The mouth looks down at Master Celery, whose eyes are not laughing at all when it comes to drawing arcs, and Master Gray, who looks down at the magicians and pharmacists without expressions as to whether they are conceiving their disposition.

While most of those two were seated in front of me and awaiting sentencing, a few magicians who were resolutely seeking a commutation of their sentences noticed my presence.

They were pulling their cheeks at Lady Celery's and Lady Gray's disconnected reactions, and they immediately brightened their expression when they saw me approaching them.

"Dear Aginis!

And he smiled brilliantly and called me.

I unwittingly stop to the magicians who see this one with the help of heaven and the look on their face.

Keep going, can I turn right and go home...

Seeing the sorcerers asking for help, I think so. I was slightly frightened by the magicians' anticipating glances such as "You would help me, wouldn't you!?"

It's true that the spirits I'm contracting have made them look terrible.

But having experienced a natural vertical drop machine, they are intact and pimpy.

That's the same with the pharmacists who were spinning in the pond, slightly blue-faced and loose, but no injuries, sitting next to the magicians sitting in the front seat. I feel a little bad, but the fact that they're all intact shows that both Rafael and Albione didn't forget my words and that they gave me a glimpse.

The magicians should have been well aware of their professional pattern, the horrors of the Spirit, and they should have called out to Rafael, aware of the risks.

As for the pharmacists, I tried to catch Ains and the others. It's my responsibility to leave you alone, but it's not the first time a wild feniche enters a protected castle in the junction.

This is the place where the king lives, the place with the most security. If Feniche had flown through a place like that, he would know a little if he thought it was definitely someone's property.

I'm not saying I wasn't responsible at all. But it's the result of prioritizing my desires and abandoning my job, so this time they deserve it. There is no room for sympathy.

Though I think so, the eyes of the hopeful magicians make me feel guilty.

... I don't like this kind of gaze.

I'm not willing to shelter them any more than I have about the Eins. So I will betray the expectations of the magicians. I feel like I don't want to go extra because I know I do.

Whatever the reason, it's not pleasant to watch the moment when expectations turn into disappointment. But that's why we can't do this forever.

... Let's get this over with.

When I thought so, Lady Gray looked up to me. And when you see me, you open your mouth.

"Doyle, are you done?"

Lady Gray called me, and I walk out again.

"Yes. Thank you for waiting."

"... no"

If you apologize for keeping me waiting, Master Gray turned away from me all the time.

Just before I took my gaze off, I was looking at the Ains forming on my shoulders and head, so I guess I'm over laughing in.

The situation is such that I wait for Lady Gray's emotions to settle down.

There are so many people out there today that they should be back soon.

That's when I hear a grunt from somewhere, "Heh, Feniche..." When I turned my face toward the person who made the noise, I saw the medics with their blue and white faces resting in their eyes. I think their obsession with reacting to Ains and the others even when they are stuck with the trick from Albione is amazing.

I wonder what drives them so much, etc., and speaking of which, Seniors Leo reminds me of that too. The seniors who preceded Feniche's eggs also showed the medium challenging spirit of trading with Master Celery. Everyone in the race of pharmacists seems to spare no life for drugs. If you think that hot exploration is saving people's lives, it's a great obsession.

Well, I wouldn't let the Eins touch a finger where I felt that way. This time I meditate my eyes because Albione has already given me his hand, but Ains and his men are my precious men.

- If there's not a second time, we need to hold the nail tight.

Looking down at the pharmacists and thinking about it, Master Celery tells me.

"I totally miss you, Doyle."

"You're right."

Shoulders flaunted by words spoken inadvertently, showing the snuggling Ains.

Master Celery, who for some reason deepened his grin on me like that, went on to say even more.

"Doyle, these are the kids you raised so dearly from the chicks."

"Yes, my dear man."

"He's cute, isn't he?"

"... yeah, well"

Tilt your neck to Master Celery, who is getting in a good mood for my gavel. What the hell does this guy want to do?

A trembling voice calls me as I observe Surprisingly Master Celery feeling better to see.

"Ah, Lady Aginis"


If you turn your eyes to the voice you hear, there is one medic who has turned your complexion worse than earlier. He's afraid of something. He hesitates to ask me.

"Those feniches are brought up by Lady Aginis...?

"Yes, sir."

Answer the question while wondering what. As you can see from this situation, if you show me the Ains that are stuck in me, the pharmacists blued more and more.

The magicians who watched such an exchange also opened their mouths with a bloody face.

"Dear Aginis, I heard from those who were in the pond that the water spirits were angry because the pharmacists put their hands on those feniches, but could the water spirits who were in the pond..."

"The Spirit of the Water, and she's the Spirit I'm under contract to. I asked them to babysit Ains because I needed them."

Answer the sorcerer, who asks him with a lousy look that says it's a mistake, as he shows Rafael. Noticed I was watching, she said, "What?" He comes to the side with his neck tilted. If I shook my head that it was nothing, I'd be gone soon.

Drop her off again headed for Albione and return her gaze to the sorcerers.

The magicians who watched Rafael interact like that looked at me with eyes that had changed and despaired from what they had just done.

"... Oops"

"The Spirit of the Wind, the Spirit of the Water, the Feniche, belongs to the Aginis?

"We got our hands on the Duke's stuff..."

When the magicians who were chasing Master Celery told him with a seeping voice of regret, he fell on his knees unexpectedly.

And they leaned down for a while, and lifted up their faces and opened their mouths simultaneously.

"Why didn't you tell me, Master Celery!

"That's right! If we knew that the Spirit Aginis was under contract, we'd be more polite."

"You even solicited me away!

Apparently, they didn't know I was a contractor.

I stopped Albione and the others, so it seems good to guess, but the magicians and the pharmacists stayed calm shortly after the rescue, so they didn't even know who stopped them. On top of that, I think there was consciousness there because the Greys arrived at about the same time as I helped them out.

After losing their jobs, they finally realized the fact that they had their hands on the Duke's inheritance and the covenant spirit, how pale they were.

Meanwhile, he said, "Say it first!" And when he saw them, Master Celery laughed.

"What are you talking about? You know how stupid you are and how high spirits they are, right? You think the High Spirit will expose you when you don't have a contractor? Know who you are. Plus, you should have figured it out if you used your head a little bit about the contractor. Because there are also people in the country who do not belong to the Sorcery Division and can make contracts with spirits of such high rank. In it, when it comes to those who are currently in the castle, they will squeeze themselves, won't they?


One of the sorcerers gets stuck in the words he tells.

Sending such a chilling glance at him, Master Celery continues his words.

"Even so, this ugliness is imprisoned by the spirits at hand. This has to be in Libro's or Joyeh's ears."

"Master Joyeh Magic!?"

"Dear Celery, at least say yes to Chancellor Libro"

To the name mentioned, the magicians scream.

But there, Master Celery, were you satisfied just to say to the magicians, ignored them and turned to the pharmacists.

"So are you. This is the most heavily guarded place in the Majesta. A wild feniche would not be allowed into a protected castle in the junction. It's where I built it, where it was protected by the bonds I put it in, right? If Feniche was flying through a place like that, you wouldn't have to consider it someone's property, it's stupid - oh. Or are you trying to tell me that you can't even prevent the intrusion of Feniche by the extent of the bond I put up?

"There is no extinction, such as doubting Master Celery's protection!

And I said, "Are you fighting and selling to me? The pharmacists rush to deny to Master Celery, who asks. Master Celery seems very satisfied with the pharmacists shaking his face beside him.

The pharmacists exhale at what they thought to Master Celery, who loosened his mouth.

... Lady Celery isn't that sweet.

Watching a series of interactions, I squeal in my chest, yes.

At the same time, Master Gray, who seems to be resurrected, told him in a small voice.

"Lord Celery wouldn't allow it to that extent... you don't even know it's a joy, it's a relaxing thing"

"... Yep"

I snort forcefully at Lady Gray's words.

If that degree of reaction allows it, no one will struggle. When I push it down, I push it down. That is Master Celery.

"Oh, uh, please, this matter is with the chief pharmacist..."

"Of course, I'll report to Libro and Elva."


As if to affirm our conversation, Master Celery cuts the horrible talking medication with his hopeful eyes. The voices of the pharmacists were sad for the pale anticipation.

The look on the faces of the magicians and pharmacists, who were told to report to their respective chiefs and prime ministers, is full of grief.

That would be the case, too. From now on, they will not only clean up the work of the day in overtime, which they have abandoned, but will also convince the Chancellor that the work worthy of punishment will be imposed by the elders. Besides, Master Gray will dispose of it. I was scared to buy my Duke's inheritance.

Think that far and do your gaze next door.

In the eyes of Master Gray, who sees magicians and pharmacists, there was mercy.

Take them out of sight from poor Master Gray, and I imagine what will happen after this.

No matter how much sympathy you have for them, it doesn't change the disposition that comes out of Master Gray's mouth. Lady Gray has a position as His Royal Highness the King. A sweet face to them here will upset the balance between the knight in the castle, the sorcerer and the pharmacist.

Therefore, if Lady Gray does not miss them, there will be no commutation of sentence, a disposition in accordance with the terms of reference will be given to him and a written delivery will be made via the Prime Minister.

There is no more objection to the magicians and pharmacists than Master Gray himself is thus holding the scene hostage.

... How horrible to buy Master Celery's unhappiness.

For this reason, Master Celery did not directly impose sanctions on the sorcerers and pharmacists, but came all the way to me. To put this one thing in Master Gray's ear and make him hold the scene down like this.

I guess I acted after calculating that Mr. Gray would not take refuge in sympathy for his position. It is a relentless, hunting down way.

I look at the pharmacists who joined the sorcerers who would be struck, and when I think about it, I see Master Grey and I. Then he gave the look of all the "stop thinking about it any more," and shook his head small in his eyes. Apparently, everything you think is with you.

Lady Celery stabs the magicians and pharmacists with a neat look at us elsewhere.

"What are you saying sweet? Even if I don't report it, you'll be in Libro's ear more than with His Highness Gray on this occasion. If you put it in the Chancellor's ear, it will naturally be checked with the heads of each department. Otherwise, the question of whether it's too late or too early. Your fate has been decided from the beginning - so please do not hesitate to dispose of it, Your Highness. Because you deserve it."

Lady Gray, urged by Lady Celery, told him with an unexpected look.

"… in accordance with the terms of reference, I give you three months' pay cuts. More details will be contacted by Chancellor Libro"


"Yes, sir."

You noticed Lady Gray's words, and the magicians and pharmacists dropped their backs and shoulders, but raised their voices of recognition.

Master Grey sighs at them like that. Lady Celery, on the other hand, had a satisfying grin. He scratched around scatterly and was satisfied. He is an annoying old man.

... What's so troublesome is that if you look only at the results, you're behaving in a legitimate way.

Those who have renounced their duties shall be punished accordingly. Only Master Celery would be able to wield a large number of humans so far, even though that's all I've done.

Looking at the magicians and pharmacists who are depressed with that in mind, one of the pharmacists gets up fluttered. When he cautioned himself about what he was going to do and followed the behavior with his eyes, he caught the nearby pharmacist in such a way that he couldn't stand it.

"Speaking of the original, because you say 'they have feniche in the garden'!

"Become!? Even I asked her!

"Hey, don't do this to me! Even I was working on the extraction, and he told me," I need men, so come with me. "

"Me, too, he..."

Not many pharmacists mourning the future began shifting responsibilities. They all say, "He's the one," but they say, "Listen to me from".

And a few minutes to talk about the hustle and bustle. Since there were only a little over ten people, the pharmacists, who quickly finished sorting out the source of the rumors, surround one pharmacist.

Surrounded by his companions, the pharmacist rushed to begin the clarification.

"I was told by a different maid when I went to get some extra herbs!

"Huh? Why is there a maid on the side of the herb?

"There's only a vault of herbs and our lab around there, so you're not coming for a maid. It's off limits in the first place."

"I've never seen a maid around here since I started working."

"Me too."

But the words that came out of his mouth were unlikely, so a word of denial comes in immediately from his colleagues.

My companions denied my words, and the medicine being hung looked up. And when I think about it to argue, I tilt my neck if I notice the unnaturalness of my words.

"... Speaking of which, why were you in that maid place?

The colleagues give a strange look to the medic who grumbled so with a strange face.

"Know what? You're not saying the right thing, are you?

"Did you really see that?

"Didn't you fail the experiment and take weird pills?

"No, no, he said he was there for sure. Even Feniche would have actually been there, wouldn't he?

That's what the pharmacists say to the cold gaze of their colleagues.

The colleagues who had heard the words of such a pharmacist had glimpsed the Ains and convinced them that they were indeed there.

... If the pharmacist's words are true, why, there's a maid in there?

Such a question crosses my mind watching them like that.

There's nothing around the lab where the pharmacists use it and the herb vault. Because I don't know how the medication being studied will affect my surroundings. So, if my memory is certain, it should have been off-limits outside the area.

It's not a good place for a maid to flirt on her own, where she needs to be accompanied by a pharmacist, even if she had errands.

I don't seem to be the only one who thought that, and Master Gray, with a harsh look on his face, speaks to the medic in question.

"Did you really meet the maid"

"Yes! I was the first face I saw, but I did see him"

"What's it look like?

"She had blonde hair together, rugged eyes, tall, and a crying beauty with my right eye!

Master Gray puts a difficult face on the doctor who answered clearly and calls me.


"... no"

With his gaze, he said, "Have you seen it?" Answer Master Gray with few words.

He then returned the same question.

"What about Master Gray?

To my inquiry, Lady Gray shakes her head small.

Lady Gray's reaction increased suspicion at once.

Six days after I came to the castle, I don't remember seeing such a maid even when I used to climb the castle.

Nevertheless, my scope of action is limited, and I rarely encounter maids in the first place because Ballado mostly takes care of them around me. So no wonder there was a maid I didn't know about.

Except Master Gray.

I originally lived in a castle, and I have free access to various places. Enough to say that the pharmacist is clearly beautiful so far. Whether you see it in person or not, if a new maid like that comes in, you'll be hearing about it as much as a rumor.

A maid who doesn't even remember Master Gray, who was in a place where he wouldn't lean aside from the people involved.

Besides, she knew the Eins existed. There's no way I'm not suspicious.

I guess that's what Master Gray felt too. With a difficult face, I was exploring my memories again.

Lady Celery, who watched us like that in silence, turns off her grin.

"One rat, you might be in there... we need to get rid of it ASAP"

Me and Lady Gray nodded quietly to Lady Celery, whose eyes narrowed softly and gazed into the castle.

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