The lunch is over, and the free time given in the narrow space that today's patrol will begin in less than an hour.

I was listening to the spirits Rafael told me in the room I was given in my quarters.

"- So, the Spirits of Fire seem different than usual. It's their most active time in the summer, but they were still much better than usual."

"You know why?

"Yeah! You know, the fire spirits in Wang Du have a lot of kids living mostly in blacksmiths. Recently, humans have been putting fire in their kilns all day long, so they've been saying comfortably. You're in a good mood, and you've seen a lot of kids helping people do their jobs. Yeah, some kids were in too much mood to give protection to the weapons that humans were hitting."

"- Heh. Which blacksmith?

"Uh... here it is."

Listen to Rafael's report and give him a map of the King's capital.

Whether he was illuminating his memory with the map, Lafar, who stared at the map, pointed to one blacksmith after a while.

It was a small blacksmith with a name I had never heard of, but I will write it down on the map because I say I will soon be able to have a weapon with Spirit protection.

Sell this information to Luce and she'll be happy to go buy it. If I can sell a favor to the Hendra Chamber of Commerce, I'd like to sell something even trivial.

I've learned that I've never given up money...

At the same time as I recall last night's ridiculously expensive meal and liquor bill, I think I'm going to be ahead for the time being to return the money in the name of "feelings" I'm getting from the Hendra Chamber of Commerce.

I thought I would benefit from what I did with every right, but I can't afford to say such beautiful things. It's up to me to think again that I might have to sweeten up to the favor of the Hendra Chamber of Commerce. This change of heart, by the way, stems from last night's banquet.

They didn't hesitate to drink.

Repeat the drink comparison a few times while sneaking up on alcohol with Merrill's special drunken awakening from time to time. The total amount of liquor coming out of the next to the next was enough to make the meal so sumptuous.

I came back to the Knights quarters before sunrise, when it came to the sunny faces of Waldo's parents I saw on that occasion. Nothing goes for my father, who doesn't even make me feel fine dust like I've been drinking all night, and my mother, who gently dropped me off with a grin that I don't think is the same person as Ginger, who rolled drunk mercenaries into the corner of the room with a word of "disturbance".

If you're going to be dealing with Waldo's parents and the mercenaries who are messing around with that inn, you need a lot of money. I have a lot of storage, but if I had used it at this rate, I would get to the bottom of it early.

A certain amount of money can be accommodated by the Aginis family if you ask for it, but it's limited. Most importantly, if you move a lot of money, it catches the attention of your father and grandfather. In some cases, you can even find out when and where I used it and how much I used it for. Scratch the eyes of your father and grandfather, and you need the money you're free to spend to make something happen.

Drawing on last night's reflection or lessons learned, the cultivation of Feniche, which Master Celery had previously spoken of, also depended on the thought of putting his back on it.

"Soil spirits and wind spirits are particularly unusual, he said. Just..."

Listen to Rafael as he remembers last night's banquet.

It was Lafar, who had met with the spirits of old knowledge and was pleasantly keeping us informed of their recent developments, but inadvertently clouded their expression.


"I have a water spirits I was close to, but I couldn't see them. I tried going around where she liked it, but it looks like she's already gone to the woods this year... too bad. I wanted to introduce you."

"Do you travel to the woods every year?

I heard Rafael say that he wanted to introduce the Spirit of Water and regretted that he had missed a valuable opportunity to get to know the Spirit. At the same time, mouth the questions that come to mind.

The spirits prefer strong places, so if the force of the field is weakened due to some cause, such as disaster or deterioration due to years, it is common to move. But in Lafar's mouthfeel, the water spirits seemed to be returning even as they moved.

"Yes, she likes the work of humans, not certain people, especially this country, and is usually in a pond in the royal castle, such as a waterway that runs through the whole town of Wang Du. But it's still weak in artificial waterways and ponds. Besides, it wouldn't rain around here in the summer, would it? It seems to be hard on boulders, so during the summer, we move to the woods to replenish our powers. Because there are several springs and streams in the woods that other water spirits make their dwellings. That's why I haven't been to the woods in the summer..."

"Are you worried about something?

I heard Rafael explain it. I think it's like a heat shelter. Or is it heat protection?

But it is an amazing story nonetheless. I'm surprised that the whimsical Spirit will be sitting in the Wang Capital using the hassle of purposefully replenishing his powers once a year. Even from me the human being is stunned, so among the spirits the spirits of that water will be recognized as quite a stranger.

It is a thankful story from us humans, as the presence or absence of the Spirit of Fire in the kiln greatly changes the ability to make weapons, so that the power of the water field increases with only one Spirit of Water.

"It's early, isn't it? She was worried about other water spirits staying in a weak spot without a contractor, and she hated it all the time. So I stick to the King's Capital to the limit every year, and I felt the trip was more summery...... is that what you're worried about?

"Do you know where you're going?

"I know. I've known her a long time!

"Then will you go see him? If there is any cause in the waterways that flow through the king's capital or in the ponds of the royal castle, it is important that you move faster. I need to know the cause as soon as possible...... can I ask you a favor? Lafar."

Ask about the destination of the Spirit of Water and you will receive a comforting response.

Slightly relieved by Lafar that he knows where to go, I asked Lafar to go see the water spirits.

I was actually going to ask the Zweis to go see the waterfront that there were bugs they had brought back, but I was concerned about the reason why spirits like those who sat in the Wang capital stubbornly made their plans faster than usual, even if they complained to their peers.

It is important for the country if something was in the King's capital's water source enough for her to move faster.

I don't know what the spirits liked about Wang Capital, but I want you to stay in Wang Capital. If anything happens to her that offends her mood, she must come back as soon as possible to improve.

If that's what you want.


"Leave it to me!

If you nodded to Rafael, who accepted my favor with a blooming smile, she left a healthy voice and disappeared from the room.

We need to talk to Mr. Gray so that we can improve as soon as we know what caused it.

At times of need, I think in the room left alone in an attempt to please Master Celery.

If she was also in the royal castle, it is likely that Master Celery was acquainted with the spirit of the matter. Unlike me, who has recently been able to capture the figure of the Spirit, Master Celery would have noticed her presence, and I know the importance of having the Spirit of the Water. On this matter, they should take it on for a light consideration, even if it doesn't even have to be free.

Even Lady Celery shouldn't be that much of a livestock on the boulder... and with pale expectations, if there are too many problems nevertheless, it bothers my mind how to deal with the problems that boil from next to next.

Last night, after a drunken crush comparing only a few mercenaries, he succeeded in classifying more than a dozen candidate sites that were based on information from the Eins and the others.

According to information from the mercenaries, there are also several groups of mercenaries who are currently in Wang Cheng.

Mercenaries who have long lived in Wang Du, mercenaries of newcomers who have moved to Wang Du in the past year, well-known mercenaries and groups of mercenaries, and then some of the mercenaries who supposedly do not behave well, have decided on a general territory regarding the location and work they are based in.

The mercenaries at Waldo's home seem to be old-fashioned mercenaries, and have consistently had a hard mouth when it comes to information on the mercenaries based in Wang Du for a long time, but not so much when it comes to the other mercenaries.

He smiled and complained about the newcomers' young mercenaries, spoke of their martial arts traditions with awe and respect about the famous mercenaries and mercenary regiments, and told me not only to kick them out now about the unscrupulous ones, but also about their place and whereabouts.

Apparently, people with bad behavior have already caused problems such as embezzlement of requests, extortion of ordinary people, and assault.

Especially angry at the embezzlement of the request, he said, "It is too insane to take unauthorized guests from mercenaries who have lived in the land for a long time! I refused to say a word when my client asked me about the mercenary's valiant name and tried to change his saddle, and if I came with them to say it was polite to put my muscles through..." he was long stupid.

They seem to have a lot of common sense and courtesy for them doing mercenary work, and they don't mind selling those who break it.

That's how he spoke in detail about the bareback guys, so I went back to the Knights quarters and let Grandpa report me in the guise of being on my way to workout in the morning.

The knights are very busy in the morning because they will also testify about extortion and assault, so they will match the information I have brought back with the damage report. Probably will be picked today, by tomorrow.

The mercenaries recently gave me information about the medics they were using, so I plan to visit them during the patrol. I already have permission to stop by.

It was an information fee that was never cheap but also quite in return, a strange of the water spirits communicated by Rafael where he was a little hazy.

Some of the bugs the Zweis were talking about, and the problem is still piling up.

How are we going to find out the waterfront that I was planning on getting to Rafael for now...

The idea of leaving this issue to Master Gray is overwhelming, but I reject the risk immediately.

At the corner, you told me you were "grown up" so I could move freely, but it doesn't make sense to have me move. It's possible Claire will follow Master Gray in her spare time, and for the sake of my peace of mind, you shouldn't report the bug.

If so, who will be sent to see the waterfront?

I can go directly, but I'm warily anxious to get the mercenaries to look into the Ballads, and I'm tempted to ask Waldo to escort the Ballads. Even Waldo is warily anxious while protecting the Balads against the mercenaries, and he can't predict what will happen if he moves Waldo alone. Besides, I can't trust Waldo that much at the moment. My arms and personality are impeccable, but it's subtle considering that you're willing to serve me in good faith.

Most importantly, it is most difficult for my actions to be exposed and interfered with by my fathers by striking a lousy hand. Then it would still be best to leave the waterfront investigation to Balad and ask Waldo to cooperate while I monitor it and look into the mercenaries.

Badly behaved mercenaries will soon be picked. As for the old-fashioned mercenaries, we need to give them jobs to move the mercenaries they've moved outside of the magisters, but, well, that's not a problem. Because you just need to speak up to the Hendra Chamber of Commerce and the nobility and have them scattered appropriately with requests for escorts, etc.

You'll notice the brave mercenaries are being kicked out, but they're mercenaries. As long as you pay the right amount of money, you will leave without resisting.

I've figured out each one, and when they find out where the requests and rumors led to the Majesta, I'll ask you to leave.

The matter of the water spirits is not going to determine that Rafael is not coming back, and we need time to analyze it, even in the case of bugs.

I hope we get to the mastermind......

I am staying in Wang capital for eleven days, including today. How far can it be resolved by then? Information is gathering, but we are still far from reaching the mastermind.

Some hands that if I had more freedom and time I could let the mercenaries swim for a while longer, but sooner or later I have to go back to school, I don't have enough time.

Beyond the visits of royalty from other countries nearby, the priority should be to expel the mercenaries. There is no reason to leave a visible spark of mercenaries behind, even with lust.

I want to clarify and eradicate the causes, but security and peace in the country are also important.

It is troubling which to prioritize.

- Protecting the country is very difficult.

I sighed alone as I troubled my mind with endless problems and situations that didn't lead me to certainty that I had new problems to solve.

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