That was when I was six and Claire was five.

The place is this big garden. I forgot the name, but there were tables and chairs there, and many humans enjoyed the air of the field. I think it was some sort of celebration because I remember that His Majesty, Queen, and Gray were very gorgeous places, not to mention the Chancellor, Grandfather, Father and Mother.

I was taken by my father to meet Claire as I heard people's pleasant voices from various places.

Little girl with clear blue eyes with loose wavy black hair with angel rings. The sentiment I had for a girl with a finished cuteness, like an exquisite doll, was, 'Unlike Master Gray, she looks like an adult. You feel like a princess'.

"Doyle, this is Princess Claire, who will be your fiancée in the future. Say hello."

"My name is Doyle, son of Aginis owner Alan and his wife Serena. It's an honor to meet you, Princess Claire."

My father urged me to tell him in a rude tone and take the awkward prayer I had just learned.

Back then, I was obsessed with spears, and even Master Gray's opponents were obsessed. I honestly wasn't interested in being made to meet my future fiancée at that time. I wanted to work out spears rather than talk to girls no matter how cute they were.

Even when Claire and I first met each other, tea and sweets are delicious but dating adults is boring, I remember having a hard time wanting to get out of this place quickly and practice spears.

"Doyle! You have to be nice to girls, don't you?

"Princess Claire is cute, so did she get lit up?

My parents were in a hurry to say hello that seeped out of my mood, and the adults around me felt bewildered. Now I think it was a very disrespectful act, but I was usually dressed in cramped clothes at the time I was swinging spears, and I was tired of being attached to the stories of scattered adults.

But since then, Claire has been Claire.

"My destiny's name is Doyle, isn't it? That's a lovely name!

She said with a full smile as the grownups worried about me being grumpy.

"Ugh, destiny?

"If Doyle had seen you earlier, that's what the goddess of love said!

"Earlier? Or the goddess of love..."

'Ah! My name is Claire, and I am late, the third daughter of King Majesta. Dear Doyle, please don't call me Claire!

Claire's eyes glistened as she rose on her cheeks and stared at me. I remember being rude and conscious, and I was confronted with that attitude of hers.

'What kind of food does Master Doyle like?

"To, meat?

'So what's your favorite drink?

"If it's not sweet, whatever"

What's your hobby?


"Master Doyle is already addicted to martial arts, isn't he? It's lovely! Is the workout still at home, is it?

"No, castle workouts and all that"

'Castle Workout... So may I ask you next time during practice? I would love to see Master Doyle deal with spears!

"Come on, with your permission..."

When I first met her, she asked me questions early in the day when she was in a mood to be told that she was destined to be the goddess of love. Overwhelmed by her extraordinary enthusiasm to get out and ask answers, I even answered the questions that I was asked one after another, completely oblivious to the grievances I had.

I don't remember what adults were looking at us like that.

Confusion and werewolves.

That's what I remember when I first met Claire.

... Now that I think about it, Claire has been amazing since then.

I remember her in the same big garden she was in when I was a young girl, thinking back to her memories.

The garden has become invisible due to moving to a deep seat that is difficult to see even inside the salon, but I think of her loving flowers in a bright yellow dress wrapped around Rin's standing position.

Her enthusiasm and ability to act, treacherously betraying the impression she had of a 'grown-up princess' with her appearance, resembles Master Gray, whose emotional ups and downs are intense.

She followed me all the way. She was a little forceful in some places, but I didn't find it strange or offensive. On the contrary, as it was natural for me to spend my days with Master Gray, it was natural in me for her to be on my side at some point.

That's still the same now, and although I let it go once, I knew Master Gray and Claire's side would snuggle comfortably. I can't even imagine the future anymore.

That's why I have to protect you.

Take this country, those two, where I am.

... To do that, we have to do something about this guy first.

I think so, shifting my gaze to His Highness Brio, who took his seat in the form of me facing him. Next to me, Lord Sumva, across the street, was sitting Lord Pinez, and the people around him read the air and scattered by moving to this desk.

If the maid who is currently pouring tea leaves, the story will start naturally.

It was the future insurance that asked for the presence of Lord Pinez and Lord Sumva. If we talk in front of Handel and the two Fortrace messengers, we can't give Claire any more hands on the boulder.

I also thought about talking in front of an unspecified number to make His Highness Brio care about people, but depending on the flow of the conversation, I might be a little embarrassed too. To avoid annoying the country as much as possible, it would be best to limit ourselves to two people, Lord Pinez, who wants to hold Edel's weakness, and Lord Sumba, who seems to be close to his father. Handel and Fortrace would be enough to hold Edel back, and neither country seems willing to antagonize Majesta.

Waiting for the maid to finish her job and leave, I think of Claire again before the conversation starts.

The glossy dark hair with angel rings floating around just like that day has grown much longer than it used to be, and the appearance that was said to be adorable has come to be hailed as beautiful.

Even minus the position of princess, I think Claire has grown into an attractive girl.

Even if the king admits his engagement and makes him claim to be mine easily understandably with a pair of colour scheming costumes, so much so that there are men out there who can't give up.

"Now if you'll excuse me. We're holding back over there, so call us if you need anything."

"Oh. Thanks"

When the maid complains that she has finished pouring tea, she bows her head silently and walks away.

If you pay attention and check the maid you withheld more distance than usual and get your hands on the tea, the other three will put their mouths on the cup to imitate me.

When everyone quietly mouths the tea, they gradually return the cup. In the meantime, His Highness Brio called me to put the cup down at the end.

"Duke of Aginis"


"First, let's apologize for the disrespect. I know I'm telling a good story about bugs, so it's not impossible, but I'd be happy if you thought the call ahead was my personal will and not Edelstein's."

I raise my praise only slightly to His Highness Brio, who bowed his head even on the tabletop.

If you were calling me out of the throne just because you don't care, I just rated you an irresponsible fool, but if you measured my personality knowing everything about how your actions would appear in the eyes of others, then buy that willingness.

A good number of people had heard, so it would be impossible to stop talking......

Still, well, it's very different from what my surroundings advise me to do. No matter how much I try to criticize Adele around me on that occasion, if I deny it, I won't be able to make a big move.

I wonder if it is as an exchanger that I don't hate to make the country's position worse for women, but if I think of Claire as one man but call it a late act, I speak. Nevertheless, there were a lot of people and maids there, so I would go into Lady Gray's ear in silence.

"I understand. If that's what you're saying, don't report it from me. I can't guarantee what anyone else will do."

"- Enough. Grateful."

His Highness Brio gave my words a relieved look.

I guess I felt guilty about wrapping my country around my personal feelings.

His Royal Highness Brio tends to rumble a lot and his foolish behavior stands out, but maybe his sexual roots aren't rotten. Anyway, I feel so much better than Lord Pinez, who looks obviously disappointed the moment I let His Highness Brio light up.

To Lord Pinez, who seems to expect it to be a training ground of sorts, he said, 'Did I make the wrong choice?' When I began to think, His Highness Brio opened his mouth again.

"I've just worked on it, and I'm going to ask you to go straight to Edelstein and me."


"What does the Duke of Aginis think of Princess Claire?

As preceded, the word told was a direct ball.

Looking at me, His Highness Brio calls for more.

"When I proposed two years ago, the princess said you were destined for your own destiny. Last year I heard several rumors that the princess's fate was in the Majesta - the last year or so - and that the Duke of Aginis cared for her. This is how I saw you two today, and I also found you friendly. That's why I want to hear it directly from your mouth. The princess said that you are the supreme man and your destiny. So what would Princess Claire be like to the Duke of Aginis?

His Highness Brio's gaze, asking me yes, was painfully serious.

- Ask difficult questions.

Look at me with a straight eye. Look for words in His Highness Brio with emotions that can be both admired and admired. The question of what Claire is like to me is a lot harder than being asked if she loves me or if she can be happy.

I don't know if it's instinct or calculation, but I'm not intent on it. Whether His Highness Brio agrees with me or not is up to him.

But for that matter, it makes me feel like he meant it to Claire.

In the eyes of His Highness Brio, who looked to me, there was a renunciation, anguish and slight anticipation.

We have to give up.

But I can't give up.

So I want you to give up.

Something like that? Perhaps this question is not for Claire, but for His Highness Brio to break his feelings for her.

- Maybe he's willing to settle into his own mind because of that word, no matter what I answer.

So maybe it's a question that doesn't have the right answer, and I think it's a look at me. It's unthinkable cleanliness from his actions so far, but I felt that way when I saw the man in front of me.

I'm surprised at the difference between the impressions I've made so far and the impressions I've actually seen in front of me, but it doesn't change what I do on this occasion. One thing I need to do is say the feelings I have for her in the back of my mind. All you need to do is be honest when you're here.

For Claire, who kept thinking about it, and for the future, and for His Highness Brio, who sincerely hopes for the end of his love, lies and falsehoods are unacceptable.

That's what I thought. I open my mouth slowly to say my sincere words.

"It's a difficult question to ask what kind of existence it is."

"Wouldn't you?

"Yes. To me she is a being to protect, a loving being and an important being. In other words, it can also be called the beloved, the irreplaceable, the destined. None of them are lying, they are honest feelings. But I don't think the answer His Highness Brio asks is such a common one"

So once we separate words, His Highness Brio slowly swallows my words.

"... right"

His Highness Brio, who chewed the words quietly and cruised them, groaned powerlessly, laughing bitterly.

I open my mouth again, thinking I knew I would react to that reaction.

I don't know if His Highness Brio can be wholeheartedly convinced by the words I say. Originally, it is a question that does not have a clear and correct answer.

Still, to get him to give up here, I spin words.

"I don't know if it's going to be the answer to the question of what kind of existence... but if I'm going to be honest, I think Claire is important and at the same time I naturally think she's on the side. That's more than I can imagine from now on when she's not with me. So she can't give way to anyone"

After saying that, I tell His Highness Brio to give up without speaking to his voice.

His Highness Brio, who was listening seriously, naturally noticed such a move on my part. And he draws words on the back of his brain that he didn't speak to, and he makes a face that seems ill-decided. Still, if you keep staring away from your gaze, His Highness Brio nodded small after sighing.

A shadow falls on his desk at a time when he was wondering whether to strike down on His Highness Brio, who has no choice but to say to himself.

I looked up to the shadow that fell on my desk when I noticed that people were dropping right up to my side.

As soon as possible, bright yellow occupies vision.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll excuse me. I know this is rude during your welcome, but may I borrow just a little bit of Master Doyle? People in the garden want Doyle."

Claire, who picked and greeted the hem of the dress, giggles and tells her so.

Why is she here?

If you look at a maid who should have refrained at the same time from questioning you like that, you can bow your head deeply with a look of sorry. Apparently Claire came to us shortly after she stopped.

To Claire's appearance, Lord Sumva and Lord Pinez turn their amusing gaze to me and His Highness Brio.

"Princess Claire."

"You're in a good place."


As His Highness Brio loses his word to Claire, who suddenly appears, I inquire of her with my eyes black-and-white in surprise and shame. It would be important if earlier conversations had been heard.

"Ku, Claire. How long the hell have you been there?

"? It is now. I spoke to you because the conversation seemed to be interrupting, but could I have disturbed you?

Claire gave me an anxious look after leaning her neck at me for biting her upset dew. He opens his mouth to Claire, who shows her face for a moment and looks sorry and turns to me, reassured that she hadn't heard.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just surprised you found yourself here a lot. This is the back of the salon, and you couldn't see it from the garden, so you'd have looked, wouldn't you?

After I tell him so, I go into myself to say what I'm talking about. No matter how many people you've avoided, Claire is one of the stars. If she were looking for me, the one crack in the lead, the people who perceived the air and scattered it would answer immediately.

I looked up at her in a heartfelt panic that if I heard this, I might be suspicious, and the expected diagonal reaction returned.

"No, they found us right away. Because the goddess of love will tell you where Master Doyle is!

Without questioning my question, she answers that with a strained chest.

She went on further as I as well as Lord Sumva, Lord Pinez and His Highness Brio pounded on Claire, who told her with a full smile.

"There can be no mistake in seeing where Master Doyle is. Even if Master Doyle disappears without us, this is how we'll find him!

Don't! Claire tells me that even the sound of the effect is likely to be heard.

There's a moment of silence between us before she gives us a good look. But at the next moment, Lord Sumva and Lord Pinez laughed and praised her.

"- Ha ha! The patronage of the goddess of love is not Dada."

"Ri. Great protection. I can't cheat on you."

"I'm not going to, but I'm not going to"

Lord Pinez gave me back my words, and I immediately deny them.

Cheating is no joke. Don't worry, I won't expose you to it, but if it happens, try cheating. Definitely not my life. Master Gray is a man of speech when it comes to Claire.

"Yes, Master Pinez. Don't be as honest as Doyle."

"That was rude. No, it's gonna be you two."

Claire dyes her cheeks with joy in the words Lord Pinez returns. With Claire's unexpected response, suspicion of cheating and all the agitation, I was overwhelmed and overheard entering their conversation.

In the meantime, a very calm word comes out of His Highness Brio's mouth.

"Princess Claire. I'm sorry to interrupt, but didn't you come to summon the Duke of Aginis?

A gaze gathers to His Highness Brio in the words.

Lord Sumva with a funny face and Lord Pinez with an unexpected face, me looking out.

His Highness Brio laughed with a slightly troubled look at our reaction. He then turned his eyes to Claire, who was called out and solidified, and looked lonely.

I get up in a panic that I shouldn't stay like this, and I go in and put the place together.

"It was. Thank you for pointing this out, Your Highness Brio. So, ladies and gentlemen, may I now excuse you?

I thank His Highness Brio and ask him if he can leave this place as it is. At that time, I call Claire in a small voice. Claire gave me a grin and thanked His Highness Brio.


"- Thank you, Your Highness. I almost got mad at the people waiting in the garden."

It was such a trivial change that I wouldn't have known if I hadn't looked closely, but there is grief in His Highness Brio's eyes at Claire, who smiled slightly less and lowered her head.

With his face up, Claire turns to me without noticing such a change in him. I had a lot with His Highness Brio, so it must be awkward. Claire's expression loosens slightly when she takes her anxious eyes and puts her hand into the escort position.

His Highness Brio, who looks hurt when he sees her in arms with a soothing look on his face, will be what he deserves.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll excuse me.

With unspeakable aftertaste for His Highness Brio's expression, I ask him to leave again.

"Oh, I hope this one doesn't mind going"

"There's no way they're going to monopolize the star."

"" Thank you ""

I thank both of you with Claire for the words you gave me to drop off pleasantly, and I turn my attention to His Highness Brio. There was no grief I saw earlier in his face, and he asked Claire with a grin that was hard to say perfect but still did not distract him from grief.

"Princess Claire, are you happy now?

"- Yes."

Claire nods slowly, but forcefully, to His Highness Brio, who asked. At that time, the hand on my arm gained strength.

His Highness Brio, who was watching Claire like that, closes his eyes and tells him with a perfect grin.

"The Duke of Aginis, Princess Claire. Late, congratulations on your engagement. We are delighted to have you, Edelstein. Please be happy."

"" Thank you ""

Break your hips with Claire to Her Royal Highness Brio, who renewed and congratulated Claire. His face, which I saw after counting three slowly, felt neat somewhere.

Feeling the sight of the three of you, I tell Claire.

"Let's go, Claire"


One last courtesy and walk out with Claire.

Her body temperature feels warm on her combined arms.

Feeling the overheating, I left the scene without looking back at His Highness Brio and the others.

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