The sun also tilts, and the time is when it's time to turn into a sunset sky.

On the blue and bushy lawn just beside the pond, I was facing the Eins.

Ains, Zwei, Dry and Feea start explaining how it all depends when they stick their humphs out in front of me squatting in.

"We were all taking a nap after chasing each other and playing. So, when you wake up, there's no Humphrey!

'Ains woke me up and I panicked and everyone was looking for me, and this idiot, the bait that humans brought me, was fishing me and trapping me!

"Humph, I've just been eating! It was so heavy!

"Really! After Mr. Albione helped me, I almost fell into the pond with the weight of the fruit, but I couldn't help letting it go, so we all carried him!

The Ains will blink their wings and report on the action taken by Humph.

"We all lifted each fruit and managed to evacuate the trees."

"With our escape, the magicians and the pharmacists began to fight... and then Mr. Albione said, 'Shut up,' and the humans."

"In the pond, cheating with the hands of the water"

'At first, Mr. Rafael came and tried to stop me. But when I heard you were trying to do us harm, I said,' I'm gonna help! '...'

You think you're going to be pissed off, Ains and the others continued their words as they glanced at my complexion. And finally, Phea's words, everyone shuts up.

Then I thought we started towing each other with our gaze, and I heard a small voice.

You tell me.

"No, I wasn't there because I was there to call Master Doyle."

"Me, no."

"Neither do I."

To the Ains rubbing the rest of the report, I remembered the sight I had when I got here.

I said goodbye to Uncle Wynn and Mr. Obza in a hurry when I was wary of Lord Celery's words. Then he flew out of the training ground and ran. Master Celery, who had said something, ignored it, and forgot the fatigue he had felt, which he had already run to the full.

- Hope you make it!

Hurry ahead with that one heart.

It's not Grandpa, Father, or Celery. I don't think those who can beat the tags of Rafael and Albione are among the sorcerers and pharmacists. If I piss them off, at the end of the day, their fate has been decided, and I'm sure they won't even give me time to resist.

I will concentrate on the training of the knife, so this is the result of letting it go free because it will bore me. If this is the case, I should have taken them all with me.

I regret it intensely, but I will not return the time that has passed.

- Please, don't do anything.

Run even, sending a precaution to the magicians and pharmacists on Lafar's side.

Thus, as he was desperately headed for a pond built on the edge of the garden, one familiar blue bird flew in from the front.

That blue bird, Zwei, wings even more when he realizes I exist, increasing his speed. He was in a great hurry, and I realized I couldn't make it.

... Too late, huh?

That idea floats all over my brain.

Reality is abnormal.

I was still in quite a hurry with this, and while I lamented the harsh reality, Zwei passed by at an awesome speed and circled all the way around his back.

And when I lined up next to my face, I rolled up as I flew.

"Dear Doyle! It's tough, Mr. Albione dragged a human into a pond, and I thought you were going to stop me, and I even joined Mr. Rafael in battle, making it more and more catastrophic!

I activated my [disease] skills on what I was told and ran like a wind.

Then what did you see ahead of you that you arrived at?

It is the figure of magicians coming and going at a fierce speed, perpendicular to the blue and lush lawn rinse and the bright blue sky, and of medics trapped in a ball of wind and turned at speeds such as washing machines.

The screams of the sorcerers being struck like vertical falling machines, seen in amusement parks and elsewhere, were painful, with unusually long screams going away.

The truth is unknown because we were unable to visualize the vertices, but it is presumed that they were launched to a considerable height.

Meanwhile, the screams heard from the pharmacists in the pond were powerless and short. No, I think that was right to groan rather than scream.

I don't know what the scheme was because Albione was silent, but it seemed to be floating around making complicated moves as well as just being turned. Let me just say that I was impressed that the humans trapped in a ball of wind that occasionally peeps into their faces were laid back with a blue face.

The sight deserves to be called an annoyance cry.

In the sky and in the pond, there were more humans than I thought, and it was a spectacular sight inside.

There are about ten to fifteen magicians and pharmacists at a time, and it is not to be said that the number of people who exceed expectations has been poisoned by the fact that 'there will be enough noise to call people, you free men'. I was more upset about things than I imagined, too, and I want you to forgive me.

I happen to find a man in a robe mixed with a white coat that looks like a flicker from the swirling water: '... Ah, the magician mixed too. You're so rare,' to the point of escaping reality, it was a shocking sight.

Then he returned to me with the grace of Zwei, who called my name worryingly, and hurried to call Rafael and Albione.

That's enough to convince the two of us to free the magicians and the pharmacists.

He managed to convince the two of them to succeed in rescuing the magicians and pharmacists.

And I joined the Grays who just arrived, and to this day.

But, well, you're reflecting...

With that in mind, I drop my gaze on the Ains.

Eince and the others were aware that they had caused an unsavory situation, or they were rolling their gaze at first. But they don't want to leave my side, and they're all waiting for my word with their wings on.

Eins and Humph got caught by people, and I guess they were also the first people to target and anxiety.

I'm calm now, but Ains, Dry and Feea flew in when they saw me, and they were ringing reluctantly.

I honestly was surprised how long it kept ringing until the sparsely mouthed dry. It was the first time the Eins had shown so much agitation, although some of them would have seen Rafael and the others run wild and scared.

And sometimes my reading was sweet about this one.

I thought there were magicians chasing Lafar and the others, but they are stronger among the spirits, and few people can see the spirits in the first place.

For that reason, he had ordered Rafael to disappear rather than eliminate people if they got annoyed. Albione, too, had only lived in a pond for many years and had learned to deal with people. If they hadn't even caught Humphrey, there wouldn't have been a problem.

For good reason only, the pond where Albione lived is on the edge of the garden, from the upper floor of the castle, in a position not visible from the lower floor. The gardens are also large, so you can't reach the pond without some walking from the castle.

So I never imagined that the pharmacists, usually left caged in the lab, would find the Eins and try to catch them.

Therefore, I was bracketing the height that it would be okay.

I guess I came back and found it by chance......

Why didn't I think of the fact that people aren't coming is a great place to go back if you give them back. There are many people working in the castle. Some of them will be running out of work.

As far as I can tell, Ains and the others are not at fault. He kept my word and was under Arvione's protection.

... or if you correct the ex, it's the humph that's bad.

The sweetness of my reading is also responsible, but nothing would have happened if Humphu hadn't been caught by the bait in the first place.

No matter how many pharmacists gather, they are noncombatants. There is no way to capture Feniche flying gracefully around the sky unless he gets close to the Ains.

Why is Humphu so meaty when he should be feeding enough?

Besides, when I wasn't aware of what I had done.

The other brothers and sisters are depressed that they couldn't keep my word, but the humph of the day is upset that his belly is filled and makes him want to sleep.

He surrounds his brothers and sisters behind him and says he is being pushed before me as the ultimate cause, but he has good courage.

Because twice as many of the Eins said they took the time to say it, but going to get caught from themselves no longer makes me sad through anger.

As the word birdhead, which I forget in three steps, passes behind my brain, I first take my gaze off the humph and call the Eins.

"Ains, Zwei, Dry, Feer"

"'' Yes' ''

Reacting to my voice, the four wings hurry up and face up.

I said slowly to Ains, who were nervous and waited for the words to continue.

"This time, I won't say anything because I seem to be reflecting deeply. It's Humphrey's fault in the first place, and there's nothing wrong with you guys. Remember, however, that you are a valuable and beneficial material to humans. You are creatures who are not meant to be with people. The Ballads don't do any harm because they know you're mine, but a lot of people don't. If we're within reach like the pharmacists, we'll try to capture them, and in some cases we'll try to put a stop to them. Some of them use magic, others use flying tools. Don't overconfident me that I'll be okay for a little while. Be vigilant and keep your distance first when you see people. All right?"

"'"' Yes!

I will stroke each and every one of the Ains who replied vibrantly to my words.

The Eins, who thought they would scold me, were shaking their bodies frightened the moment I reached out, but if I ignored them and stroked them, they would look at me with a pompous look.

Then he said, "That? Enough?" He gave me a bewildered look.

Give those Ains a light cockpit. Because there's a difference in race, and if I hit the Ains, who are only about the size of pigeons, they'd be hurt badly.

"That's it - please, don't worry about me too much, okay?

Yes, after telling the Ains, I reach out to Humph and grab every shaking head.



Grab a gassy little head and point it at this one. I tell him with a little force in the hand I grabbed as I finally gaze at him with an open eye, Humph.

"For now, you have no magic on me for a week."


"I'll feed you something else, don't worry"

Proclaiming so, Humph opens his eyes and raises his voice of surprise.


"Don't talk about everything, I've told you many times not to eat anything but the food I give you. You also answered 'OK' at the end. I also said that if I broke it, I would punish you. That's why."


"'"' Naturally!

Eins tells Humph, who is deeply shocked by my words, in unison.

"You need to reflect a little!

"How hard it's been for you!

"Your husband, annoying!

"If it weren't for you, Mr. Albione, or us, they'd have turned you into a bird pot by now!

"Bird pot!?"

He was a humph with a disgruntled look at the words of his brothers and sisters, but he was shocked by Fia's words. I don't like bird pots on boulders.

I admire Humph for responding to Phea's threatening complaint. I learned that if I put it this way, it would resonate with this guy's heart, and I'm going to make use of what I've learned and just tell Humph.

"If you follow someone you don't know, they'll eat you delicious."

'I don't like that!

"Well, that's something you don't follow people you don't even know when they show you the bait"


To the seriously troubled Humph, he said, "Should I have said this!" And while I feel the light, "that's the word I say to a three-year-old that you shouldn't give food to people you don't know..." makes me a little sad.

... Humph's education looks like a long way to go.

I'll catch Humph as I put my thoughts on the long way ahead. I won't let this guy go any further.


Hold the captured Humph not to let him escape, and stand up.

Then I spoke to Ains and the others.

"We're going to Lady Gray's."

Copy that!

Copy that, Master Doyle.


"Yes. Let's go, master."

While responding to my words, I smile bitterly at the Ains, who have formed themselves wherever they please. I wondered if I could take Ains and the others, but I thought, "Well, maybe today," and I walked out.

In the wake of Humphu, to do the aftermath of what Albione and Rafael served.

"Because the Spirit is visible and we can talk, right?

"I don't know if you're a magician about me for the second time... this has to go now!

"Master Celery would understand!?"

Mages who recruit Master Celery with their hair disturbed by blush intact.

The magicians who cut and complained were desperate, mindful of Master Gray, who listened to their claims and conceived them. They want to make the disposal as light as possible.

Looking down at them like that, Master Celery slowly opens his mouth.

"I was taking the job that Libro asked me to do seriously, even though I came here for personal use. You don't know what it's like to put me away from work like that, do you? Makes it easier for young people to work retired old people. It's a sad world."

The magicians draw their cheeks to Master Celery, who told them abhorrently.

Seeing Master Grey for help, but returning is unresponsive.

They looked around discouraged, finding me coming towards them and sparkling their eyes.

"Dear Aginis!

The magicians call me gladly.

Having confirmed them a little further away, I honestly thought I didn't want to go.

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