
Avoid shifting the sword swept down one step to the side, and use the espada pattern to strike the back of the man's neck and stun him.

After seeing the man, who was one of the last, slowly collapse, looking over the ancient Snake Negijo, which had been busy with liquor until earlier, there were sights such as dead bodies cumulatively.

With the exception of some of the people praised by seniors, they are all not seriously injured because I did it. But most of those mercenaries, like the last one who collapsed earlier, lay on the ground, fainting or groaning slightly and stuffy.

Everyone should have done enough damage not to get up, but the opponent is quite a well-known mercenary regiment. I have trouble getting suddenly attacked or escaped by acting down, so I freeze the ground and sew it to the ground so I can't move.

And when the slightly worn Negijo was covered with thin ice, I turned to the corner of Negijo as I laid down Espada and opened my mouth.

- You can come out.

"Dear Doyle! Are you hurt?!?"

"It's a boulder, Aginis! The strength to fall in love!

'Dear Doyle, you're very strong!

'It wasn't long, but it looked so good!

"My lord, wow!

"People looked like garbage!


As soon as he spoke, he summoned the Ballads, who appeared with a tripartite reaction.

I leave Ballad, who inspects my body for the habits I've seen with his eyes from start to finish, and Waldo, who snorts admirably when he finds traces of decision hitting from the bodies of the rolling mercenaries, because it's usual. And away from the two of them, he held in his arms the Ains flocking to me with glittering eyes, and turned to Zion, who looked at me with regret.

"Dinner. You can eat whatever you want."

"'' '' Dinner!? '' '

"To the point where I can't move. First of all, this guy."

"Hey, wait, Doyle. Dinner."

"" "" "" Wow!

Listening to Zion's protest, he drops Bottombots and Ains over Zion.

Scion, which is captured and rolled with a restraint made of ice, seems to be energetic to talk, although it has no moving health. Watching Botobot and the dropped Ains start eating their magic cheerfully, I think of the reaction that Theon will show from now on, and I enter the observational posture.

It was only then that Theon changed his complexion to Ains walking over his body and pecking.

"Hey, eat these guys magic!?"

"Surprisingly well, Theon"

"How dare you watch me! This is a normal bird - a warcraft!?"

"It's a little different from Warcraft. It's Feniche. It's rare, isn't it?

"Feniche is that!? I mean, these guys are eating with great momentum!?"

"It's a growing season, so I have an appetite. I've been taking care of her since she was a chick, so I'm fine. I'm sure you'll listen to my orders, so you won't be able to move. Don't worry."

Scion screams as if he was in a hurry, feeling his own magic as momentum diminishes. "Feniche's a pet... is this guy all right with his head? He pulled his cheeks if he gently made the Eins hear their safety while being slightly muddled by the look of Zion, whose mood could be read as commonplace.

And I used to raise my voice of protest, but listening to it and observing Ains and the others, Shion, who changed his expression, opens his mouth.

"... Master Doyle is worried enough to take away even the magic, even though he's already in captivity? I know, I'm glad."

Scion, who was pulling his cheeks on Ains' appetite, laughs as he looks up at me.

But the slowly rising breath and fatigue made me feel that this was the best possible vanity that Theon could be now.

What kind of mouth is that?

Theon's vanity was a very provocative word and a laugh, but unfortunately the sentiments I had were very chilling.

Or I don't get on a provocation where my soul and guts can see through that I want to stop Ains who devour their magic somehow.

A few of the immobile mercenaries had a picky reaction to Zion's "I'm eating magic" phrase. And even though he fought me and lost, he seemed to have some room for the Eins. There is too much magic left for this man to fight with all his might.

If you know I'm being taught by Master Celery and you think I'm going to mislead the magic residue, you've been underestimated for a long time.

I give these guys a gentle grin and talk to Theon while I think about something a little disturbing that I might flavor their training once.

"You and a few others still seem willing to flee this period, don't you think? Only shame, such as keeping it this far and letting it get away with it. There's no way they're gonna give you the magic to escape."


"You guys. This is all he needs. Split up and eat the other guys' magic. Of course, in order of high magic."

"" "." "'Yes!

"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well. Without Doyle, of course. - Oh, I'm gonna eat that guy over there '" Dinner!' Etc., dropping off the backs of the Ains scattered as they shared Sion's thoughts.

And he only breathed into my words, shifting his gaze to Zion, who was solidifying.

"Good for you. They say your magic was well, well, delicious."

"I'm not happy! How long have you known we weren't serious?"

"From the beginning. I'm a" Telmos ex-Master of Magic favorite. "If you look at the opponent's magic residue, you'll know roughly. If you didn't think about escaping, if you tried everything from the beginning, you would have had a chance, because you're weird enough to lose your hand."

"... we're mercenaries, not mad warriors. I'm not serious about a battle that won't cost you money."

"Then you'll already be mindful. As I said at the beginning, I wouldn't do anything wrong if you'd cooperate. Don't worry, I won't put any more hands on my people, let alone force you into hostages."

"Is that true!?"

I told Scion, who ran out of fighter craziness, that I would have eaten surprisingly quickly if I told him about the points I would have been most concerned about.

I still wonder if this is the reason I was running around to see such a Scion, while spinning words to make me feel even more at ease.

"Unless you're also a criminal, let's promise you no one will take you. Whatever, I'll write you a pledge."

"Until the pledge......?

"If you're anxious, I'll write in the name of the Duke of Aginis house. Well, when I say I'm not taking you, I mean I'm not gonna tie you up, and you're gonna ask me for a job."

"Are you going to ask us to work?

If you bring it up to a publicly binding pledge, the look on Zion's face goes to something bright. If I supplement such a scion's appearance not to be complained about later, I will answer honestly because a woman who had fallen nearby, called 'Mr', asked me with a surprised face.

"Corner, because I've become familiar with you. Besides, the Warcraft hunting request is about to end. While we wait for Zion, we'll need work for you to eat and connect.

For once, speaking in a slightly more polite language than Zion because of her female opponent, she would be about her mother's age. She blinks her eyes with her pussy and begins to observe me in some childish manner.

Seriously, while I felt her gaze on my skin observing me, I glanced back at Scion rolling at my feet.

If you're willing to cooperate with Scion, you'll have him on your side until the engagement ceremony with Claire is over. I do not know how far Edel's man recognises the outrage committed by the prince of his kingdom, but if anyone knew, he would be spared the presence of Zion.

And with Theon on my side, it's also an appeal that I know all about that one thing, and on top of that, I'm grabbing evidence. If the other person is not an extra fool, he won't get his hands on Claire in the future.

Though Zion's sins cannot be made public again, it is a felony. Even if I snap my neck here, I have no problem with it.

If you dare there and meditate your eyes on information alone, you can make a loan to an ancient snake. If the ancient serpent was a mercenary regiment to cut off his people, it would have ended with Scion truncated, but from what I've said and done, that doesn't seem to be the case.

She had made quite a suggestion to Theon, who had been called Mr. Xu, but it's probably just a play on the tip of her mouth. These people are not the kind of people who leave their people and run away. Quite a high probability, he'll be grateful for one thing about Scion.

And while I'm holding Zion in captivity, it's only at the bottom of my heart that I can mediate with them. I want to get close and get information about Opis and other countries.

Well, as far as Opis is concerned, it's just the name of Hulbert and the mercenary regiment that Zion had, so I feel it's quicker to get it out of Zion. I watched consciously during the battle, but none of them possessed a weapon carved 'Sun-eating Snake', except Halbert of Scion, whom I saw then.

However, if you can keep the suspicion on hand because it's not entirely clear, I've never gone over it.

Reliability was about to run everyone's escape to the end, and Theon's "We're mercenaries, not mad warriors. I'm not serious about a battle that won't be gold," the words will suffice.

Whether they can be trusted as an individual or not, they can be trusted as a mercenary regiment, having avoided fighting for nothing.

Well, in short, as a result of the addition of a variety of factors, these guys taste better to me than to capture them and let them leave the country.

And if you're dragging me to your side, it's easier to do it poorly from here first later. Strangely enough, people are creatures that I think I need to give back when I get a treat from someone else. Sure, I feel like I managed to prove it in psychology, like the principle of repentance.

Most importantly, even though they didn't mean it, these guys are now being captured by losing to me. Whether these guys help or not is one of my feelings.

Mercenaries who value benevolence will not be presented with a broken compromise so far in this situation as a "no".

Having concluded that, after looking around to meet the gaze gathering from here and there, I turn my gaze back to the woman I had been called, and ask.

"Anything you're unhappy with?

No way. You wouldn't say no, would you? And if you make him laugh to include it outside, after a few seconds of silence, a bright voice sounds in the cave.

"Ha... Ha ha! Theon! I assure you! Damn, you're no match for a lifetime!

"" "Indeed!

"You, you're right, you're a good man! It's good for us!

"The decadence of the vessel isn't what Theon is!

"Really! I remind the vice president of a negotiation that doesn't make him say yes or no!

"... aren't they all terrible?

"" "" "Wahahahahahaha!

"I think you all have good guts in this immobile situation, don't you?

They laugh even more if they tell mercenaries who say whatever they want when they're stuck with ice on the ground or on the walls and say what they think.

Perhaps laughing now are those in this position called executives or compilers. Even though some of the Eins are eating magic in their current form, they are energetic.

You don't have to catch him anymore.

Feeling like I was watching mercenaries laughing in a good mood, I turned to Ains, who were still walking and eating the mercenaries' magic.

"Ains, Zwei, Dry, Feer, Humph, come back"

"'' Yes' ''


Holding up Humph as he calls his name. This guy won't interrupt his meal as long as he calls his name. He had a voice he seemed to regret, but he forcibly retrieves it and puts it in his arms.

And then I made sure the other four came back to me with a pasty and light noise, melting the ice that was covering the cave.

I'll be up here and there as soon as I can, "Oh! Freedom! Voices like," Uh, shouldered. "The voices have no air of slaughter until now.

"We have to get back before dawn, so it's time to move on to detailed negotiations."

"Oh, right. Wait a minute."

In a lighter atmosphere, he decides it seems like it's time to enter into a fine negotiation, and speaks to the circle that is gathering around the woman he called Zion and Xu, who were close by.

Then it was not one of the men with a flexible body who replied, but a lady with beautiful red hair.

"Gather 'em all!

- Ooh!

As per her decree, the men line up beautifully.

It was during the journey that the mercenaries were running into chaos and pieces, but as they looked around they subsided into beautiful squares aligned vertically and horizontally. At that time, the guy who was passing out was relentlessly dragged and beaten up.

And although she flutters in part, she nodded contentedly when she instantly saw the men in formation, looking back.

"- Again. Nice to meet you, young lady. Thank you for your warmth, despite the fact that my men have proved so absurd this time. We are troops whose ancient snakes have a corner, the name 'Flame'. Some of the ancient snakes are called" Flaming Snakes. "And I'm the head of this unit, Pale Germa. A good request is the annihilation of the enemy! Attack is the selling force. He's literally the only one who can fight, but nice to meet you."

She told us that, winking at her mouth, which was coloured with red rouge, and a smile that appeared to look good in expressions such as luscious.

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