Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode 116: Gardi von Spelvia


There have been many times since I was young when I felt that way.

Having grown up surrounded by first-class objects and people, I graduated from school with excellent grades and competent men. He walked straight down the picturesque streets of his birth and became a Kingsguard knight young. After that it went well again, and I also gained the trust until I was entrusted with the king's departure by Master Alan and His Majesty.

Of course, I intend to do the right thing.

In fact, I have no less pride in being a nobleman and a knight than the people around me. If this was incompetent, maybe it wasn't the same again, but I inherited too much hatred from my parents.

So I've never really experienced any difficulties or setbacks.

Patterns, environment, family, own qualities. I can't help but think of all the frustrations and miseries that I have no chance of experiencing. Honestly, my life was super easy.

I guess if this was the time of my grandfather, who lived up to the war, or my father, who sweated over reconstruction, I wouldn't have had time or room to think about that. But it was a good time to be born. I didn't have to risk my life to fight like my grandfather, I didn't have to spare myself and run around while I slept like my father, I just spent every day doing nothing.

The days of living without a goal or purpose are terribly boring.

Even though I knew it was a luxury, I envied my grandfather and father.

My grandfather says he was not allowed to stop his leg and followed the heroes' backs to our samurai.

My father narrows his eyes to nostalgia that he was not allowed to spare his abilities, laziness, etc., and thought he didn't have enough time each day.

I also had a hard experience, but the two of them always said they got a lot of stuff for it. More importantly, the two biting off peaceful times with their families and companions had a very full look on their faces and seemed happy on top of this.

I am not dissatisfied with a privileged peaceful life, nor have I ever wanted to disrupt my country. But whenever I saw two people talking about their past with a full expression, that's what I wanted to live for, too.

I think you can risk your life for this man. I want to meet my master.

I want company that can keep my back.

I want to have an experience that makes me tremble because I can be touched or scared.

From the bottom of my belly, I want to scream that I'm glad I'm alive.

I have a sense of luxury.

There are those who are still having trouble eating tomorrow, albeit in peaceful times, when reconstruction has come to a halt. Some children do not have a satisfactory education and work sweaty from before adulthood. There is no point in looking down there and I can't count how grateful I was for my birth.

But people are greedy, and if clothing and shelter are filled, this time they want to satisfy their own existential significance. Neither do I.

Family, lover, companion, master. Anything was fine.

Anyway, I wanted something so life-threatening that it made sense to live in this world.

And that day I visited.

A huge transition formation, written by Master Celery, emits a blue and white light in the corner of the royal castle's property. Numerous knights and wild horses surrounding the magic formation to ensure there are no deficiencies during the transfer of the Demon King.

A stream of light that gradually adds brightness fills the square and takes away the sight of the knights surrounding the magic formation as people grumble over rumors that a freshly grown boy has crusaded the Demon King.

The magic of even feeling the danger of life swelling up with the blue and white light seemed to show the strength of the Demon King, and my heart turned to pieces.

And the swollen magic played, the next moment when Don and his strong shock rang to the core of his body.

I opened my eyes softly, feeling the sensation of the chilling air stroking my cheeks, and I felt my heart pulsating against the remnants of the intimidating and deadly blow of the Demon King that I still felt dead.

I thought to my grandfather that Si Yingjie, like my father had a thunder spear brave man, appeared to me a hero to follow his back too.

And with the exhilaration of finding someone who could live, I followed him so far for that appearance.

In fact, Master Doyle I saw was either an influence of birth or someone who has not now had the use of power and position.

It is also preferable not to attempt to wield power while holding the strongest hand tag of childhood tampering between His Royal Highness Gray and Princess Claire, very carefully. He is a remarkable sweetness to others, but his ability to antagonize with Master Zeno is not bad, nor is his ability to act to scratch the eyes of His Majesty or Lord Alan. Someone was always on my side, someone to attract people to.

Seeing Master Doyle like that, he's still someone whose immaturity catches my eye, but I did think this guy could make it viable.

And yet I couldn't believe Master Doyle.

... Neither can I. You can't tell me about the troop leader.

I remember myself as shallow and mocking myself.

One of the interview rooms on the second floor of Knights headquarters. At present, Doyle and his men were gathered in that room, called Interview Room 8, to chase Zenos, which I had missed.

"Then I asked for Rafael, Ballado and Solcier, Nadi and the others."

"Leave it to me!

"You'll be all right later, won't you?

"" Yes ""

"Easy win"

"It's okay."

"I'm fine."

They gather to laugh at the words of Doyle, who cares for his men. They're going after Zenos with Master Doyle.

But all I can do is shut up and drop them off.

Given Dear Doyle's forthcoming actions, it is imperative that the Knights stop. They'll stop Master Doyle. Some of the knights are Kingsguard commanders, so given their identity and strength, they're no better qualified than me.

And most importantly, I don't deserve to go with Master Doyle.

This wasn't supposed to happen......

Watching the Doyles giving instructions to their men, it's too late to regret it in your heart.

Those who follow Master Doyle are generally of low stature. He is the highest ranked and the Viscount of Trevor. Although Master Doyle was His Royal Highness Prince Wang and it would not have been necessary to subordinate a noble and noble descendant to the late prince and high rank in person, it would nevertheless be helpful to have a high-ranking subordinate. When you go out of the royal castle or country, it will feel all the more pronounced.

I thought there was a gap in there for me to get in. Once I got nostalgic, I was confident that Master Doyle would find it difficult to let go. In fact, it should have worked out until halfway there.

But I wasted that corner opportunity.

It was yesterday that Master Doyle entrusted me with a pharmacist named Zenos.

Master Doyle put the pharmacists through and I wasn't informed of what I was looking into. However, the list of materials and customers, as well as the fact that it was all about unnamed pharmacists, makes it easy to speculate that we are looking into the recent increase in mercenaries. I concluded that mercenaries would be exploring job descriptions, frequency, and number of people based on the type of drug they purchased.

It felt like I was doing a much farther investigation, but if I were to steal the sire's or Alan's eyes and find out, I guess I'd have to attack them from as far away as that. I thought that was a difficult thing to do, but I tried to squeeze information out of Zenos in an attempt to raise my profile on this occasion.

But when I insulted Zenos as just a pharmacist, I allowed him to escape without any information.

On top of that, even though the situation was a situation, we asked Doyle himself where he was responsible for letting Zenos escape. I doubted his heart because I pushed him to the Lord and Master Doyle on my own, but he didn't do what he wanted just a little bit.

Master Doyle was showing me around.

If you look behind your back properly, you'll see that the wall is more than half chopped apart instead of the door. I guess Master Doyle did it because of its thickness and the size of the fragments.

Perhaps even trying to get inside to know the indoor anomalies didn't open the door, trying to cut it down but rushing too much momentum and overdoing it. How many bosses in this world worry about their men only a day after they meet them enough to destroy them to the wall in excess of their momentum?

At the same time as I'm surprised at the tragic state of the door, which has completely improved my outlook, it's new to my memory that I've got a cold head.

That's how I calmed down. The next thing I remember was the desperate voice of Master Doyle calling me.

Whatever you think, Zenos got away from that hole, so we had a choice to go after Zenos without him. All you have to do is leave a message for the gathered men and other Scion or the Spirit of the Wind and have them brought to you later.

But Doyle didn't, and when he woke us up and checked our health, he even gave us an explanation of the situation.

I think he worried me. And yet I couldn't believe Master Doyle.

It's only natural to tell a pompous person that he suddenly wants to be a subordinate and can't believe it, and he's just a fool, such as a boss who gives important information to a subordinate he doesn't trust.

So where Master Doyle kept one of the bugs, there was nothing wrong with it. You just didn't trust me enough to give me important information.

In the first place, Master Doyle said, "No doubt punished," and was willing to miss Zenos. Nor could Master Doyle have thought that a being who would have been willing to abandon it if it hadn't been for the encounter with Zion would have been so dangerous.

If you think calmly, it seems so. And all that springs up is regret.

Not worth it to a knight who doesn't believe his master's words and annoys his hands enough to make him ready to slash and throw them away.


"Take care"


Grab a hidden fist in your back and drop off Master Doyle, who tells you to leave.

After such a Doyle was led by the son of the Rove family, and several students followed him.

Most of them are low-profile people like the first time they've seen their faces in this internship, but their names are students I hear a lot about. There are differences between merchants, magic props, blacksmiths, medicines and fields, but those who have the ability to fight with their fingers in school, to the sons of houses who make a name for themselves in their respective fields.

Whatever house they choose as their supplier, they will be welcome to follow after Master Doyle, who jumped, in an unmistakable foothold. They silently obey Master Doyle's life. I guess they decide in their hearts that all of the things that vary in degree will have Master Doyle as their master.

No hesitation, no doubt, no hesitation.

I'm jealously dazzled by the way they follow that back, believing in Master Doyle.

"Don't you have to go? Gardi."

There's no reason to.

Answering questions from my colleague's knight in my heart, I approach the hole where the Doyles jumped.

And when I saw Master Doyle checking everyone for injuries, my chest ached.

I wonder why I thought someone so sweet had set me up.

It is an outrageous scandal, such as the removal of a suspect captured by the Knights from within Knights headquarters. Of course, this scandal will resonate with our assessment for a while.

It is unlikely that Master Doyle will take such measures. I should have known that Doyle was not a man who could imitate people for himself.

And if I made a mistake, I and my colleague's knight could have died.

If the medication used was of a different effect.

If Zenos was taking our lives on the run.

A powerless pharmacist would have easily killed a sleeping knight or something. It was a danger to my life. But that's what our chronic mind invited when we judged and caught off guard by appearance and profession.

There is no way that such a sweet Doyle could deliberately endanger the lives of others.

I can believe that this man would not sacrifice himself because he is the one who can't do it. That's why people gather around Master Doyle.

No matter how confused you were by unexpected developments, you wouldn't have the right to be on my side for not even remembering that.

... scattered suspicion, but still, trust me, I want you to put it on my side, etc., things are going too well.

Master Doyle had shown me sincerity enough. It's not something I can forgive for not even trying to look at that sincerity and saying I want to chase that back.

If I could have been on Master Doyle's side, I could have lived like a grandfather or a father. No, they would have lived. There are more who follow Master Doyle just because he is not here. Some of them will live to serve Master Doyle like a robe.

Indeed, Master Doyle was a man who could live.

I'm the one who closed that future.

After exchanging two or three words, I drop them off with regret, giving up, and envy in my chest, who ran out to lead Master Doyle. But the moment I tried to turn my heel back because I didn't want to see him off to the end, Master Doyle stopped and looked at him.

I didn't get myself out of the hole. Somehow I felt like Doyle was looking straight up at me, even though you wouldn't see me in the dim room from below. That can't be true, although I think it's because of my concern that my eyes are right, but my purple eyes are looking at me without moving, so I accidentally breathed.


"Gardy! We're going after Zenos now! If you still feel like being one of my men, follow me!

I also wanted to jump at the words I was told.

From me upstairs, I can see Doyle well lit by the sunset. But from Master Doyle looking up at this one, he'll only see shadows like me in the dim room.

You shouldn't even know if it's me looking down, but still, Master Doyle screams like he doesn't suspect I'm watching.

"You want to be one of my men, don't you? If that word isn't false, I need your help here and now, Gardy!

I'm glad you're kind enough to ask me to help you, even though you won't have to be without me.

I wonder if that's why I can really go.

If you mean to give me another chance, I want to go. It is decided that it is better to be on Master Doyle's side than to deal with a troop leader here. We may see Master Doyle's activity, and we may be able to return the stigma.

But will that be allowed?

I couldn't believe Master Doyle while he asked me to live. I wouldn't want it if it were me, such as a knight, who is only halfway ready to doubt the Lord's word while selling himself to me.

Besides, from Master Doyle, it should be easier for me to seal the Knights' movements here. It's only my own behavior, such as following Master Doyle.

"- It doesn't seem like it, Gardy. You've been nominated for the corner, so don't keep Master Doyle waiting."


"I'll take care of this place. Good luck over there, dude!

As various thoughts come to mind, I'm surprised at the voices I hear right from the side, but they poke me down before I turn around. Too late to think, I didn't realize my colleague's knight was approaching, and I fell to the ground floor without the technique of making it a shock I felt with words of encouragement.

- That bastard!

I looked up to complain about my colleague's outrage after avoiding rolling around like a result of my daily training.

It was Doyle-like with loose cheeks that entered my eyes as soon as possible.

Without time to prepare his mind, his mouth, which was open to complain about being forced to join Master Doyle, had called his name if he noticed.

- Dear Doyle,

Master Doyle, who was laughing when he saw me coming down, grows more and more grinned at my voice. And once I nodded with a satisfied look, I raised my voice to the students.

"Let's go!

"" "" "" Yes (oops)!

There were many words I wanted to say, "Why did you call me?" or "Can I really follow you?" But I didn't have time to pinch my mouth because Master Doyle nodded satisfactorily at me for calling my name and telling me to leave.

Mixed with the students who responded strongly, I accidentally responded with an acknowledgement.

Laughing small at us like that, Master Doyle runs out.

It's like, "Follow me," but don't get lost in definite footsteps.

I can't conclude anything, but Master Doyle keeps going without looking back. Mixed with the others, I rushed after that back too.

I don't even have time to ask questions, and I chase Master Doyle, who keeps running, not knowing if this is really okay.

Without even paying attention to my complicated state of mind or anything, Master Doyle keeps running as he talks to the Spirit of the Wind and the other Spirit who is invisible, and gives instructions to the blue bird who flies to come down from time to time and walk side by side. The students were accustomed to such a Doyle-like, silently chasing their backs without disturbing them.

"Even now, shouldn't I go back and stop?" As the idea passed my head, I remembered my grandfather's words to the appearance of the students chasing Master Doyle.

"Now is the time to say Si Yingjie, but they are all aligned and selfish. I can't listen to any of them. On top of that," Follow me if you want to "is a cliché, and when there are people who are going to have to leave me or something, they reach out to the habit of pushing along without looking back on the path they believe in. Normally, you don't care about the habit of chasing us to Wushu Luo. You must be when you're weak or lost. I don't know if that's a good idea. Every time I get lost and I think I'm going to hold my legs, they say," Come on for now. "Forget what you might have lost if you noticed, and chase me to Wushu Luo again. While I was doing that, I was running through it!

That's how I thought of my grandfathers laughing at each other in fun.

And then again, I see Master Doyle not looking back.

... Maybe you can't help thinking about it.

I was only halfway ready. Can I go after him, or can I stay on his side? That's what I want to hear, but I think that to Master Doyle, who doesn't give me time to ask.

I know that's not the situation, but as far as Dear Doyle is concerned, that one thing is going to be decided not to stay like this.

If you miss the Zenos you're chasing right now, re-investigate to capture them. If we catch him, he'll be followed through with that process. Maybe it will develop into a bigger case. That's how it starts getting ready for the engagement ceremony with Princess Claire.

That's how, while I'm leaving myself to the next thing I'm going to do, this time they're driving me beyond my memory, like I doubted Master Doyle.

I want to know if that's okay, but I remember my grandfather saying he chased me to Wushu like that too. If that word of my grandfather is true, then perhaps the race known as hero is so deep that nostalgia is terribly profound.

- Can I assume you've forgiven me? Dear Doyle.

Can I interpret "follow me" as meaning that?

Maybe if you think of the look on Mr. Doyle's face when he saw me being slammed down by a colleague.

- If you want to follow me, can I just follow you in silence?

I don't know Master Doyle's sincerity.

But I'm lost. It was Doyle who pulled my hand.

Then maybe we should just keep quiet and obey without thinking deeply. Because I just thought about it anyway, and I don't think I deserve to chase it, and I really want to chase it, and I can't give you answers or anything.

The life of chasing us to Wushu without knowing why is not so bad either.

I remember my grandfather and my father's face, and I think about that.

As my grandfather ran through the war saying what it was, this is how I might be running through a tumultuous life, too, chasing Master Doyle's back.

With that in mind, I kept going after Master Doyle, who ran without getting lost.

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