Long ago, a demon king was born uninhabited.

He was only famous and very weak with the Demon King. It had a high intelligence instead of physical strength. The Demon King, who possesses only a greater degree of flesh and magic than man, hides himself, meticulously but pulsatingly interacts with other races and connects blood. That's why we were born.

Well, I honestly don't care about the origin of the clan or anything.

What matters is what it takes to live.

Thanks to many interactions with humans, such as humans and beasts, our appearance and basic lifestyle are not so different from those of humans.

Walk with two legs and cleverly use two hands. Cook and eat food obtained from hunting and farming, garnish with garments made and observe the rules established. Whoever breaks the rules shall be punished according to his sins.

Then when it comes to what is different between humans and us, it will be in that we cannot live alone with the food that is in nature.

We eat negative feelings like anger, sadness, resentment, jealousy, fear and despair from other races.

As the blood of our ancestors faded, we lost only a few moments of strength, magic, and destructive impulses.

Its peculiar physique was disastrous forty-five years ago now.

One young man lived in a human country to devour more negative emotions, where many human beings died because of the war that provoked them. Many of our compatriots, who were in tune with the young and mingled among the humans, also died.

Though we eat negative emotions, we can just call on the minds of other races to stir up anxiety and anger and blunt reason. It also has something called compatibility, powerlessness in front of people with strong will and tough reason. He said his compatriots, who came back with their lives, said that they were all swallowed up and killed by overspreading battle fire, not unlike humans, both physically and magically.

The rest of my clan mourned the blood of their brethren, and feared the vengeance of men.

After such a history, my clan awaits a time of secluded end in a secluded place.

There are quite a few creatures in this world with negative emotions. Because if you are a little intelligent warcraft or animal, you fear and despair of 'death' at the moment of being killed.

I'm sure that a race with various emotions like humans tastes better, but happiness or unhappiness is also diminishing the desire to devour negative emotions as much as the next generation because of generations of people who interact with other species.

Therefore most of their compatriots satisfy their desires and spend their days hunting warcraft and beasts.

We wait for the end, dreaming of a day when we can assimilate humans without the desire to devour negative emotions.

So what the devil is he that is not to be crushed by most of his people?

Not to mention, history repeats itself.

When the night book falls and the moon illuminates the sky brilliantly.

His Royal Highness King Brio von Edelstein looked out the window in the room to which it was addressed.

From the window you can see the castle of Majesta. That is, proof that the rooms away from the castle were addressed. The room given to the king prince of the neighboring country is large and all the condiments are first-class. However, being guided here, which was built not in a building adjacent to the castle but a little further away, I can see that Majesta does not have good feelings for His Highness Brio and hence for Edelstein.

The squire, who was intoxicated by His Highness for such a Majesty's response, was angry, but the person at the time was sweet without moving a single eyebrow. You would be aware that it was your doing that made Majesta do that.

In the hands of His Royal Highness, who turned eighteen years old, there was a glass of clear ice with a hint of amber liquor remaining and a large sharpening, occasionally the ice makes a cool noise. Karan, His Royal Highness, who was staring at the lights of Majesta Castle with his eyes that didn't cage any emotions while letting Karan and I play the glass in his hand, accidentally put it at his desk as he drank up.

A squire, who had refrained on his side, pours the bottle before His Highness's hand reaches out to add booze. In the quiet room, the sound of toctok and amber liquid filling the glass was well heard.

"Your Highness, may I offer you a night meal?

A squire asks at the same time as he finishes pouring alcohol. When His Highness Brio refused by shaking his head small, he glanced back out the window again with the glass in his hand. No emotions will come to his face the same way, and His Highness has been at this rate ever since he received his welcome at the salon.

What the hell does he think in the back of his immobile expression?

The country that made itself ill placed because of its actions, the princess who didn't get it, or the young man whom the princess dubbed the 'Destiny Man'?

I don't talk about anything, so it's hard to guess how it feels. I don't know what my blue eyes are looking at in the lights that I can see in the distance.

The squire opens his mouth again with a worrying look on his face.

"So even a new drink and a light knob?

"Not necessary. You can back off now."

"But, Your Highness"

A squire exhorts His Highness Brio to say no without looking him in the eye. When His Highness looked back at this one to the voice of a dissatisfied squire, he changed his expression for the first time in a long time.

"Hey, leave me alone"

It was a very, very calm voice.

"... awed, Your Highness Brio"

To His Highness Brio, who smiled small with a lonely, but neat face somewhere, the squire nodded blinkingly.

"Julia should also step back and rest"

"Thank you"

Instead of hatred and jealousy, I bow my head softly to His Highness, who told me with a face that I do not even feel untrained or regretted. At the same time, I felt that what was connecting His Highness Brio and me had broken off in two pieces.

- Oh, that's a failure.

Until this morning, I felt the connection with His Highness that I had certainly felt was broken, and the negative emotions coming from my still connected squire began to fade, dropping my shoulders in my heart.

The jealousy of His Highness Brio and the anger held by his squire when he said 'For His Highness Brio' were selfish, arrogant and very tasty. Especially even though my squire's negative emotions were colorful and I liked them.

"Now if you'll excuse me, Your Highness."

"Excuse me, sir."

I imitate a squire who broke his hips in polite motion, and I thank him too.

"Oh. Get some rest."

When His Highness Brio speaks kindly to us, he turns his gaze out again. There was no sadness in its appearance, and it seemed to be slowly sublimating its own emotions.

Princess Claire will be a memory in him in the near future and will make a new love.

The figure of His Highness Brio, who quietly sees the Castle of Majusta, made me feel that way.

There's no way the man next door can't feel the change in His Highness that I felt, and the emotions of his squire, which was intense and delicious, gradually fade away.

For a servant who is heartbroken by His Highness Brio, what afflicts His Highness or grieves His Highness is the object of anger and hatred. For that reason I have been angry lately with Princess Claire, who does not accept Her Royal Highness's thoughts, and her fiancée, who does not withdraw.

But I see His Highness enjoying the aftermath of his finished love, and the anger of his squire seems to be dissolving. It has been delicious bait for a long time, but I can't help it.

I don't know what happened at the salon, but I left the room about my squire while resenting His Highness Brio, who had beautifully broken my love for Princess Claire.

Walk the stone stairs without sound.

I needed to look for the next person because His Highness Brio and his squire, who I thought I would enjoy for some time now, are no longer likely to be able to. I've been eating negative emotions from two scattered people before, so don't worry for a while, but I'd better be able to eat food all the time because I'm hungry when I use magic. If you are certain of your compatriots' information, there must be a man ahead to replace his squire.

My feet are cold because I'm walking barefoot to avoid making noise. I also feel temperatures are dropping more and more as I go underground. How dare a girl say she shouldn't chill her body? That and this is the fault of His Highness Brio.

- What a good man you are. Scratch your feet for more desire!

Down the stairs leading to the prison, frustrated by His Highness Brio, who has been heartbroken without leaving untrained.

I've always thought of myself as a sorry prince with a head, but I can't believe I'm drunk on myself pulling myself back for the woman I like. And his servant is also his servant. I can't believe it doesn't matter the moment the prince feels he has ended his love untrained by a habit he used to manage to say, 'The princess should be honored to be loved by the prince' or something. I'd like you to grasp my chest and ask me what happened to the passion I thought and executed until the kidnapping.

I am the one who used His Highness's love heart to guide him, but it is a farce. From the people of this country involved, it wouldn't be a hoarding one.

I knew my squire was tipping over to His Highness Brio, but I wasn't expecting him to drag me to his emotions. There will be more resentment that Your Highness has been humiliated, or burning hatred if it is not worth living a woman who does not respond to His Highness's thoughts, and I didn't even know that. I can't believe His Highness said enough, and I want you to tell that squire to have more of himself. There is too little initiative, such as anger or even hatred that can disappear in the Lord's heart.

I descend the stairs thinking it hard to complain about His Royal Highness Brio, who self completed on his own, and a squire who has no self. Then he killed his breath and stood beside a knight on guard.

Wait for a knight to come out looking around the cell laughing in his heart and not even showing the bare gesture he notices when he says he's standing right next to him.

Fortunately, I am blessed with magical aptitudes and skills. You won't be found first if you use [disguise] skills that alter your appearance by wrapping your magic around [signs disappear] that make you less perceived. [Signal disappearing] will erase the signs themselves, so it is not necessary to make contact or noise. Because it requires a huge amount of magic, [disguise] is not used to falsify the height, shape, or skeleton, but it is easy enough to change the color of hair, eyes, and skin and mess with the face, and people's impressions change considerably just by adding characteristic black children. It is also a feature of [disguise] that the scenery can thus be assimilated to the surrounding area. I can't use it in bright places, indoors and other places with lots of objects because if I move, I get a flash with the view for a moment.

Thanks to these two skills, I was able to spend every time I snuck into the castle of Majesta without any problems when I had previously asked my compatriots with [metastasis] skills to cooperate.

Unfortunately, the appearance to stir up the negative feelings of His Highness Brio and his squire has already become meaningless.

... You seemed strong.

I remember Doyle von Aginis, the former lover of His Royal Highness Brio, who peeked after finishing his look below. He possessed much more monstrous magic than we did, and he obeyed two spirits. The old man who was on his side seems strong, and it's a good memory that he was so shitty and dispersed. It is also natural that Princess Claire did not deal with Her Royal Highness Brio. Your Highness and I are not of the same character.

There's no way I can win that. I was never as glad to have chosen Adelstein as a bait yard, not as Majesta then.

I am superior to the average person, both magically and physically, so I won't be seen through who I am, but I need to be very careful not to come into contact with the Duke of Aginis.

... Speaking of which, what's he doing now?

He was willing to move to the Majesta. I told his compatriots to stop him, but speaking of which, where and what is he doing now?

With that in mind, I slip through the side in anticipation of the moment when the knight opened the door, which came from the sight of the inn. Stay on the wall next to the door and watch the knights. The knight didn't realize he was wrong with me and closed the door.

I see the door completely closed and chapped and locked, and I proceed to the back of the cell.

- There he is.

The deepest part of the prison lined up. There was a man scratching Bossa's hair 27615; staring at a point to stare with his blood-running shallow green eyes. On the side of the cell where the man is in stands two knights, one of whom guards his surroundings and one crack silently spells out the man's words.

"- They always get in my way. I tried, I tried, but no one would keep an eye on me because of them. I'm much better than all those arrogant hungry people."

Approaching the fence of a cell containing a man who keeps bumping and whining, he connects himself with an invisible thread. As soon as I did, negative emotions poured into me.

To its intense delicacy: 'You can eat it while I'm gone, but don't get any extra hands on it. He remembers the words of his compatriots who said I'd spent years making it look good. It would certainly not be a good idea to speak poorly to this man's heart. If you do this any more, the man will break, and if you mess with the people around you and they reconcile you, you can't even get eyes on him.

People are delicious, delicate creatures. Sometimes a small trigger or just a word saves my heart from the habit of being filled with hatred and jealousy with minor mistakes and misunderstandings, and icebreaks the resentment and hatred I have had for years.

As His Highness Brio put a light end to his love, so that his squire could easily fade his anger. I guess this guy can get back on his feet with a small trigger too. I won't let you.

It's a shame to lose so many negative emotions. It's what you're letting me stumble on, and while you're in the castle, let's be careful that there's no change in a man's mind.

I'm in a good mood for delicious bait, I think about that.

I don't know how many more of my people are left mixed up with humans like this. He said it was the second guy, but I'd never met my countrymen outside the settlement.

I guess the other fellow countrymen still live secluded in those mountains. Maybe this is how it's just me and him out there. No, it probably is.

The compatriots, who lost their destructive impulses, chose a calmer end than satisfying their desires and living. For them like that, me or him wanting to satisfy their primitive desires is nothing but annoying.

I don't want to be part of his plan, but I can't punish you for helping each other out a little bit. That's what he thought, so he helped me when he snuck in.

- Yeah, he asked me to, and I have to break the array.

I remember being asked to do it by him in all my thoughts. They wanted me to destroy the magic props that used to be used among the clans because they left them at Majesta Castle.

I've been looking into the storage area of the magic prop since the last look, so all I have to do is break it. I was anxious to break it well, but I could handle it if I ate so much fine bait in my stomach.

He said, 'Break it so you can't look into it.' I agree with that. Neither me nor him are willing to bother our fellow countrymen waiting for the secret end. That magic artifact, which is deeply related to the clan, must be shattered so that it cannot be pruned.

Well, that's also a story since I left here. We have time for the knight around us to open the door again.

Softly closing my eyes, I tasted the emotions conveyed by the man as I made plans for the future.

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