Off the street lined with various exterior accommodations. There are fewer vibrant lodgings and more empty houses without lights.

One of them. An old building with a sign under a painting intersected by a fork and a spoon that says "Inn". It is dark inside and the windows are struck with crossed plates, on which the corners are beginning to decay, marked 'Discontinued', which is struck at the entrance. Its appearance, which cannot even be described as beautiful in flattery, tells the story of the fact that the inn has spent quite some time in this state since it was abandoned.

One mercenary stops at the entrance to a building that has been a former inn for a long time since it was closed. The mercenary, who stopped his leg, turned the knob on the door and slipped himself into the gap between the pulling doors when he looked around to make sure there was no sign of anyone.

The door, which opens smoothly, contrary to the old appearance, closes with the sound of air falling out as soon as the mercenary releases his hand. Meanwhile, when the mercenaries who entered the building entered the reception without hesitation, they gave in. And I wondered if he'd made a move to pull something around the floor, a light so pale that it couldn't cut off well from the lights darkens the mercenary's shadow.

And a few seconds after the mercenary's head was hidden from reception and completely invisible, the light also slowly converged and disappeared.

"(Let's go)"



"" "" "" (Yes) "" ""

Confirming that the inn is back in the dark again, I look out for Balad and Waldo. The two of them snorted firmly as they noticed my gaze as they peered through a window near the door at the mercenary disappearing from behind the reception.

He also confirmed Ains' intentions by spreading his wings slightly over their shoulders, and I put my hands on the knob just like the mercenaries did earlier.

The door to the inn, which was supposed to be closed, moved surprisingly lightly, whether it was frequently maintained.

Slip yourself into an open door for about one person. And support the door not to tighten from the inside, waiting for Balad and Waldo to come in.

After seeing that the two men with the Ains were safely inside, I looked indoors again and the moonlight slipping through the window had raised many footprints in thin piles of dust on the floor.

Explore the signs Teach Ballad and Waldo looking indoors to gesture and teach him footprints, make sure he sees the footprints and head behind the reception.

I follow in my footsteps because I don't hook up extra traps, and I don't speak out because Balad is asking me to erase the signs.

Skills to erase the signs of Balad literally erase the signs, but not the smell or the sound. It is also necessary to keep a constant distance from the subject.

But if you pay attention to those three points, you will not be perceived or blamed for the signs, as the mercenaries earlier did not notice us standing near the door. We use odor elimination considering that there are beasts in the mercenary regiment, so if we even act with attention to the sound, our presence will not be noticed first.

Still, I'm worried when it comes to worrying...

There has been no change in the complexion of Ballado, who had a glimpse of him. Rather, it would not be my fault that the expression felt brighter than usual.

To be honest, it was resistant to bring Balad to a place we knew would be rough, albeit necessary. For that reason, I was going to leave it if I didn't like it at all, but Ballado admitted it before I ran out of business.

Apparently, he was unhappy leaving a message in a safe place just for himself, even though he promised it back in the day, saying, "I know I'm useless when it comes to combat. That's why I also acquiesced that Master Doyle would be chosen Waldo for his recent offering. But it is my duty to follow Master Doyle, as it should be! If Master Doyle wants you, we are prepared to be with you, even if it is in the water in the fire. If Doyle needs it, it doesn't seem to be somewhat dangerous -!"

At that time, "Don't worry, it will never happen to Mr. Doyle's foot," he said face-to-face and got a little anxious, so just in case it gets rough on Waldo, he negotiates to protect Balad. Also, I was able to tell Ains and the others to let me know if there was any abnormality.

I can't wipe away a little anxiety, but I can't let you go home alone now, and this is where Balad's skills are needed. "Never, let's be careful not to let them get hurt," he said again and I look for the trick the mercenaries used earlier.

And let your hands slide on the floor for a few minutes while focusing your consciousness on your fingertips.

If you hook your nails to the steps you feel slightly at your fingertips, Catan and a small plate will lift up. I grabbed and lifted a small plate of five centimeters square that I lifted, and the floor snapped.

... here it is.

He stares at the pale thread of light running in the form of a concealed door and raises his face. I made sure Waldo and Ballado nodded. I glanced back at the hidden door and gently opened it.

At the end of a concealed door about half a tatami there is a size hole where large adults can afford to pass, a light to the extent that they can barely see their feet if they stare at it, and a blurry staircase.

Unsurprisingly easy to find hidden passages with loose mouth.

"(Let's go)"


"(Leave it to me!

I go down the stairs and encourage them to follow me and they both come down with a happy look on their faces. I mimic Waldo, who already has the sword out, and I pulled out Esperda, too.

If the last Waldo in closes the concealed door with the sound of a gibberish, his eyes glare with darkness for a moment.

After a while, when everyone's eyes got used to the dim darkness, we walked out to our destination.

Coming, Theon.

Approximately five hours after being dropped into a pit.

Theon would not have imagined, too soon a reunion was imminent.

The destination where Theon escaped was Negijo, a mercenary regiment called the [ancient snake].

The ancient snake was one of the mercenary regiments I had my eyes on created by the refugees who lost their homeland after the war forty-five years ago. It's called a name, because it gives you a sense of connection between the time you were founded and the good Opis.

Such ancient snakes originally had only gatherings of refugees and no hedges of race, and many members held spiritual deceased who did not refuse to come. Because there are members from various places of origin, they are based in various locations around the world. Naturally, they have also been in the Majesta for quite some time, and the mercenaries of the old stock who were at Waldo's knew, as a matter of course, the location of Negijo.

I hear that ancient snakes of various races cause rubbing often due to differences in habits with local mercenaries, but as a mercenary corps, they are not polite and bad impressions. Mostly the Warcraft, it also undertakes the extermination of the Great Warcraft, whose strength seems to be inside.

Usually they seem to move scattered into national bases as much as they like, but their insides are detailed and trooped like the Knights, and they seem to be a truly controlled mechanism through which new instruction is also given to organizations. Rumor has it that there are several expatriate knights in the executives, and that's the effect.

In fact, all the mercenaries in front of us are beautiful and enjoy the banquet with decency. "Not for mercenaries" is annotated.

"So, what happened to Mr. Theon?

"Of course, you've decided to run away, haven't you? It is famous that the heirs of the Brave Family defeated the Demon King, but rumor has it that former Master Termos Sorcery's favorite. He seemed to see better than he did when I met him before, and I don't care if he bumps into you from the front or dies!

"How many times does Mr. Theon say that?!?

"Well, haunt -"

"What's up?

"No, there's some chills right now..."

As soon as Ballado narrows his eyes to the words of the Scions, who thrive on my story with their liquor in one hand, Scion covers the back of his neck with his hands and looks around.

At that time, it appears on the edge of his eyes that Waldo grabs the edge of Ballad's clothes subtly in Zion's tricks and captures them to avoid jumping out. As I thought before, Waldo is surprisingly a carefree man.

"The heir seems to be good at ice magic, so you're cursed, aren't you?

"" "It could be!

"... give me a break. Oh, again."

"Come on, seriously."

"Are you all right?

"Is that a cold?

"No, fools don't have a cold."

"But don't you say summer colds are stupid?

"" "Indeed!

"Are you guys horrible?!?"

The scream of Zion echoes a laugh from there that is difficult to say elegant.

At the same time, there is a figure of Waldo blocking and capturing Balad's mouth. "I don't do that kind of hema!" He glanced at Waldo and decided not to see but also see Balad stepping on his feet in disgruntled dew.

... I'm sorry, but you keep capturing me, Waldo.

As you should, I apologize in my heart to Waldo, who began to evacuate with Balad to a relatively safe place, and I take my eyes away from both of them softly. And he turned his gaze back on the Scions, who still enjoy the banquet in front of me.

The [ancient snake] Negijo, which came through the underground through a hidden door, was an artificial cave with a brightness that did not seem like an underground and a hundred people were spacious enough to fit in, with many dishes lined up on the floor.

Also, there are barrels of liquor all over the place, and when this guy drinks up like water all the time, he sticks a jock directly into the barrel and smokes and drinks.

Cheerful voices and reddish faces were telling the story of their relaxation and at the same time showing that they were not aware of our existence at all.

"But you got away with it."

"[False] I used it."

"Well, heir, you've been hurt for quite a bit of pride, haven't you?

"Know what? They were willing to catch him, weren't they? I spare my life!

"... it's quite reasonable to let Mr. Theon go that far."

A man who translates into Theon's words and returns them with his face and a young man who rings his throat with his magical face. Each weapon is placed beside it, but there is no indication that they will keep their hands off alcohol or food.

Two, four, six............... something like around fifty. You can go alone in this position.

Looking all the way through the cave, I conclude so.

Perhaps these guys are voicemail. Luckily there are many relatively young guys and few signs of hands-on work.

Grab the espada and be ready. At what time does he appear later?

"Well, I don't know what to do," one woman stands up as she watches.

With her bow on her back, she forced her hips down next to Zion as she walked straight to Zion, scolding her rich red hair. And when the young man snatches away the liquor he had and drinks it all at once, he grabs Zion's shoulder softly.

"But isn't it a nice young man to get out of school for his fiancée and pick him up? Besides, let's not make a big deal out of it for the honor of our lovely fiancée. Come on. Wow how great it would be to have a choice to escape without fighting your enemies in front of you, at a time when there would be a lot of blood. The habit of having many chances to escape is very different from the idiot who came back after he was blinded by the smell and the strong guy and joined the kidnapping of the princess, raising the crisis of dissolution of the mercenary regiment. Why don't we spare the young man his manhood and get him?

I'm one of them, aren't I?

Engaged in Zion with an eye resting on the liquor with one hand, she is an undisputed tangled liquor.

I laughed bitterly all around her, thinking she was completely drunk and spitting spicy words at Zion in her tone. Some of them say, "Yes, they do!" "You're right, sister!" I guess this is always the flow because it stands. The corresponding Scion also seems to be somewhere fun, back-to-back with words.

"Before my friends, I'm on the side of a pretty girl! Kidnap a woman and let her like it. You can die a lowlife man!

"Hey, cool!?"

"Besides, if you sacrifice, we'll be safe, too, right? Because of you, Zenos will be taken... and the charges will be nothing more than a princess kidnapping, so if you grab it, you won't even think about destroying us. Things are the same, and if you get caught crisp and serve a few years for free, maybe you'll forgive me."

"- You're right, Theon. As the beautiful lady there said, if you throw up and cooperate with me, I'll consider your guilt, too, okay?


Esperda on the neck of Hine and Zion and inherit her words. At that time, he approached the Scions and felt that his voice had cut the benefits of Balad's skills.

During the feast, the mercenaries' faces stain me with amazement when they suddenly appear. Seeing Scion reach for the sword he had on the floor to attack at the same time, I step on the blade and seal the resistance before Scion grips the pattern.

He then took the young man's sword, which had been cut, with a sheath of espadas pulled out with his left hand.

"You just did, didn't you? I don't know if I have it or not. I don't care long enough to wait for the edge. I can't wait to see you, Theon. You seem to be enjoying my meal earlier."

"Ha, haha"

Mercenaries who were around Ba and Zion set up a flying weapon. The young men cutting at me have also been retrieved by other mercenaries, all of whom keep their distance outside the range of Espada and point their weapons at me.

The mercenaries, who were away from Zion and the others, are also in a state of war, with tingling tension. Their faces with weapons are serious and they deserve to be called a professional group for not making them feel drunk earlier.

"You, how did you get here? I mean, how do you know this place?

"It's a secret. Better not lick the aristocracy too much. You still think you're a kid and you look sweet, it hurts, doesn't it?

- I'm in pain right now.

While listening to the voice of a caged Scion of regret, I feel Scion's resistance behind my feet, desperately trying to take his sword away, and weigh even more. And the look of Zion, looking down, was evil.

"What are you doing here?

I wanted to thank you for that time and earlier.

"... you want to keep it, even my neck?

"No way. I'm the knight of His Highness Gray, aren't I? I don't imitate unintentionally. I was just trying to surprise you a little bit as you infiltrated."

I blink behind my back as I continue my conversation with Theon, who speaks bitterly.

I find Ains clustered in the corner of the cave, a large distance from the mercenaries surrounding me, to make sure Ballads' evacuation is over.

Then he retreated from the Great Sword and grated Espada a few steps away from Zion's neck.

"What imitation? Aren't you going to get me?

As soon as my foot is away from the great sword, I pick up the sword, and the positioned Scion gives me such a surprising look at my actions. But there are no gaps in the structure. As with the others, I felt that they were focusing their consciousness on my every move.

"Oh. I'll take you down here and take you. You have so much to ask."

"Hey, didn't you forget about us?

"You think you can get out of here safely with Mr. Zion!?"

The young mercenaries screamed angrily dewy, "Don't lick me, hungry ghost!" The voice rises from all over.

"... unfortunately, I am not a knight or a nobleman. I'm not going to hit a horse without my buddy's help in this situation. I'll do everything I can to bring you down with these guys, and if you take me down, my people won't let you out of here."

Repent with one hand to the mercenaries who killed you at once, and answer with a serious face to Theon, and I will set up an espada too.

"I don't mind. I'm going to take you all down and take you out of here with dignity."

"The Duke of Boulder. They're coming!

Just like last time, I breathe heavily into Scion, who looks at me and sets up his sword.

You look like you're seriously facing each other, and you'll never get into this guy's hands again who's always figuring out how to retreat. I'm the one taking the lead on this.

It's about them losing their calm in a good way on this occasion, and they won't have the hands to not use it. What should we do to take advantage of this murderous state of affairs and not let Zion escape?

After thinking about it, I scream so I can hear my surroundings.

"One hit and all! - Let's get it together!


As soon as I say that out, there is an unparalleled rage in the cave.

Theon hurries up to my words, but it was too late.

Has the stirring complaint worked, or the arrows, daggers, and magical likenesses that descend with a good amount of momentum are swept away with a single knife? Pack the distance from Scion in the midst of the commotion.

"Wait, you guys don't fight! Listen to the orders above... Shit! You're really gonna do it, Duke! That's how you fight me!

Similar to me, Theon tongues while accepting the espadas as he dislodges the arrows and magic.

The young man's first attack has scattered allies, inflicting less damage. With that, he even hears voices of restraint from executives moving to stop young men with blood on their heads, and the anger of those caught in indiscriminate attacks and causing frustration.

Instead of escaping, I look at the tongue-in-cheek Scion, which has made my control difficult, and I get back in the mood too.

... Too bad Theon's score isn't Hulbert, but now he can finally fight.

The first time I turned my back and the second time Theon turned my back.

For the third time this time, he doesn't have the option to leave his people in this situation on the boulder and run away, and Scion, who stands in front of me ready to fight, is releasing his killer temper to stab him in the skin. Before I was ready for Scion like that, I put ice on Espada, too, and set it up. It's the same with me that I couldn't pull off later.

"It's Doyle, Theon. I haven't succeeded to the Duke yet - well, what? Don't worry, no one will kill you. Let him go."

"Thank you! They hate guys with roots, don't they?

"I just don't step on the same thing."

"If this were to happen, I shouldn't have taken that job!

"Don't stand in regret. You deserve it."

"Finally, you're a nasty hungry bastard!

And like last time, they scream at each other's claims.

The curtain of the third match was cut and dropped.

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