You can't be a spear brave man.

With that one word told seven years ago, there was a lot going on.

Uncle Winn, who entrusted me with memories with Grandma Amelia, and Mr. Obza, who desperately held me back.

The dark emotions that bore the two of us together didn't disappear for a long time. It hurt a lot of people.

The sighs of people who turn their expectations into disappointment, the backs of His Highness away and the gaze of grandfathers who blame me me. Merrill, Sebastian, and Ballado look at Claire as she seems lonely. My father and mother endured their grief and gave me the same grin at all times.

No matter how many times I think back, I don't know how much I regret it.

But I am not willing to forget the path I have taken, which was foolish.

At the same time, a lot of people gave me a lot of different thoughts.

With frustration, despair and regret, bite the happiness of being here now.

I will continue to walk with everyone.

A ballroom featuring gentlemen and ladies trampling a light suttep to match the joyous song with a glorious decoration of the air of the venue for a more exhilarating look.

At that corner, wait until the formal greeting ends, where Uncle Wynn and Lady Gray are exchanging as' Messengers from the East 'and' His Royal Highness the King of Majesta '.

Of course there's Claire next to me, and Ballado and Leo seniors behind me.

- Enjoy the ball.

"Thank you. Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness."

Confirming that the two of you have finished greeting me, I walk out with my gaze to Master Gray. Line up with Claire next to His Highness, who vacated the place, and stand before Uncle Wynn and Mr. Obza.

I shake it for a few years, and it was kind of fresh because this is the first time I've seen him in a place like this.

... I only remember looking up.

I think that to the two faces I could clearly see without looking up.

Uncle Wynn is as kind as ever, wrapped in a strange and fluffy atmosphere and looking at me with the same blue eyes as his father. Gray hair mixed with cat-haired blonde makes you feel like a long month has passed since that day.

Mr. Obza, on the other hand, was in the position of escorting Uncle Wynn, so he refrained from doing so one step back. Don't let it feel faded to be vigilant around you in a gaping position. Instead, I feel much more intense than I was at the time, or skilled and sharp.

But the broken mouth made me feel that my narrowed red earthy eyes were delighted to be reunited with me.

I stretch my spine before the two of you turn a gentle eye.

Gently pull the jaw, move to release the scapula and tension the chest.

Don't take your gaze off the target.

Gently lower your right leg and attach your right hand to your chest.

At that time, the hand you were holding loosely, align your fingertips and stretch straight out.

Extend your left hand horizontally and gently knock your torso out to avoid rounding your back.

Count in your heart one, two, three in between than usual.

Once you've slowly corrected your posture, gaze at them and smile from your heart.

- We're out of time, Uncle Wynn.

We cannot call the name of Mr. Obza, who has been acting as an escort, on this occasion.

But still, I want Uncle Wynn and the objector holding back behind him to see it and give me the best thank you I can with all my heart.

Uncle Wynn and Mr. Obza deepened their grin when they saw me standing pinched by Master Gray and Claire.

The two of you give me a gentle glance. I laugh again, and I introduce Claire.

"This is Princess Claire, now engaged to me."

"I'll see you first. This time I'm going to be engaged to Master Doyle. My name is Claire von Majesta. Please know."

"Thank you for your kindness, Princess Claire. I was used as a surrogate by the King of the East, my name is Wincal von Gladys."

Uncle Wynn, who picked the hem of the dress and said hello to Claire smiling, broke his face and glanced back at me again.

"Doyle, it's been a long time since you've been here either. That's right, the Duke's heir. I thought it would be awesome, but the thanks were much prettier and I fell in love with them."

"Thank you"

As with the first time I met him, I laugh back at Uncle Wynn, who smiled kindly and praised me.

The gaze of Uncle Wynn and Mr. Obza tickled when he looked at me like that and glared.

"... really, be a fine young man. Both Alan and Serena will have high noses."

"I hope so."

Like my grandparents who love my grandchildren, I answer that to my big uncle Winn, who smiles softly.

Occasionally my luggage arrives in my mother's name, but there is no correspondence such as letters. Both fathers face each other during the retirement noise of their grandfathers. I just thanked my father for coming to deliver my costume then.

I think he's exaggerating my words like 'I want you to wait' on the day of the admission ceremony.

I don't know what your father and mother think of my rumors these days.

But I'd love it if you were happy.

With that in mind, Uncle Wynn answers and laughs, "No doubt about it," as he sees through my heart.

Then he turned his gaze to Master Gray, who was next to me, even though he gave up his place.

And when you look back at me, you open your mouth again.

"Slow down, you'll protect His Highness Gray like Alan."


I answer the words I'm told as if to confirm.

Powerfully clear so that I can tell it's my way of life.

"- Yeah. That's great."

Uncle Wynn, who answered without hesitation, interrupted me with words, closing his eyes once to bite something off, then telling him with a gentle voice.

Grey and Claire opened their mouths when they heard the words before I answered the words and voice that made them feel happy.

"If Doyle protects me, I don't think there's anything more comforting about it"

"I think it would be a relief if Doyle stayed by your brother's side."


"" Yes ""

Uncle Wynn responds to both words with joy.

I felt the heat gathering on my cheeks at Lady Gray and Claire, who nodded at such Uncle Winn.

I'm ashamed but glad to hear the two words you say without hesitation.

I'm glad that Mr. Obza, who was looking at me like that, moves his mouth small.

You'd be blushing. I laugh too, feeling indescribable to Master Gray, who glimpsed my face and raised the end of his mouth. I'm sure the grin I'm having right now would be very pitiful.

- You did your best, Mr. Doyle.

After a glimpse of us like that, I'm breathtaking in the words I've been told.

At the same time, I thought this guy knew everything. look at me with my face up all the time, it's good evidence that I gently lowered my eyes.

When I met Mr. Obza seven years ago, I knew I was fit. With that in mind, even if you went the wrong way. This man knows all the roads I've taken so far.

... is that so too?

I heard Uncle Wynn and Mr. Obza have known each other for a long time. We met as kids, and when Uncle Wynn joined his son-in-law in the East, he met again, and he said he'd been with us ever since. If we've known each other that long, it's natural to know one or two of each other's skills.

Besides, Uncle Winn has full trust in his father. I used to exchange letters frequently, and they would have talked a lot about me.

Swallow the emotions that soak up all the time.

Inhaled and vomited to delude his hot eyeballs.

You can't make a foolish appearance to Uncle Wynn, who told me "you did your best" after knowing everything.

"- Thank you."

Uncle Winn, who keeps his mouth shut about the time while he knows everything, and Mr. Obza, who kept my mouth shut for seven years, who was stupid.

Thank you both very much for your unspeakable kindness.

Uncle Winn, who smiles kindly at me for thanking you, and Mr. Obza, who lowers his eyeballs and blows his mouth, although he won't break his escort posture.

Stand in front of the two of you, and I'll stretch my chest.

This is where I am, he said.

"Yeah - by the way, can you introduce the kids behind you too?

"If you don't mind."

Of course.

Uncle Wynn nodded small at me like that.

Then I smile and answer Uncle Winn, who turns his eyes to the Ballads behind us and turns his hopeful caged eyes.

"It's Ballado, who's taking care of me around him."

"I'll see you first. My name is Ballad Rove, and I'm here to serve Master Doyle."

Ballad walks out of my words, breaks his hips deeply.

Uncle Winn, who looked nostalgically at Balad's appearance and name, inquired in the same gentle tone.

"Is it Sebastian's grandson?

"Yes, the story of Lady Gladys was told by her grandfather and father."

"I hate it when it doesn't seem like a busy story."

You even remembered Balad's words as a child, and Uncle Wynn looked a little nasty. Probably had a lot going on with Sebastian. He's a little tough.

I remember Sebastian classes I would have liked to have had with the Aginis family, and I laugh bitterly too. I nodded at Uncle Wynn with a bitter expression.

Then I called Senior Leo's name to a zero laugh.

"Common memorabilia again later - this is Senior Leopardo Desfecta, who plans to become my exclusive pharmacist, and Seniors Lécheci Terapeia and Sanale Terapeia, who plan to become his assistants."

"Nice to meet you. I belong to the Department of Pharmacy at Epis School, Leopardo Desfecta. I'll take care of you at the Duke of Aginis' house after graduation."

"We specialize in treatments. It's Lucici Terapeia!"

"We specialize in magic drugs. It's Sanale Terapeia!"

"" Thank you for your help!

Are you a little nervous or are you all three short? Still for me, Uncle Wynn smiles kindly at seniors spinning words with polite language that you won't be used to.

"Doyle, you chose it. You must be very good."

"Yes. All three, they're a lot of deductions, aren't they?

"It's superimposed. It's good to have a good medic on your side."

Nah, and Mr. Obza nods deeply to Uncle Winn, who threw his gaze at him.

Say hello to you, Doyle.

"" "Yes!

Soothed by the three men who responded forcefully to Uncle Wynn's words, I turn a blind eye to the guy who has been softening behind Master Gray since earlier.

I feel a little different introducing this guy...

"I don't know if I'll introduce you to this one, because this one serves His Highness Gray."

"My name is Jin von Schpietz! Not to Master Doyle, but I hope we can protect His Highness Grey together, so please know us in the future!

"... you're fine"

Uncle Wynn laughs bitterly at Jin for embarking on my speech blockade.

But Mr. Obza, who was watching us behind him, had his eyes open and solidified.

... 'Seen'?

After a serious look at Jin, I feel that he 'saw' Jin's aptitude to Mr. Obza, who looks at me with care.

I smile at Mr. Obza, who sees me with an unspeakable face, and I say what I've been thinking ever since.

"Uncle Winn."


"Jin is a famous spear whose grandfather is eyeing. In the near future, you will take over your father's spear and name him Spear Brave."

"... it"

Uncle Wynn gives me a subtle look when I tell him calmly. At the same time, I heard some breathtaking sounds.

The emotion that enters them like that makes me laugh as it is, and I say it with confidence.

"It's okay. Because I have a famous knife that is no better than the" Spear of the Brave "named Espada, which Uncle Winn gave me. Besides, this still inherits the blood of your grandfather, your father and your mother. I don't feel like losing where Jin inherited The Spear Brave."

Once the words are separated, stare straight into Bea's eyes and straighten his chest.

And Jin, of course, said the words clearly so that he could speak to Master Gray, Claire, Ballad and the seniors.

"If you don't hold me to the spear, I'm stronger than anyone"

That's what I say, I turn to Mr. Obza.

And I said to Mr. Obza, who was staring at me, "Right?," he asked with his gaze, nodding forcefully and again.

If you run your eyes around, Master Gray and Senior Leo keep an eye out, and Claire and Ballado dye their cheeks and look at me. Seniors Ljeci shine their eyes and Jin turns a hot gaze.

Regardless of Master Gray and Senior Leo, I found out that the other faces were going to take hold of what they were thinking.

In the meantime, I'll giggle at Jin, who looks at me with his hot fighting eyes.

- If you regret it, let me defeat you.

I can't see gin in my attitude like that. Pin my ear! "Well, you can't beat it," he whines in his chest as he feels it set up.

I don't think I want to lose to Jin for the rest of my life when it's easy to get what I wanted the most.

"Sarasu, young lady, super man!

"... what about you?

"Oh. This is a mercenary named Zion who was recently on the verge of hiring."

"… mercenaries"

When I'm frustrated with Zion, who's been calling me to tear me up like that, I introduce him because my uncle Wynn, who was distracted by my proclamation, showed interest in him.

A slightly throwing introduction would have no choice.

"What is this... I always think, young lady, isn't it terrible against me?

"Because I always say extra things. Just introduce yourself to Uncle Winn as soon as possible."

"- Yes, sir. It's Theon, who belongs to The Ancient Snake. For once, escort the young lady."


Though he had an uncomfortable look on his face, he was prompted by me and Theon is walking in front of Uncle Winn. Even though he frowned unintentionally at the brief introduction he could blurt out, Uncle Winn, who had a subtle reaction to Theon, cared and spoke.

The moment I tried to ask if there was anything in Theon, I swallowed my words when Lady Gray called me.

"Doyle, it's time to go. My neighbors are starting to care."


Looks like it's out of time.

If you look around at Master Gray's words, you do feel people's gaze. They've stayed a little too long.

It seems that the elderly know Uncle Wynn, and no one turns a blind eye to him, but other than that, younger generations and messengers from other countries are beginning to care about this one.

Regardless of the nobility of my country, it is not advisable for the emissaries of all countries to take into account the relationship between Majesta and the East. The songs that play in the Great Hall have also turned into loose songs at some point, and it seems better for each other to stay here any longer.

I guess that's what Uncle Wynn thought. I get an unfortunate look on my face and say goodbye.

"Unfortunately, another time."

"Sounds like it. Sorry for taking the time."

Each will say a quick goodbye greeting.

It exhales us to feel our gaze scattering through the atmosphere of dissolution.

The other envoys were enjoying the ball again with expressions like "What do you care too much".

It seems to have been critical. More importantly.

"Now, if you'll excuse me."

One last time I say hello to both of you and walk out with the Grays.

"See you later."

When I broke up, I nodded to Mr. Obza, who seemed to move his mouth so small, that I mixed it up with everyone and left the scene behind.

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