It was only a few hours ago that I received a report from Rafael that disturbed my mind about my future plans.

Then I left the bugs that the Zweis had brought with me to Nadi, where Balad called me, and went on patrol.

On the fourth day of Wang Du Security, we will be patrolling on a shift-by-shift basis starting today, with some familiarity with our work.

My squad is on patrol today, so Nadi's squad will take it tomorrow, Waldo's squad the day after, and then another squad that was coming with Waldo's squad will go on patrol. It will be three days before my squad goes on patrol, during which time it will follow the will of the knight, who is a mentor, in the afternoon.

Balad and Lutze, Jeff, Solcier, eight of them who added instructional knights to our squad a year and finished the tour on the same path as the first day, we did not currently return to the Knights to the northwest of Wang Capital, where the craftsmen and pharmacists lived, and based on the information obtained from the mercenaries, we toured the pharmacy.

I have permission to delay the report so I can stop by and go home. Rather, the knights are busy because of the information I brought back, so it feels like the students should take it upon themselves if they don't even cause problems. As far as Waldo and Nadi are concerned, they are offered free movement in the afternoon, and the students each spend their time doing whatever they want.

I'd like to know if this is okay even though it's part of the class, but it seems the Knights of the Wang Du Knights are not the same place, and the Knights of Kingsguard are running with their hands. I didn't aim for this to happen, but the eyes of surveillance from the knights loosened, and the result is something like Aurai.

... This would be perfect if you lost your mentor's eye, but you can't be that good.

I tongue in my heart at the knight watching us as he pretends to color with Jeff and the rest of the store where blue and various colors of medicine are placed in purple, green, and pink.

It would be a shame to send the freshmen back to their quarters without this knight, and to send Balad to the waterfront of the example.

A knight of both stature and strength is a pain in the ass if you don't have to ask your boss how he feels, because you don't have to jump to merit it.

"... Um, here you are"

I take my gaze off the shelf to the voice I was called where I was wondering if I could somehow get this knight home. The shopkeeper's hand, offering a terrible piece of paper, was shaking.

"Thank you"

"No... you know, I'm over there"

"Yes, thank you"

Be polite, but the shopkeeper pulled me into the back of the counter so I could escape when he handed me the paper. The owner, who shrinks behind the counter when he says it's his shop, cares very much about a knight named Gardy, who stands behind the entrance to the store and waits for me.

Why don't you just get out of here and do it for the owner?

I glance through the two sheets of paper offered, sighing in my heart into the gaze of the shopkeeper, perhaps containing confusion, as I am frightened.

One is the supplier and purchase record of the medicinal herbs handled in this store.

The other one is a recent order record for the medication I received.

What I would like to know from this is whether there are any mercenaries who feed on other than legitimate duties, such as warcraft hunting and escorts, and what type of requests each mercenary group likes to receive and how big the mercenary regiment is.

If the escort is the Lord, there are many healing medicines. If you are hunting for Warcraft, healing medicines plus paralysis and sleeping pills for Warcraft will be added to get the Warcraft intact. Where there are large quantities of medicines for human condition disorders, we may be thinking about uses that are not busy, and so on. We make general decisions based on the type and amount of medicines that mercenaries need.

It's a big mess as a way of judging it, but it's difficult to kick out the mercenaries at once, so I'm just trying to set the order in which they are to be kicked out, so it's generally fine if I can tell. There is also a reason why you have to make a misguided request and not eat any mercenary regiment to waste the brokerage fee.

However, confidentiality of customer information is mandatory if you are dealing with mercenaries or nobles. Nobles and mercenaries especially hate their own information leaks, so both change stores instantly if they know where the information is leaking.

For this reason, it is only natural for a proper medic to make an unpleasant face at me when he tells me that he wants me to show him the herbs he is purchasing and the order records he recently received.

Even so, Gardy revealed his identity to the druggist who looked reluctantly at my offer and said, "If you want to refuse, you can take me with you on treason under the authority of my Kingsguard knight, right?".

Naturally, as soon as they told me so, the pharmacist hastily accepted my offer. Just because I showed you my order records, no matter how I got there, I wouldn't be forced to commit treason with only a maximum sentence.

As far as I'm concerned, I wanted to carry things a little more peacefully, but without Gardy's threat, the shopkeeper wouldn't have broken it so easily.

I can't feel dissatisfied or upset with his face, which is accompanied by my stopover without being informed of why or why. On the contrary, he is a Kingsguard knight and has fully exercised his weapon and cooperated with the Marquis, and I am troubled by how I should receive this Gardi devotion.

Should I believe Gardy's words and move boldly or be vigilant and adulterous......

Gardy won't act to my detriment, but I'm worried if it's something I can believe so easily.

Why me in the first place... if you steal Gardi while you think, he smiles and waits for my errands to end.

Originally, there will be no cavalry of assigned instructors on the first day.

But he was, on the contrary, quite a habit that he was supposed to use his power to take charge of my squad as of today.

Hourly retroactive hours ago.

Having deposited the bug with Nadi, Ballado and I took Lutze and his two freshmen to go on a tour today, and we headed to get a knight who was also a mentor until now.

So suddenly it was a man named Gardi von Spelvia who was told from today's patrol that a mentor would be involved and introduced.

"This knight will be your mentor from today on. I'm with the Kingsguard Knights."

"My name is Doyle von Aginis. Thank you for your guidance."

I'm also surprised at the change of leadership, but more than that, I'm surprised by the word that the person I replaced belongs to the Kingsguard Knights. At the same time, I remember the attitude of the Kingsguard knights on the first day, and I am more vigilant and thankful for the knight in front of me.

"I don't need that kind of vigilance, Master Doyle. My affiliation is with the Kingsguard Knights, but things are a little different with the captains - again, my name is Gardi von Spelvia and I have given you the role of coaching Master Doyle's squad today. I'm a young man, but please stay forever."

But when the knight notices my vigilance and tells him that he belongs to the Kingsguard, he breaks his back with an inexplicable greeting. The graceful work and the words, and above all the familiarity with Spelvia's name, I push my tongue with temper and send my gaze to the knight who was a mentor.

I asked with certainty the Kingsguard knight smiling in front of me, as the knight who noticed his gaze looked out of sorrow.

"With all due respect, Master Gardi may be from the Marquis Spelvia family..."

"Yes, I will be the first to see Master Doyle, but he will be the second son of the Marquis Spelvia. Oh, you can call me Gardy and throw it away. I'm Doyle's subordinate."

"Bu, subordinate aspirations?

"Yes! I hope to work under Master Doyle since I saw the Marnagarm that Master Doyle truncated when he protected His Highness Grey. That strength at that age - it was a shock. The way I worked with Zeno the other day was great, too. Who will inherit the name of Boulder Aginis. We've heard of other achievements from Marquis Bloom, so we think it's this one if we're going to be bosses."

Ask Gardy, who told him he wanted to be a subordinate, like an extension of the public discourse, if he misheard. But as if to blow my pale expectations like that, Gardy smiled and began to talk about the thought.

The laughter that was floating and the words that were told were all incorrigible things that seemed like a social decree, but when I felt quite enthusiastic about my gaze that didn't move for a moment, it was time to move my legs back.

But it won't come true to take a distance from Gardi. Gardy, who took my hand in natural motion, knelt in this again in natural motion.

"Usually I am on the out-of-house guard of His Majesty Est as a Kingsguard knight, but this time Master Doyle was in the Wangdu Knights as part of the class, I pinched it in my ear and my father and brother cried and screwed me. Please let me know because I am here because I intend to promote you as a subordinate when you enter Doyle and are raised to the Royal Castle in the future. What can I say for myself, but I can help Master Doyle because I also have the high status of Second Marquis in this year just to be a Kingsguard, me"

I worry about what to give back to Gardy, who tells me he came to get me using the power of the house, with a refreshing smile and not caring about the eyes.

I can't feel a lie in his eyes that he wants me to subordinate him. I don't hear bad rumors about the Marquis Spelvia, and if you heard about Claire and the others from the Marquis Bloom, I guess there's some royal trust.

The fact that he was guarding the outhouse, where His Majesty's bedroom is also located, is a sign of excellence not only as a housekeeper but also as Gardi's own knight, and of his father's trust.

There may be another thought, but I don't feel like hurting us from the Gardi in front of us. Besides, given Gardi's origins and current status, it does help.

With Gardi, a Kingsguard and Marquis, I would have access to information about the royal castle and the social world that I couldn't handle inside the students. My men, who can move freely in the castle, are very attractive.

but is.

The acne is too strong!

I shout in my heart to Gardi, who let go of his hand but never tries to stand up.

I almost listened to Gardi lightly because he was ruined and dignified, but it's not supposed to be a good thing, such as a human being who would also be a knight, let alone a Kingsguard, wearing a kasa-sha and repositioning his identity.

Nevertheless, positive attacks alone cannot be done as nobility. Nobles may be made to hold money to obtain information, and may exercise power. Even your father and grandfather would do it if they needed it, and I would.

Protecting the country is not as easy as defending it through positive attacks alone.

It has long been common for some of the aristocracy's transcendence to be missed without harm, and that it was to such an extent that it could be missed at a time when he was here without any blame.

If someone was harmed because of Gardy, my father and I wouldn't have allowed it.

Gardy knows that, so I guess he wields the power and identity he has when he needs it, and he doesn't feel guilty about doing so. I can also say that I am well aware of the use and use of the right of nobility.

As far as this grand attitude goes again, it doesn't look like he was hiding it from me. While the knights who were former mentors and the knights who happen to be with them laugh bitterly, they all smile somewhere and watch me and Gardy interact.

This reaction of the knights to His Majesty, Father and Grandfather, who missed the act of transcendence, in that Gardi is here.

To look at it all, I can also think of the possibility that my father and I have sent it to me as a result of evaluating it with strength, character, and his assumptions that it would be useful.

But I feel his awkward strength and graphics around this grand mouth of his transcendental actions, which should otherwise be hidden as implicit understandings.

"Unlike the rest of my men, I can be a user-friendly pawn who can move freely within the royal castle, and I will not disturb Master Doyle. It will definitely help, so I want you to show me the way to a hero on your side."

To the habit of speaking humbly, to Gardy, who looks up at me and puts pressure on me, "No way, will you," reminds me of some blanc or belly-black, pushy Selly lady.

I guess I have to snort this... you can't.

Marquis, if you let me say no to you after you kneel down your son, you're talking about nothing.

This is how Gardi, kneeling, lifting and subtly blocking my exit in the presence of the eyes of the knights and ballads, is certainly excellent. Perhaps Gardy won't stand unless I say yes or the equivalent.

"... Best wishes. Dear Gardi, please stand."

"With Gardy. Then you don't need to honor your men."

"... Lord Gardi"

"With Gardy."

".................. Mr. Gardi"

"Master Doyle?

".................................... Gardi"

I'll try to call it honorable if I can't mislead it later, but I lose and throw it away by the pressure of a smile. I felt an uninterrupted sense of defeat in Gardi, who stood up with a face like that.

"Yes. Shall we go on a patrol, Master Doyle?"


I smile at my words and feel my cheeks pull on Gardi greeting the Ballads. At the same time I look at Jeff, Sorcier and the freshmen who are bowed and frightened from Gardy.

You're fooling me, you're fooling me, you guys!

Apprentice Balad and Lutze.

They won't care much because they realize Gardy is acting with an understanding of how he would look in a person's eyes if he was a Marquis son.

Instead, even if the two of you are noticing me, "So?" I am wary of Gardi with such attitudes.

Gardy is not a good person to smile at.

I know you have a good personality!

I have a headache from the Jeffs who are fooling me like good, slightly relieved by Balad and Lutze, who identify Gardi as he talks about Kosovo, and exhales.

And you'll be involved in this situation a lot, shouting unreachable words to your father and grandfather in your heart.

Father, Father.

If you know your worth, know how to handle people's hearts, and give me people I can use that my fathers trust, I would appreciate it.

But but, but!

I don't at all feel like I can take the initiative of someone who looks so strong!?

You're just like this guy who wants me to subordinate him from myself while he throws those words at his father and grandfather who aren't here! And I screamed in my heart.

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