Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode 131: From the Dry of Feniche and Spirit Feniche Back then

"Dry. Never leave Lafar's side until I pick him up. If you see a human being, don't get too close to him, okay?


Respond well to your husband, who tells you to put me on your arm.

Then my husband laughs small and gently strokes me with his empty hands. I love these hands that are not different from when I was a chick, they stroke me soft to get my wings done.

Your husband opens his mouth again, laughing, if he leans against his hand, which strokes him to insist on more.

"Mmm, good reply. I think you're okay because you're sweet, but you're worried about Humphrey, so take care of yourself."

I tenaciously respond to your husband, who leaves worry seeping into a warm smile and leads his younger brother to forget me when he sees food in front of him.

"Of course!"

"- Good boy."

Your husband smiles softly at me for telling you well.

I narrow my purple eyes much prettier than a demon stone filled with lots of delicious magic, and when I can gently stroke them, I want to keep myself and fall asleep.

But such blissful times do not last long, and they are gently brought down to the ground. And your husband held Humph up in my place.

That's how we got our attention, one by one, and we came to the pond in the garden where we broke up with your husband that we were going to practice knives. He said that everything was the residence of Lord Albione, and that he could be free because he had good eyes around the pond.

A pond at the edge of a garden where flowers and trees are beautifully organized by people. Clear and clean enough to see the bottom, the water is just a beauty the Spirit chooses to live in.

We were all interested in the chase, keeping the words of your husband and Lord Albione safe and careful not to leave the pond.

Lord Rafael has fluttered off to the garden along the way, but I have no problem with Lord Albione being there for me.

I felt signs of humans wandering around after a while, but they won't follow me to the sky anyway. We grabbed the nuts that were falling around and screamed something, but we didn't eat nuts that didn't have shards of magic. Besides, your husband told me to stay away from you, so I immediately drove them out of consciousness, such as the humans.

It's been a long time since I've had all my wings, and it's fun to play with my brothers and sisters. We played with our hearts as we laughed and rescued Humph, who ran into the pond trying to fly over the surface.

So tired of playing, we decided to rest by the pond.

Of course, in a position where there is no sign of the humans.

Cool the caged body of heat with the pond water, spread the feathers and dry in the slightly hot sun.

The wind blowing by the pond is pleasant, and the tiredness of flying at all costs for a long time goes hand in hand to induce drowsiness. It all seemed the same, and my brothers and sisters caught me and I slowly traveled to the world of sleep.

And the case goes on.

Apparently, Humph, who woke up first, was caught by the bait and went to the fluttering humans. It was already too late when I realized that Humphu was in a cage planted by humans.

They want us to take it back, too, and they're waiting for us to pull the trigger.

Talk to the remaining brothers and sisters about how to take back the Humph from those who are waiting for us to come down with their eyes full of expectations.

In doing so, things unfolded in an irrevocable direction.

"- This child is important to your husband, so I'll have it back."

When Lord Albione tells him so in a cold voice, the hand of water stretched out of the pond takes from man the cage in which his brother entered.

At that time, she was not heard by the medics who were capturing Humph. Wrong, they shouted at the magicians who were on their side as they reached for the cage they had been taken from them.


"Whose fault is it! Give it back!"

The pharmacists can't feel the signs of the spirits, and they are eating and hanging by the magicians who were looking into the state of the pond in horror.

Meanwhile, the reckoned magicians scream in desperate shape at the pharmacists.

"The Spirit of Water is angry because of you!

"The Spirit of the Wind is the Spirit of the Water who said, 'He is as strong as I am'. If you spare your life, just apologize!

Some sorcerers scream, while others exasperate.

Apparently those magicians were watching when they heard there was a water spirits in the pond.

I didn't seem to be able to hear my voice earlier, but I guess I'm feeling the magic of Lord Albione on purpose. Looks like Humph put his hands on me and guessed the water spirits offended my mood.

"Are you willing to sidestep a precious Phoenician young bird!

"How much research goes on if we can keep and tame that one!

But that voice didn't seem to reach the medics blinded by the living Phoenician larvae.

Lord Albione, who in the meantime broke the cage, releases the fruit-eating humph into the sky.

Though we were free, we rushed to pick up our brother, who was unable to ascend successfully because of the fruit he was wearing.

"Mm, mmm (oh, heavy)"

"Come on, you guys!

"You finally are! Or throw that away!

"Mmm! (Yah!

Eince and Zwei get angry, but his brother didn't let go of the fruit, even willingly. Not letting go of food even in this situation is the guts I looked up to while my brother.

Grab Humph's feathers with his feet as he shrugs, lifting each fruit. Honestly, heavy.

"I'm not caught in a little trick like that!

"Humph, fool!

I scream, too, to agree with Fia's words.

All of us grab the wings of the Humph as we say why, and I'll lift them up.

And finally, we were able to rise high in the sky. He's a handy brother.

"I caught the corner."

Slightly drop your gaze on the voice you hear from below.

One of the pharmacists was reaching this way with a sad look on his face.

Then we heard the people arguing, but we fled to the safe trees without looking back.

"You guys think you can just get in our way!

"So it's not us!

"Yes! Better than that? If you don't apologize to the Spirit soon, you'll have no life."

To the pharmacists who remain mistaken, the magicians say back with great concern for the pond.

Lord Albione, who saw us evacuated safely on the tree, then gave his gaze to the humans still arguing by the pond.

- Shut up.

"It's too late. We're getting away, you guys!

It was almost at the same time that she groaned annoyingly and one mage screamed.

But there are spirits and humans.

The magicians who reacted to the swollen magic rush to escape, but the armies ascend to Lord Albione.


"Takeshi -"


"I won't make it!

Countless hands of water stretched out of the pond, and those who were arguing, of course, drag the humans who were nearby, whether medics or magicians.

"For now, just protect yourself! Hope you're safe!

"" Ri, roger. ""

As people scream, the prepared magicians pray for a good fight with each other, applying magic to themselves and disappearing into the water.

Lord Albione stared with cold eyes at how man was sucked into the pond with one more person.

On her side, quietly angry, comes Lord Lafar, who was looking at the contributions arranged on the lawn in the garden. And comparing the humans dragged into the pond to her looking down at it, she leaned her neck.

"What are you doing? If you do too much harm to them, they'll piss you off, my darling."

'I'm pulling in the air with you to make sure you don't die. They're annoying. "


In response to the inquiry, Lord Albione answered firmly.

With her troubled face in her attitude, Lord Rafael peeks into the crouching pond.

The man dragged into the pond was tied to the bottom of the pond by the hand of the water. But if you look closely, there was air gathered around the faces of humans and they seemed to be able to breathe.

The size of the air is different between those who are slammed to escape from the hands of the water and those who are quietly observing the situation, but there seems to be a lot of air, so it will be fine for some time now.

With his breasts stroked down by the safe appearance of the humans, Lord Rafael turns his gaze to Lord Albione to free them.

But it was Lord Albione who opened his mouth first.

"Did you try to harm your husband's precious feniches? You need punishment."

"My dear children adore you, Eins? Don't do that."

Lord Rafael changes his expression and squeals as he rounds his eyes to the words he is told.

Unlike earlier, Lord Albione nods with a good face to Lord Rafael, who stared and raised his face at the human being at the bottom of the pond with a harsh expression.

Lord Rafael stood up, holding his fist.

"I'll help!

"Yes, we have to lose it!

Lord Albione, who was able to get his endorsement, sounds happy when he brightens his expression all the time.

"Spirit of the Wind ~"

Several magicians run under two spirits who seriously consider punishment.

With demonic stones and other tributes in their hands, they appear to be the ones who had spoken to Lord Rafael by arranging the items they had brought on the lawn earlier. If I thought I felt the magic increase at the pond, Lord Rafael was gone, so I guess he came after me.

"Spirit of the Wind! How did it go - what is this?!?"

"What's up?

"Hey, the pharmacists are dragging us into the pond... mixed with the guys who left to go find the water spirits"


The magicians, who were speaking to Lord Rafael with exasperation, showed and consolidated each reaction to the sight they found.

Sorcerers who, although looking fine, are drawn to the pond and frozen by their compatriots seeking help. Elsewhere, Lord Rafael and Lord Albione continue their conversation with a peek into the water.

"What shall we do?

"Want to mix it up a little? I'll make a vortex, so I need you to wrap it in the air so you don't die. I think it's just right to scare people if you turn it fast. '

"Right. Don't let him get hurt, okay? That girl will grieve."

'I know. I'm more familiar with humans than you are, so I'm not gonna do that.'

The tone is really swallowing, but what you're talking about is pretty noisy.

Spirits who have dangerous conversations on the water with humans struggling to escape at the bottom of the pond, and magicians who compare the two from land.

It goes without saying that we were in a hurry when we watched three sets of reactions from the top of a safe tree.

Of the brothers and sisters quieting back to what was becoming more and more important, it was Phea who cut the tantrum.

"Hey, hey! What are you gonna do with that? Your husband will definitely piss you off if you stay like this!

'Fia's right. I was wondering if you could stop Mr. Albione, and I wouldn't expect you to mix it up with Mr. Rafael... what do we do with this?

Tell Feer, who curls faster than usual, with Ains laughing dry.

To those two wings, Zwei opens his mouth with a sad face.

"I can't do this..."

Silence falls between us again in the powerless whine of Zwei.

I was wary of what happened to my youngest brother. I'm not good at thinking deeply about things, but I know how it goes after this. Your husband will be quite angry with you.

My husband, who is usually very sweet and adores us, has been hard on us lately. I have been told to keep my mouth shut, especially not to bother humans.

And I know it's done out of concern that we won't be hunted as beasts.

Even today, 'There are many skilled knights and magicians in the castle, so be nice. You can act separately from me, but in that case never leave Rafael and Albione. Don't get involved with people, okay?' I've been told so many times. At the parting, your husband gave you a worrying look and urged each one to pay close attention before leaving.

Unlike Eins and Zwei, there are few words spoken to me. But I thought we were very much taken care of by putting each and every one of them on our arms, choosing words that we could understand.

There is no reason to dislike your husband, who is kind and gives you a delicious meal. We love your husband. So I try to protect your husband's life, and I care not to cause trouble.

Even so, this situation. Humph, the biggest cause, is still most affected by eclampsia when he is obsessed with fruit.

"Humph's fault!


With the frustration of boiling in, I scold Humph.

But we just reacted to my voice and looked up. I'm desperate to eat fruit that I didn't even let go of, and I don't look like I cared.

I should have grown up and learned the same way, why is my younger brother so food straight line at the end of this?

Compared to me and the other three, wisdom doesn't turn. But even so, even though I'm so sad to think that the pity that annoys your husband and the remorse that you couldn't keep occupies your chest, and on top of that, you're going to be angry.

I want to convey this inside to Humph. But there are no words out there that I can describe well.

If you are a good chatter Phea, can you put this emotion into words without excess? At these times, I regret being a lousy mouth.

When he was letting his mouth pound at the unspeakable elusiveness of his emotions, Zwei pounded him on the back.

'It doesn't matter how much you say when you're eating, so be it, Dry.' Cause he'll get plenty of scolding from Master Doyle later. '

Staring at his youngest brother and saying so with a thorny voice, Zwei spreads his feathers and leaves the branch. And when it floats in the universe fluttering, it opens its mouth with a sinking face.

"I, Master Doyle, am calling."

'... that's the best part. I asked you, Zwei.'


He exchanged words with Ains with a look that seemed complicated, and Zwei flew high in the sky.

Zwei is smart and will soon find your husband and come back because he is good at flying.

I'm sure your husband, who listened, will rush over here. And it does something about this situation.

That seems to be the case because I have the mysterious peace of mind that if you have a husband, you'll be absolutely fine. I agree with all my brothers and sisters on this.

Speaking of which, Zwei used to say, 'Maybe this is the one with the imprint'...

"Takeshi -"

"Who -"

I remember that as I heard the pond that started swirling and the screams raised by the occasional humans on my face.

Lord Rafael is wrapped in the wind, so he seems intact, but he is turned around as he floats and looks very disgusting. I'd love to stop you, but there's nothing I can do about that but your husband.

"Doh, what do we do?

"But Master Celery should be at the castle. Me, I just saw you!

"But if you lose your job, they'll kill you..."

"You can't do that! And, in the meantime, let's do something on our own. Dear Spirit of the Wind, it was casual, and you might be able to handle it if you talk to him."

The people who remain resolute are trying to do something about it, but I think we should stop.

It seems I'm not the only one who thought that, and Feea squeaks softly.

"Hey, aren't those humans a little reckless?

"Those people, they're trying to stop you, but you're definitely gonna get involved."


I snort at Eince for adding to Feer's words.

I go into a stop, and I see the human beings who are certified by the two spirits to be in the way and involved. That seemed the same for both of us, and once again the silence would come between us.

Without anyone opening their mouth to the sight in front of them to follow a step of deterioration, the three of us awaited the arrival of your husband and Zwei with a strange face.

"Muggle, muggle."

Needless to say, I thought I was going to stick my humph out to your husband the first time I wouldn't stop eating during that time.

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