'... hey. If I signed with you, would you build me a vessel, too?

"Of course!"

Oh, it was too late when I thought.

Embarrassed by his powerful voice and his fist, he lay his eyes down, but there was no word that came out once. It is a bitter laugh not because of its own cash.

... I've done it.

I was the only one using the knowledge that Master Celery taught me, and I felt a little cunning to sign with the Spirit of Water.

The burden involved is extremely low as a consideration to help. Therefore, I wondered whether it was okay to take the contract from myself to the Spirit of Water, even if I knew it would be easy to contract.

But the power of the water spirits is so fascinating.

The reason I was in such a state, I responded instantly to the words spoken by the Spirit of Water. Plus, with a voice that's not always powerful enough.

Perhaps in a word now, he would have also told me that I was fascinated by the power of the Spirit of Water. Hearing my response, powerful, and laughing water spirits are good evidence.

"Oh, you're signing a contract with my dear child?

'Cause with that vessel, you can live the same life as a human being, right? Eating and drinking all sorts of things, cleaning and sewing.'

"... right. I think we can do that."

Hearing the words of the water spirits who spoke, "I want to live like a man," Rafael repeated the motion of opening after holding hands several times, nodding.

The Spirit of the Water speaks slowly as he pours a hot gaze into the hands of such a Lafar.

"I've always seen humans in this land who create and develop their own culture in no time when I think there are unseen creatures chasing warcraft around in the woods. All the time, whether the fellows reluctantly move into the woods to dislike the humans, or become estranged as strangers. I can't help but hate people like my people who destroy their homes, but I can't help but notice. I've been watching them for a long time, even though I find it difficult to understand their behavior and emotions. I couldn't help but notice that my presence was about to disappear, and I wanted to leave. In the meantime, it took me a hundred years to understand that I wanted to mix them up... and that's what people call" envy. "

Speaking cut through her chest as she remembered the past, she lays her eyes down softly when she finishes saying that. But at the next moment, he gave me a clear glance, strong enough that the dodgy heart was about to jump.

"- Even for a few days. I want to mix with people and try to live in them. If that wish comes true, I don't mind this body decaying. If you will grant me my wish, I will give you all my strength. '

You're trying to hide your deep obsession, or you say hot words, and the spirits of water staring at me with a sloppy, emotionally depressed face surround the room with silence. Lafar and I, of course, who had heard her words and watched the change of expression, but even Ballads and Scions, who could not hear or see the Spirit of the Water, were swallowed by the change of air brought about by the Spirit of the Water and killed their breath.

... like a boulder, a spiritual hall of water that kept itself even in the weak king's capital?

I think that inadvertently in silence.

The spirits of the water that pushed and killed her emotions felt her secret passion even though she was making a crop, but not for a moment.

Looking at the water spirits in front of me, I thought of the freshly melted, sober snowmelting water, the clear and silent Bibi lake that made me hesitate to touch it, and the intense turbulence that drinks all the trees, people and buildings.

Water drastically changes its expression, depending on the occasion and sometimes. The word "water of life" is so essential for a person to live, but sometimes with its fierce power it easily takes a person's life.

Similarly, the Spirit in front of you is one who leans against man, yet has the strength and intensity to swallow man easily. Unlike Lafar, who is sweet to me, if I make a mistake, I'm only going to be affected by that power.

... my insides are finding out, and there's no point in any more conversation.

Decided it wasn't a good idea to make a futile rush and piss her off, I decide to be prepared to take my contract to the spirits of water who come in hot gaze.

How much has been repaired, and it is discovered that in an earlier word I desire the power of the Spirit of Water. Then it would be pointless to dress up any more and pretend to be calm.

I just lined up every beauty, and in the end, I want power. It's rarely something like getting ridden suggestions from spirits, and let's just honestly admit it and ask her.

"- I find it very fascinating that you have been around for a long time before Wang Du was able to. Given my aptitude, it's honestly delicious to have all the wind of Lafar and your water. It takes a little while to build a vessel, so how about in the form of a tentative contract until the vessel is finished?

"Are you sure you want a temporary contract?

"Even though I can't prepare a price, it's too many bugs to only use my strength."

The Spirit of Water tilts his neck at me for offering a tentative contract instead of this one. And when he heard my reply, he gave me a decent look.

Temporary contracts are an easy connection. That is, a contract to such an extent that she can feel what I'm calling it. It feels like I'll be able to make a phone call to the Spirit of Water house, if you like. There is no coercion there, and it is up to her to respond or not to the call.

'... you really are a rare child. Most humans want to use their power as soon as they make a deal with the Spirit, even though it's something that's stuck. I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm strong, okay? It's like this now, but I think if we go full speed, we can win even when our fellow countrymen in the woods are getting bundled up. That's why I'm tired of you all coming back. You wanted this power, didn't you?

"I won't deny that... because I already have Lafar, and I'm not in that much of a stuck situation"

"Oh, you're going to say something delightful. But can you count on me for more? My dear child."

"I rely on you enough. Besides, 'Be honest with women' is harshly cursed by your mother and maid, so I can feel comfortable using it in your grief."

I smile at Rafael, who replied happily to my words, and I turn my gaze back to the Spirit of Water. The power of the Spirit is fascinating, but I don't want to drown in that power. The first temporary contract was drawn for this purpose.

How much power we can use in our covenant with the Spirit is due to good intentions on the part of the basic Spirit. It's a small consideration if you feel like it, and if you don't feel like it, you can make it a hell of a consideration. Let us not forget that it is rare for us to lend our strength free of charge, like Lafar, and that we are close to a miracle.

Because gratuitous favors and good intentions given by people are not the norm, they are the ones that must be cherished.

"When it's done, you'll have to sign this agreement instead of giving me the vessel, and then we'll need to talk to you each time."

"You're really crazy, you."

Besides the vessel, the water spirits gave me an indescribable look.

I can't believe it, but I'm happy, and I don't know what to do, although I'm not convinced. I wonder if it should be received favourably or if I suspect it has a back.

I guess that's what it looks like. The spiritual tricks of water that come to mind with all sorts of emotions and look at me with a complex look are very human.

I'm just saying that I envy humans, and maybe she already has feelings budding close to humans.

I ask her, thinking of the spirits of water that mix and live in people, thinking, "Maybe not uncomfortable," etc.

"Do you hate these people?

'... well, I don't hate you'

Smile instead of replying to the water spirits who laughed like they were in trouble with my inquiry.

I want to take care of a lot of favors and kindness. There is no man or spirit there.

But in the eyes of the Spirit of Water, who doesn't know the path I've followed, I guess I look like an inexplicable person who can't eat at her suggestion. It is a matter of no choice. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You just need to know.

If she admires people and wants to live in them, she'll be able to do it well.

Lafar, a little detached from people, and the spirits of human stinking water. I somehow loosened my mouth, imagining the impact the two of us would have on this country, which is going to be together forever.

"Are you sure you want to enter into a contract?

'Fine. Right... it's a temporary contract, and you can just repeat my pseudonym. You can hear me, right? My pseudonym is Albione. Come on, come on, come on!

"Hey, Ma -"

If you nod at the words of the Spirit of Water, who presented you with the way of the covenant, you stand up as if Rafael changed his expression and was in a hurry. Though I was surprised by such a sudden change in Rafael, I couldn't stop saying what I was about to say once.


The moment you mouth the told name, the water spirits laugh glossily.

"A rare man's child. It's a corner, so I'll dedicate all my life to you.

Spirit of Water The disturbing words spoken by Albione, and the moment I became anxious to hastily reveal something to Rafael, a light was born between me and the Spirit of Water, and I could play it.

The instantly swollen light plays well and dances through the universe like a water splash. And then he stepped down with a chilling sensation.

At the same time, I feel a deep and strong connection has been created between me and Albione.


Surprised by the connection she felt, she had the look of rushing to see Albione. Rafael, next door, puts his hand on his forehead and has the expression of a headache.

Don't act unexpectedly human either........................ I don't care about that now!

Recall yourself for wanting to escape reality and focus your consciousness on the connection you have just made with Albione.

It is only natural that you feel connected to the Spirit because you have made a covenant.

But now. The connection that arose between Albione and me was comparable to the connection that I feel between Rafael, who has a subordinate contract.

That is, because the name Albione is the true name of the Spirit of Water in front of us, and the covenant we have just entered into is nothing more than a subordinate covenant….

"If I'd been on your side the whole time, you'd have just met me today. Sure, my dear boy is very nice, but are you glad you gave him your real name that easily?

It's okay! You said, "Why don't you sign a contract?" I was recommending it.

"That's what I recommended, isn't it? My dear child would be happy if I could make a contract, and you're something that won't risk disappearing even if you're in people all the time. But I didn't say anything about signing the same deal as me. I'm good, but are you sure it's a subordinate contract?

I was flabbergasted by the conversation between the two of them as if to affirm my thoughts.

Oh, what? Me, you got a subordinate contract now? With this water spirits? I thought Rafael alone was unlikely to be lucky? In fact, did you have a contract that Master Celery told you was rare? Oh, seriously?

Isn't that kind of a hell of a thing going on with the questions that run through your brain? Emotions arise that I'm lucky to be liked and subordinated by spirits of the two attributes, but I'm also getting too confused to know if I can honestly be happy.

But even while I'm confused by the sudden, the two spirits continue to talk at their own pace.

"I liked this kid, too, and now the dream I've been wishing for years comes true. I have no regrets!

"Really? Well, I hope you do."

"No, no! It's not good!?"

Pushing my confusion elsewhere, into two convincing moods. "You kind of just barged in today! When I looked at the two of them, I had eyes with Albione, who narrowed his eyes.

"What? Is Rafael often unhappy with me?

"Meh, there's no extermination!


The air on the ground becomes heavier with a disgruntled look on Albione who feels, "Ah, it may be unsavory". To Albione, who was in a bad mood to see, hastily uttered a word of denial, she changed the atmosphere with Colo.

"You can't bully my darling, can you?

'I'm not bullying you. I was just making fun of you. I'll be with you forever, and I want you to take a good look at this kind of play. "


"Don't you get so angry? More than that, you had something to do with me, didn't you? Are you okay with that?

"Yeah, yeah, well. Right."

All I get is a dry laugh at Albione, who gently refreshes the protesting Rafael and proceeds with a sunny face.

Somehow...... I'm free.

"What do you want to hear? Mark the butcher is in one love with Anna the grocery store in the neighborhood, but you're talking about Anna being a younger lover and obsessed with Kane the seven younger florists?

"No. That story doesn't matter to the stone lines that are falling on the side of the road. What I wanted to ask you was why you made your way to the woods so fast, and what do you know about this one that was falling near the water?"

"Really? Kane has had thinkers for a long time, and the kid's got a quadrangle because he thinks of Mark. The butchers, the grocery store and the florist's wives were thriving."

I'm going to cut off Albione, who tried to tell me more about the rumors we heard from Ains before, and get to the bottom of it.

It would be important to them, but I'm not interested in other people's love paths. I mean, that's not what I ask the Spirit.

Ignoring Albione, who still seems to have spoken, I take the worm wrap I left out of the subspace and spread it out to show it. Then Albione received the example bug I gave him by saying 'lend it', even though he looked boring to me.

"This is..."

"Do you recognize him?

"I don't know, this must have been by the water outside town, right? I don't like this. I moved early this year. That guy, he's got me, and he dumped something like this in a lot of water? Again and again from about Spring Ahead! At first they were really little bugs like feathers, not larvae this big, but they grew bigger and bigger. We just got here this spring, so we moved to the woods early thinking we'd be gone in a while. Still, don't you think I'd be rude to defile one of my dwellings with such filthy magic and carcasses?

"! Did you see the man's face?

Asking Albione, who distorted her face as soon as she saw the case bug, she remembered her anger at that time, and began to exhale her dissatisfaction with feelings such as water on the stand.

Naturally, I breathe into it.

I thought Albione would know something if he made the waterfront in the Wang Dynasty his own residence, but I didn't think he'd ever seen the killer himself. This may also make it possible to raise the killer during the internship, so I discourage the feeling of doing so and encourage the conversation to continue.

It was in the corner of my sight that Ballado began to prepare to go out, somehow perceiving the content of the story in my attitude.

"I saw everything... I saw you earlier, didn't I? You finally got that guy. He had his sword poked at him by a man in knight's clothes, and he was in a good mood!

You remembered the sight, and I felt like I was holding my breath at Albione's words, laughing satisfactorily.

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