
"Oh. Thanks"

Put on the ornament, which was the last one, thank Ballado for announcing the completion of the costume, and move to the front of the mirror.

Three days early from the outbreak of the sibling fight between Master Gray and Claire.

It wasn't long before I was thrilled to reunite with Mr. Obza while coaching Leo seniors and Scion on simple courtesies and preparing each costume for an amazing three days.

I remember the last few days in some rush, standing in front of a figure mirror carved with a fine crawl and leaf pattern on the frame to see if there were any problems with my outfit.

Balad helped me, so I know it's no problem. But still, I couldn't stand still or anything.

... don't remind me of a class tour of elementary school or anything.

I don't think so because I am currently reunited with Mr. Obza, or because I feel uncomfortable.

I want you to see your daily achievements soon, but I want you to see who you are with your friends. I'm proud that I can do this, too, and nervousness about what to do if it takes these moments to fail.

I can't wait, I don't want you to come.

I don't even stand on stage, and I squirm in vain that I don't do a lot.

If you look in the mirror with a laugh in your chest that you can't do to your floating self, what you're showing is an unusual figure of yourself. It's kind of embarrassing to see a bottle of green garment wrapped in gold and emerald-like gemstones and your forehead raised.

I don't want to look like this at school first.

Even if you look at one button, the costume, which you can tell is expensive, stretches your spine as long as you wear it.

But as long as I look at myself in the mirror, there's no such thing as being worn in a costume. Though there is a bitter feeling about the outfits you can't wear, you won't even be ashamed of yourself at the ball if this happens.

Step away from the mirror, thanking your mother for the visible birth.

And when he turned around, he greeted me with a breathless ballad of admiration. You're burning a decorated figure in your eyes, staring at me without a single blink.

"It's lovely, Master Doyle"



Flushing Ballado, who shrugged in a caged voice of fever, looked behind him, and there was Scion with the seniors Ljeci looking at me with a fallen in love look.

"Young lady, you look like a tear away hottie..."

"" Your son! That feels like it, Brother Doyle ""

"The seniors look good too, don't they?

If you laugh at Seniors Ljeci for deciding not to listen to Theon, they will happily head forward in front of the mirror. Meanwhile, the ignored Scion seems dissatisfied.

"Don't ignore me, young lady."

"Hot, yes, what do you want me to say?

"But you're aware of that, aren't you?

"... don't pretend to be a difficult topic to answer"

I turn to Senior Leo, who is drinking tea in the back, saying so to questions that are likely to make him a hater, affirmative or negative.

Decorative Quiet tea drinking appearance inside, a little rough atmosphere, but it seems as though it is the knight's younger brother.

Well, he doesn't feel comfortable with costumes he can't wear, but he has a very uncomfortable look on his face.

"Senior Leo"

"... somehow, that's just great. Can you wear it? Unlike us, it looks great."

"Thank you. Senior Leo looks great, too."

"I feel like I'm being worn by clothes - yes. You want a drink, too? Even so, I have a robe."

"No. Or it's time. Let's move."

"Is it that time already?"

After watching me from the front and uttering a word of admiration, I refuse Senior Leo's invitation to recommend tea early in the arrow. Senior Leo, who would wrinkle between his eyebrows if he told him to leave, seemed anxious.

Apparently, he's nervous. It's a rare attitude for a senior with a liver.

"You don't have to be so nervous, Senior Leo. There's me and Ballad, and if you need anything, Master Grey can do something about it."

"I don't care what they say..."

While I'm surprised at the slightly tense seniors, I try to say that so that I can break the tension. I went on to say more to reassure Senior Leo, who still has a face that doesn't float.

"This ball isn't that big, and the seniors don't have to dance, so enjoy it with a delicious meal. I have the Duke's son, His Royal Highness the King and the Princess. Unless it's too rough, there won't be nobles."

"" It's a treat, brother!

Seniors Ljeci and Sana 'a continue to be back in my words at some point. In contrast to Senior Leo, who has a face that doesn't float, the seniors are very grumpy.

I have anxiety in my chest in front of the two of you who sparkled my eyes at an unknown stage called the ball. I'm more worried about these two than I am about Senior Leo.

"Sure you're nervous, too, huh? More than that, I'm worried you guys won't serve!

"" Huh? He said it's okay!

It seems I'm not the only one who thought that, and Senior Leo shouted with an anxious look. I thought you were slightly nervous for Senior Leo, but apparently you had another concern.

I was surprised at Senior Leo for upsetting the unfamiliar outfit and the place of the ball, but I am convinced if the cause is Seniors Ljeci.

When two free people everywhere groan like this, I feel like I'm going to flaunt something. I'm kind of getting anxious, too.

At the time I was concerned that I would be able to finish the ball safely to the two people who insisted that Senior Leo would be okay in light condition. Ballad breaks right in between the seniors.

"Dear Doyle, Senior Leopard. Don't worry. I won't let go of my eyes for a while during the ball."

"" Eh. "

Seniors Ljeci and Sana 'a consolidate in Balad, who declared with a smile.

At the same time, the brightness returned to Senior Leo's face.

"Oh! That's reassuring. If you're a robe opponent, they're a big deal too."

"I'll take care of it. Because this ballad will never forgive you for imitating Doyle, who is perfectly dressed."

"" Er ""

Senior Leo laughs at the words caged with Ballado's powerful determination. In contrast to Senior Leo, who has a sunny face when this is reassuring, Seniors Ljeci seem very dissatisfied.

But just because you two seem unhappy doesn't mean you're willing to pinch your mouth or other shards boil. I stroked my chest down, too, saying that if Ballado would watch, it would be fine.

Where concerns have been addressed, it is time to go. I have time before the ball starts, but I have to pick up Claire.




"Oh, you know what?"

If you tell them to flush out the two people who show the difficulty, they will return acknowledgment in the order of Ballado, Senior Leo, and Zion. I nodded at them like that, and I pushed Senior Liech and Senior Sana's back.

"Look, I'm coming."

"" Hey, Brother Doyle!

We'll leave the room behind as we forgive the two of them for raising their protest that we haven't finished talking yet.

We're almost there to reunite with Mr. Obza.

A chair of kings and queens decorated with brightly colored red red carpets and jewels scattered throughout the main body of gold.

A conditioner with gold and jewels used in the main points of decoration so as to match the chairs sitting by both sires.

Luxurious chandelier with glittering dazzling light over the head.

The ceiling behind it depicts a feast of gods and spirits celebrating abundance.

We were in a magnificent grand hall that changed with a harsh atmosphere and insisted on the king's authority.

The edge of the large hall, brilliantly decorated for the ball, is beautifully served with delicious dishes and sweets that the cooks wave their arms, and in between, squire and maids in uniforms that look clean, hand in a basin lined with lots of luxurious glasses, smiling and handing out drinks.

They serve the boulder royal castle, handing out drinks with a smile and motion with one hand of a mountain of glasses that seem expensive to see. Hiding in their shadows again like that, and blinding the knights to see if anyone is making suspicious moves, is first-class.

With such professional shame on them, ladies in gorgeous dresses and gentlemen who solidified themselves in their outfits look to have fun, waiting now or now for the start of the ball.

I scold myself for softening them sideways enjoying the glorious air. How long has it been since you continue to smile at the nobles who come to greet you from the next.

Without the skills acquired around twenty pairs [smile masks], it's already getting harder to even imitate a grin. This is also hard, to be honest, even though it is an invitation.

At the very least, the salvation is that the overall number of balls to entertain early guests is small, and the majority of the visitors are only nobles working in the castle or acting on our behalf, and there is less tension.

Nevertheless, there are a number of people who do not make this great hall look lonely.

I respect Gray and Claire wholeheartedly for not breaking my grin all the time and scolding them in the way I'm used to.

"Dear Doyle, it is Baron Glamour who is currently greeted by His Highness Gray. You currently work as a court magician and do not have a position yet. I am a relative of Senior Eleonora, whom Luce and the others took care of in their sleepover last year. Your eldest son was born last year, and I thought he was harmless without dissatisfaction with the status quo."

"Okay. Claire, are you okay?

"Yes, I'm fine."

I convey my gratitude to Balad, who hears the information of the aristocracy walking here, and I give my voice to Claire. Unlike me, Claire seems to be able to afford to get used to these places.

I have to work hard, too.

I laugh back at Claire for a sunny grin that doesn't make me feel a little tired or anything, and I get back in the mood too.

Besides, it's time for His Majesty the King and the guests to come. If they come, the ball will also begin, so they will also be free from this greeting hell. It is another step forward.


"Good evening, Baron Glamour. Thank you for coming to the ball."

"! This is it. I didn't know you knew anyone like me..."

"Senior Eleonora takes care of you, so we know about your relatives' faces and names."

If you smile and take the lead based on Balad's information, Baron Glamour will look me in the eye.

As you can see, I've been very helpful earlier, but speaking of which, where did Balad get this information from?

You said you'd be on my side all four or six hours, but it's a strange story to think about.

"I am extremely honored that you are keeping it in the memory of the Duke. Later, I would like to congratulate you on your good friendship and sincere congratulations on this occasion. Your affair with the trusted Duke of Aginis, His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the King, is also a celebration."

Covering a lid on a fuzzy simple question, he listens with Claire to the words of celebration spinning by Baron Glamour, who looks slightly moved.

For a while then I felt the air in the Great Hall change as I nodded to the words of Baron Glamour, who would then praise him.

It doesn't change the smile of the gentlemen and ladies who are having fun talking, or the maids and squire who serve. Until recently, however, the air of the knights, who had completely erased their signs, has become slightly stiff and more present.

When I looked at Master Gray, he nodded softly, so I turned my gaze back to Baron Glamour. I tried to cut up the story and say goodbye, but was crossed by Baron Glamour, who was similarly feeling the change in air.

"- It seems like the ball is about to start, so it's time for you to excuse me. We sincerely congratulate you on your engagement."

"Thank you"

"Thank you very much."

Baron Glamour and I would like to thank him and Claire for the courtesy they gave us. I guess he's a brilliant man to the baron who cut the story out faster than I open his mouth.

... Baron Glamour. Let's remember.

On the back of a young magician, I correct my posture too, thinking that Senior Eleonora's blood muscles seem like a lot of good people.

At the same time, the large hall door opens without sound. Soon the knights who were traveling lined up to guard the door, and those who noticed the change in the room stopped the conversation and knelt quietly.

At the end of a large hall door that was opened without sound.

Walk surrounded by the Kingsguard knights headed by your father, and kneel to them, me, Master Gray, and Claire.

Your Majesty the King and Queen have entered.

Both sires are protected by the Kingsguard knights as they all pay their respects quietly.

Both His Majesty, walking majestically and loosely, take the throne with prestigious standing.


"Everybody, raise your faces. This time, the engagement of the Third Princess Claire to Doyle, heiress of the Duke of Aginis, was to take place. The official announcement is still ahead of us, but envoys from different countries have already visited our country to celebrate the two of us. Have fun entertaining them tonight."

"We would now like to introduce our guests. From Vest Country -"

The king's words are over and he rises again with one person.

And where they all rose, the Chancellor began to read out the names of the guests.

It is the beginning of the ball.

"Here we go."


"The apostle of the East was Doyle's great uncle and master of the sword, wasn't he?


As the blurring gradually returns to the Great Hall, His Highness Gray and Claire ask me in a small voice. Answering them briefly, I concentrated on the names of the guests to be read out.

"- From the East, Marquis of Wincal von Gladius"

If you keep an eye on the door to the name of the person you hear, you'll see blonde hair and red copper hair very similar to your father's.

The gentle atmosphere remains unchanged, but with Uncle Winn, who has more gray hair and wrinkles, and Mr. Obza, who, although similarly old in style, wraps up an increased temper of sharpness.

Follow those people straight to their guest seats with your eyes, and their memorable red soil eyes will catch me.

With his gaze bumped, Mr. Obza looks out and then runs his gaze to Lady Gray and Claire, who are next to me.

And when he glanced back at me again, he smiled softly.

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