Long before Zwei and the others found it, this drugged worm had been dumped in the King's City. Over and over, starting with the featherworms that are only earlier in the nail. And the carcass abandonment of the magical worm was so repetitive that Albione was offended that, by the way, it disgraced her residence.

The culprit who gave it up is currently within this Knights of the King's Capital. Besides, he was being investigated, and he was being stabbed with a sword by a knight.

I'm not sure how the hell the knight pulled out his sword, but I'm sure it wasn't a very good situation.

This is a very liberal situation.

"- Hey, young lady. Are you okay? Is it my turn?

To Zion waving in front of me, he returns to me all the time. Apparently he was returning at some point from his questioning journey, and Theon seemed to enjoy somewhere when he confirmed that I had regained consciousness, "Is that a catch?" He asks.

It is inconceivable that those who make such peculiar drugs and repeat experiments will not have the means to defend themselves at all. I don't know what reason you're here, but if you feel in danger, you can also think of defeating the knight and escaping.

We needed to secure the killer as soon as possible, not if we were delayed in thinking.

"Albione! Where did you see the man!?"

"Huh? In that building over there... '

"HQ, huh? What are the characteristics of the knight who was poking his sword at him?!?"

"Ki, what's the sudden matter?

"No, come on!

'... a knight looks like this, a man looks like this'

If you pat your eyes and pinch my suddenly puzzling Albione, the massive amount of water that emerges from somewhere twirls violently as her hands move.

When the chunks of water split into two parts with a loud noise from Zather, they changed shape and turned into two men as they looked around.

"This is..."

"Hey, why the sudden Zenos water doll...?

In doing so, it was Gardi with a sword reproduced with exquisite craftsmanship and the figure of Zenos, who has been in captivity since yesterday.

"You're bracketing your hair is fine with the killer who was dumping the carcass, right?

'That's right. I was exploring that building before I got here. Then the knight over here put his sword on me. "

"Hey, what the hell is Zenos doing? And what is that disgusting sign of wrapping? What's with the other spirits!?"

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to answer that question in detail. Balad!"

I can't go wrong, but just in case you ask Albione, she nods, "Yes."

In the meantime, Theon, who only hears my voice, has grabbed my shoulder when he sees fragmented information and the water dolls that have suddenly appeared in the room, but things dispute for a moment.

It seemed less dangerous, so I left it to Gardi to Zenos, but if anything happens to Gardi because of it, it's on me. Before it's too late, we have to go to Gardi's.

Understanding the dangers of the current situation, I called on Balad to ignore Scion for details.

We've been told since after noon that we're going to use Interview Room 8.

"I'm taking Rafael and the others over there. You, Lutze and the others, if you're here, get Waldo and the others. Hurry up, you don't have to call me if you don't find me soon."

"I'm in awe"


Ask Balad to call for backup considering the possibility that he has already escaped. Nod at the promised Ballad and I'll be ready too.

Then Sion, who had only one person unable to grasp the situation, raised his frustration when he was in such a hurry for my attitude.

"It's annoying, Theon! You should get there if you care!?"

"... naturally let me do that. I don't know Zenos."

"Let's get ahead of ourselves, Zenos just came up with the possibility that he was committing a felony, apart from the mercenary thing. It doesn't go against the phrase 'I won't lay my hands on your people', and the other person is likely a criminal. Therefore, depending on the way out there, I don't even hate the use of force. I'll kill you if you disturb me too."

".................. ok"

"Rafael, Albione. I'm sorry, but hang out with me."

"Of course!"


I made sure Theon nodded at my proclamation and left the room. A loud noise echoes in the hallway because of the momentum that opened up.

I noticed a noise and some of them were coming out the door, but ignored them and I ran towards HQ.

Run upstairs at headquarters like wind with the help of Rafael.

Pass in front of the room that says first, second and third, turn the corner and the room that says fourth, fifth and sixth also passes. And he also passed in front of the room, which was written Seventh, and slammed on the door, which was written Eighth, which he had reached.

"Gardy! Are you all right!?"

Gun, gun! And knock on the door and scream, but no reply. I try to ear the door, but I didn't hear anything from inside.

'There were two people in there in knightly clothes, but it looks like they're asleep. The walls are melted, and there's no such thing as a man.'


While I was knocking on the door and taking the primitive method of speaking up, it seems that Albione has looked inside.

Basics, the investigation will be conducted by two suspects and a knight. It is to prevent the suspect from fleeing, and to prevent the knight from going too far and altering the investigation.

I mean, I'm indoors right now with Gardy and two knights on his aide. Looks like Zenos got away with it.

"Stay back."

I chipped my tongue at the failure to make it and pulled out the espada.

And I slashed the door in front of him without hesitation.

"... Instead of doors, the walls have been cut down by about half, but are you okay, young lady?"

"... because it's an emergency - Gardy!

As soon as I put the chin and espada in my sheath, Scion squeaks at the ragged and collapsed door and half the wall.

Apparently, I'm in a hurry. I've put too much effort into it. I only intended to slash the door, but I also slashed about half the wall. In shame, the room is seen round from the hallway.

It turned out delicate if you asked me if I was okay, but sometimes it was a matter of contending for a moment, and I clouded my reply by gently clapping my shoulders at the voice of Zion, which contained a shudder.

And forced to delude a place with subtle air, I run over to Gardy, who doesn't even move with Pickle sitting on my desk.


Run over and check Gardy's pulse and breathing. If you touch the neck muscle, you will feel the pulse of toctok and flow, and the breathing sounds you hear are normal. I can only feel the magic and Gardi's, so it doesn't seem to interfere with them by magic.

Looking indoors, as Albione said, there was a big hole where the walls facing outdoors melted and one person seemed to get through. In the shame of the hole or indoors, there is wind, and there is no smell of suspicious chemicals.

I don't know if I should be happy with the fact that we don't have any chance of getting hit, or if I should mourn the fact that there's no evidence left, but now waking up a knight with Gardy is a prerequisite. In the meantime, from Gardy's condition and the way he's indoors, he just seems to be asleep, so I beat Gardy up relentlessly.

"Wake up, Gardy! What the hell happened!?"

"Mm-hmm... yeah..."


"Hmm? Dear... Doyle...?

"Hold on, Gardy! What happened here? What happened to Zenos?

"Zenos......? Yes, he is! What is this?!?"

A few calls to Gardi, who had a dull but reactive reaction. When Gardi finally woke up, he reacted to the name "Zenos" I had pronounced, and looked around, he rose to Gatan and the agitation dew.

At that time, the other knight, who slept in the back, also wakes up to the loud sound that Gardi sounded when he stood up. And as surprising as Gardy was in the room misery, he opened his eyes and solidified.

"Hey, hey."

"Huh! - Dear Doyle, what is this status quo? Who the hell is he?

Unlike his unspoken colleagues who raise their voices, Gardi has calmly questioned the status quo when stunned or breathed. There is no color of agitation there, and its calmness is a brilliant word when you let your astonishment and agitation subside with just one breath.

What is it at a time like this, but you know excellence in handling it... no, because this is the time?

Review Gardi saying you just have to say to the clearly divided attitude of the two knights, "I can help" yourself. And I briefly presented Gardy with the information I had.

"It's unclear where Zenos is. However, he is suspected to have been studying dangerous medicines that also dissolve the human body. What is currently being discovered is the power to the extent that it dissolves larvae, but it is unclear how far the medicine is complete. By the way, the finished form of the medicine is also unknown. It's just that I got some tough advice from Nadi in the Trevor family, so you can think of the dangers of the pills as considerable."

"- Did you know that Master Doyle was a dangerous person who made the medicine and left Zenos to me?

Gardy asks me quietly after I've heard the information.

The voice color doesn't change, but Gardy's eyes, including insurance, blamed me for saying otherwise, "Did you fit me in?"

... That's what they think, naturally.

I think I'll take Gardy's gaze with a slight anger, not saying I have an idea depending on the response.

I would rather not be able to doubt it in this situation.

Person entrusted by the person who declared that he wanted to be a subordinate.

Gardy thought it would be a great opportunity to show me his abilities, and he would have worked hard to hunt down Zenos to get some information. That's what you should have tried to pull out your sword, threaten, smile and forgive, hang your bait and be flexible.

And I tried to use that hand to extract information because I assumed Zenos was just a pharmacist.

As Seniors Leo and Terapeia, Nadi and Leone are, the average pharmacist is not good at fighting.

As I thought Zenos was "just a pharmacist with a clue to Zion," Gardi should have seen Zenos as a "powerless pharmacist," too.

At that point Zenos was only "a young pharmacist who was facial to the mercenaries and had recently begun to show up at the head corner". I've been completely conscious of Zion since I was reunited with him. I don't think Gardy could read beyond my consciousness like that.

Gardi, who correctly read what information I wanted, must have struggled to get information about Zion from Zenos.

If the pharmacist at that time knew he was a super dangerous person who would easily take two knights into his hands, he would have increased the number of knights more than usual and heavier Zenos restraints.

At least it would not have happened if I had told Gardy about one of the bugs and their killer.

Now, in Gardy's chest, he said, "Weren't you deliberately laying down important information to cause a scandal worth refusing to be a subordinate?" and other suspicions will be swirling.

... Well, I just figured that out, and there's nothing I can do about it at the moment.

It's easy to say that I didn't mean to, but it would be no when it comes to whether Gardy believes the word. Even if that's true, it's hard to honestly trust the words of the person you doubted once.

So this is a bet.

If you remember when Gardi calmed down and reunited with Theon, you'd know that I wasn't on board to bring Xenos, that I didn't give him that much importance. If only you could remember that, your suspicions of me would be clear. Whatever, it was Gardi himself who bitterly complained to me at that time that he was "sweet" such as "no doubt punished".

But Gardi today will certainly be more confused than he is aware. At a time when you forget to smile and reveal your feelings to me, it means you know how confused Gardi is.

Whether or not you honestly believe my words in that state depends on how calmly Gardi himself can analyze information without pinching personal feelings, or how much Gardi believes in my humanity.

"- No, I was on my way to track down the killer. The original purpose of the Pharmacist Patrol was a separate matter. However, I hope that some information will not be available on this matter, and I do not deny that I was at last collecting information. Earlier, I was able to speak to the Spirit, who has been living in the King's Capital for a long time on the fringe. As a result, Zenos turns out to be Ten himself, and he rushes in. I thought Zenos was white... my reading was sweet and bothered you guys because you didn't have eyes to see people. Sorry."

That's all I said. Once I bowed my head, I stared back into Gardy's eyes.

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