Opposite Jin in the center of the workout.

There's a pressing air between us that's different from what we usually do, and I feel a sense of ready-made vision.

Respect, impatience, etc. seep into the eyes of the guy who looks at me, unlike the first time he fought. The emotions that are floating have changed a lot, but the heat of the eye is equal or greater.

... You've been facing this guy for real since the mock fight.

I think that about the tingling and the temper I feel on my skin. At the same time, I'm looking forward to it.

We've exchanged weapons more than ever before, and we've worked out together. Ever since I advanced, I've had a few hits in class. But they're all like plays.

It was quite serious, but there are naturally rules and restrictions in class, and we can't give it all away in a place where we don't have the preparation we should be. It's just a building. It blows up easily.

There's nothing to worry about here in that regard. The ground that was beautifully evened is convex, either because I was training with Mr. Obza earlier, but that's all. The walls of feelings, the equipment storage area and the tour seats are unharmed by the fact that Master Celery has his hands on them. If you can stand the training of Grandpa, Father, and Celery, you can safely use all your magic and skills here.

"Please do your best!


I nod at Jin and tell her to wrap the fire around the tip, and I replace the knife too.

Oreol to the right to make it easy to fight, Espada to the left and Zinn to put his gaze back on him, he looked at me with a strong shot out look.

- The eyes with the fighting spirit to roll are not bad.

I laugh at Jin as I think about that in my eyes reminiscent of my grandfathers.

Just like when you were in a mock fight.

"Let us respond with all our might"

The raised end of the mouth remains intact and enters the position of a living slayer. I didn't want to do a small hand check, so at the same time I grabbed the pattern and let the magic flow to Esperda.

He laughs furiously if you tell him otherwise we're going from the first machete.


Along with a cheerful reply, Jin also increases the power of the flame that has been wrapped around the spear.

A minute or another few seconds.

I stare at Jin, who pays attention to my every move with a clear-cut structure.

And the moment we heard the birds flying from behind us, we took a step towards each other.

Pack the distance from the gin to jump and pull out the espada.

Gun! and the moment each other's weapons combined, I felt the ice melt. It's flame and ice, so it's natural. Ice wrapped in espadas has been dissolved by the flames of gin, and water vapor has been generated in the evidence.

But I can ignore the rising steam and put more magic into Esperda.

- Don't think you can melt my ice with this much flame!

If it's going to melt, you just have to freeze it faster than that. Let the added magic rejuvenate you, and let Espada wrap more and more ice around you. And I ran out of gin at my disposal.


She seemed desperate to step on it, but the gin blows away with the breathtaking sound. He seemed to land while killing momentum, but he was gliding on the ground with one hand to see if it didn't work out.

Of course there's no point in missing that gap, so fly some ice blades with a flying knife.

Jin will unleash more than intermediate flame magic to do something about multiple ice blades. Widespread magic that prevents ice blades and can also be tracted, something you have as a skill. Probably around a fiery fire or a fire column. He uses these two a lot.

Make such a prediction and pack the open distance again.

Reminds me of what Mr. Obza said as I unplugged Oreo. Sure, he said, 'If you treat him well, you can kill magic, too'. Believe that word, I can put more magic into Oreo than Gin has in his spear.

The current blade of ice and me approaching.

With an immediate interception posture, Jin acts as I imagined.

"[Fire Column]!

Fire columns stretch this way parallel to the ground, as they echo Gin's voice. On the same scale as Grandpa, he swallows all the ice blades in an instant and turns to me. Looking at the momentum, the power seems impeccable.

I honestly think it's amazing at the magic of fire that I can't use.


As you can imagine...... or can he use his skills without screaming anyway?

I have that sentiment for Jin, who told me how to attack as expected and what type of skills I could easily understand.

It is true that when using skills, the power is increased. But on the other hand, it means letting them know what to do next. One-on-one, that would be life saving.

I think it would be good if that was just the tip of my mouth and it was a different skill or something to use, but I can't run like that to Jin. I used it when I was sleeping with her and in class, so I guess it's just a habit.

Discuss the way Jin fights, and I'll go straight ahead without avoiding the fire pillar. Because I felt like I could slash Oreo, who sucked his magic into momentum instead of letting me.

Jin looks out for me when I try to put up an Oreo and stick it in the fire column.

I laughed at a guy like that with my nose and shook Oreol at the current impending fire pillar.

At the same time as I feel the magic fall out of Oreo, the fire pillar in front of me splits into two pieces and I can make my way straight to Jin. At the same time, the letter 'I have mastered skills [flame down]' passed the back of my brain.

Feeling the hot air all over my body, I push down the path I've just been able to.

And Jin, who had opened his eyes and solidified, [slashed up].

Moments, the gin was bouncing off reflexively but slowly.


Fly away and once out of the range of the spear to the painful voice of Jin and the shallow but definite feeling of slashing the flesh.

And he called out to Jin, who was bleeding and solidifying a muscle from his right arm.


Reacting to my voice, Jin, who saw this one, seemed to be refuting what had happened to him.

To see how that went, I guess it was unconscious that Jin had now avoided my slashing up. It was the gift of my daily workouts that I was able to handle with that speed when I slashed the firepillar and approached you.

With that in mind, I tell you what I thought in my current interaction.

"Don't name your skills any more. Sure, it's more powerful, but one-on-one, the disadvantage of teaching your opponent what to do next is greater. If you're in a working out mood with your opponent, you're hit. And then..."

So once we separate the words, we gaze at the gin.

This guy is simple, but he's not a fool, so he should use his head more.

He listens to my advice and tells the guy who returns from a surprised face to a serious look to make further breakthroughs.

"From the start, do your best. If you don't use your head, your skills and your magic to deal with your grandfather or your father, you're gonna get hurt badly. You can use flame spears and thunder spears. You'd have mastered even more amazing skills, wouldn't you?

That's what I say. Make an unnaturally loud noise and put Oreo back in the sheath. To stir up gin, of course. He told me that he tried it with the meaning "let me pull it out again".

Jin gave me such a clever imitation of my series of words and actions, with a rugged look on his eyes.

- Yes, sir.

So Jin, who took a breath, slowly restarts his spear.

Regrettably, but so much fun.

"I have to" laugh small on Jin's face, which is so clearly written, and I rebuild my sword, too.

"Let's go!


That's how we handed over our weapons again.

"Good luck. Dear Doyle."


Receive water from Balad and thank him.

"Excellent, it was a battle"



Fitted with me as I sat down on the ground, Ballado on his knees brightens his eyes and tells him. But this time, Uncle Wynn, Mr. Obza, and the escorts seem to be reluctant to say anything more.

I stroke my chest down to such a ballad and look around. After my gin was finished, the workout plant turned into an unbroken situation.

There are cracks, holes, burns, and ice piercing the ground. Only warehouses and tour seats where equipment such as the walls and the marutai with handmade tricks are kept are safe. Although there was nothing but flat ground here.

Gray, who came out of the tour seat, also looks around the workout with an impressive look on his face.

"Looks like Lord Zeno and Lord Celery are in trouble."

I gently divert my attention from the misery to the feeling of being pounded and squealed.

As long as, well, you use soil magic enough to even the ground, it'll be over soon...

Yes, excuse me in my heart, I carry water into my mouth.

I don't feel like I've had too much heat and done a little too much, but I can fix it myself, so it would be safe. Master Celery and Chancellor would be annoyed if they had even broken the walls, etc., but the only damage this time is on the ground. No matter how much you break, the ground is just dirt, so you can easily revert to its original state as long as you can use the magic of the dirt attribute.

Drink water, admiring that it's normal dirt down there for this. Relax in the cold water and Mr. Obza opened his mouth slowly, asking how I was doing.

"You can keep it that way. Doyle, you have to be more accustomed to handling your left hand and Oreo. I'm glad it's a match, but I can't use it in action because I can't develop my skills or kill or kill my magic."


He holds me back for trying to get up to listen and snorts firmly at Mr. Obza for expressing his feelings about the match.

"And avoid avoidable attacks properly. I know I'm confident and okay with the resistance to flames and lightning, but the reflection speed and battle investigation fade quickly. If you lay on the sidelines, what you've cultivated will be gone in no time."


Respond with a slightly louder voice to serious toned advice.

It's a painful story in my ear, but it's still the best word. He coaches me as a corner master. Take good care of the words you are given, and the next time you don't let them live, it makes no sense.

If you nod firmly without distracting yourself, Mr. Obza laughs "Good Luck" and turns his attention to Jin.

"Jin, you don't have enough people in action. Doyle pointed it out to you, but I have to only talk about my skills here. That's the last blow, or just when you're sure you can hit it, or they'll take care of it and prevent it all."


Mr. Obza tells me to peek into the lying gin, but I haven't heard back. But I could see my hair moving in the back of my head, so I seem to be nodding.

His breath also gave him a bitter laugh at the incessant gin, and Mr. Obza continues his conversation.

"Then the way we fight is too simple. We need to stop the inches and use our hands and feet to make it more diverse in how we attack. If you knew all you had was a spear, you'd be magically lightened by ranged attacks or something, wouldn't you? And then, Doyle, they roll too much like you do. I'm just a little stirred up, I'll use my high skill for a long time, I'm so caught up in the Yang Dynamics that it's funny... at the end I didn't even fight because of my lack of strength and magic, you know what I'm saying?

"... Yes"

I heard a small voice between rough breaths.

Mr. Obza speaks gently to Jin, who is relaxed by fatigue.

"It feels good to see how you fight straight, though. But from now on, I need to remember to use my head to fight. It's great to have all that skill that year. The spear is highly apt, and I'm sure you can be a spear brave man. But that's all. I have good qualities around the corner, but I can't beat you for the rest of my life as I am now - if I regret it, think more about how I can beat you."

"Ha, yes!

Jin replied strongly to Mr. Obza, who clearly tells of his shortcomings.

I can't see Jin's face from my position. But to that voice I heard, I thought you'd regret it.

... Instead of fighting again, you just have to be aware that this one is dangerous.

I think that to Jin, who is falling in with a worn out figure.

Even this time it was quite dangerous to begin with. The flaming spear and thunder spear skills you would have gained from your grandfather and father are amazing. If Jin hadn't gotten caught up in the provocation or the yang, it might have been me who was pushing him off.

I think Jin is as strong as I am. So you should be aware of this guy soon.

You can't just go all the way. Fighting squarely isn't always right.

Sure, if I can confront you directly from the front with an honest attitude, I'd feel easier and better than winning with my cowardly hands.

But with all the beautiful things I say, I can't protect what's important.

How many noble people do you think protect the chivalry spirit in the narrow space of life and death? There must be as many of them in the abyss of death who make sweet words and confuse them.

It's a virtue to be able to lend ears to the words of others, except on the battlefield.

- You have something to protect with that spear, don't you?

Ask the immobile gin so in your heart.

Don't be provocative or sweet. Hold on to yourself. Always remember what you fight with that spear for. I don't deny the sentiment that it's fun to fight strong guys, but don't lose sight of your original purpose for that.

There are also battles that buy time to let them get away, or fight like flirting with enemies by manipulating measures.

There are limits to how to fight just straight. Come on, learn to use your powers in vain. That will be the strength to bring yourself and others to life. That's what I taught you.

I swallow the words I want to say in my voice.

It's easy to tell and snort, but it doesn't make sense unless you realize it yourself and learn it.

In the end, people fight each other. I'm in pain and I eat my teeth out of remorse, and I have to figure out how I can win and figure out how to do that and learn how to use my powers.

"- It's okay. You're still coming."

Seniors Leo turns to his side and starts treating him so that he can replace Mr. Obza, who caressed Jin's hair. Even so, there aren't that many major injuries, just letting them take medications that restore their strength and magic.

I look at the gin being embraced by the Leo seniors and groan in my heart, "I'll help you, so be quick to notice".

It's a little rough, but no one can trust Master Gray with more peace of mind than this one, so I want him to be strong. Even as a good enemy to me.

With that in mind, I turned away from Jin.

"Shall we finish today?"

Mr. Obza suggests looking at the tilted sun and the desolate workout grounds.

Everyone nods in favor of the word or utters a word of affirmation.

I honestly nodded because I was aware that I was wearing out in conjunction with Jin too.


"Well, shall we clean it up? Oh, Doyle, you guys can rest. There's a guy in the escort who's good at dirt magic, so I'll borrow it."

He nods lightly at my words, follows Mr. Obza, who ran out to borrow people, and stands up. But the speed was out of step between me and Mr. Obza, who was tired.

I rush after Mr. Obza, who quickly went to the tour seat. And I spoke to Mr. Obza, who had already spoken with Uncle Wynn.

"Master, I'm sorry about that, so..."

But at that moment, at the entrance to the training hall on the side of the tour seat, I noticed blue hair standing securely, and I lost my words.

"Mr. Doyle?

I stopped talking to you, and I hear a strange voice from Mr. Obza.

But I wasn't that close.

Did you find out that I was looking at you, the eyes of the white group seem pleasantly narrowed and the mouth draws a beautiful arc. A creepy, unpleasant sensation ran through my spine at the full laugh of someone who wasn't supposed to be in the castle.

The fact that nobody has noticed the existence of this person by being on this side is probably using the magic of a system that confuses sight and signs.

Why did you notice, me!

No, I'm more scared when I didn't realize it! And as I shouted in my heart, I called the name of the man I feared.

"... Dear Celery. What the hell are you doing in a place like that?

My voice sounds more than I thought, and everyone stops talking and working. Look here. Then, by paying attention ahead of my gaze, the person finally showed up.

"- Oh, no. We did this again flashy."

Lady Celery, who looks over at the workout, ignores my inquiry and tells her to be frank. And gently slap the ground with the cane you had. At the next moment, the desolate ground turned into something beautifully even, similar to when it came.

The guards from the East raise their voice, both stunned and impressed, to the person who suddenly emerged as the original training ground in an instant.

But Lady Celery at the time didn't even look at those escorts and slowly opened her mouth when she turned her satisfied face to me.

"You just need to hang out with me a little after this, okay? Mr. Doyle."

"... Really?"

In a way, I desperately endure the demand from Master Celery, who was as expected, to collapse, and I want someone to praise me for answering.

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