Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode 111 Zeno von Aginis

I broke up with my men. I went back to my room alone, and I think back to earlier.

- I understand, Grandpa.

What comes to mind is the figure of Doyle, who snorted firmly at Non's words.

Between entering and exiting the room, the objection recalls the appearance of his grandson, who made no excuse, and Non takes from his nostalgia a magic prop for communication.

And then I thought of an old friend with an inedible personality, looking at the green demon stone that flashed lightly as soon as I shed my magic.

"- Yes."

"... in Non. As a matter of fact, I was with Doyle earlier."

Stopping the flashing while the magic props let out a pale light is a testament to the communication connected.

To the voice of a man with whom the light was steady and immediately heard, a long and close relationship, Noh slowly tells the earlier story.

I'm not asking if it's convenient for them. If you're really busy, you should have lost communication when you found out it wasn't an urgent matter.

... Speaking of which, you went to see this guy right after that.

It was just after I gave Doyle my first spear that I remembered as I told Celery the upside of things, who would shut up and listen to me.

When he said confidently that he had taken him out to the woods where the Warcraft walked wide, he helped and brought him home safely at Ayama.

Even then, after being sporadically complained about by Alan, Serena, Sebastian and Merrill, Nong went to see Celery. And I told you the truth.

At that time, I knew I would be ridiculed. I went to see this guy because after Amelia died, he was the only one who cursed me with all his heart without fear.

And this time too.

Speaking about how he had gone from the first day of the rendezvous to today's sermon, Non slowly recalled what was then.

It's only recently that I gave Doyle a spear when she just turned five.

The only thing that would have loosened his cheeks was the appearance of Doyle shining his innocent eyes and waving his spear with pleasure.

If I was excited about my first spear and taught Doyle the underlying mould to swing happily around, I quickly started swinging the spear in a way I could remember. It's new to my memory that even if I let the spear work out, I thought "you're not a bloody muscle" to the way I happily encourage you instead of loathing you.

I definitely wanted to show Amelia too. Well, it's about Amelia. I'm sure he'll be happy in the shadow of the grass leaves.

It was not until the other day that I thought of showing my grandson the beast of warfare, who looked forward to such a future.

The annual Warcraft Hunt in the Abyss Forest for the new Knights is a routine event within the Knights. Of course you can't let a freshly entered chick get hurt badly, so accompany and watch those familiar with the woods and well-armed senior knights so they can wipe their asses.

Doyle herself, a young man, is a smart girl who can listen to and understand this story. Since I can think and act on my own quite a bit, I didn't think it would be a problem to take them...

I didn't know that was going to happen.

"Marshal! There's Master Doyle straight ahead!


Guided by the voices of his men, he runs even through the woods. Retreat with your hands with the trees standing in front of you and hurry to your grandson, who will be thinking carefully.

This Warcraft hunt is for newcomers to see calm and judgment, of course. Therefore, the senior knight must intervene in the aftermath. Of course, we will not take care to deal with the Warcraft incorrectly.

If you are on a mission to crusade the Warcraft, it is only natural for you as a knight to find out in advance about the Warcraft living in the land. Besides, it's actually more painful to learn than to be verbal.

For this reason, every year, there are always newcomers who are ill-prepared and chased by the Warcraft, but even more so this year, they softened themselves with wild bores.

Wild Bore is a warcraft that acts in a flock of about five to ten, with excellent motor skills that are not commensurate with the short legs and the torso. Male adults and others loosely exceed three meters, and the two fangs lined up next to the big nose are very dangerous warcraft that explode when stabbed by prey.

On the other hand, then, since fangs are the main means of attack and there are many linear attacks, there is nothing wrong with a Warcraft if one is stopped at a time. It is common to use bait, traps, etc. to stop one at a time, or to kill one at a time using a bow, etc. while hiding oneself on a tree, etc.

So that stupid rookie finds the herd what he thought or no, he stuck it in the herd!

He was chased at the same time by a dozen wild bores in shame.

It would have been nice if we had just reopened and turned ourselves into friends with the wild borer we were going to follow. Yet because that fool turned to his people for help, it became a matter for them to be chased together.

That's when the senior knights finally moved to help, but it was a huge herd inside, so I took the time to sort things out.

And when things finally converged, Doyle and I fell apart.

When I saw the wild bore, I saw Doyle fleeing on the tree. And he did it until the herd passed on the tree, and then he also saw us coming after him. Calm down, kid.

Along the way, the knights, like Doyle, would have followed us. Then I was relieved, but they ran into another warcraft over there, and they fell off on the way.

It would be a mistake to scold a knight who noticed a detachment and ran in with a pale face. Doyle's safety is Nong's responsibility. I'm sorry I wasn't on Doyle's side.

"Marshal, there are signs of a warcraft on Master Doyle's side."

I sweep the branches. I push through the woods without having to worry about the unbroken sound of mesh or bakick that I hear from my hands or feet. And he put his strength into understanding the contents of the spoken word or no, and increased his speed to the limit.

I even run, feeling my rushed subordinate's voice turn away.

And to the sight that seemed far ahead, Non waved the flaming spear with all his might.

"Doyle! Are you all right!?"

- Grandpa.

He was relieved of the danger of life and seemed surprised for a long time, but the moment he admitted to his appearance, a membrane of tears stretched out in Doyle's eyes. The more you blink, the more tears you accumulate, but never zero.

"I'm sorry I missed you."

Stand up on your own feet, biting off your lips.

I wiped away tears that seemed to zero all the time, and I sincerely thought she was a strong child to the Doyle I told her.

... Doyle has been a patient child for a long time.

I look back at that time and I feel smudged.

Doyle ended up blaming him. I still remember clearly that Doyle apologized to me first when he said he wasn't on the side to apologize, and I don't know what to call him.

But it was only a while before Doyle grabbed the spear that Non had given him and was confused as to what was wrong with him.

Though a brilliant boy, Doyle was a toddler at the time. It was the moment of apology that allowed me to indulge. The tears overflowed from the next to the next, eventually raising my voice and crying out.

It's a good memory to comfort Doyle like that and carry her home.

... The bad news is that I let go of my eyes.

That kid always does.

Harsh on yourself, sweet on people.

None of the spears pushed only expectations without trying to know anything, and I blamed Non for my own disappointment.

And this one too.

It wasn't Non who didn't keep watch, and it was Non who let him go free. Doyle was just lucky with the freedom he gave him. Let's find out later and get angry.

I didn't tell him directly about Gardy, and I didn't order him to walk with me. There was no obligation to accompany Doyle with Gardi.

Non's sermon would have been very unreasonable, but Doyle was a grandson who felt this concern and accepted the apology.

- So? Are you contacting me because you're something you don't say, Doyle, because you feel guilty? I'm talking about a hungry ghost where you can feel guilty for being gentle with someone you've done something wrong. Don't you think it's embarrassing to be a good old man? You really don't grow up... well, I'm just glad they don't say "I don't even want to see your face". There's no such thing as a grandson who admires and admires me for scolding me unreasonably after all I've done. Good for you. Doyle, you're the sweet girl. People like you had all those grandchildren. Why don't you thank Amelia for her blood and bite your own survival?

"Celery, that's why I'm not here."

"Doyle, do you want to do something for you"? Who are you? It's sweet that you want to do something about your own guilt that you can't digest. It would be your freedom to curse or forgive you, Doyle. Doyle, it is your duty to accept your choice in silence. Old-fashioned, shorter you don't stand in the way of future boys to make it easier. "


As soon as I finish talking about the upside of things, I try to argue with a number of words that have been rolled out to flow. But after being lightly hit with the continuation of what I was about to say, I'm just cut off and stuck with the words.

"... but no. It would be too dangerous if you were really a mercenary regiment on the edge of Opis, wouldn't it?

'What are you talking about? I don't know if it's Opis, Doyle. It would be an easy victory for one or two of the mercenaries if it were you. He is your grandson, the son who drew the blood of the Duke of Aginis family of origin and inherited the blood of the brave man and the Virgin of the Thunder Spear. Doyle, it's no coincidence that you broke off Marnagarm. Naturally. Besides, he's a child loved by the Spirit of the Wind and under my guidance, isn't he? At its peak, Lord Alan will still be able to easily cross the old and decaying you and others. What is missing in person is the awareness that it is beyond you and others and the readiness to use that power. I don't know what kind of fantasy you have, Doyle, but I'm assuming you don't end up with it. And that's dampening his abilities. If I really think of you, Doyle, why don't you stop putting up a vanity and let Doyle realize your true prowess?


"Zeno. So should Alan and the others, but you should admit it. She's a sweet girl, so she'll make a big deal out of the cage if you guys really want to. But that shouldn't happen. Do you mind? Listen carefully to those busy ears. While we adults pushed our expectations and were disappointed, the time was over when we could surround and protect her. The time that has passed will not return, and that child does not need our hands or anything else already. You don't deserve to regret it. It was the adults around you, including you, who made me do that. You know what I mean when I put you together? Doyle is physically and mentally strong enough. He also has proper hands on his men who will make up for what he lacks. What he doesn't have is freedom to fully sift his power."


"The only thing you can do to him, Doyle, is expose him to the old, fading power and make him aware of that power, and get rid of the adults trying to shackle him."

It's hard to admit a clearly spoken word.

At the same time, however, it is clear and refreshing to point out what I thought in the corner of my mind.

... If Amelia was here, she would have been knocked down.

Reflect on your actions over the past few years and mock yourself.

Much smaller and more luxurious than Non, she was stronger than anyone else. Regardless of celluly that she was childhood friendly, she was not frightened of her opponents at the time. Amelia is not the only woman who has complained from the front despite the first encounter.

I remember her being straight and bold with a look that was not an exaggeration when it came to a deep-window warrant. Celery pushes her back, and Noh finally decides to be ready.

It's no longer a dance to alternate the feeling of redemption with your ego.

With previous redemptions, I wanted to protect and spoil you.

I didn't want to admit I was old and faded.

Not to mention, I didn't want Doyle to be disappointed with the eyes of respect unchanged.

Therefore, it is true that I have looked at various things and pretended not to see them.

... At that time, Non meant it indefinitely.

I wasn't just lucky to be able to draw my first day together. Though I tried my best to laugh and praise my void, all the offense was paper heavy. If I had gone on more than that, I would have eaten a fatal wound early.

Most importantly, Doyle was not assisted by the Spirit. Evidence that the margin is above all else.

Doyle is so strong now that he's going to protect you.

Gently close your eyes and bite that fact off.

And after some time, Noon opened his eyes again.

"... it's too late."

'That's right. Give up and leave your grandson alone. Out of the way.'

Despite the considerable time I had spent in my thoughts, I laughed at Celery, who responded suddenly to Non's words.

Celery's words, which don't console me, but put me on the chase, seem to push me away and gentle.

After being chased by Celery, he finally recognized Doyle for real.

The little body temperature that I carried home that day is not something I can carry anymore.

It is not in redemption that I want to protect you. I am no longer at the mercy of Non.

Much later, but let's admit it.

At the time of the rendezvous, I remember not wandering to protect the other students and their men from their backs. Already Doyle has enough strength to carry and protect someone.

It's not just in the way of the adults' selfish enclosures.

"- Grandpa! How can I be as strong as Grandpa?

My young grandson, who has asked me yes, is nowhere else.

The next Aginis owner, who has grown up beautifully, is now at the helm of Noun.

"Celery. Do me one favor"


Stab him in the chest, the regret of not being able to spoil him and the loneliness of dropping off the nesting child.

Envy for the slightly smoked, transcended remorse and still bottomless invisible talent.

And I do feel, hope for the future.

He asks Celery to do the last thing he has left to do with those emotions.

"Take the castle workout. I want you to strengthen it. As a result of Noona's retirement disturbance, there was still a place to fix it, right? I want you to use the highest magic you can use to strengthen it and break it down."

'- Are you finally ready to be a stepping stone?

"Mm-hmm. Doyle goes to the castle after his internship. I'm going to put a piece on there. That's why Doyle... and if you waste any more time, Amelia will take you down."

Her figure screaming "What are you doing to your lovely grandson!?" with the words I told her and "Annoying my lovely grandson...... what a pity! Are you ready? Dear Zeno!" her figure floats behind her lid, waving her right hand up.

... Amelia's flat hand hurts so much for some reason.

Long ago, I remembered Amelia's flat hand, which I had eaten many times, and somehow did my hand on my left cheek.

'It will be too late. Precisely be prepared when you go to the afterlife - even when you propose to Amelia, but you are too willing outside the battlefield.'

"Thanks for the extra help!

It's supposed to be luxurious, but I scream unexpectedly at the words of Celery, where I remembered Amelia's surprisingly powerful flat hand.

So, no, I'm not scared to remember her back then!?

Celery's story didn't just touch the eclampsia!

'Yes, sir. Have you done your errands? I'm busy too, so I'm gonna cut you some slack, right?

"Well said! I pushed Noh here, and I fled to school - so listen to people until the end, Celery!

Even though no one asked me, if I had an explanation in my chest for the absurdity of my voice, I could hear Celery making fun of me, as usual.

Where is the kindness that accompanied Non's selfish confession? When I said back to Celery's voice, which I told her I wasn't interested in any more, the magic prop light faded out all the way through the words.

... The light goes out is proof that the communication is over. Ruthlessly, the pale light screams at the extinguished demonic props. However, I am not willing to connect the communication again, and in rough motion, I miss the magic props for communication.

And most importantly took out the love spear, and Noun went out of his chamber.

Across the street is a training ground.

There's one thing to do there. I'm working out to fight Doyle.

If you exchange weapons, you know roughly what they're capable of. The arrangement a few days ago, which I haven't been to in a long time, was enough to remind Non of Doyle's growth.

Perhaps the next time he sees Doyle, Noon will lose. That is no longer a matter of decision.

But as a former marshal with the name of a fiery spear brave man.

And most importantly, as Doyle's grandfather.

To the extent your grandchildren won't let you down, let's scratch your feet.

- It's not going to be that easy, Doyle.

Hold on tight to the chilli, smoking love spear as it echoes the temper of Non.

In order to finish the last serious battle of his life without regret, Noon advanced to the training ground in search of a prey named Practicing Opponent.

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