Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode One Hundred Five: Nadi von Trebol

One is a flask at room temperature. The other is a copocopo and a boiled flask.

Both flasks contain genuine water, free of bugs, magic and impurities deposited by Doyle, and are allowed to soak for an hour. We prepared unheated and heated because some of the ingredients that are used as raw materials for the medicine are vulnerable to heat.

It seems like it's time to start experimenting because both medicines that had worms wrapped around them are dissolving in the solvent and I can see the magic spreading in the liquid.

"... I guess that's enough. Leone, prepare for filtration."

"I can do it. Then I'm ready to dry."


Thank Leone for answering earlier than I asked and continue the work.

First, unheated and heated each aqueous solution with a coarse net of eyes to remove the body of the insect. Thereafter, apply the required amount of the aqueous solution to the different coloured containers provided so that each aqueous solution is not mixed.

Keep the excess aqueous solution in the flask, seal and store it so that the magic is not misty.

"Then I'll get two unheated and one heated. Each is filtered to find out the ingredients left on the filter paper, and the other is dried to find out the ingredients of the object. Nadi does lab drugs, doesn't he?

"Yeah. Thanks, Leone"

"Fine, I'm worried about this medicine, too. Most importantly, if this makes Master Doyle a patron, we have to work hard!


At the end of the conversation, we start working with each other.

Mr. Doyle might become a patron if we achieve results here, and Leone is willing to do so. I have to try not to lose, too.

I take my gaze off Leone, who works in an atmosphere that sounds fun, and I go into my experiments with my temper.

Since two bottles of the test drug are available, drop a few drops of the heated and unheated aqueous solution each and stir. Wait a while to see if there is a reaction, and write the raw materials found on the paper. That repetition. It's an easy task, but I still have the lab pills arranged on my desk. If we don't do it fast, the sun will go down.

... I'd like to have some form of reporting before Doyle returns.

I would be patrolling the town by now, I think of Master Doyle. He said he'd stop by, so I guess he'll be back here after sundown.

With that in mind, I turn my attention to the experimental instruments arranged on my desk. In the meantime, he moves his hands without being able to rest, but he's far away because he pulled out all the lab drugs he could get.

But for what it's worth here, I'll finish it by the time Master Doyle gets back. If we get results on this, Leone and I won't have a lifetime problem funding research.

... Well, that's not all.

If I think of the promised future, I do feel better. But now occupying my breasts is not what Leone holds, another exaltation.

"Master Doyle is good at moving people," he says to himself, wanting to help Master Doyle even without loss. At the same time, I remember when I was entrusted with this matter.

Beginning before lunch.

"Master Doyle is here for you. Can I have a moment, please?" It began with Mr. Balad's words. Just now, I was acting apart from Leone, and I was free until lunch, and I nodded in two replies.

And Mr. Balado took me to visit, a room in the quarters. Waiting for me in a quiet room where people were paid was outrageous.

"This is..."

"I was investigating something else and I discovered it outside Wangdu. You'll see, those bugs are dying of" something magical ". I want you to find out what it's called."

Listen to Mr. Doyle, who explains it in a calm voice, but in the meantime, my gaze nailed to the things that Mr. Doyle put out.

The contents of the bag, spread by Master Doyle, are the carcasses of worms. Worms are not so rare in themselves, and in this time of year are commonly found species in the Wang capital. It's not like a warcraft, it's just a bug with no danger.

But if you look closely, have the worms' bodies melted or are falling apart? Besides, I feel trace but magical. I think they probably put magic pills on it or something similar.

... What, this.

From the massive number of worms who were sprayed with something and died abnormally, I feel nothing but suspicious.

I am frightened by the fact that such a suspicious thing was massive on the outskirts of the Wang capital. This is still fine because it's a bug. But what if the drugs that killed the bugs were used by other organisms? Worms and humans are different. It is impossible to assume that it has a similar effect on humans because it works on insects. But what if these bugs were part of the experimental process?

If the final point of this medicine is the Warcraft, it's fine. Rather a great study. Research is recommended for magic drugs of that kind both at home and in research unions so that even helpless people can counter warcraft. Even if the subject is a bug now, I think that if the effect has taken shape so far, the producers who have developed it both at home and in the research union will be happy to welcome it.

But I didn't hear that. [M] I've never even heard of rumors of a pharmacist studying these kinds of medicines. Leone wouldn't even know. If you knew, you would be telling me.

Then why?

What's the point of researching such a dangerous drug without permission to the country, not to bring it anywhere?

Where is the last point of this drug?

There's only one such thing.

My spine freezes at the thought and possibility that spread instantly.

I'm from the Trevor family, familiar with medicine, so I think it's because I'm looking to be a pharmacist. This medicine is dangerous.

It's a race that wants to make the theory that I once put in place, even if I know I can't be a pharmacist. It's often that you go too far as you experiment, and it's often very poisonous that you want to make a cure for it. Again and vice versa.

"Dear Doyle. When the hell did you recover this?

"You just did. It was this morning that confirmed its existence, but it's something I stumbled upon, so it's unclear what time it was there."


Hear Master Doyle's words and turn your eyes on the desk again.

The medicines used by these insects can be highly poisonous if they get to the wrong place. We have to look into it as soon as possible to make an antidote and catch whoever developed it. People may say, "With a bug," but this is a medicine that must be slaughtered from the world while it is being used by bugs. Something that should never be completed. If you look at this, your father and your brothers will say the same thing as I do.

"Can you look it up?

Yes, I'm not in a hurry to ask me about Doyle's expression.

Perhaps it feels like we should look into it because we found something suspicious. Doyle, who doesn't know the drug's sex, doesn't know how dangerous it is.

That's why I'm asking you to do something long. [M]

... Speaking of greed, I'd like to look into it, and I'd like to send the specimen home.

Terrible pills, but certainly interesting. It is dangerous, but I think it will produce useful medicines if it is not misdirected. It is too dangerous to make mistakes, so at the end of the day you will be discarding every method, but if this is not the case, I want to look into it to my heart's content.

That's what I think when I'm putting this medicine at risk. Pharmacists are not a busy race.

While mocking myself in my heart for the gushing desire, I think...... I'm not going to be a pharmacist because I'm not picking it up, and I'm aspiring to be a research union, but I didn't forget my duty as a nobleman.

Then, as the Viscount Trebol family, the words to be returned to Master Doyle here are determined.

"- Dear Doyle. This is a very interesting and horrible thing from someone who aspires to be a pharmacist. I'm glad Doyle found it and wanted to find out. My spine freezes when I think of it as unknown and returning to the earth. This is dangerous."

If that's what you think, why don't you check it out?

"I understand, I just want to answer that this is as soon as possible and I think you should find out exactly what it is. If possible, you should rely on a court pharmacist. If there is any circumstance and I'm asking you to do it, at least ask Senior Leopardo to look into it, not me. We have to look into it and work out what to do, and at the same time we have to catch the producer as soon as possible."

I offer my candid opinion to Master Doyle. [M]

You're busy, but I don't want to be left behind on this. I'd like to leave it to my house if I'm going to be behind, but there are only a few things the Viscounts can do. It's possible to find out about the medicine, but then it's better to look into it or catch it, Mr. Doyle. I have an untrained as a pharmacist, but I'm sensible enough to think that's not the case if you're saying that.

Master Doyle has a much better pharmacist for his men than we do. Seniors Leopardo would look up the ingredients and dispensing perfectly in a short time.

I'd argue that this is dangerous, but you should avoid it any further. I don't think it's limited to Doyle, but "the Viscount style is busy," and I have trouble being offended. Besides, Mr. Doyle would feel more at risk if he was advised by seniors who put their faith in him than if I were to ask him to.

That was the last statement I thought of.

But you don't need my statement. [M] Master Doyle had a much wider perspective than I did.

"... Of course I'm asking Senior Leo, because it's the fort where the seniors are right now. It takes time to ask for it and to see the results. I have also sent it to Master Celery considering the lines other than the medicine, but if that person did not interest me, there is a reasonable consideration to know the results of the investigation. The court pharmacist thought about it, but you have to let Master Gray through to ask them. I'm talking about Master Gray, and if you talk about such a suspicious object, you'll tell me to find out for myself. I have a problem with that, so I'm asking Nadi and the others. You can count on your parents. He also asks Lutze for medicinal herbs and places of sale recently sold by Hendra merchants. If you light it up, you might find out something. I don't mind to some extent, so I need to know what's being used quickly."

... I wanted you to say that first, Master Doyle.

My shoulder strength falls out on Master Doyle's words. Oh, my God. I almost left my body on the back of the chair already, and I rushed to correct my posture.

Apparently, all of my feelings of crisis, anxiety and impatience were difficult to overcome.

Even if I don't think about it, Mr. Doyle is putting this unusual carcass at risk, and I'm putting in a calculation to look into it. On top of that, he asked us to look into it here so he wouldn't waste his time.

What is "Doyle, who doesn't know the nature of the pharmacist, doesn't know the dangers of this drug"? I'm not in a hurry because I don't know this guy. Hands you can already hit are done, there's just no point in rushing.

- Dimensions are different.

I look at Master Doyle, who is no different from normal in this situation, and I sincerely think so.

It was this morning that I heard the report, and when you said you just got the real thing, how many hands is this guy hitting in the meantime? I did my chores and patrols without getting out of hand, and this is fast acting even though Waldo and I seem to be looking into something. How far ahead is this man reading and acting considering His Highness Gray's movements?

This is the Duke's inheritance, which the royal family also acknowledges.

It's not what I've seen since the beginning. [M]

"Can you ask?

"- If that's the case, I'll do everything I can with Leone and the others"

"Thank you. It helps."

Now nod forcefully to Master Doyle's words and salute him with the utmost respect.

My father used to say, "This country is a good country. If you listen to what I have to say above, you can be sure of it first. It's rare in a country like this. The more I normally go on top, the more useless I get to be all over corruption. You guys are happy," he said, "but you're right.

If the man standing above is so firm, our lower nobility can only obey. Just that turns the country around. I have nothing to show you.

Watch Doyle re-wrap the bugs with emotions close to emotion.

Master Doyle, who finished wrapping the worm, noticed my gaze like that. When he looked at this one and saw something, he gave me a prank look.

- Nadi.

"What is it?

"Now I'm telling you, when I undertook equestrian instruction, I asked Senior Leo to introduce me to someone who looked promising in the future. I was hoping to get closer. As a result, you and Leone were introduced."


If I don't feel comfortable with what I've been told, Master Doyle will not change his face and wait for my next reaction.

On the other hand, I don't know what it means for a moment, but my head slowly turns and bites off the meaning of the word. And if you look at the sincerity that Master Doyle tried to convey, his person deepens his grin and tells me.

"That's the arm Senior Leo expected. I said it was okay to some extent earlier, but I'm actually hoping. Maybe what I asked Seniors Leo to do would be wasted."

When Doyle told me so, he said, "It's time," and asked Mr. Ballad to prepare for his exit.

Watching that look, I groaned in my heart that it was "against the rule" to the emotions that gushed from the bottom of my boiling belly.

Kirinko of Pharmacy and the famous senior Leopard introduced us at the behest of Doyle. That means Senior Leopard thinks we're "promising for the future".

On top of that, continuing to act with us in equestrian instruction and relying on us in this way means that even from Doyle's point of view, we are not short of the people we were looking for. Also, saying it directly is nothing more than a sign of intent that Doyle-like is willing to set us up.

Yes, Master Doyle is now telling me, "Let me see how strong I can get you guys."

... I guess that means I want a handover to the Research Union and the court pharmacist in the future.

Still, I'm glad, I don't think I'm funny.

It's just an invitation from someone who thought the dimensions were different.

Even the royal family asked me if I could come to their side.

I'm a man, too. I have about the ambition to dream of being born.

Then what will you rejoice in, without rejoicing in this?

Undesirable joy for the Viscount's three boys to be expected to be talented by the Duke's man.

I want you to try to live up to this expectation, and what's wrong with you?

"Leave it to me!

After screaming at me in a twitchy, gushing exhilaration, Master Doyle withdrew with Mr. Balado, telling me that he had "left it to me" to laugh satisfactorily.

... That way of saying it is cunning. I'd be happy to have Kirinko and the famous Leopard seniors out there to meet, and someone who's conscious as a pharmacist that could be wasted over there.

I'm a very selfish person who thinks crap even though it might be an important thing to threaten my country.

What a lie to say that Senior Leopardo's results may not be much different from mine or Leone's. Knowledge, skill and experience are way up there. Those are candy for the person you ask to work with.

But even if I know it's a lie, I'd love to hear from Master Doyle, who has Senior Leopard under his command. My self-esteem as a pharmacist is tickled and my self-evident appetite is satisfied. Just being incited is sweet above all the superiority that springs up in the boil, even though I know seniors are the language of absenteeism.

There would be no pharmacist who would say he didn't need status or honor if he could do research. No, if it's just the tip of the mouth, there are a lot of researchers like that if they go to the research union. But we all want you to admit it in your heart. Give me the effect of the medicine you created.

Otherwise I just make more useless or personal medicines. Like the Terapeia seniors, who only develop medicines that can only be used in very limited situations, that are exclusively for Takobu.

I want someone to recognize my arm, so many pharmacists say it's for the sake of the world, and people will be happy to develop drugs. I'm one of them.

That's why I feel so much better with every word Doyle says.

... This is the Duke's house... No, heroic blood. Good at grasping people's hearts.

I don't know if Master Doyle intended it or if he was unconscious. No, I don't care. Lies and everything, actually, because I'm in such a high mood.



"No, I was doing it, so what happened?"

"Was that so on your face?

"Yeah. It's disgusting."

I was just wondering if Master Doyle would gather enthusiastic men because he gave me exactly the words people were craving and he would fill them up, pointing out his expression to Leone and keeping his cheeks down.

Danger, danger.

"So, what's up?

"I've been thinking about heroic manipulation."

"Hmm. I don't care, I'm holding my hand."


Gently apologize to the lightly flushed Leone as you listen and resume the work.

She is said to be between healing system and her boyfriend, but the contents are realistic inside. "A paid court pharmacist is better than a research union with unstable incomes," so to speak. Well, I'm often said to be harmless, but I guess that's because I'm surprisingly selfish. As you can see from the pharmacy department, people who aspire to be pharmacists are just people who have both a one- and a two-habit habit.

Master Doyle is still special because he just brings in seniors with strong ash juice among them, and he makes them pledge allegiance.

- This way, I wonder if the hero's men will be born.

Often heroes such as Tan appear to have one of their best friends and men, fighting for their lives together, and sometimes standing up to protect and scatter heroes, but I wonder if this might be the case.

What I recall is how Seniors Leopardo looked after Master Doyle left the lab with Feniche's eggs. Seniors who were blamed, scolded, forgiven and finally sheltered for betrayal. I believe that the regrets and determination in their eyes at that time will not be overshadowed for life.

And I was exalted in just one word, and I even wanted to help.

Isn't this how the people of the past were also fascinated by heroes and gladly stepped into the dead? On its chest, with exhilaration and joy.

... I can't believe it.

I wanted to be useful, but I move my hand thinking I can't die for Master Doyle on a boulder. If you're around Mr. Ballad, you're going to affirm it with a straight face, but I can't. One day I may think so, but now I don't think that much.

But at least I want to live up to expectations. If you catch Doyle here, you can do whatever research you want for the rest of your life.

If I get assistance, I wonder what research I'll start with.

For national security, for Master Doyle, for my future.

Repeating the test, I thought of all the research that was only theoretical about sleeping at home.

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