One of the meeting rooms reserved in the Knights' quarters, called by Grandpa and stepped in.

The magic that surrounds you the moment you step inside is a testament to the fact that this room is an eavesdropping room that is only allowed to be used by high-ranking members of the Knights. Originally, it is a room used by those of higher rank to handle sensitive work commensurate with their rank.

In a room of such special specifications, one of the knights said he was an assistant to Grandpa and Grandpa, who were waiting for me, Balado and Scion.

Although it was quiet at the beginning to explain the history of the introduction of Scion by a total of five people, it gradually changed its air quality as it spoke of the light, and it was now moving on to a development that I did not anticipate either.

"- So after disabling the mercenaries, I told Zion to cooperate with me instead of wrapping my people around, and I brought the negotiations here."

Spin the words as you take a sharp glance at me.

The more words I overlap, the more I regret my faults in the heavily painful air, but the more I regret it, the more words I let go once.

I kept explaining, only softly sighing, which seemed to be zero if I thought about the development after this.

"... after negotiating with Pale Jarma, who is entrusted with the Flaming Snake, we are going to rent Scion for free until the end of the engagement ceremony as an apology. Theon, introduce yourself."

"It's Theon Folger, an ancient serpent's actual unit, belonging to the Flaming Serpent. I'm going to take care of your grandson."

The air in the room gets a lot heavier on Scion, who I introduced and lowered her head lightly.

Unlike the magic that wraps the room, the magic stimulates tingling and skin, causing the sensation of spine to run. At the same time, my survival instincts as a person sounded alarming.

Why I'm in such a critical situation is simple.

Grandpa is so angry that he forgot to control his magic.

... I can't believe your grandfather didn't keep an eye on me.

While I was stunned by the unexpected fact that Grandpa wasn't watching me, it's too late to regret that I blurred the history more if I knew.

My grandfather assumed he knew where I was and what I was doing, but I regret that I honestly declared everything. It is a disorientation of hatred.

Even I, who should be accustomed to Grandpa's anger, have survival instincts ringing a gunshot alarm. He's next door, and Balad, who's supposed to be tolerant after me, is getting pale too.

Not so much. Grandpa's anger is tremendous. As far as I can remember, it is not an exaggeration to say the best.

Since when has Grandpa not kept an eye on me...

I hold a sweat in my hand in front of my grandfather with a rugged look on his face, thinking that it won't even be a real escape. And I wondered what had happened to this situation.

Reminds me of the Middle Ages.

Grandpa was watching over me and watching my behavior. Of course, to know and record everything I do.

The surveillance arm your grandfather prepared is fantastic. I can't feel the signs without exploring them with care, and I remember having a hard time spreading them inside even with Balad's help.

Since when was the surveillance of the grandfather that was always on when I went out to keep an eye on if I could do anything outside?

Heard from my mouth how this happened, changed my complexion, worried, in front of my angry grandfather, to be honest, I'm pretty upset right now too.

What to do...... I still have to be scolded here by adults?

While I know there's only one way to be scolded, it would be people's sexuality to look for a way to open it. Only some special people like and scolded.

In the first place, Grandpa should have known I was looking around for shit. Plus you knew Waldo and I were out at night. Grandpa shouldn't be sweet enough to deceive you with that amount of small work.

After finding out, I missed it.

That is certain.

I don't even ask why, and it's good evidence that you gave me so much permission to stop by.

It's not like I didn't question why my grandfather has allowed me to freely search for mercenaries over the past few days. But I guess Grandpa's surveillance is on anyway, so I was wondering if there was any confusion.

Whatever thoughts you have about your grandfather, it's convenient not to be disturbed. While you were letting me do what I wanted, I also acted quite freely.

I didn't think that freedom was because it wasn't on the watch itself and you didn't know how I was going about it.

If it's known, for hiding it, it makes my heart certificate worse. Either way, you will be complaining, so I thought I would make a self-declaration to make it a little easier. So over the last few days I have spoken as I am about the actions I have taken.

Who the hell can imagine that would happen?

I did get some words of apology, and you said "boulder, grandson of Non," as you used to do on the first day of the meeting...

I knew Grandpa's attitude had softened and his impression of me had changed in a good direction. But no way, I didn't imagine you trusted me until the murder, enough to unveil the surveillance.

I am very pleased that I have regained your grandfather's trust so far.

Glad to hear it, but I would have liked to know it in a different way if it were to come true!

If I knew, at least I told him more blurry about Waldo's parents' house and the matter at the ancient Snake Negijo.

No matter how powerful I am, I'm still a student. It's insane to think that we're still half a dozen of us, socially, getting into the mercenaries' nostalgia at a small age.

I've decided to get scolded, and I've decided to make you worry. It's not what it looks like. I had enough to take into account the worries my grandfathers would have.

I did want to do it in return for my grandfathers, and I wanted them to acknowledge me, but I never meant for my grandfather to look like this.

- Doyle.


Wait for that time before Grandpa, who has passed through his worries and changed his expression to anger.

The shoulder of the knight who was holding back behind Grandpa jumps to the voice that would be desperately pushing his emotions to death. Did you put it in your grandfather's murderous atmosphere, and his complexion was pathetically bad?

"You didn't think it was dangerous not to hide your identity and jump into the nostalgia of the mercenaries alone"

"I thought, what I wanted was the mercenaries' cooperation and the proprietary information they had. We both decided that if we wanted something of high quality, we needed credit."

Answer the question, envying the knight, one step behind the wrapped air of his grandfather, who tells him pale. If I didn't cause it myself, I'd honestly run away.

And I also want to make excuses. Even in case I thought about it and let Balad and Waldo accompany me to make sure I broke in and escaped, I had a lot of thought and thought about it and there was just some advance information that I thought I could win for sure.

I'd argue that's why I did it, but that's too pointless in this situation. And it only increases your grandfather's anger.

I have already learned from Master Gray and Ballad that this statement has nothing to do with the angry person who led me to this one. No matter how overlapping the excuses, it doesn't change the fact that they were worried. For worrying, there's only one way to get scolded by adults.

That's why I was so ready to wait for Grandpa to scold me.

"Considering the fact that your friend's home, the matter at the inn is a mess - but bye. What is it about jumping into the mercenary's Negijo by yourself!

Kah! The anger of his grandfather, who opens his eyes and screams, echoes not only to the eardrum, but to the core of his body.

In the anger of his grandfather, who also trembles in the air, he says, "Oh, wow," Shion is completely other human resources.

Correct me and I'll bet it's because you ran away! And whilst I tongue in my heart at Scion, who entered the high view, I await the continuation of my grandfather's words with great care.

I will not commit such foolishness as to divert my gaze from my grandfather here. A moment of deviation, he said, "Seriously! 'Cause you can see your fists flying.

The cause of my grandfather's anger in front of me is undoubtedly me, and its root is the reason that guides me through myself. Just because your grandfather's change of heart was unexpected, running away here would be shameless, or like revenge the love your grandfather directed at you.

If you think about the future with Grandpa, this reprimand should be spoiled by me.

"Besides, it's the enemy's headquarters, selling fights from themselves and other verbal preaching! I'm glad you're home safe, but what if something happens!? Why do you think Noon and Alan are missing out on Gardy and making him like it! I don't care if it's to make Gardy protect you! As good a knight as Gardy is, you would have figured it out right away! I don't know what I'm looking for to put it on your side! Why don't you use a useful pawn while you know it!? Never in a battlefield! I should have taught you to always try without distraction and with all your preparation! Don't let half a serving overstate your power! You fool!

"... sorry"

"I vowed to defend my country in front of Your Majesty, and only when I think of your future, did I allow myself to move freely because I didn't want to be surrounded! If we're collecting information, we don't have a word to go into the dead! You idiot!

After all, Gardi gets a thankful word from Grandpa as he skips thinking about whether or not his grandfathers were the people he gave me.

After all, it seemed the least delicious thing to have gotten into Theon and the others' Negijo and sold the fight. I could afford it, and it wasn't the kind of thing to worry about, but it would be futile to say a few things to my grandfather who wasn't in the field.

To predict from the mouthful, I guess I wouldn't have gotten angry about this if I had just collected information. He didn't predict it until he got in the fight. Grandpa's anger is deep enough for me to worry.

But this scolding, if you will, is proof that your grandfather was worried about me. That old man is going to show me this far. If you think about it, I don't feel happy about this reprimand either.

"I admit my desire to listen with my own ear and make sure with my own eyes, but I also have a lot of thoughts about solving it with my own hands alone! How much do you think you can do if you're still a student?

My fists would fly if I took a step wrong. I give up breaking this situation amid tension, I decide to taste the precious situation where my grandfather is showing me my body wholeheartedly. It's a change of mindset…… I'm never forced to. Yeah.

Come to think of it, this situation is really unthinkable from our relationship a year ago.

Besides, it's a very strange story, but I was somewhat relieved by the rough magic I felt at the same time as my grandfather's thunder fell.

Anger so close to killing that the survival instinct sounds the alarm, mistakenly, is not directed at grandchildren. But Grandpa's anger at telling the truth about its harshness and roughness had made me realize that Grandpa, known as the fiery spear brave man, was alive and well.

"Okay, Doyle. In the first place, you're trying too hard to do anything alone! Where are the generals who go into the enemy line alone!? With a thousand generals alone -!"

Regret for your own faults and the crisis in your life.

Relief for the appearance of a surviving grandfather.

A slight joy in what worried me enough to replace my anger.

While I feel all sorts of emotions get into my own.

When Sebastian heard it, I continued to listen to Grandpa's words with Ballad's strange face, praising him with an analogy that seemed frightening.

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