'- No, I was on my way to track down the killer. The original purpose of the Pharmacist Patrol was a separate matter. However, I hope that some information will not be available on this matter, and I do not deny that I was at last collecting information. Earlier, I was able to speak to the Spirit, who has been living in the King's Capital for a long time on the fringe. As a result, Zenos turns out to be Ten himself, and he rushes in. I thought Zenos was white... my reading was sweet and bothered you guys because you didn't have eyes to see people. Sorry.'

I'm done saying that, and once I bow my head, I stare back into Gardy's eyes. Sometimes I never told Gardy any more.

Gardy had quietly identified me like that.

Take Gardy's gaze in silence, looking at me and observing me.

It is never pleasant to be observed with surprise and suspicion. But there's nothing I can do but shut up and accept that gaze.

In the end, it's up to Gardy's heart to believe my words or not. Given that it was yesterday that Gardy and I exchanged words face to face, it's a bad bet of minutes, no matter what you think.

But Zenos continues to flee even as he confronts Gardi in this way. Now it's a matter of fighting for a moment. I don't have time to be convincing Gardy any more.

In times of need...

Taking Gardy's gaze, I think about if you didn't believe me, reaching for Espada subtly. I could see Gardy narrowing his eyes for a moment with such eyes on my behavior, but there's a reason he can't pull it off here either. Not if you hesitate.

It's honestly a shame to let go of the talent Grandpa and Father gave us around the corner. Now that I have seen that excellence, all I regret is that I should have held in without question the words Gardi said when introducing myself.

But the time that has passed does not return, and there is no more time to step on it. We just have to move on.

Even if it meant losing Gardy as a subordinate.

...... Gardi's trust and securing Zenos that can be dangerous molecules. If asked which one to take, the answer is decided.

Perhaps Gardi would leave me if things were to go out in the exercise of force here. Even if it turns out my words weren't false, he won't be my man. Instead, you shouldn't be. If your presence gets in the way, there is no such thing as a drunken guy admiring the Lord as someone who doesn't persuade you to cut yourself off without hesitation.

Given the abilities Gardy has shown me so far, it's a shame I can't subordinate him.

But you can't go wrong with purpose and means.

There was one reason I wanted strong power, I wanted to bring in good men, and I wanted a firm position.

- I will protect and live this country.

Grab an espada in the faces of the people you think of. I can't go wrong with what I protect anymore.

I don't care about my mood or anything, the priority should be securing Zenos. Then there is one thing to do.

To show my readiness in action, I waited for Gardi's decision with Espada in my grip.

And the decision Gardy made, staring at me like that and being ready...

"- Excuse me. I seemed a lot confused, too, and I thought about the crap. In retrospect, Master Doyle objected when I advised him to take Zenos. The opinion remained the same until the end, and Zenos would not have come to this occasion without meeting the man. Zenos' detention should have been unexpected for Master Doyle as well. Just because it turned out like this, I was foolish enough to read it deeply and doubt Master Mama Doyle."

That was an apology.


"... no, because it's a natural flow with this result. No need to apologize. than that now,"

"Chasing Zenos is the top priority,"


Apparently, he's regained his normal mind. Gardy takes over my words, and as soon as he does, he starts to quantify if there are any clues left indoors.

Apparently, I won the bet.

However, I'm not sure what the winning factor is.

... What did Gardy see?

I honestly couldn't deny the feeling of clapping because I was 90% ready, and I would do nothing but follow Gardy blindly with my eyes.

It was the usual Gardi himself who kicked up a knight still in confusion and made him look for clues.

At the same time as I am confused by such a change in Gardi, I devise the cause.

Gardy, who had silently identified me as more nervous, accidentally changed the color of his eyes. When he thought his suspicious eyes had moved, he looked open to surprise at something, and then Gardy, thinking a little bit, lost his shoulder and apologized to me.

As far as that set of motions goes back, I'm pretty sure Gardy found some incentive to believe me. But as far as the room is concerned, nothing is likely to prove it.

I don't know what the hell caused the victory, but they honestly accepted my words. From the current Gardi, I can't feel any doubt about me.

Instead, you deeply regret that you doubted me, you have a sorry look when you meet me, and you give me an atmosphere of regret somewhere.

What the hell was the grip in Gardi?

It's too convenient for me. I can't stop questioning developments. To be honest, I would like to ask you a dismal question about what has affected Gardi's mood. I am too good to be anxious on the contrary.

But that's not something to pursue right now. There is nothing to prioritize right now.

I don't completely understand what happened, but from my point of view, you should honestly be pleased that Gardi believed my words without any basis, not saying four or five.

Thanks to you, I don't lose a good man named Gardy, and I can go after Zenos.

... maybe it was the real deal.

I think so in order to convince myself of a situation that I am not convinced of.

From what I've said and done, Gardi was a cunning and figuratively fat impression. For this reason, I heard that the many words spoken on the first day would be the Interpreted Social Dictionary, but that may have been the true meaning of the outgoing Gardi.

No matter how inherited or Marquis, you will have seen a lot of conspiracies and dirty thoughts of the nobles. Given that, I can tolerate the strength and audacity of that push.

Most importantly, that you believed my word with no proof whatsoever in this situation.

Whatever became the deciding factor, there is no doubt that the trust in me that Gardi has just shown has drastically altered my impression of the existence of Gardi in me.

I couldn't help but convince myself that I had taken my hand off Esperda and headed for Gardi and the others.

"Dear Doyle. I've been looking at it a long time, but there's nothing left in this room that's going to give me a clue. I've been talking to this knight while I'm testing it, and it's probably not been that way since Zenos escaped. Looks like a sleeping pill kind of thing was used on the way we were talking, but both me and this knight are watching the fire column up from the workout twice around sunset. It's like it's been an hour or not since the second fire column to look outside. Perhaps Zenos is still in King's City."

And I looked outside at Gardy's words.

To make it difficult for the suspects to escape, the Wang Du Knights have an interview room upstairs with a good view outside. At present, about 70% of the sunset is set.

There was something in Gardy's words that bothered me a lot, but it's not if I care about that, and there's only one more killer than there's no gin, so I'm willing to hear more about it and I'll make a decision after this.

Using sign detection, there were two groups running this way. One runs densely and the other is a group that is gradually increasing its number as it runs.

Perhaps the former were the Ballads and the latter the knights who heard the noise. I've been running so much flashy.

Ballads would be better off first for this minute, so we'll just have to track them out of the hole as soon as we rendezvous.

"Do you like it? Dear Doyle."

"Now the knights who heard the noise with the Ballads are on their way here. The Ballads will be here first, so we'll follow Zenos as soon as we rendezvous. - Excuse me, but that's what I'm talking about, so I'd like to ask the arriving knight to explain the situation."

"Heh? Oh, yeah, I did."


Take Gardy's enquiry and talk about his contemplated future moves.

I turned to Theon and the others when I was surprised to see the knight who was suddenly told the story.

"Rafael, Albione. You two would follow me, wouldn't you?

"Of course."

"Theon, what do you do?

"You decided to go, didn't you?

"Right. Well, you do whatever you want."

"Young lady, aren't you cold to me?

I thank the two spirits who have given me their pleasure and ask Theon as well, just in case. It was a response as I thought it would be, so if it flowed lightly, it seemed like Zion was calling, but, well, no problem.

That's how I turned my attention to Gardy when I confirmed my intention.

"What about Gardy?

And so I asked.

Grandpa tells me to take him when I go out, but even if I leave him, he'll just piss me off. Then I wanted Gardy to choose what to do.

We were fortunate that Zenos used hypnotic drugs. Depending on the medication Zenos chose, it is possible that neither Gardi nor that knight would have returned. Gardy was also aware of the possibility, which is why he had such a dangerous gaze.

I may be able to get my hands on it in my next sermon, but I'm used to the extent of it, so no problem. Much better than forcing the uninspiring into a dangerous place.

"Me too...... no. I'll stay here."


"Yes, the same goes for the explanation of the circumstances, but we also need to stop Doyle from following us, don't we? If I had a Kingsguard squad leader, I'd be able to hold off for a little while."

"I appreciate that, okay?

"I'll take care of it"

He told Gardy that he would stay here if he left it up to him to decide what to do with the future. I cared about the badly toothed word, but I just appreciate the offer to stop me if you think about my current relationship of trust with Gardy.

Having thanked Gardi, I concentrated my consciousness on the footsteps of the gradually approaching Ballads.

The moment I told him, "Well," it must have been my mistake to see Gardy looking lonely.

"Then I asked for Rafael, Ballado and Solcier, Nadi and the others."

"Leave it to me!

"You'll be all right later, won't you?

"" Yes ""

"Easy win"

"It's okay."

"I'm fine."

In front of a hole open for each person, I look over at them gathered and finally confirm.

It was the three Lutzes and Waldo and Rita and Prague, as well as Nadi and Leone, that Balad brought in.

I was honestly surprised that Nadi and Leone even followed me, but he said, "If they're medics, we can't throw them away." The two are from the Trebol and Entes families, who are bordered by drugs. It is up to you to allow me to accompany you, that there will be many thoughts.

It's more comforting to have someone in medicine than the other person is a pharmacist.

Sometimes upstairs, it's not that far from the hole to the ground. It is a perfectly fine distance for the Warrior family.

Two of the pharmacy faculties and Balad, Sorcier, seemed tough, so I asked Rafael to put them down. Later faces seem ok, so I have to go out.


"Take care"


I told Gardy I'd stay here, tell him to leave, and I'll jump out of the hole.

Since it was not a great distance, it had landed after a flash of flotation. Having landed Zach on the ground without losing his posture, I confirm that Ballado, Solcier and Nadi and the others have successfully landed with the help of Rafael.

"Are you all right?

"It's okay."

Ballad answers my question on my behalf. Make sure everyone nodded at Balad's words and I took a step forward.

but for some reason. I feel my hair pulled back and I stop my legs.

"What's up, young lady? Forget something?"

As soon as I walked out, I stopped, and Theon told me to tease him.

I'm not sure why I wanted to do that myself. Gardy himself chose to stay. This time it was a nuisance, and it doesn't change the way I wanted to respect that will.

But I looked up to where I had just jumped, as if I had been moved by the words of "forgotten things" that Theon had said.

One of the knights looks up and looks at the hole. I don't know the details in the backlight, but I feel strongly stared at by that knight.

The moment I felt that sight, I was raising my voice to the knight who would be watching here.

"Gardy! We're going after Zenos now! If you still feel like being one of my men, follow me!

"Dear Doyle!?"

I call my name as Ballado was surprised by my words.

I don't know what to do in a hurry, Gardy still doesn't know if he can be trusted, or something like that, I guess. "That's an eye-catching invitation complaint from the top for a long time..." said Scion, who watched the exchange so far, grinning bitterly.

... I also know that you don't have to tell me.

Besides, the knight standing over there may not be Gardi, but another knight. When I went, "I'm coming," Gardy just lowered his head as much as he did in the room, and he didn't waver near the hole.

Honestly, I think to myself what you're doing when it's a matter of competing for a moment. As Gardi was saying, we don't have time to deal with the Kingsguard Commander right now, so we need to stop. And I also know repeatedly that Gardy is appropriate for stopping.

But somehow.

I really don't know.

I was reminded of Gardy, who said that he wanted to be a subordinate or that he was angry at the emotional dew that he was being set up with me, a face that made me feel surprised and appalled and deeply regretted, and a look that would make me look lonely, and I thought I should say, "Come on, too."

"You want to be one of my men, don't you? If that word isn't false, I need your help here and now, Gardy!

I could see the flutter and the shadow move if I screamed to leave myself to an impulse I wasn't sure about.

Then he hears the sound of treading on the soil, his cheeks loose as he sees them.

- Dear Doyle,

Because of the reflex, I didn't see what look Gardy had on his face. But I heard you clearly. Responding to Gardi's voice calling me, I announce my departure again.

"Let's go!

It was an emotion I wasn't sure about, but I felt Gardi had become one of my men at that moment. I look around at my subordinates on the side as I tilt my neck that some things are strange about the relief and satisfaction that spreads across my chest.

"" "" "" Yes (oops)!

Respond to my gaze and signal the powerful voices coming up from there.

To capture Zenos, we ran off to the King's Capital, where the book of the night began to descend.

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