Am I A God?
Chapter 1090
Perceived the hustle and bustle of several people, Zhao Yao directly communicated with the five people of Nasha with consciousness: “No problem, you can copy me up, I don’t want to fight without unnecessary.”
Zhao Yao looked at the crowds in the vicinity and looked at the BOOK. There was no refreshing task on the BOOK, so there was no interest in fighting.
And if you say that you are coercing Nasha and others to come over, you are likely to be besieged, and you will see the leader of the other party.
Moreover, the ordinary prohibition and the like are completely incapable of him.
Nasha cautiously stepped forward and took a restrained outfit from the person’s hand. She walked up to Zhao Yao and communicated with consciousness: “Thank you, I know this thing can’t hold you, they are not Your opponent, so thank you for your mercy.”
“Nothing.” Zhao Yao said casually: “I never fight inexperienced battles.”
“Amount?” Nasha groaned, didn’t understand what it meant, but she still put a tie on Zhao Yao.
I saw a small piece of cloth pressed against Zhao Yao’s chest, and the next moment it quickly soared, and soon it became a metal strap, which tied Zhao Yao’s upper body, including his arms. .
Seeing this scene, the soldiers who had just armed with weapons around them were relieved. The leading man said: “Come on, the elders have been waiting for a long time.”
Then Zhao Yao walked out under the crowds and saw what was going on, all of which were complicated and tortuous cave environments.
Zhao Yao can see one after another interconnected caves, many of whom look plain, but spirited.
Some of them are farming, some are learning, some are training combat skills, and some are cooking and cooking.
Many of the tools used in life seem to have poor technology, and some are not as good as the Earth.
But some devices that have closed and closed caves, soldiers’ weapons, equipment, and lighting and living things seem to far exceed the Earth.
This is a civilization that is closely related to science and technology.
Or it should be said that in the cat leather meeting where the major cats have been surrounded for a long time, everything is based on survival and combat effectiveness. Other things in terms of quality of life are not so much energy to consider.
Zhao Yao looked at a group of children who were reading. The children’s clothes were a bit simplistic, but the spirits were very good. The eyes seemed to be full of hope and hope for the future.
‘The conditions here are not the same, but the humans here are very fighting. ‘
Zhao Yao 蹇冧腑鏆楁殚阆撱€
钖屾椂涓 璺笂浠栦篃寰 璺笂浠栦篃寰 璺笂浠栦篃寰 璇曚 璇曚 璇曡 璇曡 璇曡 璇曡 璇曡 璇曡 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺 涓婄殑鏉熺簬鏄洿锷犳 夊弽鎶楃殑镒忔 夊弽鎶楃殑镒忔 濓纴灏辫 濓纴灏辫 濓纴灏辫 濓纴灏辫 浼椾 浼椾 浼椾 浼椾 鏉ュ埌浜嗕竴搴 鏉ュ埌浜嗕竴搴 緷 緷 緷 緷 緷 € € € € € € €挞€犵殑宸ㄥぇ寤虹瓒鍓嶃€
濞滆帋镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 浜斿悕 浜斿悕 浜斿悕 Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao竴绉嶆墤闱(4)€屾潵镄勫纾棣欍€
涓 镞佺殑濞滆帋 镞佺殑濞滆帋 i i i i i i 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 鈥滆 鈥滆 鈥滆 鈥滆 鈥滆 鈥滆 鏄敤榛 鏄敤榛 鏄敤榛 鏄敤榛 鏄敤榛 鏄敤榛锛屽噺缂撹倝浣撶殑鏂 檲浠 锛屽湪镒忚瘑绂诲紑 锛屽湪镒忚瘑绂诲紑 锛屽湪镒忚瘑绂诲紑 锛屽湪镒忚瘑绂诲紑 锛屽湪镒忚瘑绂诲紑 锛屽湪镒忚瘑绂诲紑 锛屽湪镒忚瘑绂诲紑 锛屽湪镒忚瘑绂诲紑 锛屽湪镒忚瘑绂诲紑 欎 欎 欎 傗 傗 傗
Zhao Yao 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 ご锛屽 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯
濞滆帋鎺ョ潃鎸囩潃榛戞殚镄勫ぇ铡呰阆掳 鈥滈粦鏆楃殑鐜涓嬫洿 鈥滈粦鏆楃殑鐜涓嬫洿 夊姪浜庝 夊姪浜庝 夊姪浜庝 夊姪浜庝 夊姪浜庝 夊姪浜庝 夊姪浜庝 夊姪浜庝 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬鏄昵 佷 佷 佷 镣 镣 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮 锛屾墍浠ュぇ閮ㄥ垎镞堕棿閮
涓 琛屼 琛屼 鍦ㄩ粦鏆楃┖镞 鍦ㄩ粦鏆楃┖镞 殑澶 巺涓 巺涓 巺涓 巺涓 巺涓 巺涓 浜嗕竴娈佃矾锛屼 浜嗕竴娈佃矾锛屼 浜嗕竴娈佃矾锛屼 浜嗕竴娈佃矾锛屼 浜嗕竴娈佃矾锛屼 浜嗕竴娈佃矾锛屼 浜嗕竴娈佃矾锛屼 殑 殑 殑锏 厜闄 劧闂 劧闂 劧闂 劧闂 劧闂 惤浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴鏄犵 惤浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴鏄犵 钖岖洏鑶濊 钖岖洏鑶濊 钖岖洏鑶濊 钖岖洏鑶濊 钖岖洏鑶濊 佸浜 佸浜 佸浜 佸浜
Key 佸浜 鑴 鑴 鑴 ︻槠镄勫ご鍙戜笉 ︻槠镄勫ご鍙戜笉 佷竴涓濋粦鑹诧纴鏁 佷竴涓濋粦鑹诧纴鏁 佷竴涓濋粦鑹诧纴鏁 佷竴涓濋粦鑹诧纴鏁 佷竴涓濋粦鑹诧纴鏁 佷竴涓濋粦鑹诧纴鏁 佷竴涓濋粦鑹诧纴鏁 佷竴涓濋粦鑹诧纴鏁 佷竴涓濋粦鑹诧纴鏁瘮锛岃劯涓婂嵈婊°C槸涓ヨ我们锛屽甫镌€涓€绉嶅帇杩€х殑鐩厜殑鐩厜镌琚潫缂氱殑Zhao Yao 銆
鈥滀綘灏 槸 槸 Zhao Yao 锛熲 濊 濊 佸浜 佸浜 佸浜 佸浜 佸浜 沧妸浣犲湪娣 沧妸浣犲湪娣 沧妸浣犲湪娣 沧妸浣犲湪娣 沧妸浣犲湪娣 沧妸浣犲湪娣 沧妸浣犲湪娣 沧妸浣犲湪娣 沧妸浣犲湪娣 沧妸浣犲湪娣 矊瑕佸镄勫疄 矊瑕佸镄勫疄 矊瑕佸镄勫疄 矊瑕佸镄勫疄鍒 殑锛屽叏閮 殑锛屽叏閮 竴浜斾竴鍗佸湴璇 竴浜斾竴鍗佸湴璇 竴浜斾竴鍗佸湴璇 竴浜斾竴鍗佸湴璇 傗 傗 傗 傗
Zhao Yao 鐪嬬潃 佸浜 佸浜 剳琚嬩笂镄凩 V75 涓殚阆掳 鈥滃 鈥滃 鈥滃 鈥滃 璺 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖 佸懠钖鏄棤姣涘畻镄刟bility 鍟婏纴锷犱笂杩欑幆澧冿纴涓撶 镒忚瘑锷涚殑锛熶笉杩囦 镒忚瘑锷涚殑锛熶笉杩囦 涔堜笉澧炲 涔堜笉澧炲 涔堜笉澧炲 涔堜笉澧炲 涓嬭倝浣 涓嬭倝浣揿憿锛熲€
濞滆帋鎶(一)湪Zhao Yao 闱(一)墠璇撮死锛气滈珮灞滈珮灞滈珮灞昵昵侊纴 Yao Yao 镄勫疄锷涜翻瓒呮儏鎶ヤ腑镄勬弿杩帮纴鎴戜滑鏄 浠栧向璐ヤ箣钖庡甫杩囨潵镄勶纴鎴戣寰楁垜浠彲浠ュ拰浠栬繘琛屽悎浣溿璐ヤ箣钖庡甫杩囨潵镄勶纴鎴戣寰楁垜浠彲浠ュ拰浠栬繘琛屽悎浣溿粬粬粬剰镒裤€傗€
鈥滃櫌锛熲 濋珮灞 濋珮灞 濋珮灞 昵 昵 Z Z Z Z Z Z Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao规 娴佸ソ 娴佸ソ 娴佸ソ 娴佸ソ Yao Yao Yao Yao hao Yao 涓猌 Yao Yao Yao Simple
渚 渚 珮灞 珮灞 珮灞 昵 昵 昵 昵 昵 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓 涓垚涓绔熺劧璧 濞滆帋浣犱 濞滆帋浣犱 濞滆帋浣犱 €
鈥滃幕璇濆皯璇村惂銆傗€漐hao Yao 浼告涓涓鎾曪纴渚垮皢韬笂镄勬潫缂氲缃鎾曪纴渚垮皢韬笂镄勬潫缂氲缃鎾曪纴渚垮皢韬笂镄勬潫缂氲缃镄勭纰庯纴纰庯纴纰庯纴姩浜嗕竴涓嬭剳琚嬭阆掳 鈥滃甫鎴戝幓 鈥滃甫鎴戝幓 佷綘浠洘涓 佷綘浠洘涓 佷綘浠洘涓 傗 傗 傗 傗
楂桦北闀胯€佸井寰竴绗戏纴鐪嬬潃Zhao Yao 镄勭溂绁炲钖屽湪鐪嬩竴涓瀛愶纴鎱(二)浔鏂悊鍦浔鏂悊鍦阆掳阆掳洘涓讳箖鏄 洘涓讳箖鏄 洘涓讳箖鏄 鍐呮敮镆憋纴浜 鍐呮敮镆憋纴浜 涳纴涓嶆槸闅忎 涳纴涓嶆槸闅忎 涳纴涓嶆槸闅忎 涳纴涓嶆槸闅忎 涳纴涓嶆槸闅忎 璋侀兘鑳 璋侀兘鑳 璋侀兘鑳 璋侀兘鑳 璋侀兘鑳 璋侀兘鑳鑳 粰浣犳満浼 粰浣犳満浼 纴涓嶅鎴戜 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙
娌°C湁缁橺hao Yao 鍙嶅簲镄勬満浼泛纴楂桦北鐩存帴璇撮帴璇撮锛气滀綘濡傛灉鑳滀綘濡傛灉鑳滀綘濡傛灉鑳帴鎴戜笁鎷涚殑璇濓纴鎴戝帴鎴戜笁鎷涚殑璇濓纴鎴戝宁綘铡 鐩熶 鐩熶 鐩熶 锛屽鏋滀綘鎺ヤ笉涓嬫潵镄勮瘽锛屽 锛屽鏋滀綘鎺ヤ笉涓嬫潵镄勮瘽锛屽 笅涓 笅涓 笅涓 笅涓 笅涓 垜宸ヤ綔涓夊 垜宸ヤ綔涓夊 垜宸ヤ綔涓夊
璇村畲锛岄珮灞变竴鑴歌冩牎鍦冩牎鍦冩牎鍦冩牎鍦Zhao Yao 锛屼 涔庢兂鐪嬬湅杩椤悕骞 涔庢兂鐪嬬湅杩椤悕骞 涔庢兂鐪嬬湅杩椤悕骞 涔庢兂鐪嬬湅杩椤悕骞 浜 浜 浜
浜嫔疄涓婃鍒荤殑濂 缑鐭 缑鐭 hao Yao 鎴樿儨濞滆帋浠栦 镄勬秷鎭 镄勬秷鎭 钖庯纴闱炰絾娌 ° ° ° ° key key佺宁蹇冭捣锛屾兂瑕佹敹链嶈 Umbrella 偛镄勬柊浜 偛镄勬柊浜 纴鎼撴悡浠栫殑阌愭皵锛岃浠栦 纴鎼撴悡浠栫殑阌愭皵锛岃浠栦 纴鎼撴悡浠栫殑阌愭皵锛岃浠栦 纴鎼撴悡浠栫殑阌愭皵锛岃浠栦 宸
钖埌楂桦北璇 inch殑璇濓纴Zhao Yao 绗戜简锛气€滀綘瑕佹垜锅綘綘綘嬩笅锛熲
鐪嫔埌Zhao Yao 鍝埚搱澶х瑧镄勬牱瀛愶纴楂桦北闀胯€佺毐璧蜂鐪夊ご锛鐪夊ご锛气滆滆滆链変粈涔埚ソ绗戠殑涔堬纻鈥
Zhao Yao 绗戠潃鐪嫔悜BOOK涓婄殑浠诲姟闱(二)澘锛屽啀鐪嫔悜楂桦北闀胯€佺殑镞跺€欙纴鍏呮Arc浜嗘敹鍓茬殑锽沧偊銆
Argon shell
浠诲姟鐩爣锛氱尗闱╀ 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 鐪熸槸澶 鐪熸槸澶 寮狅纴澶﹄笉 寮狅纴澶﹄笉 寮狅纴澶﹄笉 寮狅纴澶﹄笉 寮狅纴澶﹄笉 锛岃浠栦 锛岃浠栦 锛岃浠栦 锛岃浠栦 锛岃浠栦Read 忋€
Failure penalty: none.
鐪嬬潃浠诲姟锛孼hao Yao 蹇崭笉浣忔崅镌€鑴哥瑧阆掳瑧阆掳鈥滃镄勶纴鏋劧涓嶆劎鏄垜镄凚OOK鍟婏纴鐭ラ死鎴戞渶杩戝崌绾т简浠ュ悗锛屽浠ュ悗锛屽镐佽啫鑳镄勪笉寰椾镄勪笉寰椾镄勪笉寰椾锛岀珶鐒剁粰鎴戣锛岀珶鐒剁粰鎴戣锛岀珶鐒剁粰鎴戣绉崭绉崭纴鏄垜镊纴鏄垜镊纴鏄垜镊涔熻嚜鐪佷Simple
Zhao Yao 锷姏娣卞懠钖镐 鍑犲彛锛屼笉 鍑犲彛锛屼笉 hao Yao hao Yao 锛屽畤瀹椤緢澶э纴镐 湁浜 hao hao兘娌讳綘锛屽嚭鏉ユ 锛屼笉鑳 锛屼笉鑳 お锸 e紶銆傗€
鎻愰啋浜呜嚜宸 竴浼 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao Yao 昵 昵
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