- Please be happy.

In a salon where dignitaries from all over the country gathered, His Highness Brio and I said so and proceeded to the great garden of farewell. After becoming a toy for the ladies in the garden, I visited His Highness Brio and the others again, but he is no longer there. My maid told me they were back in the room they were given. Me and Claire joined the Grays.

That was yesterday.

There are many matters of concern, such as His Highness Brio, who was somewhat clean, and the apostles of Agricult, who are late in arriving. There is also the case of Zenos and the mysterious maid that the pharmacist saw. But the time has passed steadily, and it's almost time for Claire's engagement.

I am not anxious about her engagement. I can't wipe the lights off, but I'm glad to be officially engaged to her.

Speaking of things to do on the day, I took an oath in the crowd circle, and I just escort her at a dinner party after the ceremony. I don't have the soft spirit to be exposed to people and nervous, and I don't need to show them how to dance or be polite. I am so deeply grateful to Sebastian for coaching me in the past that I feel that way.

Nevertheless, being the lead actor, there are many things that I would have to decide on, such as costume matching and ceremony details.

But it seems that my costume was prepared by Ballado in consultation with the Aginis family and the Grays, who were already able to design it. So I'm done measuring. It is also a costume for the entire stay. On top of that, Claire's costume won't be consulted by saying, "I'm looking forward to the day," and Master Gray won't let me get involved when it comes to the ceremony by saying, "Leave it to me."

Mothers and queens were tense about other fine events, and there was nowhere left to pinch my opinions if I noticed.

Well, I don't particularly wish I had hope, but I'm supposed to be the one crack in the lead. How is this the most free time I've got?

I'm glad you're trying to stick around and celebrate...

Reminds me of the Greys, who still seem to be busy today, and thinks blurry. It is today that the day of the ceremony has become a little scary for them who are consorting in my ignorance.

- Mr. Doyle, this is it.


When I think about my current situation, which I have no complaints about, but which does not fall to my heart right now, Master Celery, who was walking in front of me, stops calling me.

Lady Celery, who confirmed that I had stopped, faces the door without telling me anything more. Put that figure in my sight, and I remember what happened this morning again.

"Doyle, you're free, aren't you? Please hang out a little. I won't let you lose it. '

Lady Celery, who came at a time when she might be finishing her breakfast, classified as insane in light of general common sense, walked out without asking me if I could tell her that at the opening.

At that time, Master Celery was smiling as usual, but he also felt that there was no joy in his face and that he was either in a hurry. There must have been something strange about that look, enough to make you think that I followed Albione as he told me.

By the way, he tells us to wait in the room for all but Albione. I've just learned that there's nothing to be busy with when you let them move freely.

That's how Lady Celery took me for more than enough to walk. What arrived was the headquarters of the Sorcery Division, which was being built on the castle grounds.

-Concon, cha-cha.

Lady Celery, who stopped in front of the door, pulls the knob without waiting for a reply from inside when she knocks.

At the same time that the door could be opened by Master Celery's hand, more magic erupted. It was instantaneous, but if you were interested in the magic that you felt on your skin and turned your gaze inside the door, you could see a bunch of magic props, materials, books and materials twitching all over the floor and walls.

"You don't need to worry, but it's better for you not to touch what's around you, right?

"I understand."

Answer the sight that spreads inside the door and Master Celery will just proceed into the room. After that back, I step into the room, too.

"It's been a long time since I've been in here, but it's been amazing every year. Here."


'Yeah, it was a little better before, wasn't it? Even so, it was a mildly sixty or seventy years ago because it was before the man was long.'

Observe the realm of court magicians entering for the first time while hammering Albione's words. The interior was very interesting and spectacular in many ways, with rare magic props and materials cluttered up.

Sorcery Division, they who belong there are also called court sorcerers.

The elite of magicians, all aspired by the prestigious nobles and the civilians who have crawled up on their own merits. Of course, the amount of magic that everyone possesses, and the magical aptitudes and related skills that each individual possesses draw a line with the people. It is a group specializing in magic.

Its history has been long since the founding of Majesta, and in recent years it has increased its reputation here thanks to the work of Master Celery. His most apprentice, Lord Joyeh von Hexe, is now in charge.

Their main task is policing and magic-related problem solving within the Majesta, then magic-related research. Regardless of the former's work, few aspire to be court magicians because they want to do the latter's research. Some specialized institutions only conduct research, but that is surprisingly less liberal because they are asked to do so mainly in accordance with the intentions of patrons, and court magicians are more popular.

If found useful for the development of the country, luxurious funds will be paid from the state budget, and the castle will gather materials and research materials that are not available to individuals in the end. More importantly, court magicians have a place to test the results of research prepared by the state. This seems to be the perk of not being an out-of-the-box fool from the guys who love magic, touring the recruiting boundaries of a handful of court magicians, and a cause of fierce strife every year.

Much is known to the people who only know about refreshment and warcraft crusades, but there is a strong perception from nobility and various places related to castle service that 'a raw magical fool is unsatisfactory in tabletop theory'. If you look at the other day's obsession with Rafael and the others, I don't know what else to do.

Like the Knights, such court magicians have dedicated quarters on the castle grounds. From day to day, the cave is filled with demons. It is only beautiful in the hallway, but if you step into the room, it is overflowing with cloths, canes, demonic stones and other objects that would be related to magic. Moving further into the back of the room, you will find those who struggle to sleep on the floor, and those who grin suspiciously and immerse themselves in the work, in what is truly the right atmosphere to call a demon cave.

... Balad and the seniors were right to leave it.

I feel that way about the intense signs of magic coming out of a wide variety of magical-related products. If you can see magic in the form of color, this room must be colorful and eye-painful. There was so much cluttered magic in the room that I accidentally thought about it.

The deepest part of such a room.

There were those people in a space somewhat clearer than this one, which was disorderly.

Master Joyeh Sorcery and his deputy, then two court magicians who would be his men, stare at the shattered nani that spreads to their feet with a difficult look. The approaching Master Celery and I were blind, and there was a hard air coming out of them discussing it in a serious way.

But there is Master Celery. The tight air that flows between them and so on. I speak when I approach the Joyeh Sorcery Masters in such a way.

"Thank you for waiting. Joyeh, is this what this is about?


"We apologize for your efforts, Master Celery"

The Master of Magic and the Vice Secretary, who replied without looking surprised by the sudden appearance, must have been aware of the signs. I bow my head deeply to Master Celery. Elsewhere, Master Joyeh Magic gives me a glimpse.

The magic master with Albione next to me glistened his eyes. And then I looked around, and he said, "What about the Spirit of the Wind?," he inquires with his gaze.

To a very familiar gaze: "You too!," he bowed politely for now as he penetrated into his heart. Then now if you look at Master Celery as a priority, he will drop his shoulder compared to my teacher.

He was the chief Joyeh magician who had often sent an uncluttered gaze, but that was also for a while.

"- This was done flashy again."

"As long as it's not obvious."

"It's true. Such pity as allowing an intrusion to this point. Was it too early for you to take the magic master's seat?"


Master Magic bows his head deeply to the words uttered by Master Celery, who was looking at the shattered fragments. As he glanced at him biting his lips with regret, he then turned his gaze to the two magicians.

As pathetically shrunk as he watched, the two look to Master Celery and open their horrible mouths.

"I've been watching..."

"I was in this state when I realized..."

"No excuses."

Lady Celery slashes off the two people she mentioned as she looked hard at her complexion.

Still a tough guy.

"" Sorry!

The two magicians rushed to say words of apology, but Master Celery just glanced at them. I will not forgive you or scold you, Master Joyeh Sorcerer, who distorts his face to Master Celery, and two magicians who bow their heads, such a deputy who looks worried about them.

Elsewhere, Lady Celery invites me to call them in the air, which is difficult to say soothing.

"Mr. Doyle, what do you think this used to be?

"... it's a demon prop, isn't it? It was also rarely seen around here, with rare formations painted"


If I responded to Master Celery's inquiry with zero sighs, I could hear the missing voices between them from Master Joyeh Magic.

See the fragments showing the amazing magicians sideways. It's scattered all over the floor. As far as I can see that, it's made up of metal, wood and demonic stones, and it's no different from the common demonic props if you look only at the material. But around the fragments we can see traces of a junction, and we can read that the magic props that were here were unusual and special. Further to the atmosphere on this occasion and the presence of a big man named the Magic Master and the Vice Secretary, it is easy to assume that fragments and fruitful results would be what Gardi was talking about as' a demonic prop worth examining '.

More importantly, the attitude of the magic masters, who were breathtaking in my remarks, gave credibility to the speculation.

... I don't know about Master Celery, but he seems to be close to his grandfather.

Perhaps this man brought me here in anticipation of getting information from Gardy. I mean, help me find the killer.

There are still many voices hoping for the return of Grandpa and Selly. If Master Celery, who has just given up the chair of the chief, goes out here, he will be handed over to the future of Master Joyeh Magic. So it's much better to make me owe them than to make them feel better.

"I heard it was an extra magic prop in people's hands, with a less than good effect of everything?

"Did you still know"

"Yeah, well... so what time was it broken?

"It's from late last night until sunrise. They discovered it at the same time as the sun rose, and they contacted me earlier."

Master Celery and I will gently exchange the information that we have with each other.

I have no objection to helping, as I have nothing to lose as per the invitation complaint, and on the contrary, I can sell my gratitude to Master Celery and the sorcerers.

"I can't move, so hey. Can you do me a favor?

Of course.

You know my reply, but you answer that to Master Celery, who bothers to ask.

I would have moved on my own, just to be heard that the demon prop I was trying to find was broken. And I don't think Master Celery could read through my actions like that. Did you dare bring that to my schematic that Master Celery would ask me to cooperate with the sorcerers in order to make me sell my grace, or did you want to give the Joyeh sorcerers the opportunity to get to know me, or both?

Is it tough or gentle... I'm still a hard person to read my thoughts.

"Good for you, Joyeh. They say you'll cooperate on my behalf, Doyle. Not only can you use the power of the Spirit of Water and Wind, but Doyle is the only one behind you. It would also be somewhat impossible - yeah, but it's up to your mind to wield power, Doyle, so hey. I suggest you get along as well as possible."


Mindful of my reply, Master Celery tells Master Joyeh Magic in a bright voice.

To Master Sorcerer, who gives a surprise voice to the Master's offer, and Master Celery, who stares at his disciples with an indescribable expression of kindness, speaking of which, I was reminded that Master Joyeh Sorcerer was to such an extent as to be caught by the aristocrats.

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