Disappeared ice fragments and used marutai.

Ground even without a single distortion.

No heart or cleansed walls.

Just like when you came, no. A workout site that was better equipped than that if you were bad.

Uncle Wynn's escorts look out for the sight that changed in an instant from being worn out and raise a voice that is hard to tell if they are impressed or stunned.

In the meantime, Master Celery, who turned his gaze to me, opened his mouth more or less.

"You just need to hang out with me a little after this, okay? Mr. Doyle."

"... Really?"

Drop your shoulders to Master Celery, who holds a cane about the length of his body and tells him with a satisfying look.

Though I was tired, I could afford it. If this were to happen, I would fix it and then take a break. Clean it up before you sit back, you wouldn't have bothered Mr. Obza's hand or let Master Celery push you and sell you a favor.

But where I repented how much, the reality remains the same. More importantly than that, it is now a coincidence or intent that Master Celery is here.

Did you fix the workout as a result of a peek that happened to pass by?

Ha, I had business to look for again, and I ran into the scene just right to ask for company, so you decided to sell me a light favor first?

There must be a big difference between the former and the latter in the 'little' of 'hanging out'.

I know you won't honestly tell me when I ask Master Celery. Still, I wanted to prepare my mind, and I looked up to Master Celery to ask her sincerity.

But sooner than I could speak, Uncle Wynn moved.

"Lord Celery!

Uncle Wynn, who brightened his expression all the time, calls the name of Master Celery. Then when I got up, I came this way.

"Win. Long time no see"

The look on Master Celery's face, to which I replied, is soft. Surprised by the soothing air flowing between them. But soon, I remembered that Lady Celery was a childhood tame for Lady Amelia.

If you were close to Grandma Amelia, it's easy to imagine that Uncle Wynn and I were close.

Even if I am convinced "so" for reasons that come to mind, I rarely see Master Celery with a different look on his face seriously.

"Yes. What time has it been since we met like this...... how have you been?

"Yeah, you're right. Yeah, well, thank you for the retirement celebration. Because the people of this country just stopped and nobody celebrated. I don't know how much I'm willing to work my old bones."

"If you can be as powerful as Lord Celery, you can be as trivial as age. And I know exactly what it's like for people who want to hold back."

"I retired with Zeno."

You don't even care about my gaze like that, you two keep having fun talking.

You've never seen a smile without Master Celery...

I was a little surprised to see if this one could smile like this, too, and I took my gaze off the two of them.

It's the mountains that want me to ask you what you want me to do, why Master Celery, who is supposed to be in school, is in the royal castle, etc., but it's impeccable to water the corner reunion.

In that way, I decided it would be a while before the end of the conversation, and I looked around again.

The escorts and Mr. Obza were discussing plans or something after this. Master Gray and the others are still at the center of the workout, but the treatment seems to be over, and I can see Jin trying to get up on his own, so he'll join us one of these days.

The workout site, restored by Master Celery's hand, is so beautiful that there is nothing to complain about. We have also disposed of the ice that was carefully pierced and used Marutai, and we can see that we used multiple magic at the same time.

At least three are used simultaneously, such as the magic that disposed of Marutai to the magic that melted the ice, and the magic that evened the ground.

One magic at a time is no big deal, I honestly think it's awesome. It is a boulder because it beautifies this wide range in an instant and it can also be done with the simple motion of tapping the ground lightly with a cane. I want to be an apprentice too.

.................. hmm? Master Celery's the wand?

In discussing the magic used, I turn my attention to Master Celery for the discomfort I noticed. A large cane, close to his height, was still held in the hands of Master Celery, who was speaking with Uncle Wynn with a gentle expression.

I blink at the presence I recognise again.

When using magic, a wand is not mandatory.

If you compare magic to ink, the wand is a feather pen. It is easier to make a fine operation of magic by passing a medium called a wand so that writing with a feather pen is a prettier word than writing with ink on your finger.

I'm sure it would be convenient to have one, but it doesn't have to be that difficult. Because the principle of magic occurrence in this world is at stake.

There are roughly three ways to use magic in this world.

The first is magic exercised by skills acquired.

This can be used by anyone as long as they can acquire skills. Because magic doesn't have to adjust or manipulate the amount of magic if you use your skills so that I can handle the knife quite a bit without having to learn.

Magic skills require magic, just as you need a knife to use your knife skills. However, if you are normal, you will not acquire more magic skills than retained magic, so there is no reason that you cannot use it due to lack of magic. You just have to use your skills. Gin's "Fire Pillar" is this.

Second, pay for magic and have the Spirit use magic, something commonly called spiritual magic.

It is the Spirit who exercises magic on this as well, so there is no manipulation or anything. Just give the Spirit magic and 'please'. As long as there is a Spirit who listens to your request, the side of use should have magic.

If you want to give a flaw, the magic finish is left to the Spirit, so it depends on your relationship with the Spirit if you get the results you want. Since the magic used by the Spirit, a mass of power, is powerful and very different from human common sense, we need to explain it until you understand it if you want us to use magic as we imagine it.

And the third is the magic that people created by imitating skills and spiritual magic.

This is the majority of the magic Master Celery usually uses.

Assemble and exercise magic one by one what your skills and spirits are doing naturally, such as adjusting magic quantities, converting magic into flames and water, and specifying shapes and ranges.

This requires exceptional magic manipulation. Naturally when it comes to skills and doing what the Spirit does on his own. The enemy won't wait until we've assembled the magic, so we have to do it quickly. Increasing one magic to a level that can be used in action will require considerable skill and training.

However, at present, in the form of the letter 'formation' or picture, the use of pre-carving magic ranges and types onto cloths and demonic stones is predominant, and in real life, it merely flows magic. This' formation 'is also used inside what is called a magic prop.

But no matter how creative you are, it's no less irrational than skill and spiritual magic.

I don't know what I'm missing. They say they reproduce perfectly the amount of magic, the type, range, and shape of the attributes, but when you actually use them, they don't go one step further into your skills.

People therefore pay special attention to their skills. For there are walls there that can never be crossed, those who possess and those who cannot. Some research freaks say that's why it's worth it......

If it doesn't extend to skills no matter how you scratch it, I don't think you need to use magic until then, but there are just many advantages that people have been studying even after biting irrationality.

Even if it's not only a degraded version, it's fascinating to be able to use unsuitable magic as long as you have the amount of magic, and even weak magic can be a threat if you have a head count. The fact that even the weak of magic can use powerful magic if they gather numbers. Needless to say, he was treasured in a mass battle.

In fact, it has also been noted in many books that it was during the war that the method of 'formation' developed significantly. If there is one hero, morale will rise, but no strong man can defeat 10,000 soldiers by himself. There are limits to strength and magic.

Because of the magic born in constant strife with warcraft and warfare, this third method also does not require the use of canes. Because the basic "formation" is often carved into stone, cloth, and warcraft skin for easy portability, and when used, they simply pour in magic, so there is no such thing as delicate magic manipulation.

Then, when you say when you need a wand, it is when you use complex magic, or when your child practises skills and magic to prevent accidents.

By the way, Master Celery doesn't usually use canes or anything. The name of Si Yingjie and the former magic master is not Dada, but someone who can combine magic with incredible speed and accuracy.

Such a person now has a very fine cane.

Honestly, I only have a bad feeling. Because that means that Master Celery will use magic so complex that he needs a wand until he gets here, or from now on.

Wish I could hope that that complicated magic has nothing to do with me...

Or what could this person have done for the royal castle with a cane or something?

With that in mind, I find myself unexpectedly eyeing Master Celery in a state of war.

"- What's wrong with those frightened eyes? Mr. Doyle."

And he grinned with inclusiveness, and was asked. I don't deny that I was frightened, but what a difficult question to answer.

If you look around and see what happened to Uncle Wynn to Lady Celley, who awaits a reply in a delightful manner, apparently the story was over while I was thinking about it. At some point I'm talking back to Mr. Obza and the escorts.

Return your gaze from them to Master Celery and patrol what an answer should be. Master Celery understands that I was looking at the wand. Tell me your current state of mind or not. Which one does this person want?

... Sometimes, you might want to tell them honestly.

I come to that conclusion after thinking about it.

Usually when confronted with Master Celery, it often becomes an exploration of the belly. That's how they roll me with their palms. Look at me, I know this is more fun.

How would Master Celery react if he were honestly told he was scared, always enjoying my reaction this way?

Anyway, I've already decided to "hang out a little" with Master Celery. You might want to see how you react to honest language by the time you take future measures.

With that in mind, I open my mouth slowly.

"I thought the use of the wand was terrifying."

"... hey hey"

Lady Celery gave a faint look to the words for a moment. Probably thought I'd cloud the place or let the exploration in.

After looking unexpected, Master Celery laughs at things like this being funny. I'll tell you more while I crumble and observe Mr. Celery's reaction.

"Is there going to be so much magic that Master Celery needs a wand? Or already?

"Which do you think it is?

"I don't know, so this is what I'm asking."

"It's a big mistake if you think the adults of the world would answer anything, right?

"... If you're a school teacher, it's part of your job to answer student questions, isn't it?

"That's right, but this isn't a school, so hey. If you leave school, you're a teacher, right?

Oh, and here's what I'm gonna say. I can't help but notice that Master Celery is about to tongue me. As always, you're good at turning their mood upside down.

Lady Celery, who narrows her eyes, seems extremely delightful. I will remember that this method is no good for that reaction, which is very different than usual. Finally, I swallowed the complaint that I didn't feel the slightest willingness to answer.

That I knew you wouldn't answer me from what I heard because of this person's personality. It is only played further even if it is frustrating here.

I'm gonna stop talking about this, and I'm gonna take a breath to calm down. And I opened my mouth to finish this farce.

"Enough...... so what can I help you with?

"Oh, is that okay?

I whine in my heart to Master Celery, who tilts his neck and asks, to a habit that I am not willing to answer.

Totally different from my attitude towards Uncle Wynn. I don't think he hates me because he tries to relate to me like this every time, but if he can, I'd like to ask him to be a little more honest.

I ask Master Celery again, feeling quite tired.

"Yeah. So what do I do after this?

"... hey, I was hoping you could help me go and punish those who are running away."

Though he showed me a boring face when I changed my story, I immediately change my expression and tell him.

Just then I tried to hear more about the chill-sensitive mockery and the ominous word 'punishment' of Master Celery, and Master Gray finally came back here and pinched his mouth.

"You think there are people working in the castle? Where the hell are they?

Yes, Mr. Gray's voice is stiff when he asks Master Celery. There is also a wrinkle between the eyebrows, with a very harsh look on his face.

I can't tolerate neglect of duty. I'm sure some people are frustrated to think about who should be a model for the people, or even though their salaries are paid out of taxes.

"This is just fine," said Selly, who was watching Master Gray's air change, shrugging and grinning deeper.

I think of the people who are going to be punished for the combination of Gray and Celery with a rugged look on their faces, and I join hands in my heart. I am sad.

Master Celery smiles at me like that somewhere else and seems to have fun.

"It's lamentable...... some court magicians and court pharmacists. Look, there's Doyle in the garden pond right now with your spirits and your feniches, right?


I raise my voice unexpectedly to the words of Master Celery, who began to exaggerate and mourn.

Except if Rafael, Albione and Ains are involved.

If you look at Master Ba and Selly, you continue to snort and say more words with a face that seems happy with my reaction.

"The Spirit of the Wind is currently visible to everyone, so the magicians we found wandered around the pond with demonic stones and other tributes to distract her. The pharmacists on the other hand nail it to a living feniche. I was trying my best to catch some fruit and some nuts. The good old adults boasting about their contributions and calling each other in a cat's voice weren't making the area around the pond very pleasant. On top of that, odd deeds call people and increase their numbers even more. They weren't all looking toward me, so I laughed and came to get you, Doyle...... This one said he was taking the job pressed against him by Libro seriously, but he wouldn't be allowed to take the job away from me, would he?

I could see that Lord Celery's words drew blood away from Sir.

There were concerns, such as the work and caged words of personal grievances asked of the Chancellor, Master Libro, but not now.

I don't think Rafael and the others can handle it, but the problem is the Eins, no, Humph.

I ordered you not to leave Rafael's side just in case, but you said you were trying to fish with bait? I wouldn't even look to just fruits and nuts, but this is a royal castle, and some of them may be magical. Don't worry, Ains and the others are smart, but Humph is in danger.

He's a little grumpy on top of his tenacity. Besides, he's a male who doesn't lay eggs, so if he gets caught, he's likely to be made of material. Whatever the adult, the material of the young body is rare.

It is also possible to consider a secondary disaster in an attempt to stop Humphu.

I don't think the Eins are likely to get caught getting involved, but I'm worried about Rafael and Albione's overdefense. That's where Albione lives. I'm afraid I might accidentally have a major unrepeatable injury or something by mistake of adding or subtracting.

I scream at the unpleasant thoughts that overflow.

"Dear Celery! Say that quickly!

"The water spirits were blinding you, so you're okay, right?

"There's one guy I'm worried about! Trying to protect it from overdefense or something, it won't go out of style! - Master Gray, I beg your pardon for the emergency!

Ask Master Celery, who answered well, to abandon him so and ask Mr. Gray for permission to leave the scene.

Master Gray nodded right at me about what I thought on my sword screen.

"Go and get him. I'll go as soon as I close this place, too."

After snorting at Lady Gray's words, I approach early enough to say hello to Uncle Winn.

"Uncle Winn, I apologize for the hasty farewell. I need to get there as soon as possible..."

"Greetings are fine. You must be in a hurry, right? Go quickly."

Apologizing for the rush, I was blocked by Uncle Winn if I said goodbye greetings. Then sweetened by the kind words spoken, I bow my head and finish my greeting.

"Thank you. This apology will be heard again later."

"Yeah, be careful"

"Yes. Now if you'll excuse me. Mr. Obza and all of you, thank you for your help today. Now if you'll excuse me."

I bow my head once more deeply to those in the East who greet me in a hurry and call out to me, "Be careful" and "Hurry up".

"See you later, Mr. Doyle."


Answer Mr. Obza's words firmly, and I'll run out.

"Doyle, you're overprotective."

With such a grunt from Master Celery on my back, I pop open the door of the training ground vigorously.

The aim is a pond that is built on the edge of the garden.

Hope you make it!

I forgot how tired I was earlier, and I ran like I was praying.

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