The sun falls in bright daylight.

The time slot that the strong sun that makes you feel summer will loosen in less than an hour.

Look out blurry in the given room, feeling the signs of Ballado making tea behind his back.

Yesterday, the entry and exit of the knights, who seemed to be busy moving today and butterflies, are completely calm, and headquarters is getting back the air as usual. Big catches across the two days apparently yielded enough harvest for the Knights of the King's Capital to converge, and a good number of mercenaries were currently housed in the headquarters cell.

Among the mercenaries caught, the felons were taken to the royal castle, and the misdemeanor was sentenced here to be processed. It is a gutsy task to look into each and every one of them, but now there is also help from the Royal Castle. This will make the town safer, and the knights feel at ease.

Perhaps tomorrow or the day after, we will resume teaching our students.

With regard to one case of insects, we have received the bulk of the ingredients from Nadi et al.

I was surprised that most of the ingredients I found were all that I knew. The Naddies are also amazed at "all the stuff you can get anywhere like this," and both of them are showing their faces to Naddie's home to find out what they couldn't figure out.

I look forward to hearing back from Master Celery and Seniors Leo for what I have entrusted to them.

Waldo was playing at the workout with Rita and her juniors, and Luce and the others headed to the Chamber of Commerce to receive the purchase history of the herbs I had asked for.

Did the Eins get tired the day after day, napping in my bed?

Rafael seems like it's time to come back, but I still don't see him.

Dragging on the aftermath of Grandpa's intense sermon, which stretched from after breakfast to nearly noon, we are resting, albeit in an indescribable combination of me, Theon and Ballado.

Nobody tries to open their mouths. The indoors are very quiet, and I had some leisure time to look out at the scenery where I feel the signs of summer darker.

Close your eyes to the royal castle, where the Greys are a little far-sighted, and look for the Aginis family among the high-ranking noble mansions that stretch out at its feet.

I find the roof of a house I'm used to seeing from the large mansion gap that stands in line, and I remember the days I spent in that mansion. And at the same time, I blurred to wonder if your mother or father knew about me, who had admitted to me for a long time without knowing.

Earlier I received a terribly gentle sermon from my grandfather.

Grandpa's worries were delightful and his advice was appreciated, but it is not delicious to be restricted to action on this occasion in the future.

As a result of asking him not to at least get into his father's ear "... keep Alan quiet about this one, but to take Gardy on a future outing. Especially when you're out at night. If you break it, I'll report it to Alan, including all previous cases."

At last, I received permission for Theon to enter and leave, but I can tell from what happened at that time that Grandpa had more of an idea than Master Celery.

It turns out he doesn't seem willing to hide everything like his fathers, but on the other hand, he doesn't want us to do anything dangerous, and he's not willing to cooperate actively like Master Celery.

Although uncertain, it is a good harvest to have figured out Grandpa's general policy.

To be honest, it's very rare, for example, for a grandfather to behave in either way like that. But I greatly appreciate the kindness of your grandfather, who lets me go free while I worry enough to turn into anger.

I can't measure up in Grandpa's chest, but when I thought of the clumsy words of encouragement Grandpa gave me, I thought I had nothing to worry about.



When the sermon came to an end, which I thought would be extended, and Grandpa's anger managed to calm down.

When I told him I was free, he stopped me when I left.

"Don't forget, Your Highness Gray and Princess Claire chose you."

"... Grandpa?

"Alan and the others recognized you, as did His Majesty and Celery. Spitz's son, Jin, keeps a glance at you, too. Even if Jin inherited the name of the Spear Brave, he won't accept your replacement now - no one can stand in your place anymore."

Tilt your neck to the name of Master Gray and Claire, who suddenly came out.

And I breathed into the content of the words my grandfather told me.

"No one can stand in my place" and other words that I don't think came out of Grandpa's mouth. Seriously, if you look at Grandpa's face, the deep red eyes and gaze that look straight at me will meet.

Grandpa, who saw my surprise like that, closes his eyes once so that when he distorts his face for a moment, he can indulge in something. And the moment I opened my eyes, the deep red eyes that erased the stray shot me through.

"The noble children responsible for the next generation, including Gardi, are moving towards the future they seek. The old soldier left, and the next generation began to show their heads. Their changes will eventually affect the general military, merchants and even the people - the Majesta will change. The days of us who know the war and His Majesty Est, who has dawned on reconstruction, are coming to an end, and a new world will soon be built by His Highness Gray and you who do not know the war. I think it was you. You made me do that, Doyle."

Even though the voice that tells you so is a very calm one, Grandpa's gaze at me is strong.

I had no idea whether the thoughts put into the hot, stabbing gaze directed at me were as my grandfather or as Shi Yingjie, who had supported my country.

But then I did say, "Are you ready?" I thought I heard Grandpa asking.

That's why I took Grandpa's gaze and stared back at him.

To tell Grandpa that he was prepared to take charge of the next world, even though he received information from Master Celery that he was not prepared to stick his neck in with sweetness.

Actually, I think it was a moment, or a few seconds.

I endured the time to hold a sweat in my hand, staring back at me without distracting myself from my grandfather, and the gaze I had been pointing at loosened.

Grandpa kept his mouth open before I was surprised by such a change in gaze.

"Then you have to take responsibility for it. Bite the extra privilege you've received. You, forgiven for your sins and grace, have an obligation to continue to support and protect the Magesta until the end of the world ruled by His Highness Grey. Instead of running away, you're not allowed to leave on your way."

- I understand, Grandpa.

At that time, words were harsh, but when I found the color of worry in my loose grandfather's gaze, I finally responded.

I don't know why Grandpa suddenly said something like that. It's just possible that my actions were meant to impress my eyes. But I did have a worrying color in my grandfather's eyes at that time. So maybe that was an encouragement to be a grandfather.

... maybe it's my fault.

The word "don't forget" about His Highness Gray and Claire being chosen means don't forget those who are waiting for me.

The phrase "no one can stand in my place" means there is no substitute for me.

The word that the country will change to cut me off sounds reprehensible to me, but that's all the influence I have.

Above all, "I have a duty to continue to support and protect the Majesta until the end of the world ruled by His Highness Grey. Inscribe in your heart that running away is not acceptable to you on your way out," he said.

I thought they told me to live and keep supporting Master Gray for life.

I was terribly glad to feel the meaning of "don't die no matter what" was included behind Grandpa's words, which even sounded harsh.

It would not have been my mistake to think of the sermon I had just received that my grandfather felt that he wished my raw to be on the surface stage and active.

"- Hey, young lady."

Sion accidentally called me as I remembered my grandfather's first look and the myriad words he'd never said before.

Having regained consciousness from memory to reality in that voice, I was unsure whether to respond for a moment to Theon, whom I called a young man, but it was cumbersome to argue and put on hold about the nomenclature, and responded to the call.


"Uh, that, what. I'll go ahead, but I'm not asking offensively, am I?

"So what?

Turning away from the window as he answered, he caught sight of Scion riding himself out to the desk sitting in a chair, then meshing with an ice-blue eye with a color similar to confusion.

There is no change in the look on Zion's face, but he has a bad tooth cut because he is looking for words to ask me. I tilted my inner neck at Scion for the inexplicable reaction of searching for a toad and a word.

And waiting for Theon's words, often.

With a determined look on his face, but bewildered to ask, the question from Zion was indescribable.

"Don't be angry, okay?... you know. Just in case, you're the real grandson of a fiery spear brave man, aren't you?


"... right. My attitude toward young people is so harsh, I thought you had misinformation. Isn't that why? You guys are famous. Ah. But a common son or something - when!?"

Answer Zion's question instantly. It's a natural answer.

But you weren't convinced by that answer, the next moment when Theon tried to overlap the questions with a look of sorry.

Gachan! Scion screams indoors with the sound of

Sion's arm, which had been placed on the desk because he was embarking on this one, was filled with tea that looked hot and seemed to have zeroed out of the cup.

...... sad by the way, there is only one killer.


"- Thank you very much for this. I think I heard some incredible rumbling about Master Doyle, and my hand slipped. We'll have your water soon."

"You don't have to go...... sorry, Theon. Now chill me out."

The apology for the bar reading is white, and the smile directed at Theon is so horrible.

After the outrage, Balad's first too many radish actors have silently drawn Theon's face to see if he has any words either.

By the way, I gently created ice and put it on Zion's arm, realizing that Ballado was not willing to work Zion or any other fine dust in his attempt to get some water at a relaxed foothold, without any haste at all.

"!? I apologize for bothering Master Doyle with my untimely ordeal!

"Don't worry about it. More tea than that."

"We'll clean it up right away and put the tea back in too!

Ballad, who sees Zion chilling his arms with the ice he receives from me, hastily tells me to apologize.

Unlike earlier, I won't say anything to Balad, who apologized for conveying a rush rather than a bar reading. I mean, I'm sure it's futile where I said it.

I only offer my sincere apologies for annoying my hands, and watch Ballado quickly collect the tea utensils and clear his desk. As for Ballad, who didn't seem willing to clean up until I put him in my mouth, I decided not to notice.

As such, I dropped off Ballado's back when I went back to make tea, although I still had a slight feeling.

"... bad. I don't care that much, but watch your mouth when Ballado's around."

"Let me do that. Boulder, you're the young lady's squire. You look like a grown man and you do horrible things."

"Ballad cares about me."

"... young lady. Can you say that kind of dialogue without distracting me?


Attempting to follow Balad, who ignored the existence of Zion as vividly as he could, he could not find a good word and uttered a word that was often present.

At that time, I was blamed for being softly distracted, so I give up any further excuses and apologize honestly.

"Don't apologize there! You'll be anxious!?"

"I'm sorry. Ballad is not an escort, so I can't let you get hurt like a trail............... maybe"

"Maybe it's too indeterminate!? Say it!

In order to reassure the rough Scion, it is best to tell him that Balad can't fight because of his skills, but Balad is more important in Balad and Scion, so he forgives Scion while blurring there.

I know who goes to school for Balad's abilities, so I don't need to be kind enough to reveal it to someone who's going away once the contract is broken.

"You're extraordinarily upstairs in combat skills, but you have a wide handover. Well, you're never going to be my nuisance, so there's no harm in having my eyes. I assure you - I can't guarantee that after the contract expires."

"Please, you have to guarantee me there! Even when you were there, they made you tea!? I heard crap. I'm sorry, too, but that squire is too scared."

"It's about Balad. It wasn't hot water, it would have been a little hot enough to drink, wouldn't it?

"Yeah, but! Instead, I felt his calculated height at a temperature that was not going to cause a lot of injury!

But there is no reason for halfway comfort to work. "You saw the attitude after that, didn't you? His outrage is based on his calculations that you would never be angry. Nature is bad. No!" And to Zion, who threw up, I thought, "That makes sense," but only the words.

Sure, Theon's right, but there's no harm in me. Ballad and I know how to add and subtract to the extent that it is not a problem. In fact, Zion's arm is not a major injury either, and it should be to such an extent that you don't have to chill it with ice.

Whether they say it's sweet or not, it's not enough to blame. Besides, it was originally because Theon treated me like a bastard, so it would be a good idea to both succeed and lose.

I admit Ballad is somewhat bad in nature, but I don't flatter Ballad.

"Could it be that annoying child you were talking about?

'No, I'm not. "My darling is over there."

'Good. I hate to sound so bad about your chosen child, but I don't like being annoyed, so I thought, "What would I do if I were that way?"

"Oh, my dear boy, he's so lovely. I'm sure you'll like it too. '

I don't know about that. By the way, who's that annoying?

"Come on? Are you a new friend?

For a while, if you wait for Balad while appropriately playing Scion's opponent, you look around feeling the signs you're used to feeling on your side.

If you look for signs of the familiar wind spirits, you will look up and look up at the ceiling because you heard a pleasant voice coming from above.

Waiting for her, she was obsessed with chatting with a girl with braided watery hair, floating fluffy in a ceiling shade position.

The beautiful looking Lafar and the slightly colder atmosphere of beauty reminiscent of the snowmelting water, which seemed pleasantly chatty while floating in the universe, evoked religious paintings depicted in churches and elsewhere.

I feel horrible, but it is because of their extraordinary beauty that I unwittingly fall for them.

"Hey. What's up, young lady? Is there something up there?

"Hmm? Hey, haven't we seen anything?


Rafael doesn't use the flesh I built, so Scion, who doesn't know what I'm looking at, hurries up and raises his voice.

And the spirits of the water I noticed in the voice of Zion, who asks me as he looks over the ceiling.

By her words, Lafar smiles happily, finally realizing what I'm seeing.

"- Welcome home, Rafael. A woman with a clean atmosphere like that is the Water Spirit Hall?

If we finally laugh at Rafael, who has eyes, the Spirit of the Water looks to surprise, and Zion immediately flies away from the desk and distances himself from us.

"Yes! Right now, my dear. Nothing happened while I was gone?

While the spirits of water and the expression of Zion are stained with surprise and vigilance.

She laughed as the flowers broke if she took Lafar, who suddenly came down with her flesh.

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