"Yes! Right now, my dear. Nothing happened while I was gone?

Hold Lafar tightly with both arms as she hugs him to fall from the ceiling.

Fresh green scent that tickles the tip of your nose. The soft feeling and pleasant body temperature I felt at the same time is no different from that of a person. It's a strange thing to say that Raphael just put his hand on a vessel made of my blood and magic.

"Welcome back. I'm fine because I never had anything to report. So much so that Theon will act together in the future, to name a few. Theon's there, he's solidifying in the corner of the room."

As soon as Rafael showed up, he shows Scion flying away to the corner of the room at a great reflex speed. The look on Zion's face, holding a sword pattern on his back with the wall and exposing his vigilance to a sudden intruder, is hard.

- Make a very good move.

Even though we were watching the prior exchange, it was almost at the same time that Rafael showed up and Zion flew away. It's called the arm when you ran away from me, I guess Scion is capable, as you can imagine. I'll take the liberty of asking Waldo, Jin, and Gardi next time to find out how capable they seem to rely on them in terms of their power.

"New friends?

That's how, as I was considering the future treatment of Zion in my mind, Lafar, who looked at Zion, tilted his neck gently and asked me. I don't know what makes me so happy, but I think a little about the words of Lafar that I've been asking with a fluffy, fun laugh.

Theon is obviously not like his friends. If you can name your relationship with Zion based on your previous history, it would be something like a tentative first man.

Once Theon has signed a formal contract and followed me, he has enough credit to count as a subordinate at the moment. If there's just loyalty to me there, there won't be. You think you owe me.

But now my problem is not with the ambiguous subordination between me and Zion, but with telling it to Rafael, whether or not to pass it on to her correctly.

She seems to be alive for a long time, and she's familiar with human life just because she's been on my side the whole time. It seems that the meaning of words such as mercenaries, covenants, kings and princes, schools and classmates, etc. is poorly understood. But it will be difficult to understand the fences in each position, the desires and even the thoughts held by humans.

Regardless of how many people are familiar with what they do, spirits and humans think fundamentally differently. It's easy to imagine that you have to devote a lot of effort to making Rafael understand relationships with each assumption.

That's all I thought about, I turn my gaze back on Rafael again.

In the meantime, that would be fine if Zion wasn't eliminated as the one who did me harm.

"... a little different from my friends, but well, I just hope you understand that they're on my side"


"Theon. This woman is the spirit I have a contract with when it comes to Rafael. We will continue to face each other frequently, and conversations may of course get us to work together and move. There's no danger, so just stop being alarmed."

"The Spirit... because now, you, the woman, cuddle..."

"Master Celery taught me to give you vessels. In my current state, I can see and touch anything but me, the contractor."

"What the hell, it!?"

Sion, alert but hands off his sword at my words, stared surprised at Rafael at the words that followed. And after serious observation, I hold my head.

Clearing his ear to Zion, who grumbled about bumps and things, he said, "Whatever you see... I've never heard of a spirits to touch. Never talked about being able to do that from that guy... is that possible? No, but it's actually in front of me..."

Apparently Theon compares his common sense to the reality in front of him and is perplexed.

... Well, you do.

It is a natural reaction if you think about it. I remember myself the first time I heard about the vessel from Master Celery to Theon, who had a surprisingly common sense reaction, and I sympathized softly in my heart.

Are you accustomed to the behavior of Master Celery, or because you knew the precedent of Fia? At that time it was to the point where "why did you want to give a vessel to the Spirit!?" penetrated hard in your mind, but it is unlikely if you think carefully.

Or you wouldn't normally be able to think about it. It is Master Boulder Celery that makes it possible with that foot that comes to mind.

The closest yet farthest spirits are the mysteries of the world. As I recall now, there must have been some people in the Wizard Union who were studying to make sure that 10,000 people could see and touch the Spirit at any time. It also took over from generation to generation, for quite some time.

.................................... hmm?

Compare Lafar and Zion to what I remember.

I was just about to embark on a further questioning journey as Rafael drank the tea he had prepared with an extremely grumpy look on his face, and Sion, who witnessed it, opened his eyes and shouted, "Can the Spirit be a human food mouth!?".

Seeing the sight makes me think.

Being liked by the Spirit is a prerequisite, but I wonder if this method, which makes it possible to make the Spirit visible and touch 10,000 people as long as it has enormous magic, may or may not be a great discovery of the century to repaint common sense about the Spirit.

Cold things pour down my spine at the possibility I've come up with.

In retrospect, I haven't stopped my students from talking about Rafael. On top of that, I was walking with dignity on my first day, and my grandfather noticed at a glance that Rafael was a spirit.

The fact that I had the Spirit is fine in itself. Unusual, but not terrific.

It is not a problem that everyone was able to see themselves, because it is possible to ask the covenant spirits to show themselves. That's why I was walking with you, too, to boast that you had a deal with the Spirit.

But what if Rafael is known to be not only able to see, but actually to touch?

As a result of giving them a body called a vessel, we know that they also have a taste, and we already know that they are very interested in human culture.

A man may appear in the Spirit that he may make a covenant with a man, provided that he gives him a vessel. No, given how excited Lafar is after the vessel is finished, I'm sure he is.

Isn't the perfect opportunity to put the Spirit on your side to see and touch something you can manage from the people of the Magic Union, and that's what you want in exchange for your life?

………………… I didn't notice anything. Everything was only made part of my training by Master Celery, and I had nothing to do with the great discoveries that overshadowed my common sense of the Spirit. It was Master Celery who figured out how to do it and made it possible. I just did what they told me!

That's how I tell myself, when the guys at the Wizard Union find out, they'll change the color of their eyes and go after them. I'll gently divert my attention from the miracle.

Apparently, I forgot the important thing of common sense under Master Celery's influence.

Fortunately, there is little contact between Rafael and the knights thanks to what I was doing for every favor. Now we might still delude Lafar into having an entity to touch.

With a pale hope in his chest, Rafael remembers the students he has come into contact with and puts a calculus on his mouth. At the same time, in the future, I decided to pay close attention to Rafael's words and actions.

By the way.

If Master Celery was excited about this big discovery, didn't he teach me how to make vessels with the intention of throwing them round me? The suspicion and, in fact, the specificity of Rafael has already been noticed, and the magic leagues softly put a lid on the possibility that I would be climbing to prepare for the engagement ceremony.

"Lafar. Not when it's just me or Ballado, but like you don't get your hands on tea and confectionery on your own, even if you keep it. Touching an object can also cause discomfort to the person in some cases. I'm sorry, but when I find something of interest, I want you to hear it before you touch it."

"... human beings are fine. I'll be careful!


"Yeah. It's fun to be able to touch things, but I don't want to bother you!


She nodded right at me if I thought about future developments and eagerly appealed to Rafael. "Never mind," Rafael smiles back as well, thanking Rafael with relief for his attitude, which doesn't seem to have offended him. As much as I am thankful with a kind Spirit.

As you can see from what I've said and done, Rafael is sweet on me.

That's why I'm going to try to remember the guilt I'm feeling right now. I may exaggerate, but I don't want to forget the fact that I soaked in Rafael's ignorance and induced her to do as she pleases, and do something sweet and hoarse to her kindness.

"Let's take care of it," he rethought, looking at Lafar, who seemed in a good mood with his smile, and regaining consciousness of the water spirits who were observing us like that with interest.

I'm sorry I was distracted by other things, but I think I've left the water spirits for a long time. "I also feel the protection of the water... it's unusual for a child to be able to have a conversation on top of being seen besides a signed spirit," she whined, "I can't see how she offended me or her indoor observation at the moment. Nevertheless, you asked me to come here, so any further abandonment would be rude.

Having decided that, I speak to Rafael, who is still enjoying the act of "drinking tea", in order to get back to business.

"By the way, I've been waiting a long time for you, but would it be okay if I greeted your spiritual palace?

"Ah! I'm sorry. You came around the corner and I forgot to introduce you!

'Fine, nothing. I know very well that you, the Spirit of the Wind, are reluctant, and from our Spirit, the time we've been waiting for is less than a moment. "

The Spirit of the Water gently laughed off his apology against Rafael, who gave a stiff look at my words and turned his eyes to the Spirit of the Water that was floating in the universe.

I sneak down my chest to the figure of the Spirit of the Water, who feels the depth of the bond between those two friendly people, but doesn't seem particularly offended.

Unless it is also a difference in power that is somewhat certain, it is better not to impose on the Spirit. Because if you hurt the mood of the Spirit as a result of coercion, you can see it eating a painful cliche.

You won't need to worry like that only for Rafael, but you don't know how the water spirits feel about me for urging her to introduce the water spirits to her as she enjoys tea.

I was therefore a little thrilled, but the Spirit of this water, which is considered a stranger among his fellow countrymen, seems to be of a nature that doesn't care about such details. It seems to have a large personality and is above all. At this rate, it seems easy and reassuring to ask.

'More than that, you can really eat and drink the vessels you get like humans. Hey, hey, what's it like?

"Really, isn't it amazing? This tea has a hint of sweet, citrus fruit!


I remember when I had the same tea before, and I explained the flavor to the water spirits and I said, "Right?" I will nod to Lafar, who has asked me. Lafar, who has never had a taste before, seems to be able to discern fine flavors and aromas.


Now it's still an inexperienced cause or an objective feeling, but if you keep an eye on the trends between the two people, if you keep your mouth shut about all kinds of things, maybe you'll like or dislike them one of these days, etc., the water spirits will raise their exclamation caged voice.

The Water Spirit, shining his eyes like a toddler with a new toy in front of him, stared at Rafael with an enviable look.

As far as the figure of the Spirit of such water is concerned, the anticipation that the vessel I have made for Rafael may be used for the covenant with the Spirit feels that it is not out of strength.

If I could also sign with the Spirit of Water, it would be delicious. What I'm best at is ice magic, and how much wind and water I have... no, no, but that's for boulders. It would be a little cunning if I were the only one using my knowledge for a habit I thought I had to hide because it would be a hassle, wouldn't it?

I flew around Ururo and Lafar, and across my body I said, "I'm intrigued!" By seeing the figure of the Spirit of the Water who claims to be, he penetrates himself into his own desire, which has boiled.

For a while, ask yourself several times to fight your morality and desire. Even though I managed to put a lid on my floating desire in that way, my heart swayed heavily at the Spirit of Water, who insisted on the feeling of the vessel with deep envy.

Originally, there is rarely an opportunity to make a covenant with a powerful Spirit. Besides, the Spirit of this water is close to Raphael, as he was told. It may be unnecessary to worry because it is unclear whether the Spirit has a desire for exclusivity, but Rafael wouldn't be angry if he offered a contract with this water Spirit opponent.

The ice magic that I am good at will be strengthened more than ever with the protection of both water and wind spirits, and Leo seniors will be happy because the water created by powerful water spirits is a luxury product as a magic medicine ingredient.

It's hard to make vessels, but I've already learned the trick, and it's time consuming but always producible. I also feel that my contract with Lafar and my training with Master Celery have increased the amount of magic, and I think I can make vessels more easily than I did when I was in Lafar. Also, the raw materials are very easy because they are my blood and magic.

... What do we do?

I steal the Spirit of the water staring at Lafar with envious eyes and ask myself.

We have bills for putting the Spirit of Water on the bargaining ground. If we keep this up, we have a pretty good chance of making a deal with this Spirit.

It is also as easy as wondering if it would be so easy from me.

The feeling that I'm the only one who can use the knowledge I've tried to hide because it's going to be a hassle, and the figure of the water spirits that would easily catch me if I offered them now, plus the post-contract advantages.

My reason was violently shaken by all the opinions and grids surrounding my head.

'... hey. If I signed with you, would you build me a vessel, too?

"Of course!"

It was in that condition, but for that reason.

I would like to think that I had no choice but to respond forcefully and promptly to the question of the Spirit of Water.

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