Visiting and walking a pharmacist for a few minutes.

Sighing in my heart to the store owner who really cares about this one, I just checked the purchase records, etc. of the medicinal herbs obtained under the threat of Gardi.

We are currently on the move to visit our last pharmacist today.

Among the districts inhabited by pharmacists and craftsmen, a corner is inhabited by young people who have just become independent.

All small houses for living alone are residential and shops, where young artisans and pharmacists are encouraged to drill day and night. And at some point I dream of the day when I open my own store on a boulevard lined with famous shops.

It is narrow among the hissing houses, and the smoke without a standing escape clouds the sight, giving it a unique aroma of iron, charcoal and herbs boiled.

It is also difficult to make a difference, the path is complicated to take one person at last, and rumors can be made that it is difficult for a first-sighted person to find the store he is looking for from among them.

Balad moves on to one of the most complex places in the King's City.

"Over here."

"Take that red roof to the right."


From time to time, Ballad, who asks how we are and goes on without hesitation, seems to have a perfect grasp of this complex place at first sight. But in fact, I'm just following the lead of the Eins. To hide the presence of the Eins, we're making it look like Ballad's guiding us.

Balad doesn't understand what Ains and the others are saying.

So Ballad should be following Ains with his eyes, but Ballad, who keeps walking only forward, chooses his own way and looks like he's moving on.

Even though he instructed the Eins to hide their presence, the attitude that made them feel as if they were being guided by Balad was brilliant.

- You're good.

I admire the way Ains and the others, who in difficult places lead the way with a small chirp, while being disputed by the flock of birds, and the appearance of Balad, who should be marking them, but do not see any such glitches.

I didn't have to let this bother me without Gardy and the freshmen, but the disguise that makes it look like Balad is guiding me, not the Eins, was a necessary hassle given the future.

It is with the House of the Duke of Aginis that we continue to fully grasp this corner, however intricate it may be within the King's City, and also intense in the exchange of men, which makes it extremely difficult. Honestly, even royalty would be difficult.

Because it's a common story for young people to dream and dream breaking and frustrating.

I was able to find the medicine I was looking for from such a place simply because I had eyes that people named Ains.

This was my first attempt at gathering information using the Eins, but the Eins, raised by me and Master Celery, grew up smarter and worked brilliantly than I could imagine from the very beginning of the push.

Growing up at this rate will make Ains a valuable source of information for me in the future.

It is only natural to conceal the existence of such Eins.

Especially against Gardi, you should try not to reveal your hand tag.

I'm sure you're on my side, but there's also an example of Master Celery. I feel painful when I am relieved and alarmed because I am on my side, so I would never have put Gardi on guard.

"Dear Doyle, where are you going next?

"I'm at a pharmacist named Zenos Verch. Recently, it seems that the cure works well."

Jeff's voice was heard from the rear as he pondered in admiration for Balad, who proceeded to his destination without straying. If I look back at the questions I hear, I've heard of Soldier and the rest of the year, so I speak to the mercenaries about the information as it is.


"… Zenos Verch, is it"

... He's just a pharmacist that's still being talked about among the mercenaries, and that's what I just got his name.

You didn't pin it when you heard your name, or you thought that to Jeff, who gave you a careless voice, cut up the conversation and turn around again, and Lutze walking right behind me squeals small.

If I looked behind my shrieked name, I could see Luce wandering her gaze as she explored her memories, knowing about Zenos for a long time.

"Lutze. You know Zenos Verch?

"... Indeed, that was the name of a pharmacist who recently purchased tons of medicinal herbs and demonic materials at our Chamber of Commerce. The demand for medicines was increasing, so I was bringing in more herbs, but you still said you didn't make it to Baron Trevor to accommodate me? I remember my father was blurry when it was tough"

"I guess it's the same person. If I hadn't been grabbed by false information, Zenos would have made some exclusive deals with some mercenaries."

"Left side... If you're going to be a good customer, let's bring more herbs."

Apparently, Zenos Verch, who is about to visit, is a customer of the Hendra Chamber of Commerce. Luce's eyes shine as she raises her mouth to my words, thinking about the items Zenos had previously ordered from the Hendra Chamber of Commerce.

I don't think that's going to happen with the Hendra Chamber of Commerce, but I can't wait to get the mercenaries pulled together for business, so I'll stick the nail in case.

"You don't need to take care of him, but he's a transient mercenary."

"I understand. We don't want to ruin our country, either."

"I hope... so much so. Don't bother crossing the dangerous bridge."

"Yes, thank you for your concern"

Make sure Lutze nodded forcefully at me stabbing the nail and cut up the conversation. It was one of the things that happened to Seniors Leo, and just in case, I decided to strengthen the surveillance of the Hendra Chamber of Commerce, and I'm going back to Zenos.

Zenos Verch has been a commonly talked about pharmacist among mercenaries lately, in his early twenties when he was a year old.

The medication values are all cheap and seem to work well. Especially the therapeutic drugs used for cuts and bruises work great and some mercenary regiments seem to love his medicine.

Zenos, who makes drugs that work so well, wonders if he has a great background. He doesn't seem to have studied with a famous pharmacist or worked in a castle or shop somewhere.

After researching it, I had doubted the authenticity of the information because I had never found a great deal of background before, but if I ordered a quantity of herbs in time even in the Hendra Chamber of Commerce inventory, it seems reassuring that it was not generally false information.

On the other hand, however, if the rumors are certain, the question arises as to why Zenos has been buried until now.

There was no Zenos name on the roster of graduates from Epis School over the last decade. Of course, there is no past of being a mentor to Wang Du's pharmacists.

Still, he says, some mercenary regiments are good enough to seek exclusive contracts.

Even so, it is premature to break off as suspicious because we have just checked the roster of Epis and famous medicines like those that go up in Wang Chenguchi and rumors. There are many possibilities, such as dreaming of opening a shop in the King's Capital of Majesta and moving from another country.

This vicinity, though young centered, rots in the Wang Dynasty.

Replacement is intense because it is difficult to build up drills without considerable strength.

If you want to wash the human background here in detail, you need a lot of time.

But if you're sure about the mercenaries, Zenos signed all the mercenary regiments that make a name for themselves. Some of them had the names of familiar mercenaries.

Who the hell inherited that knowledge from Zenos, who makes drugs that captivate the famous mercenary regiment?

No matter how much skill and aptitude the profession of pharmacist has benefited, it is not something you can manage from scratch on your own. There must have been someone who gave Zenos the underlying knowledge.

... If you're Senior Leo or Meryl, you know what?

If Zenos' arm were as rumored, I'd say the master was a medic with some extra skill, but I've never heard of such a medic or apprentice rumor.

Who the hell did Zenos teach and where did he come from?

- Dear Doyle, this way.


To Balad's voice, he switches consciousness from Zenos' past to reality.

There were old boards hanging at the end of the shop indicated by Balad, roughly carved with a dagger or something as' Pharmacist Zenos'.

The board itself looks old, but the carving marks are still new. Looks like I just made it......

The board is discolored as to whether it was exposed to a few rainstorms, but the carving marks are white and still new.

It is also believed that the planks were appropriately picked up and made from the area, but the planks clasp hanging from the end of the house is familiar with the plank-like building, creating an irresistible flair.

In short, only the letters that would have been newly carved appeared floating.

"- This is another meaningful exterior shop, Master Doyle."

Gardy whispers in my ear sitting in front of the store.

The mouth of Gardi, whispering in a natural motion so that it could only be heard by me, was tightly tied away.

Gardi, who seems to have sensed the heterogeneous atmosphere of the store, still has a harmless grin, but not the same as before.

The more distracted it was, the thinner the reaction I was likely to miss, but to the vigilance Gardy showed for the first time, nature and mine also tighten.

Apparently, the rumor lately that Zenos Verch is a no-good human being.

Is there a ghost or a snake...... well, see if you can tell.

Think about that with a touch of anxiety in response to the unexpected reaction Gardy showed. No matter how much the store in front of you is concerned about the appearance, I don't know anything from what I've discussed here.

In the end, if you want to know about Zenos Verhi, you have to go into this store and meet him in person to make sure.

"Coming in."


Ballado opens the pharmacy door to me when he tells me he's ready to enter the store.

The store you can see at the end of the door was dim and lit with candles blurry.

- Guidance. I might have a clue what I'm looking for here.

As soon as I knocked over the pharmacy door, I mocked myself with the hunch that I had, "No, you're not," and I moved on to the store to face Zenos Verch.

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