"If you felt suspicious, you should take them to the Knights for the right reasons. If we keep him in the Knights' cell overnight, in the meantime, we'll get the information that Master Doyle wants, and the search in the store will remain our thoughts, right?

"... at this stage, Zenos wouldn't have committed any sins, would he?

In the store illuminated with blurry and candle lights.

Next to me chasing the line of letters with my eyes alone, I answer Gardi, who has not moved his lips and who has spoken only to reach my ears again, without expressing himself in a similar way.

"Sure, you're right, but there's also the idea that it's too late after you've sinned. I wonder if it is the duty of the aristocracy to choose the possibility of harming the country."

"No doubt is punishable. And if you behave too freely, you'll be bothered around."

"It's sweet, such as worrying about the annoyance around you. Well, in the case of Master Doyle, I can also say that's a good place... but if you're going to fulfill your duty as a noble nobleman, sometimes you think you need to be aware of the nuisance and arbitrarily devoting yourself to it, don't you? Live big at the expense of small. It's the basics of those who stand on top. And..."

"Sometimes. We're done here. We'll talk about it later."

"Master Doyle also has His Royal Highness Gray, so it won't be a problem to push things forward a little bit..." blocks Gardi's words after he decided not to listen. And by immediately dropping his eyes on the paper, he forcibly cut off the conversation.

Gardy whispered at the end of the day, "As you will," when he perceived that he was unwilling to continue the conversation any further to my attitude.

Having confirmed Gardi's complete silence, I once again drove my conversation with Gardi into the corner of my head and inscribe in my memory the letters written on the paper I received from Zenos.

horn momonga horns, ironsnake scales, mirage cocoon yarn, feniche egg powder, moonshadow grass, personified flowers, subspecies arlaune on mandrake, dragon blood, hallucinogenic flower pollen, nucleus of slime, holy water, poison mukade poison, oak stomach fluid and oil, etc.

Slip your eyes from top to bottom on paper with materials collected from various herbs and warcraft.

At that time, I burned everything to my eyes to remember the material names of the herbs and warcraft written on the paper.

I will also remember the name of the famous mercenary regiment such as Silver Lion, Dragon Claw, etc. written on another piece of paper.

Zenos, who honestly responded to the offer without Gardy threatening him, looked at me like that, looking a little worried.

... Normally, what is it?

You scorched me during the experiment, and I feel that way about Zenos waiting for me with his busy white fingers stretching out of his coaled sleeves.

Zenos was an extremely normal young man, knotting his blush brunette into one just behind him, weaving something like a dirty white coat with liquid that didn't know what juice it was, such as yellow or purple.

Upon entering the store, Zenos looked out for us who had a knight with a noble atmosphere to see, but when he heard my offer he nodded in two replies.

Unlike the pharmacists I've visited, I didn't even show a reluctant gesture, so I didn't have to threaten Gardy.

The rush to find a pull book in the back of the store seemed puzzling but nothing obnoxious about the unexpected Knight's visit and offer of cooperation.

Also, when I asked about signs that I felt uncomfortable with, the previous store owner told me, "If you want to use and dispose of anything left in the store, you can do whatever you want." Therefore, I carved it with a new knife from the top of the sign that was exposed to rain storms and diminished letters.

It was an extremely natural answer in terms of both content, tone and expression.

Zenos himself, who welcomed me, was a little grassy, but no different than the pharmacists who dream of a glorious future in this place. Though the store was also dim and cluttered, it is no different from the pharmacies I have visited so far.

The appearance of the store that caused discomfort, rumors, reputation from mercenaries, etc.

From the impression I had from various sources, I wondered what the feeling was that I had spent my head before entering the store, so much so that a medic named Zenos Verch was a mediocre young man who seemed to be everywhere.

... That hunch was my mistake?

Were you tired and misjudged because your encounters and attitudes with Gardi were shocking? It reminds me of the discomfort I felt the moment I saw the exterior of the store while thinking about things like that.

It shouldn't be something that bothered me that much, such as the letters on the regular sign, but the moment I got in front of the store that Zenos operated, I was intensely eye-catching.

At that moment, my instincts told me there was something here.

I think there is something about Zenos Verch in this store even if it doesn't have to be black because Gardi got more alert just like me again.

Therefore, my suspicions about Zenos are still in me...

"- Thank you for your cooperation"

"No. If it helped the knights, I'm glad."

Never bite, while worrying about the discomfort I remember the moment I saw the store and Zenos' current impression. Zenos narrows his shallow green eyes to me after returning the list of herbs and order records with words.

Even if I don't smile, Zenos, who gets paper from my hand with a nice look on his face, has a mediocre atmosphere where the word "harmless" suits him.

There are no suspicious or extremely dangerous substances among the medicinal herbs and materials being handled.

Although the clients' names are luxurious, it seems that there is no danger to the mercenaries in terms of wholesale medication or in person, which is my impression of Zenos Verhi, who has looked back since entering the store.

"... So was there something wrong with my purchase or work?

"No, no problem"

"That's good! Now you can rest assured that you will continue to work."

Xenos, who broke his face and exhaled in my response, seemed relieved.

There's nothing funny about that word and deed.

Unlike the impression of the store, Gardi became more alert to Xenos because of too many problems, and he advised me to "catch him and thoroughly examine him and the house"...

There's just too much wrong with capturing and interrogating Zenos without so much suspicion.

... If there's any good reason, it's the mountains I'd like to take with me for questioning.

I don't know Gardy's claim that it's too problem-free and suspicious the other way around.

I thought it was suspicious. That I should believe my senses.

But today I am one of the students coming to King's Capital in Epis School classes, and Gardi is only the Kingsguard knight of Ping who has been seconded by the Royal Castle for the purpose of helping.

I don't know if I can join the interrogation where I took Zenos to the Knights, and most importantly, if nothing came out of Zenos, I would cause your grandfather trouble.

If that happens, the excuse "because I thought it was suspicious" doesn't work.

He seems to feel a burden on me. Grandpa may take a big look, but the knights of the royal castle and the king's capital, headed by the commander of the Kingsguard knight, are different.

How would I look in the eyes of the knights if the arbitrary devotion of me and Gardy to nothing resulted in the former Marshal wiping his butt?

It doesn't make any more sense to zero the favor that began to gather around the corner with a bad hand than His Royal Highness Grey has told me to look back.

I think Gardy's guessing that's why he left it to me to decide what to do with Zenos here.

... What's the matter?

I should be cautious about discretionary devotions that can't certainly be expected to yield results, but both my mind and Gardi have told me that Zenos has something.

It was honestly true that although it was not an unscrupulous occasion, it was a shame to honestly back down here.

Often I wonder if there's a good reason to take Zenos.

Unexpectedly, I felt that the air flowing through the store had changed.

It was a very slight change, but when I felt that the atmosphere of the venue had changed, I used sign detection to explore the area.

Then, signs of someone approaching this store caught my eye.

Speaking of customers who need help with this shop, are you a mercenary?

With that in mind for the signs I felt, I turn my consciousness to the visitors on the other side of the door. Gardi and Ballado, who felt the same changes in the air as I did, were turning their attention to the other side of the door.

When Jeff, Sorcier, and the freshmen sighted the door the same way they noticed how we were outside the door, the sound of visitors turning the door knob of Zenos' store echoed in the store.

And with the noise of the door slamming, the visitor opened the door of the Zenos store with momentum.

"Hey, Zenos! Alive?

As the presence of the client would have been noticed, the visitor opened the door unmanageably and proceeded slightly into the store.

With Balad frowning at the inexplicable man, I began to observe visitors who came in.

The man was like a mercenary, to see from his forged body, even from the top of his everywhere rubbed off coat, and from the sword-like weapon at his waist.

Inevitably, sophisticated foot judgment is also unique to humans who have been addicted to martial arts for years.

The seemingly abusive and lackluster appearance coupled with a unique atmosphere that also alters the air in the field, informs the surroundings that a man is one who is classified as a strong man among mercenaries.

... That's hands-on.

From the changes in the air earlier and the appearance of the man now in front of us, I sense that the visitor is a hand-worked mercenary. The friendly tone of the visitor also made the length of the relationship between the mercenary and Zenos felt.

While I slightly revisit my assessment of Zenos exchanging words with mercenaries as to whether so many mercenaries also use Zenos' medicines, I continue to observe the two of them.

"I'm out of wound pills, so help me out."

"And now, Master Zion, there's a client..."

"Five is fine. I'll be home as soon as I get my medicine. It's me and you, isn't it?

Mercenaries ignore our existence completely and ignore Zenos in a friendly manner.

And the next moment, I took off the hood I was wearing.

- You are.


My gaze nailed to the face of a dewy mercenary, breathing too much of a surprise.

And after a few beats, the mercenary man finally turned around and reflected us in his eyes, unexpectedly in my voice.

"- Whoa."

Surprise turns to certainty in a mercenary whose gaze intertwines with mine and his nasty voice.

Exposed face and jemi bi-colored hair that fell zero out of the hood.

And most of all impressive, ice blue eyes.

You can't be wrong to look at it.

Claire confronted me when I rescued him, that's where the man from Hulbert was.

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