Ten days early from the encounter of magicians and pharmacists.

Lady Celery, who felt a rat invade, left early that day. Probably headed for Chancellor Libro.

Though I and Lady Grey left on the spot face-to-face about what to do, apparently they contacted the magician and pharmacist on that road, and each deputy rushed to pick them up. For that reason, I left the rest to my deputies, and we went back to the room.

From that day until today, unfortunately, there has been no progress.

I also asked Balad to look into the maid the pharmacist had spoken of, but I still have no information. I knew you weren't from the castle at a time not remembered by Master Gray, but it's an extremely disturbing situation.

Sometimes it is an intruder of this period, and Master Celery is not going back to school. He is also in the castle, and there is considerable vigilance at present.

Even in such circumstances, ceremony day is naturally approaching.

I am preparing to greet the arriving guests.

"Lord Balad, you have a good sensibility. It also incorporates fashion well, and this would suit Doyle well."

I glance down at my brand new costume, frowning at Gardy, who looks at the costume I have prepared for me and shares his thoughts.

Now, ten days after the ceremony, envoys from neighboring countries are coming to the castle of Majesta. Moreover, for the deep involvement of the country, the apostles are highly regarded as royals and quasi-roys.

For that matter, it's tough to welcome him. I honestly wish I could come too far, but I don't think so, such as the opportunity for the upper echelons of each country to come together. On this occasion, there is no other way for countries to think, such as connecting with countries that do not normally interact.

Whatever's inside, they're the ones who came out to celebrate their engagement. Majesta won't say no to their stay. It's a shame to say no for reasons of 'fast coming'.

The ceremony will be held on the eve of the night, on the day of the engagement ceremony and on the evening festival.

It takes three days on purpose to demonstrate the prestige of the royal family, while also offering pure celebrations. It is also to inform the nation and abroad that this engagement is worth so much.

Inside, the Aginis family and the royal family. Outside, Grandpa and Selly retired, but there is a growing succession that is not spared to bring the princess down. It's an appeal that when you get your hands on the detour, it hurts.

... As part of that, I'm being asked to do the same right now.

Take off the clothes you were wearing as you zeroed your sigh and take the costume you had prepared.

By the way, after getting ready for his clothes, Balad exchanges two or three words with the maid who visited the room, 'Dear Doyle. I was able to confirm, can you please wait a while?' And he left the room with a box of costumes in his hand.

I was thanking the maid, so I guess there was something wrong with the colour of the jewelry I had prepared and the incompatibility of the visiting guests. I don't have that kind of focus, but some people who care about their outfits get in a bad mood when what they're wearing is worn with others.

If I become a knight, all I need is my knight's clothes...

Sleeve through the costume, taking care not to wear extra wrinkles, while giving thought to the splendour of the uniform that can cover everything for the coronation. Understand that the costumes provided are of high quality for the smooth cloth feel felt on the skin. At the same time, he felt the height of the identity of the guests he was about to welcome and frowned.

Gardy, who was looking at me like that, opens his mouth to what he thought.

"Can I help you?

"Fine. More than that, let me know what you've got."

Turn down Gardy's offer and I'll ask for information.

Why, when it comes to Gardy being here, the story is simple. I'm heading out to say hello because this guy has taken me and Claire's escort.

I don't need an escort or anything, but it's in front of a guest. Anyway, I'm insane not to have a knight on the princess.

How have you come to this service when there would have been a knight with claire? I doubt it, but I don't know how. I can't even imagine.

I swallowed up questions to keep my mind at peace, and I urged Gardy to talk.


"The destination of the weapons exposed by Master Zeno was the commercial city of Handel. From there it seemed even cheaper and resold to Fortrace. The Earl, who was fattening his private belly, has already been seized of his household belongings, so I thought it was only a matter of time before he was caught."

Listening to the information Gardi brings as he finishes the clothes he wears.

It was convenient for me to come from Gardi this way, even though it was kind of good. Even if you want information, I'll call it in.

Consider the neighborhood, and bring the information I wanted, so I'm a man who can't get out of it.

With that in mind, I ask Gardy.

"How was the magic prop Master Celery found?

"Most of them have been found to be owners and uses, and they're currently pursuing them. Some of them were already in the dungeon. This was also mainly about collecting information for personal grievances and clothing purposes, so I was wondering if Doyle would ever connect to the woman or the man you were looking for. However, he said there was one rare thing in the demon prop that seemed suspicious inside, so I think it's worth looking into."

To the information I've been given, I'll stop.

Looking back, Gardi spoke in some proud atmosphere.

"He said it was a demon prop for a mechanism he wouldn't see around here first. When I managed to fit in the demonic stone that would repair and power me, I heard that the magician I had rumbled out. It's not a problem because the people around us immediately seized it, but it looks like it was a dangerous magic trick, right? They say the investigation is difficult to navigate because the humans in their hands ramble up one after the other. I can't break it because it could lead to some kind of incident, and I just made up for it to wait for it to run out of power and I don't know how many years it would take. The vicious circle of forgetting and storming me if my hand touches me, even as I remove the demon stone and stop it. He couldn't even touch it over the tool, and now he's observing it in multiple ways so that no one touches it."

"- How dare you, well, you've purchased such information"

Unexpectedly zero to what was told.

I knew Gardy had a network of information in the nobility and castle, but it often feels like this. Information such as export routes for weapons will be easy to obtain because they belong to the Kingsguard Knights, but I didn't know they could even get information on the Magic Division.

If you look at Gardi with admiration, he laughs bitterly at my reaction.

"I just wanted to say it's because it's me, but unfortunately, it's information about Master Doyle's prestigious demise."


"Correctly, you're in the mood to spy on me from a mage who wants Master Doyle to do me a favor. He asked me if I could talk to him about the Spirit."

"... oh"

The words remind me of the sorcerers who were taken with a sad face. Items drooped, as they were being taken to the vice lord, they nevertheless looked remorsefully at Lafar.

"... you have guts"

"They've been trained by Master Celery since they were newcomers, so they get back on their feet fast. He seemed obsessed with the Spirit Hall, so I was wondering if I could use it well."

Gardy replied with a chuckle to my heartfelt grunt.

... are they the ones who can use them?

I somehow feel that the magicians who are looking for contact are competent people in Gardi, with a clear grin that does not hide their belly blackness.

I don't care how many connections I have with talented people. I don't know many magicians, so I carved Gardy's story into my memory that he might be just right to make a handover.

"Let's consider it"


Gardy deepened his grin when he answered as he thought about going to see him soon and he felt I was getting on. And Gardi sits quietly.

I've been observing him like that for a while, but since there was no sign of opening his mouth, that seems to be all the information I've brought.

I just got off to a paragraph, and I'll get back to my costume.

Wrap a shorter scarf around your neck and put on your jacket. Check for funny places, such as sleeves and collars, and fasten the front of the jacket.

Then I asked in a small voice, reflecting myself in the mirror and making sure there was no flaw in the whole thing.

"- How's Zenos doing?

Gardy turns off his grin and answers my questions like that.

"As always, right?"

"... right"

Reminds me of Zenos whining like crazy in the words I was told.

At the same time, the figure of Senior Ljeci who saw his changed brother.

"Dear Doyle,"


Gardy calls me as I remember the two of them facing each other with one wall pinched.

If he turned his gaze to the voice he heard, Gardi gave him a serious look.

"Zenos can't help it"


"I know it's about the future of the two of us, but reconciliation is not possible. That is crazy. Dear Doyle and how many words they've exhausted, he won't change his mind."

I turn to the neighborhood where Leo and his predecessors are, to Gardy's words told without distracting me.

Senior Liech chose the future of himself and Senior Sana, not the brother who broke the law. That's why I chose to work hard to keep Zenos and his relationship out of the open.

Evidence gathering and rooting to prove that the two had nothing to do with Zenos' relationship, if discovered, so that it would not be bright.

I'm not going to tell the boulder I want to save him. I take the status quo of Zenos for granted.

While I think so, it is also true that I thought, 'If Xenos feels a little more calm and we could have had a conversation'.

Zenos would never get out of prison in the future, even if he was lucky enough to escape execution. But seniors Ljeci and Sana 'a are different. You two will continue to live outside.

Senior Ljeci, in particular, will live with his past with Zenos on his own as it is. On the side of Senior Sana who lives without knowing anything.

... it will, I'm sure, be a painful life.

So, it doesn't have to be a kind word, I just thought if Senior Ljeci could pull out as many words as he could distinguish himself from Zenos. I know how hard it is to hope for that on Zenos, who looks fiercely resentful of the two of them.

"I know."

As I say to myself, whine.

Gardy, who was observing me like that, eventually broke his hip.

"That's fine. I said I'm past it."


At the end of the conversation, silence falls between me and Gardy.

and just then, as I measured, I heard the conconcon and knock.

"Thank you for waiting, Master Doyle. May I come in?

"Oh. I'm fine."

I return a word of recognition to the Ballad voice I hear.

I know Gardy's advice earlier was to worry about me. But I couldn't find a word to return it, and the air was slightly awkward because of it, so it helped.

Gardy seemed to be in a similar mood, exhaling as he stuffed in a guttering open door.

"Excuse me, sir."

With the words of entry, Ballado comes in.

Then Balad, with a different outfit than when he left, showed the clever behavior of shining his eyes and dropping his shoulders when he saw me.

"... looks good on you, Dear Doyle"


"Didn't you make it..."

Thanking him for the compliments he was told, Ballado whines in a small voice.

Apparently, he wanted to help me change.

It was Ballado staring at me with a pitiful eye for a while, but I'll get right back on my mind and tell him.

"Dear Doyle. Be sure to summon this outfit today!

"Wow, okay."

The moment I looked up, I saw, I had a bad feeling about Ballad's eyes full of expectations, and I received the box he offered me.

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