The closest workout site to the rooms that are also open to guests. Unlike during the day, it became unpopular, where I waited for people.

The prom, which was gorgeous, ended, and the castle, where everyone slept, is very quiet.

Watch the single-handedly swinging lights inside the workout yard and occasionally exchange greetings with the knights who made their way on patrol. It was terribly calm in my heart when I said that time was running out.

Take Espada from the subspace as you look up at the moon rising to Jomtien.

A pure white knife with no dirt, pulling the blade out of the grin sheath at once to its familiar feel. The full-bodied beauty that receives the moonlight and shows a blue-white glow has remained the same since then.

Keep your sheath at your hips and set up an espada.

Slash, pay, poke.

I've never had mold instruction like a spear, so it's a proper move. Still reminds me of when I used my skills and wave a stepping blade. Even though I didn't get training about my teacher, I could fight quite a bit because I learned how to handle a knife through my skills.

Imagine an invisible enemy, attack them, stop them, and flush them.

My grandfather, father, and knights taught me not to like how to make mistakes, how to make attacks, and how to take them. That's where the weapons you deal with have changed from spears to swords, and it's not in vain.

The technique taught and the technique acquired unknowingly, the two combined to move the body.

That's how I fight now.

I left myself to the flow and waved Esperda until I felt better.

Then follow the slowly subsiding momentum, stopping the foot and putting the blade back on the sheath.

- Patsy, patsy, patsy.

Chin, and the high noise is simultaneously when the espada reaches the sheath, and slowly looks back at the sound that echoed inside the training ground.


That's how Obza laughs when he meets me when he punches his hand with a long, thin crate beside him.

The training ground, with its many lights, was not as bright as it was then, and its face could be seen well even if it was not close.

"Thank you"

Answering that, I also walk over to match Mr. Obza, who is approaching me step by step. If you stop your foot at a shortened distance and eye to eye, Mr. Obza, with his eyes lowered, opens his mouth.

"I could see that I was flowing at a glance without shape or order, but I was drawn in unexpectedly because each movement was so beautiful."

"It would be an honor for you to say that to Mr. Obza."

Respond with a gentle bow to a delightful compliment.

Smiling in awe of words, Mr. Obza gave a smug look and grumbled.

"It was so small"

"I'm still immature."

"You're all grown up!

"Hey, Mr. Obza!

After hearing a happy voice, she squeaks and scratches her hair, unwittingly raising her protest. I was unexpectedly avoided being able to stroke my head at this age.

"What are you suddenly doing?"

"I'm sorry. With."

If you ignore the voice of protest and continue stroking your hands, and look at Mr. Obza with your eyes, you will be apologized for with a completely unwieldy face.

However, that light-hearted and differently pointed face was gentle and I swallowed more complaints than that.

I feel calm air flowing through my skin. In the meantime, he stepped away from Mr. Obza, who sees me with a warm look, and again corrected his posture.

"Thank you for keeping your mouth shut for seven years. I'm late, but I apologize for the disrespect."

Tell him so and say thanks and apologies in a different and more polite manner than you did earlier.

Mr. Obza is coming.

Yes. Ever since I asked Master Grey, I've been thinking about what I'd say if I met him.

At first I should apologize for the disrespect at the time, but I had that attitude for a reason. Should I explain it from there first? No, now that I have an excuse, I shouldn't thank you. But if you're going to thank me, you'll still be the first to apologize for trampling on Mr. Obza's good intentions.

Thinking hard about that, all that remained in the end were the words' thank you 'and' sorry '.

I had a lot to say. But there were too many different emotions to talk about while I was away, and I felt I could not successfully explain the various events I had experienced.

So I bow my head deeply, even with unspoken thoughts.

What would Mr. Obza think of me like this?

Slowly raise your head as you think about it. Mr. Obza's eyes, stretching his spine and staring at him as he felt his nervous heart from time to time, remained the same.

"- You found your own path, apart from Lord Zeno and Lord Alan."

"Yes, I've gone a long way, but I finally understood what Mr. Obza meant by the words he said then. As you said, you didn't have to be a spear brave man to be pessimistic."

Answer firmly the words spoken in a calm voice, like a mother singing a lullaby song.

It's hard to put into words the despair of knowing your aptitude, the regret of remembering your previous life and looking back half your life, and the gratitude you have now.

But there are only words that I think we need to put into words and tell them.

Take a small breath to calm the feeling of deviation. And stare straight at Mr. Obza, who waits still, and say that word he always wanted to say.

"You don't have to have a title, but my place is on everyone's side."


Mr. Obza, who answered that without dividing himself from my words, seemed very happy.

But as soon as you get rid of that look, you look at me seriously. Then I told him in a heavy voice.

"I'm sorry"

"Mr. Obza?

"I just acted on a cheap idea and I hurt and tormented you - I'm so sorry"

Mr. Obza, who tells you so, seems very painful. I could just see the look on that face that I regret so much.

Surprised by the sudden apology, I rush to open my mouth to Mr. Obza, who bows his head as he says so.

"Face up, Mr. Obza! I don't need an apology! Because you desperately pulled me off then, you gave me the word, and I stuck there. Thank you. Apologize, etc."

"No, let me apologize. I've always wanted to apologize to you."

The look on Obza's face that stopped me from showing up is serious.

With that temper, I swallowed the words I tried to continue.

Mr. Obza laughs with such a troubled face at me. But in the next moment, he returns that look to something serious and spins the word again.

"I've always regretted that it was frivolous of me to teach you aptitude then. I don't think you should have kept quiet. But the person to tell wasn't you, Lord Zeno or Lord Alan. That way...... no, I had to. Because you were only a young man then, and you were a child to be protected by the adults. I just didn't give enough consideration to me, and I took away the time when I could get my parents to sweetly protect me from you. Not that I'm sorry, but I'm really sorry."

That said, Mr. Obza bows his head. I sincerely thought that it was good of this man to tell me his fitness at that time to apologize with a look that seeped regret.

Me and Mr. Obza are other people in red with no blood connection. There's no need to care, let alone take responsibility for this guy no matter what kind of life I lead. Even then, I was unworthy of compassion when I first met him. You gave me enough words, but I'm the one who put up the will. Cutting me off as a stupid kid won't stop blaming anyone, and this guy kept it in his chest the whole time and regretted it.

As always, he is thick and fond of emotion.

... I must admit, it's enough that you've been guiding me for seven years to turn away from reality and try to decide that I didn't.

Yes, I whine in my chest.

Thank you Mr. Obza for your kindness, I never wanted you to apologize. You don't have to.

Indeed, as Mr. Obza said, if he had told Grandpa and Father about my aptitude, he would not have been disappointed. At the same time, however, no expectations were expected.

I wouldn't have missed the path, but I was told by my grandfathers to give up the spear path, and I wondered if I would have been on Master Gray's side or Claire's side.

I couldn't be a brave man instead of never hurting or suffering. I guess I gently distanced myself from them and decided to go the wrong way.

Lord Gray as His Majesty the King and I as a nobleman called the Duke of Aginis. The relationship of childhood tampering would have slowly turned into that of kings and subordinates. That's a very natural flow, and I'm sure I don't feel a bit lonely.

I don't know which one is better, because I didn't actually experience it.

But at least I don't want that future right now.

It can hurt or suffer.

I want to follow my father's back and stand next to Master Gray.

"Face up, Mr. Obza. I'm grateful to you."

I say so with the idea of how to communicate it well.

Mr. Obza's eyebrows, who slowly raised his face to my words, were lowering without power.

I smile at that look I see pitifully, and I take a little shape of my current feelings as I choose the words.

"I'm glad you told me then, not Grandpa or Father, and I think so. There was indeed a life that was sweetly protected by the fathers and made them Dukes of Aginis. I'm sure that life was calm at heart and a tranquil day. But in that way of life, one day you would have been different from the Greys."


"There is no expectation, and life is easy to live. If you don't have to worry about being disappointed, you won't be hurt. But I wouldn't have felt the kindness around me right now, or the love I was given. The days of falsifying myself and continuing to wave spears were indeed hard. Many times I thought if I could have known nothing. But I also know a lot because I suffered and scratched my feet. My parents' deep affection, my subordinates who I can believe won't betray me for life, the kindness of childhood tampering that made me want to do it all over again, and the unchanging thoughts of my fiancée who says it's just me. It's all because of the last seven years that I've been able to bite it off as if it wasn't any better."

I blocked Mr. Obza from saying something and put all the thoughts he had in his chest into words.

"So don't apologize anymore. I am truly grateful to you. Because there was that day. I'm here now because you've fulfilled my stupid wishes as a young man."

That's everything.

It doesn't make sense to talk about "what if" or anything like that, and I don't need it.

Defeated and frustrated by an insurmountable reality, he retrospectively regretted half his life as he remembered his previous life, vowing to reflect and rearrange. After all the experience, I thought about it, and met a lot of people, and now I'm the one.

Well, I think it's pretty ironic that Grandpa and Father were all those famous spear braves, and even though Mother was the Virgin, she didn't inherit any aptitude, but she seems to have extra talent to make up for it. More importantly, the world surrounding me, including Mr. Obza in front of me, is sweet and gentle.

I'm happy.

There is nothing Mr. Obza feels on his shoulders.

... Well, you look like this because you don't think so.

Even so far, I laugh bitterly at Mr. Obza, who doesn't brighten his expression.

It's not the face that seeps through the regrets that floated around earlier, but it seems to worry me if I can nod 'ok' to my words. Whether it feels good or not, it is the idea that people are too good for it.

I finished talking about all the apologies and thoughts I wanted to convey, and one person was refreshed, and I thought to myself, what a voice I should give to Mr. Obza, who is answering with a face that seems complicated.

Having watched the contemplating Obza for a while, I conclude that any further persuasion would be counterproductive, and I will try to make a suggestion.

"I don't need to apologize, so why don't you tell me about swordsmanship instead? As Obza said earlier, I'm pretty much on my own when it comes to knives."

"... Mr. Doyle"

"He tells me the corner, because I couldn't honestly learn it then. If you can't help me, tell me how to fight with a knife."

Again, of course, this time it is an insistence that you teach swordsmanship in earnest.

Techniques taught by Mr. Obza, who came alone as an adventurer, would help. The knights and the school teachers will teach you the art of fighting, again different.

More importantly, I want to learn the sword from this man. As I told the Greys, this is the man my master of swords used to be and always will be.

With that in mind, ask Mr. Obza.

"Can't you?

"... as much as I'd like you to do."

To my inquiry, Mr. Obza scratches his head as he groans, "Damn it," he says so with his eyebrows down and laughs.

And when you take the elongated crate that has remained pinched aside all the time, open the box and spread the purple cloth. And he offered it to me so I could see it in the box.

"It's an engagement celebration from me. Will you take it?

"... this is"

"It's a knife I got struck by a forge I know, and it's called 'Oreo'. I made it to pair with your espada. - Take it."

Encouraged to take it in his hand, he takes a horrible pitch-black knife from the box offered.

Pattern knitted in black yarn on a lacquered black sheath with a glossy, lacquered gloss. The patterned part is arranged with a small twist in calm gold thread, similar to espada, and between the handles and the filament is a golden twist with a color similar to that of the pattern.

Pull yourself out of the sheath, feeling the weight in your hand that comes a little more than an espada.

This is...

As soon as I see that fullness, I realize that this is a sword that should not be lightly in my hands.

Beautiful ripples like octahedral cherry blossoms on the blade, which appeared without sound.

If Espada is a cold, delicate beauty, this knife is magnificent and gorgeous.

Instead of being present, the knife claiming to be 'Look at me' houses more magic in it than it does in Espada.

As soon as I saw my body, I saw Mr. Obza confused by the knife I felt was something special.

"Mr. Obza, this knife..."

"I added a bonus to the stopping fee I got seven years ago, and I gave it to you, Doyle. The school my teacher taught me has a habit of generations preparing swords for his disciples. This sword of mine was also given to me by my master."

I tried to block my words by asking if it was something special, and Mr. Obza tells me so in one breath. Then he lays his hands on the pattern of the sword lying on his hips and shakes it.

To be able to follow the movement, he glances back at the sword on his hips and returns his gaze to the pitch-black knife.

You added a stipend to the stopping fee, which isn't something you can do with that amount, this...

The materials used will also be used for rare objects beyond the first grade, I feel that way about expensive swords to see.

Obza's sword, which he received from his master, is also wonderful. It is a sword that understands the master's love for and expectations of Mr. Obza all the more so after hearing that he has the habit of giving them to his disciples.

If it were a sword to give to a dear disciple, I would think that would be something that would create a temper. I think this knife that Mr. Obza gave me is not a dimension like 'I'm in the mood'.

A knife no less than Espada, the family heirloom of the Duke of Aginis. Its value is an immeasurable knife. Even though we're celebrating our engagement, I don't think it's a good thing to accept.

Once again, I observe the pitch-black knife and conclude that I will return the blade to the sheath and see Mr. Obza.

And when I tried to say, "I can't take this expensive stuff," red soil eyes in terrible and serious colors shot me through.

"If you're willing to call me a teacher, I want you to take it"

That's what I'm told with a strong eye and a sincere voice, and I see the pitch-black knife with both hands again. The knife, a little heavier than the espada, is very similar to the details of the violin, just because it was made to pair. The feeling of gripping is also familiar to the hands. Above all, the magic transmitted to the palms. How rare materials and the thoughts of the maker are included in this knife?

I feel the strength of Mr. Obza's thoughtfulness in a pitch-black knife of immeasurable value. And that strong sword, he said, was what he made me do for him.

I'm tempted to receive such an expensive knife.

But at the same time, if you're buying me that much as a teacher, I think I'd like to respond.

Expectations placed on disciples as teachers for redemption and engagement celebrations seven years ago.

Considering the thoughts Mr. Obza would have put in, I feel heavy. I grip the knife firmly with both hands and spin the words.

"Thank you, Master."

After taking care of the pitch-black knife and lowering his head deeply, he slowly raises his face.

That's how I saw Mr. Obza smiling quietly.

- Thank you, Mr. Doyle.

I bowed my head again to that gentle whiner.

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