At first glance, mercenaries with the appearance of being mistaken for rough men, mainstream swords, spears and bows with various weapons such as hammers, sticks and tomahawks, forming a beautiful formation as if they were Knights trained for many years.

That's a different sight, but it's still rolling.

And follow those mercenaries on their backs with one word, a woman named Pale Jarma, a charming adult who made his name.

"- Again. Nice to meet you, young lady. Thank you for your warmth, despite the fact that my men have proved so absurd this time. We are troops whose ancient snakes have a corner, the name 'Flame'. Some of the ancient snakes are called" Flaming Snakes. "And I'm the head of this unit, Pale Germa. A good request is the annihilation of the enemy! Troops for sale have the offense to change the area further. He's literally just the only one who can fight, but it's nice to meet you. '

She laughed lusciously and told us yes, perfectly using a red Rouge that looked nasty if she made a mistake.

There is no discontent in the eyes of the mercenaries who obey behind her. Thus, naturally, the mercenaries watching over her, who raised her name with dignity, could see a deep respect for her.

That was last night.

After that, I negotiated wages and other details with her, but naturally Pail, who receives a lot of trust from many mercenaries, is a woman who is not a glimmer, and negotiating with her, which makes me feel like a glimmer of experience, was a very valuable experience for me.

In the middle of the negotiations, Balad frowned at the mercenaries, who started coloring with her in the playful half and raised a chilling voice, "We are very much aware that Master Doyle has found value in these people, but are you being a little disrespectful? If you want another mercenary regiment, please don't hesitate to tell me. Because there are so many mercenaries and so on in the world," he said. "I was fortunate to be able to conclude the negotiations on good terms for me because of my position and her concessions, which were originally advantageous, when the negotiating place was engulfed in chilled air.

After that, when we finished negotiating with her and came back before dawn, we went back to each room and took a nap.

And now.

I'm standing by to introduce my grandfather to the Scion I got after the negotiations.

"- One of Adele's squires is, in a bad way, Your Highness supremacy. I feel like I don't mind sacrificing my country for His Highness's sake. I know it's my husband's love at all, but I do whatever I want with" For Your Highness "as a pardon. Well, that country's in danger if we don't do something soon. It was him who also mentioned the kidnapping, and the Marquis felt he did it on his thoughts because it was worth using. I don't even know what the Marquis' son was thinking."

"Was Adele's Highness willing to get on with that thing?

"... that's a subtlety. Adele's Highness isn't a bad guy, but it's blue. I trust my body too much. At first His Royal Highness also cared about the princess's honor and her national dealings with Majesta, but told her squire and the Marquis, 'Your Highness's concerns are particularly great, but we'll take care of them. If all is to help Princess Claire, King Majesta will not fail His Highness's will,' he said successfully, in the form of a ride. Your Highness should know the difference between trusting and letting go."

"Right. Next... right. Let me know about the ancient snake."


Encourage the following information, thinking that's the word you heard somewhere in Theon's words.

And then I took pleasure in accepting my urging and watched Sion think, "I wonder what I'm going to talk from," and explored if anyone was listening around.

The Knights' quarters were very quiet after breakfast and many of the knights went out to carry out their duties. Still, usually, the signs of the knights on holiday feel bumpy, but not today either.

Apparently, the Knights, who continue to be very busy yesterday, all work on holiday returns.

I'm sorry, but when it comes to convenience, it's convenient.

It was this morning that I reported to my grandfather, who is in charge here, that I would have trouble with Scion being tied up wandering around me from now on, and he told me to bring him in because he would make time.

For this reason, while chatting with Theon in this way, I am waiting for your grandfather to call me, but I was fortunate to have few eyes. Don't worry, I'll listen to Theon.

I have no objection to letting Grandpa and Theon meet, but it's also convenient in that I don't want the knights to see me. Whatever Gardy is, if the knights, including the Kingsguard Knights, find him, he'll be in his father's ear.

Considering the neighborhood, I am grateful to my grandfather for ordering me to wait at the quarters.

"- The ancient snakes are divided into six parts: flame, water, wind, earth, white and black. The name is Flame Snake, Water Snake, Wind Snake, Earth Snake, White Snake, Black Snake. The flames and the water I have are the real work force. The wind is half information-gathering and practical. The soil is for the construction and maintenance of each base. White is a medical unit. That's more like sending a few people to one of the other five units than acting on a troop-by-unit basis. Zenos is an introduction from the white guy. I'm in Flame Snake right now, because healing magic predominates, Zenos' medicine is a treasure. So, black is headquarters. There are our presidents and vice presidents. The price depends on the mood of the captain of each unit. If you like it, you can make it cheaper, and if you hate it, you can pluck a hell of a lot of money. Or you can't take the request yourself."

You have strong authority over the captains of each unit.

"Well, you are. Basically, we act on the captain's life, and only the captain and deputy captain of each unit know where the black snake is. A lot of people think black snakes don't exist because the majority of the lower end people have never met black snakes."

"With that mouthful, have you ever met him?

"I do. I was picked up by a Black Snake guy when I was hungry and raised by that guy. It was three years ago that I moved to Mr. Pail."

If you overlap the question with Scion's explanation, you will naturally receive the answer to the question.

... picked up means Scion is a war orphan or something?

Imagine its birth in the words of Zion, while thinking about what to hear next. Theon's attitude in answering my question honestly and without reluctance was the result of negotiations with Pale Jarma.

As a result of negotiations with Pail, Scion is to be rented exclusively until the end of the engagement ceremony with Claire. Of course, I'll take care of the food and shelter in the meantime, but instead, I won't be rewarded exclusively. During this period Scion provided as much information as he knew free of charge, and everything he could do, such as chores, was to cooperate.

Until Theon's exclusive expires again, the Flaming Snake, led by Pail, is supposed to give priority to the work I've prepared. Besides, she's supposed to tell me while Scion's on my side, before she signs a contract if she gets a job from someone other than me.

I didn't need them to worry about me that much, but I was told that it was her sincerity about Scion, so I decided to take it. Although temporary, it's fascinating to be able to keep track of their trends under the same conditions as when they hired a mercenary regiment exclusively.

"You have the Hulbert I had the first time we met, don't you? That's the guy his partner gave him."

"Are those people still in the black?


"Would it be possible to meet?

"Well, it's up to you to negotiate with Mr. Tsuge. Black is strong only led by the ruler. That's not a lot of work there. To be face-to-face, we don't talk about dropping the captain first. I like you, too. Why don't you ask me?

"Are you sure?

"No matter how strong you are, how can those people do it? Those people are genuine monsters. It's a bad year."

"There are monsters of the year here, too."

"Oh, he's a fiery spear brave. You sure are a monster."

Turn your thoughts around with a light slap on Sion's words that return to sound if you hit them.

I'm not sure if it's because of that kind of contract or because Pail tells me to do that, but Theon has been telling me one thing after another I wanted to hear from him since earlier.

It's hard inside to pick up information that Zion zeroes and pull out further information to keep you alert.

I guess I'm being tested as far as Scion looks at me with a pleasant eye every time I zero important information like that.

It is unclear whether Scion or Pail is trying me.

... First of all, you don't know where this guy stands.

It seems to be treated lightly, and what positioning the cherished Scion is for the ancient serpents is troubling. From this guy's standpoint, I have to figure out how to handle it and use Scion in the future, too.

From what I heard, it felt like the ancient snake had a clear rating. It can be deduced that Scion is in a position of considerable importance from the fact that he is allowed to behave quite freely in it and from the fact that he is of black origin, the core of the ancient serpent.

Assuming this guy is the successor, is it easier to act...

I hooked it up with intent to hold back on Adele and gather information, but my chest bounces on the hunch that a bigger man caught more than I thought.

If my hunch is right, this is a great opportunity to get a whole army of well-armed mercenaries.

"Is there anything else you want to hear?

"There's plenty of it, but it's time for now."

He whispered to me, "Is this the end of the search for your belly?" Tell Scion to ask extraordinarily for a temporary interruption.

And if you move your gaze to the door, with a knock called Concon, "Dear Doyle. He said he had time," I heard Balad telling me.

"Then I'll see you later."

"Oh. I'll see you later."

Laughing at out-of-time signals, getting up.

The quest for each other's belly and strength has only just begun.

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