姊阒佃惀镄勬渶寮 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 咃纴鐚潻浼 鎶 鎶 鎶瘮Zhao Yao 旋翠笉瀹屾暣镄勫叧绯纴浠栦纴浠栦镄勬剰璇嗕箣锲 borrowed translation Zhao Yao 镄勩€

灏卞湪杩欐椂锛孼hao Yao 鍙埚洖鏉ヤ简锛岀湅镌€鐪煎墠镄勪簲浜鸿阆掳细鈥滃ソ浜嗭纴涓夊畻澶ф垬镄勬儏鍐碉纴鎴戠洰鍓岖煡阆 锛岄偅鐚潻浼氲 锛岄偅鐚潻浼氲 锛岄偅鐚潻浼氲 锛岄偅鐚潻浼氲 杈 杈 张 撶畻镐庝箞 撶畻镐庝箞 撶畻镐庝箞 撶畻镐庝箞 撶畻镐庝箞 撶畻镐庝箞 撶畻镐庝箞

濞滆帋璇撮 锛 锛 滃叿浣撶殑鎯呭喌锛屾垜涔熷苟涓嶆竻妤 滃叿浣撶殑鎯呭喌锛屾垜涔熷苟涓嶆竻妤 滃叿浣撶殑鎯呭喌锛屾垜涔熷苟涓嶆竻妤 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶箖鏄渶镙 箖鏄渶镙 镄勬満瀵嗐 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨 笉杩囦綘涔嫔墠娼滃叆杩囨昵姣涘畻镄勫纾宁搞€


钖埌濞滆帋璇寸殑璇濓纴Zhao Yao 寰井涓€绗戏纴鍏跺疄浠栨湰鏉ュAmmonia chain 夎仈绯荤尗闱╀栬缮 chain 夋垬浜変 锷 ° ° 寕镌 € €€

涓娄竴娆$殑40鍙鏄熺尗鍙槸缁欎粬鎻愪緵浜嗕竴澶х玛缁忛獙锛孼hao Yao 娑埚寲浜嗕Interchanging board湪宸茬粡湪宸茬粡撶畻鏀跺壊涓嬩竴娉(三)粡楠屽€间简锛屾暣涓﹄汉锠(4) 牏娆€


浜庢槸Zhao Yao 鐪嬬潃浜斾汉璇撮璇撮锛气滈偅琛屽惂锛屼綘浠甫鎴戝幓滈偅琛屽惂锛屼綘浠甫鎴戝幓滈偅琛屽惂锛屼綘浠甫鎴戝幓綘浠殑鐩熶句綘浠殑鐩熶綘浠殑鐩熶锛屾垜锛屾垜熶粬璋堣皥銆傗€

鎺ョ潃Zhao Yao 绠椾简绠楁椂闂达纴璺濈杩欎纴璺濈杩欎链链堟湀搴曡缮夊夊涓嶅鍙湁锲涘ぉ镞堕棿浜嗭纴浜庢槸浠栬阆掳细鈥滃洓澶╁悗锛屼綘浠窡鎴戜竴璧峰幓镓句粬钖с€傗€

浜庢槸锲涘ぉ钖庣殑鍑屾櫒锛孼hao Yao 鍐嶆杩庢潵浜嗘湀搴旷粨绠楋纴鐩埚埄缁撶畻鍐嶆缁橺hao Yao 鎻愪緵浜嗗崄澶 竾镄勭粡 竾镄勭粡 屽 硷纴 硷纴 硷纴 埌浜咮 埌浜咮 埌浜咮 埌浜咮 埌浜咮 埌浜咮 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

And Pharaoh also went up two levels through these days, reaching LV53.

The next step is the lottery. As Zhao Yao is now more and more popular on the planet, this time the national share has reached 100% in one breath and has a thousand chances to draw.

Zhao Yao looked forward to pumping up and got tens of thousands of experience points, a bunch of spicy strips, various fortified stones…

The most important thing is that the Imperial Cat armor debris has reached (201/240).

Seeing this figure, Zhao Yao is a shock, which means he may be able to get the emperor’s armor next month.

After reading more than 100,000 experience points, Zhao Yao thought that this time he had to intervene in three wars, and he was very dangerous. He still converted every experience value into better combat power.

So I spent another 100,000 yuan to reinforce the hammer, and strengthened a cat prince dress, which turned out to be +1.

猫王子的礼服+12:防御力增强120%,体质增强90%,可吸收超ability +1,LV80级上限

Feeling that his strength is further, Zhao Yao nodded with satisfaction and returned to the world of seals, pulling five of them back into reality.

“Let’s go take me to your boss.”

Nasha and others took Zhao Yao to a high-rise building in Jianghai, and then looked at Zhao Yao nervously and said: “The mech…”

Zhao Yao: “What machine?”

Nasha: “It’s the mech that we passed that day.”

After the mech was picked up by Zhao Yao, he was thrown directly to the doll to study. Zhao Yao also wanted to give Zhao Xue them to wear, and found that it seemed to recognize people.

When I heard Nasha’s question, he immediately thought about it: “Hey, the armor you wore that day, I don’t know where to go, but how do you wear this mech? If I can find it, I can use it.” Use it.”

Nasha looked at Zhao Yao with a blank voice. This is the most powerful person he has ever seen, but her heart suddenly flashed a hint of enlightenment: ‘Maybe only this shameless, can survive in the universe. Finally set foot on the peak. ‘

‘The gap between us and Zhao Yao is not at this point. ‘

Not to mention the change of ideas in Nasa’s heart, she still said on the surface: “There is a blood-tested instrument on the mech, which I can’t use, but we can help you to lift it. It only requires the communication device on the mech.” Come to contact the people in the meeting, let them open the folding door and send us back.”

Zhao Yao nodded and contacted the doll. Not all of them would have five sets of mechs, let them dismiss the above identity, and then watched them operate the communication device on the mech, and contacted the cats. .

After a while, a blue light door opened at the top of the building in front of the building, Nasha said: “Please.”

Zhao Yao smiled a little, and he didn’t need other people to tempted. He sometimes stopped himself and went straight into the light door. Nasha and others followed the sneak, and the blue light door disappeared. Traced.

After Zhao Yao stepped out of the light door, it was a bright cave. As Zhao Yao came out, more than a dozen fighters in the armor had already pointed their guns at Zhao Yao.

Zhao Yao looked at their gear with a sly look: ‘Looks like Nasa’s Low. ‘

Then Nasha and others came out, and a headed soldier quickly said: “Nasha! You are finally back. Bring Zhao Yao to the elders. He has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Then he looked at Zhao Yao and said, “Nasa, why didn’t you copy him up? Is there any problem with the past?”

When I heard the problems of my companions, all of Nasha’s faces showed a sly color.

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