Time for the sun to set and people to start hanging out at home.

The boulevard, which was so lively during the day, was completely quiet, either because the people who had finished their work had already returned home.

Some of the houses you can see from the street have lights on, so I guess we're going to have a family reunion moment. The less popular towns are all the more likely to involve residents.

At this time of year, if you pick a location, you'll have no problem getting a little rough.

With that in mind, I'm going after Albione and the others.

The two spirits were proceeding unquestionably along the night path of the king's capital, lit by the light of the pale moon.

'It's going southwest now. Found it?'

"A little more. There's no sign of a building or anything?

"Landmarks, huh?

There is no tension between the two of us talking while flying through the universe.

I look somewhere that isn't here from time to time, so much so that I wander my gaze.

It's a lot of work to find and catch the killer we escaped from, but it seems possible with one hassle from Rafael and Albione.

Power beyond people's knowledge is more terrifying than you can imagine.

... Is this what turning the Spirit against the enemy is all about?

It's easy to find Zenos, and I feel creepy as I feel something so horrible about the girls I'm tracking.

There are individual differences, but the spirits can vary with the range of power and the attributes they possess.

By the way, Albione says if he touches the water, he can manipulate it and see the view on the water. The amount of water that can be manipulated depends on your health, but if you touch the water that is connected like a waterway, you can even see the view ahead of you, however far away you are from your current position.

Happy or unhappy, the waterway stretches from the royal castle to the center of Majesta's king's city. Not every corner of the Wang capital is covered by boulders, but the waterways are wide.

'If you see yourself in the water, you can go after him, but you want to try?' Asked Albione as soon as we ran.

Then I asked Albione to give it a try, and he immediately found Zenos.

From Albione, who declared himself strong, it seems easy to find and track a human being from within the wide King's City.

However, if the waterway is interrupted, Albione can't trace it any further.

So it is Rafael's turn.

The tracking range of Lafar with wind attributes is wide.

If it's windy outdoors, it's traceable as long as her magic power extends.

She says if it's about a distance from Wang Du to Epis School, I can follow her. It is an anomaly.

Then he asked Rafael to look for him from the beginning, and I think it would have been quicker to chase him, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

From Rafael, he says searching for one human being from within his means is tantamount to pinching up just one grain from the sandbox.

This means that the range of sight is too wide and it takes time to see it all. On top of that, when you get into a building or something, you can't seem to block the wind.

However, Albione has already found the person to be tracked this time, and is traveling outdoors to see if he is willing to do so from the King's Capital. That's why Rafael is currently searching for Zenos under Albione's direction.

Even so, I know almost Zenos' location, so they say it's an easy task to just match Zenos' current location with the map in Lafar.

I tried to do something with man-made sea tactics and gathered manpower, but it was as if I didn't need it.

Sometimes there was an easy place for them to wield their power, but it was up to them to smudge that the powerful Spirit was not something to turn to the enemy.

"It's near the edge of luxury and cheap lodging now. It's time to lose sight of the waterway. '

"Shit, I just... I found it! This way, my dear."

"Thank you, both of you"

It's not as big a deal as this.

"That's right. Never mind?

Even though there was an Albione induction, Rafael, who apparently easily captured Zenos, began directing in a mild tone.

While I feel subtle about the one-sided capture play too soon, I say thank you to them. At the same time, he toured what he was going to do.

Zenos says he's headed for the walls surrounding the king's capital, so the pursuit of Albione will be interrupted soon. Also, Rafael's pursuit will be interrupted if he gets into the building or dives underground.

I understand that Zenos himself was blinded by a knight. Future activities will be carried out more carefully and secretly.

Here's the trouble with that.

Don't give me another chance to rethink the plan or anything. Zenos will have to go home this time for sure.

Some hands give Rafael and the others magic and let them sift through their power without restriction, but that is somewhat risky.

Even the spirits are out of standard. I can't imagine how much it would be possible to give me more magic than people there.

It's too early to make a bet on one or eight.

I don't know if it's enough to let him get away with it, but as far as Zenos' current position is concerned, he's still gonna make it.

Besides, I have an outsider who can attack, apart from them. The more they are ordered to stop, the less they will be able to face Zenos.

Now is not the time to ask them to do so, given the risks that could possibly devastate some of the Wang capital. Well, I also think about the hands that give them magic in times of need.

But it is also after driving Zenos into an unpopular land.

With that in mind, I ask Rafael.

"Okay. Can you direct the Eins away from us?

"Of course!"

Rafael nodded cheerfully in my words, calling the Ains flying over.

If we gather magic at our fingertips and send a signal, they immediately realize that they will communicate with each other by ringing two or three times.

And as a result of a short conversation, Zwei came down to me on my behalf.

"Are you calling? Dear Doyle '

"Oh. Lafar"

"Yes, this will guide you, so you should follow me."

If you call Rafael to Zwei, who flies alongside me, she offers a green light in front of Zwei just because she understands.

The green light offered by Rafael instantly swirled around Zwei and rose to the sky as he changed its appearance to a butterfly shape.

That speed is much faster than a real butterfly.

"Follow that light. There must be a man with small brackets of dark hair at the end of the light, so I want you to hold him back from getting him out of the king's capital. Just buy us some time, okay? Don't take any chances, okay?

"Copy that!

When the cheerful Zwei surfaced without sound, he joined the Eins. I heard them squeal slightly but that was all.

They don't look spicy chasing green butterflies flying at a good speed. I tend to forget because my usual words and deeds are a food priority, but they are feniche. It is an elegant blue devil bird sometimes referred to as a god beast.

You said you asked for a lot of things, but you can count on how they look without feeling it. Flying through the night sky in the light of the pale moon is not even elegant because of its young age, but it is beautiful.

"I also thought when I got into the mercenary place, you're a beautiful bird. Where'd you get him?


"That bird's gonna be bigger, isn't it? He seems smart, and I want one."

When the conversation with Rafael and the others was over and instructions to the Eins were given.

Turning to the voice I was called in anticipation of my hand being free, there was Waldo.

Waldo, lined up beside me without disturbing his breath, is dazzling at whether he is in love with the flying Ains.

If I let Waldo's words run my gaze around me, people who didn't know who Ains was would be looking at me with anticipation, just like Waldo.

In the meantime, Nadi and Leone, who know who they are, have a bitter laugh, and Ballado, who understands their ecology, has a frightened look on his face.

Well, if you know who you are, you don't want to keep it easy.

I smile little bitterly at Balad, who sends his gaze to Waldo, who says, "You'll never make it," and opens his mouth to tell him who the Eins are.

"Well, it's Feniche's a young bird. It's still going to be big, and I'm pretty sure it's smart. It's horribly magical."

"Aginis first. If you're sure of my memory, Feniche..."

You're surprised what I told you about Ains, Waldo's voice flips slightly.

Waldo's gaze at me contains surprises and worries, and Rita and the others, unaware of the circumstances, raise their voices of surprise and compare me to the sky where the Ains flew away.

I told the smiling waldos all the time knowing exactly what the hell surprised them and what they were worried about.

"Master Celery gave it to me to hatch it out of interest."

"" "... oh" "

Waldo and the others who were worried that the school wouldn't piss them off, such as keeping a warcraft, erased the color of their worries from their eyes as soon as they heard Lady Celery's name from my mouth.

Then floated is pity.

That vibrant change in expression is neat. It makes me feel like saying thank you very much for the understandable reaction.

It was a moment of a good understanding of what Master Celery thought of the average student.

"They've been eating my magic with only five of them since they were palm-sized. I don't really recommend breeding. Well, if you really want it, I'll hatch the eggs and give them away?

"There's no way I can keep a creature that eats the magic of Aginis, is there?

"Three months and you'll start eating on your own from around there?

"... don't be shy. I don't have much magic."


After nodding at Waldo's response, if you look around, Rita and Prague are also shaking their heads vigorously to the side. He shook his head loosely as he didn't even want Nadi, Leone or Gardi in the rear. Even Zion has a slight stiffness in his face.

"It's a horrible school to be allowed such a teacher"

"The school director says he was a subordinate of Master Celery when he was active."

"Besides, is there His Royal Highness Prince Wang and a young lady... the school director won't be able to let go of his stomach medicine"

"Rude. My lord and I..."

- I'm grown up and serious.

Only say what you tried to keep doing.

I had a desire to argue with the rude dialogue that Theon threw up, but I stopped Rafael and Albione, who were flying forward, from squirming each other.

If you observe the surroundings without stopping your legs, at some point the lighted house will disappear and you will see the sight of the ruins that led people to live in.

... You're new here.

This place, which ran and arrived with a light slap, is commonly referred to as a poor neighborhood.

The outermost part of the residential area of the general population, a little far from the checkpoint, but also a distance from the area where the inn stands.

The path where people are no longer coming and going is painful, and irregularities are noticeable as to whether the roots of the trees are on. The sound of slightly thin and flowing water echoes, and there are signs there of people lurking their breath even though they are nowhere to be found.

Far from the gorgeous boulevard, a place called the Shadow of the King's Capital.

With a little face up, you can see the walls surrounding the King's Capital.

Perhaps Zenos is going to flee over that wall.

At the top of the walls and above, various measures are in place to prevent them from being overcome. But the lower part is just a castle wall. With the medicine that melted the walls of the investigation room, you would be able to drill a hole in the thick walls of the castle without much difficulty.

'I thought I'd say it's time for the playtime to be over, but it looks okay. We're gonna get there. "

"I know."

I think of the escape route that Zenos would have planned where he arrived. Albione came to his side at the same time, saying the words as expected.

Zenos seems to be right there.

"Is it time? Aginis."

"Oh. You ready?

Waldo asks me if I can smell the change in the air.

If I looked at the other faces as I answered, they'd all noticed, grabbing my weapon and giving me a serious look.

With my eyes on them like that, I give directions.

"Nadi and Leone are waiting. I asked you two, Ballad."

"I'm in awe"

Copy that.

"Rita and Prague, please, from the rear. Gardy, I asked for you two."


"Leave it to me!


"Waldo will keep an eye out for Theon to do anything extra, and if he's free, help me. I wonder if Theon will come anyway? Stay out of my way."

"Leave it to me!"

"Still not for me."

"Rafael and Albione ask for Zenos' escape prevention and no damage to their surroundings"

"Let it be!

"The wells and waterways around here are dead and now the best, but I'll do whatever I can for you."

Gradually slowing down, I gave each of them instructions. When I was done, I stopped and looked back.

And I opened my mouth to speak of my last caution.

"The goal is not to harm the inhabitants of poor neighborhoods, but to keep Zenos alive. Take care not to get hurt, do your best - let's go."

At the end of the day, we'll all be scattered to do our part.

Only two people left on my side, Waldo and Zion.

"What is this bird!?"

Beyond the rubble, Zenos is pretending and screaming his bracketed dark hair.

Five blue birds playing with Zenos in sight, and I quietly pulled out Esperda. It's my turn from here.

The prey is currently.


All we have to do is catch him later.

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