Dive into the rubble shadow with Waldo and Zion and watch how the Zenos and the others are doing.

A short distance from the rubble where we hide ourselves in front of the walls.

So Zenos with a purple liquid, supposedly the same medicine that melted the walls of the interview room, was being molested by the Eins.

"What the fuck, you guys!? Get out of my way"

Is Master Doyle here yet?

"No, maybe it's coming already!

"This! This!

'You're using this holder's good skin. He's tough, but he's not my enemy!

"Munchkin '"

"Damn! Don't let the birds get in my way!

Eince slapping him in the face with his feathers while having a swallowing conversation, and Zwei snapping his hair while holding his head.

Feer with a leather belt-shaped holder in an attempt to take away the dry holding hand holding the bottle in an effort to let go of the medicine and other medicine bottles worn on Zenos' hips.

Other brothers and sisters who actively stop Zenos are eating the magic potion magic bottle that Zenos holds.

Zenos is waving his hands and legs around trying to get rid of them like that.

However, Ains and the others continued to obstruct Zenos with a flickering arm or leg, without such resistance from Zenos.

Part of the walls visible over the Zenos and the others are largely melted, and you can see the moonlighted streets from the fist-large holes that have already penetrated.

- You were right to let the Eins go first.

Praise the Ains in their hearts for starting to obstruct me at a good time.

You're executing my word that I told you not to let out of the king's capital, around subtly keeping Zenos away from the walls, and they're brilliant.

The medicine currently in Zenos' hands remains about a third.

If I finish putting that on, I guess that fist hole will be the size people can go through. I'm relieved I made it.

There are a few places I'd like to stick in, such as Zwei, who is stressing out, or Zwei, who is ing her hair with momentum that seems to hear bumps and noises, or Humph, who doesn't prioritize eating even at times like this.

Especially the fact that the purple magic pills that were suspiciously glowing as Humph got on are losing their shine, and how they're eating magic over a bottle of medicine that should be specially processed to keep the magic from leaking, well, I'd like to get into it all.

But that's fine later.

What we need to do now is to plug the hole so Zenos can't escape, strengthen the walls of the castle, and take away the other drugs he has in his possession, and catch him alive.

It can be done in an instant to prevent the hole, but it is medium difficult to take the medicine away. It is not a busy thing, such as the medicine Zenos carries on the run.

Besides, I don't know how magic drugs work, just by looking at them. You'll know if you actually eat it, but then it's too late. It's dangerous to come close to the detour.

Besides the medicine wrapped around his waist, Zenos is likely to have hidden it, but it would be more certain to wait until Fia takes up the holder wrapped around his waist first and do something about it.

"... a bird with a head on it, that's unforgiving"


Waldo squeals in a very small voice when Feea sums up her thoughts about filling in the time when she recovers the holder and blocking the hole in the walls with ice magic.

Unexpectedly, Scion's voice was slightly heavier agreeing with Waldo's words whined in such a way.

Every time Zwei leaves Zenos, his hair falls from his mouth harrowed, a good amount indeed.

"This! This! This! '

"Hey, Eince and Zwei should also learn to dry and take it seriously!

'I'm doing it, aren't I?

'Yeah, yeah - don't eat everything, Humph! Doyle will doubt your taste until we do!?'


'Naturally! Don't look at Ains, Dry or Feea, just stop the humph!

"Taking care of Humph is Zwei's job!

"Uh? That's Zwei's job, isn't it?

'Fia's right. First Doyle asked for you, didn't he?

"Muggle, muggle."

"Master Doyle asked me to do a reconnaissance!? No matter what, push me!

I softly wipe tears in my heart to Zwei, who headed for the recovery of Hümphu, as I raise my frustrating voice to my brothers and sisters who have a throwing attitude towards Hümphu.

Clever, but good Ains with the procedures to get out of hand as much as possible and push the job to keep it out of the way.

I don't like to think deeply about things, but seriously, Dry with the biggest body of my siblings.

Fast spinning head, sharp but exhausting lady temperament Feer.

Free humph that is all you have in mind to eat basically.

Zwei has common sense and is smart and serious as his personalized brothers and sisters align.

There is a brisk side to knowledgeability, but also to people's common sense. For this reason, I often ask Zwei for something. It could be surveillance of Humph or a liaison with his brothers and sisters.

It was probably stressful for Zwei, although it was the most trusted but late choice. No, I guess it was stress.

As far as listening to the conversation right now, Zwei seems to be drawn a pretty poor lottery among his brothers and sisters, and once this matter is cleared up, he seems better off listening to Zwei's stupidity.

... In the meantime, let's give Zwei plenty of my magic later.

Forced, but never hurt, to retrieve Humph and watch Zwei return to Xenos' foothold again, secretly determined to try absolutely hard to do it when he returns.

I think we should finish this one up for Zwei.

"If the guy with Zenos around his waist retrieves the medicine for each holder, we're going."


"Okay. By the way, that hair is the bird okay? Aren't you stressed out?

"I know. He's going to work hard later, so he'll be fine."

"I hope so. Take care of your pet, okay? Young lady."


I don't give Zenos time to resist or anything, but when I let it end in a flash, I change my mind and speak to both of them. Sion's words increased his guilt for Zwei, but his emotions saw Zenos with a lid.

Thanks to Feea's persistent attacks with her mouth and feet, the belt portion of the holder wrapped around Zenos' waist is about to break a thousand times. In less than a few minutes, that holder will be Fia's.

Set up an espada not to miss the moment and observe Zenos.

If you send your gaze to Waldo and Zion, they both have swords of passage. There's no gap between the two of us watching the opportunity, and if I move, you'll move on your own.

Behind us is Rita with an arrow on her bow and Prague with a cane to set up and prepare, and Gardi with a sword on that side that we are all alike. Behind it are the Ballads, who refrain, as well as Rafael and Albione. In the unlikely event of this situation.

Besides, as far as Zenos' movements paying for the Eins, he doesn't seem to be comfortable fighting meatballs or weapons in his hands. There's something about Gardy and the others, so the pharmacists aren't going to be alarmed because they're not good at combat, but if that's how it goes, it's fine if you're careful not to get drugged.

That's how Zenos and Ains moved when I was analyzing the situation.

"Chip! My pills aren't the kind of substitute to use when you're a bird!

"Ever! That's not gonna happen. Whoa!

It was almost simultaneous with Zenos reaching for a medicine bottle wrapped around his waist in a hurry to the Ains, who couldn't get rid of him, and Phea eating his belt and pulling out his holder.


As Feer flies up the holder, Ains grabs the other side with his foot and rises high. As Dry flies to chase those two wings, Zwei also flies over Zenos' unreachable as he clings to Hümphu.

Zenos raised his face after the flying Ains as his hands stretched out to take the bottle of medicine cut off the sky and raised his dismay.

At that moment, I stepped toward Zenos, too.

Waldo and Scion scatter left and right one step behind me.

With the signs of the two moving around Zenos, I pack a straight line with Zenos.

At the same time, he used his [ice wall] skills and put an ice wall up against the wall.


When Zenos notices us approaching him, he uses wind magic to increase the speed at which he is forced to run.

Similar to pushing my back with wind magic, I felt the letter "- Skill [Disease] Acquired" floating in the back of my brain, but ignore it and pack it in with Zenos.

At that time, Zenos, surprised by the rapidly disappearing time, threw the medicine bottle he was holding at me.

Pay and ice marinate medication bottles that fly slowly, either as a result of the skills acquired or at the peak of Esparda. Then he kicked Zenos with his left leg with a wavering momentum in his right hand.

It was almost simultaneous with chasing a breath-stuffed, blown Zenos and poking an esparda at his neck muscle, and a frozen medicine bottle dropping to the ground making a gotten heavy noise.

"- Grow up, Zenos Verch. You have no escape route."

If he looks down at the pain and pronounces it, Zenos looks up with his belly in his arms and stares at me.

"Why are you here?"

"Of course, because you ran away."

If you return that to the hatefully spoken word, Zenos stares at me with even harsher eyes.

The stare at me was sharp, but deep wrinkles were engraved between Zenos' brows, who wouldn't stand up with their bellies in their arms.

To recall the response when he kicked it off, Zenos' body was not the flesh of those who fought. Large, muscleless bodies are light, dangerous people if you let them handle medication, but no threat as warriors.

In fact, Zenos still has a distressed look despite the extra effort. Because sympathy is hairless, keep an eye on Zenos for suspicious moves as he looks down.

That's what came down to us, the Eins who were evacuating over us.

"Your husband! Take a look, I took it away! Isn't that amazing? You worked hard, didn't you?

"Oh. Well done, Feer. That's great."

'Right! Can you give me more compliments?

"Mmm, good boy."

"Master, me too!

"I did my best, too, didn't I?

"Oh. Thank God"

'Listen, Master Doyle! Humph's guy eats weird stuff again! I'm stopping it, and I'm not listening to you at all!

"... bad. Let me tell Humph from me."

Can I eat?



Receive the holder while complimenting the proud Feer.

Complimented and happy Feer, Dry and Ains came down so praise this one, and the breath wrapped Zwei around my head.

Humph, who flew with me, descended on the holder and tried to eat the magic of the medicine bottle, so he leaned and dropped it to the ground.

"Are those birds yours?!?"

"You were smart kids, weren't you?

"Abominable, such as getting in my way!

"If you weren't a criminal, these guys wouldn't do any harm."

To the habit of just not being able to move with a single kick, only the majesty looks down on a good Zenos with a cold eye and tells him so.

"Aginis. You should tie him up because it involves"


Put your sword around Zenos' neck. To those walds, I slowly put Esperda back in my sheath.

Regardless, I won't take my gaze off Zenos. I can't wait to get used to the pills I've been hiding at this close range.

"Dear Doyle, I'll do it. Because we possess the restraints we use in the Knights"

"I asked."

"I'll take care of it"

Gardi, who came to the side while doing so, captivates Zenos with a straightforward restraint.

Zenos, who tried to rave, was sealed in resistance by Waldo, who fed his sword tip into his throat, and Scion, who stepped on his hand.

"... Xenos, weren't you just a pharmacist? What the hell are you?

Zenos, completely deprived of his physical freedom, bites his teeth and stares at me when he silences himself without answering that question of Zion.

Zenos' eyes weren't even showing Waldo or Gardi a gray Scion, he was just looking straight at me.

"Get in my way not once, not twice... not even you, not even then!

Zenos' eyes, staring at me and throwing up like that, were burning with hatred.

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