The largest and most luxurious garden in the castle, used for diplomacy, entertainment of guests, royally-sponsored tea parties, etc. In that corner, the rose garden set by the queen gives off a sweet scent and entertains those who stroll.

Claire was guiding the ladies who were with the messengers as she answered questions that occasionally went up in such a large garden.

The women strolled around the garden or enjoyed tea at the table provided, while the men were in the salon facing the large garden. Some of the people who are blooming into conversation in the center of the room with a liquor appetite can see Master Gray and Jin.

In the meantime, what the hell am I doing, I was invited by the Apostolic Hall of Fortrace to be in front of a fur decorated on the salon wall.

"... no, that's brilliant"

Lord Sumba Shams, an apostle from Fortrais standing next to him, looks up to zero Marnagarm fur decorated to cover one side of the wall.

Lord Sumba, the king's brother of Fortress State Fortress Lace, where numerous mercenaries and adventurers gather, reminds the lion of his dull yellowbrown hair with golden tea eyes and a forged body worthy of height and back length for two minutes of my head. He says his age will be thirty-two this year, and he's been on the road with his father that long ago.

"This would have been a beautiful incision, even with the skill of the craftsmen"

"Thank you"

I answer the glimpse with words, small. Likewise, an exclamation was raised from the people who had travelled with me and Lord Sumva.

In the meantime, the messenger of the Commercial State Handel, Lord Pinez Doyle, walks out of a group that shows the excitement behind us.

"Excuse me. Mind if I mix it up too?

"Yeah, go ahead."

And when I said no, I lined up between me and Lord Sumva.

"Do you still care?"


I also return Lord Pinez to Lord Sumva, who sounded familiar and spoke in a cheerful manner. That's how they turn to fur when they exchange two or three words.

I heard that Lord Pinez, who divided the grey-haired brunettes exactly in the middle, had just ceded his throne and hidden last year, and was a very spared exit by both his ministers and the people.

The age is still young to hide with forty-five, and the blue eyes have made me think that the eyes have made numerous countries cry in diplomacy.

Lord Pinez, who was deserving of fur with a sharp eye, opens his mouth with an unfortunate look after his gaze drifted into the universe as he stroked his stored jaw.

"... that's a brilliant thing. Even with the eyes of Handel Ichi, I can't see the connection except for a thin glimmer on the tip of my nose. I don't know how to stare at that. I'd love to get one of these, but I can't even get a quote. Considering the cost of fur, nails, fangs, and materials is a lot of money."

Lord Pinez, who told him so, shrugged and murmured when he twisted his fur.

"Should I have given my son the throne and not taken refuge or something? If I did, I could have prepared just a condition for King Majesta to say yes..."

The words, whimpered with a very small voice, entered the ears of Lord Sumva and I, who were right beside us, although they were not heard by those around us. I guess I made it sound deliberate, but it's a lot of words.

... squeal like you can't hear that because you have trouble reacting.

I would have deliberately made Lord Sumva and I listen to Lord Pinez. I think about that inside. Sumuba told me that he had devised an intent that only we could hear.

"Lord Pinez is the same. The hard work of King Prata, who inherited the trail, is remembered."

"Hmm. He's not that kind of balls. Face to face with this non: 'I have a state business that I want to do a little bit. It's good for the country, but until we get results, it looks like a rebellion from below, so why don't you give me the throne? I wanted something like that."

"So I guess King Plata is excellent that he gave it up"

"There seem to be many who were pleased with the retirement of Non, but let's just say it was a pleasure."

Both dive their voices unlimited in the first half, while the second half mouths words so that they can also be heard around them. As soon as I heard the whisper 'Handel's successor is excellent' from somewhere.

If you let the words in your ear run your gaze around you, you'll see what you're thinking. I presume they seek the sincerity of Lord Daita Pinez's words.

I was tempted by the ripples that spread from casually thrown words.

Is this who you called the Diplomatic King?

As far as the words of Lord Pines in the first half are concerned, King Plata has a good personality. But just hearing about the second half only gives me the vague impression that I seem somehow good.

The envoys returning from Majesta take home the information and fringes they have acquired during their stay. Naturally, they will convey to their country the vague information that 'Handel's new king is excellent'.

And what will the nations that have that information do?

Perhaps it is divided into countries that still observe the reign of the young king and those that lay their hands on strength.

It is believed that the countries that have decided to be static have so far no harm, and that the countries that have put their hands on them have the ambition to have a handel, if any gaps.

If so, the reason why you made me and Lord Sumva listen to the first half should be taken as a sign of Handel's intention not to set things up with Fortrace and Majesta.

Create an incentive to discern harmful or not in a short conversation and show a clear preference for countries that want to maintain friendship. I think you're a good one.

Lord Sumva probably came to a similar conclusion. I was on Lord Pinez's conversation with a smile on my face.

"That sounds horrible."

"We'll be the only ones who are horrible. Hey, Duke of Aginis."

Replying to Lord Subam, who let him tremble with exaggeration, Lord Pinez turned to me to see if he was satisfied after spreading bait on the nations. Lord Sumva also looked at me so that Lord Pinez could catch me like that.

I smile and tell that gaze that I clearly feel it's worth the pour from both of us.

"If you think so, it would be a great honor."

I answer that and laugh as I look at the two of them alternately.

I don't humble myself on this occasion. I dignificently affirm the two words and intimidate my surroundings that this is what happens to you if you imitate them poorly.

- That's the role I'm being asked to play here.

If you look inside the wide salon, there are the sights of His Royal Highness and Jin who are welcoming you, and Claire if you look outside. Everyone is doing their part to connect Magister with other countries.

Among other things, I was entrusted with the restraint of preventing the Majesta from being licked. He spoke to me from Lord Pinez and Lord Sumva at the corner, so I have to play a role, too.

To stand as Claire's fiancée on this occasion, all the more so if you feel happy.

- I have good eyes.

"The son of Boulder Alan, something like that"

If you smile and glance at Lord Pinez and Lord Sumva, who admire my attitude, the King Prince of Edelstein will catch sight of you behind them, in a seat just about the border between the salon and the garden.

Brio von Edelstein, King Prince of Edel, who arrived in Majesta today, has been observing me for a long time now.

I think Claire deserves it or is prescribed. The calm eyes that killed my personal feelings are watching my every move without being distracted.

I don't have to wonder which side the guy who even caused the kidnapping noise came down to, but his eyes were too serious to truncate so.

Take the risk of getting blamed. But you're as good as here to see me...

The Majesta side will never bring that one up more than it decided it didn't. But those who know the facts have more or less bad feelings for Edel.

Good treatment is not desirable and may be retaliated against. Maybe he's in danger. Still, I felt the depth of my feelings for Claire when I visited the land to identify me directly.

- If you're so serious, I have to respond.

I'm not willing to give in, I have to show His Highness Brio that I can make her happier. So much so that he would never wake up again.

"The Duke of Aginis seems concerned about his fiancée."

Looking at the King Prince of Edel, Lord Subam following my gaze tells me so. Behind His Highness Brio, you could see the garden, and soon it would have seemed like I was staring at her for Claire to get into view.

I wasn't just looking at Claire, but Lord Sumva's words were a ship across in a way. In front of His Highness Brio, he has just as good an attitude as he is cursory.

I will return my gaze to Lord Sumva, taking great care not to make the motion unnatural.

"Excuse me while I talk to you. When she got into view, she followed me with her eyes."

"No, you seem to get along well with Princess Claire, more importantly. Again, on behalf of Fortrace, I would like to congratulate you both on your engagement."

"Thank you"

Honestly admitted to me, Lord Sumva gave me a look that looked unexpected, but then he gives me words of celebration.

If I thank Lord Sumva with a full grin, I turn my delightful eyes to His Highness Brio for a moment as Lord Pinez watched my series of actions.

But it was so slight that I thought it was a mistake that the next moment, very naturally, Lord Pinez joined our conversation.

"Sincerely. The same ornament as the eye color on each other's hair color costumes. It's a young man's privilege to wrap his opponent's colors around them with dignity. My wife said she would remember when she was younger. King Majesta and His Royal Highness Grey will be delighted."

"Thank you"

If you smile and thank Lord Pinez, who told you in a teasing tone, you will be greeted with words to celebrate and stand.

His face was sadly distorted if his eyes were slightly turned to His Highness Brio as he responded to the exuberant surrounding voice.

... bad for His Royal Highness Brio, but you thank Ballado.

Comparing me to Claire, I give a word of gratitude to Barado, who is waiting in the guest room with Seniors Leo, for the reaction around him with Prince Edel, who gave up slightly in his eyes.

My current outfit is a white shirt with black trousers and a collar around my knee on my vest. Inside, the hem of the trousers and jacket was embroidered like a crawl with gold thread. Simple, but close to the outfit Lady Gray usually wears.

Wear them and wrap a glossy dark green ascot tie around your neck, stopping them with a ring with bright bi gems. Cufflinks with furthermore scarf rings and the same bi gemstone, a belt decorated with gold and bi gemstones for a better look.

It is the color of black and beauty, Claire's hair and eyes.

By the way, Nacchan Claire wears a refreshing yellow dress with a fluffy overlay of lace and a wide hem, embellished with purple crystals based on gold.

It's a color that mimics my blonde hair and purple eyes.

Lovers and couples often wrap each other's colors around each other.

It's to keep each other company, including restraint on the perimeter. Between the aristocrats with many political marriages, couples sometimes indicate that the relationship between the two families is good. For this reason, the aristocrats prefer to use this method, which is also easy to understand visually.

Me and Claire's costumes, of course, are available in a color scheme that takes into account the area.

However, if we overdo it first, we will have trouble wearing things later in the day, so only costumes were intended to be each other's colors and ornaments to be different colors today. If it's just the color of the costume, it's not unnatural for a man to wear black in public, and yellow, which gives the impression of being summery, is a coincidence because it's commonly used by the ladies of this time of year.

But Balad, who was informed that Prince Wang had arrived as Edelstein's messenger, rescheduled to discuss it with Claire's maid of honor. By matching each other's eyes with ornaments of the same colour, he decided to boast to his surroundings that the costumes, which were common colours, were not coincidental.

The result is the current situation.

Turning away from the topic of Handel's young king, his surroundings were now overflowing with words of celebration to me and Claire.

Correctly it would be the result of the overlap between the thoughts of Balad and Lord Pinez......

There was something about the air in the place that changed because of Lord Pinez's words, and Prince Edel's king was about to take a seat ordering the maid who was nearby to clear her desk.

Obviously, expectations glimpse in Lord Pinez's eyes about to join us in the image of Prince Wang. I suppose you expect me and His Highness Brio to rub it. I am an inedible person.

Apparently, just before Lord Pinez mentioned me and Claire's outfit, it wasn't a mistake to look at it that I felt for a moment that I was eyeing the King Prince of Adele.

Edelstein and Handel, who hold many gemstone mines, are friends with each other even if they cut, and on the surface they befriend a friendly country. But the truth is, I hear that Edelstein's friends who want to buy a little cheaper and sell a little cheaper with Handel aren't that good.

Probably heard all sorts of rumors about the King Prince of Edel as well. You want the ingredients to take the bargaining advantage at all by stirring up Prince Wang and making him rub it with me?

... because no matter how you fall, it's not detrimental to Handel.

If me and Prince Wang can rub it, we can use it for future diplomacy, no matter which one of us takes the fall. Even if you can't rub it, it's not detrimental.

Thinking about it, the first word that changed the field air and moved His Highness Brio was a very good induction.

You may also be told to behave immediately after you show friendship, but perhaps after you find out I'm aware of him. I'm sure Lord Pinez reads from the gaze of me and Prince Wang who today's costume is directed at. I'm sure I won't blame you for taking advantage of this situation.

Lord Sumva has a frightened look on Lord Pinez, who seems to be expecting an inner training ground. But can't curiosity be suppressed, comparing His Highness Brio to me, who brightens his eyes slightly and comes this way.

Man's misfortune is a good thing for the taste of honey.

- Excuse me. May I join you, Lord Aginis?

His Highness Brio, who arrived at us after so little, tells us so.

In response to the words spoken from the mouth of the king prince of Adele, the agile ones had various reactions to frowning and appearing funny.

I've already made up my mind to take over the Aginis family. Therefore, the messengers had called me the "Duke of Aginis" with a title that had not succeeded me, the protagonist of the occasion.

In the meantime, the king prince in front of him deliberately called out of his title. This is also tantamount to Edelstein saying that he is not happy with this engagement. Although nominally we've come to celebrate our engagement, let's call it a good attitude.

... I know you want to see how I get out, but this method is not very good.

I look around and zero sigh in my heart at Lord Pinez and Lord Sumva, who look amused with their disturbing air surroundings, and His Highness Brio staring at me.

I remember Sion's assessment, "Not a bad guy, but blue," to His Highness Brio, who deliberately treated me with a lack of gratitude and watched this reaction.

Carve into your memory those who sparkled your eyes, with the sentiment that it was troublesome for him to smell the misfortune of Majesta and Adele in grandeur in front of the nations.

I replied to His Highness Brio, remembering the faces and reactions of each to report to Lady Grey later.

"Welcome, Your Highness. If you don't mind, why don't we talk over there?


If he decides that it is not a good idea to remain a spectacle and shows a deep seat, His Highness Brio nods without making any difference.

When I saw him, I called out to Lord Pinez and the others to acknowledge him.

"May I also ask Lord Pinez and Lord Sumva?


"Why don't you just stand there and talk?"

As pleased as His Royal Highness Brio is, I will aim to prepare tea for the maid who was nearby.

"All right, gentlemen, this way."

Confirming that a discreet maid had moved to prepare, I took her to her seat carefully as she was facing the three of us.

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