"Over here."

"Okay - Lord Joyeh, this way," he said.


Walk along the corridor decorated with portraits depicting historical royalties with Lord Joyeh following Albione's lead. In response to Master Celery's remarks, we are currently following the remnants of the magic conveyed from the Magic Prop.

... make, spirits are amazing.

Follow Albione, who floats fluffy and ahead, and think about that.

Arvione called out to us, surrounded by shattered magic props and worried about what to do next, like nothing. She said that she wouldn't be able to follow it perfectly, but that thin and thin traces of intruders remain.

She says that because of the remnants of pale magic like spider threads, it seems like clues are to be gained or the magic returns naturally quickly or subtly, and it is likely that the killer will not be reached where he pursues them. But still, it's better than not doing it, if you can find any clue, it's making money.

We entrusted the venue to the Vice Secretary and Master Celery, and rushed after the magicians' headquarters.

That's how it goes now.

It was the corridor that led to the guestroom building where many guests stayed, close to the salons used by the nobles, that followed the pale magic that followed from the broken demonic props.

The corridor is dim even though the sun is rising because the painting is designed not to burn in the sun. I just get the impression that I'm in the shade instead of the unpleasant dimness.

Unlike the corridor where portraits of the kings and queens of history are painted, there are various occasions in which the princes rush around in the garden and are indulgent in qualitative clothing, with an atmosphere close to family photographs. Thanks to the serene expression of the picturesque royalty, it was a space of wonder and calm.

I can see the messengers in the corridor even though it's still early in the day that such an atmosphere was preferred.

"Good morning, Duke of Aginis"

"Good morning, Lord Armony. Have a good day."

"Thank you. Have a good day, Duke."

"Thank you"

Hurry not to lose sight of Albione while responding to the occasional calls. But I have trouble being distracted by the surroundings, so I gracefully hurry along the corridor.

"Dear Aginis, what is it with a magic master in a place like this?

"Good luck with the security. Don't worry, Master Celery just summoned me."

"... that's disastrous in the morning. Take care."

"Thank you"

There's only a corridor close to the building where the guests are staying, and some knights call out to the combination of Master Joyeh Magic and me, but if you name Master Celery, it's fine. While Lord Joyeh, who is next door, receives the sympathy of 'The Sorcerer runs in the morning, or it's tough', it goes on crisp.

So many people were bewitched, and Lord Joyeh groaned pompously when he could afford to look for the shadows of His Majesty, Gray and Claire in the royal family, whose names he did not even know in the portrait in which they lived.

"Master Boulder Doyle, right? I can't believe I've gotten this far so light. On my own, I think it took me an hour to get permission to come in here. Even if I did, the aristocrats on their way to the salon would have asked me to explain in detail why I was here. In the meantime, this trail and so on disappear. There are no spirits to follow the trail in the first place..."

Lord Joyeh, who was looking around as he pursued Albione, sighs zero whether he was impressed with turning his gaze to me or biting irrationally.

In that way, I think of the environment surrounding him.

Master Joyeh von Hexe Sorcery, to be honest, his position is subtle.

His house is recognized for his father's accomplishments and has given him an associate baron. But in the Associate Baron, who has no substantial privilege, no matter how much of himself would be Master Celery's most apprentice and master of sorcery, the nobles with some title would not be indulged. I just got that status, and I'm not sure I've achieved enough.

Unfortunately, Lord Joyeh has so little power as a magician that he has little say in the nobles. The lack of power does not affect normal operations such as warcraft crusades, but it is deadly when you intend to do something in the castle like this one. Positions related to the control of the castle are occupied by celebrities.

Moreover the nobles of high rank have many privileges, and there is also a place in the castle where they alone were allowed. Like the salon behind this.

Their pride in their historic patterning is high, for better or worse. The prestigious Master Celery would still not tolerate the free movement of the Associate Baron in their realm without any notable merit.

Even what Master Celery would have forgiven is not acceptable under the present Master Joyeh Magic. If such a state continues, the grievances of the court magicians will accumulate and soon they will not be aligned.

That's why it's me.

I received that Master Celery's 'favor' meant 'make up for your lack of identity and power'. When Master Celery makes a stand out move, those who wish to return create an extra spark in tune. So when Lord Joyeh rubs with the nobles, he wants me to protect him.

Instead, it was offered to the sorcery division.

If I put it on Lord Joyeh, I will definitely increase the freedom of the Sorcery Division. And the court magicians, who don't want to lose asylum, have to be cooperative with me to some extent.

The idea that Master Celery would ask me to cooperate with the sorcery division felt like he was telling us to forge such a relationship. In other words, I was immediately named to the rear shield of Lord Joyeh.

...... hmm? If I did, would I be recognized by Master Celery?

I go into the possibilities that I have come to think of, that I'm such an idiot myself.

Just then, Lord Joyeh opened his mouth again.

"... Master Celery also said that the Magic Master's seat must have been quick on me. Unlike Doyle, I have no merit or power commensurate with the status I have been given. Even this time, he allowed the intrusion into the headquarters, and even destroyed the magic equipment that Master Celery left behind to consolidate the scaffolding. That's all, or this is how Master Doyle arranged for you to help - what a pity. It's only natural that Master Celery should not say anything."

Lord Joyeh, who told him so to mock himself, was not asking me to respond, and he turns his gaze back to Albione with natural motion. In those eyes that bite their lips, there was remorse.

Explore your memories to that figure you saw somewhere. I remembered that he had a similar look on his face to Master Celery, who did not spend much time and neither forgive nor scold. At the same time, the figure of Master Celery floats behind his brain, who looked like he was in a hurry somewhere with his usual grin.

... Now that I think about it, wasn't that in a hurry, was it in a hurry?

Weren't you in a hurry for the sorcery division's failure to allow intrusion inside the headquarters, and hence Lord Joyeh's crisis? I remember Master Celery visiting me, and somehow I thought so.

That one is harsh on himself and others. Even the person you're looking at won't mismeasure its strength. I thought it was possible to become Lord Joyeh, so I gave up the magic master's seat.

If Master Celery was scared of him in the first place, he wouldn't do me any favors. Between the nobles, 'please' equals' owe '.

Then why did Master Celery ask me to do him a favor?

That's simply because Lord Joyeh deserves to do just that.

"I don't think Master Celery is frightened."

I was speculating on Master Celery's sincerity with Lord Joyeh chewing on his helplessness, and when I realized it, I said so.

Lord Joyeh was surprised by such a grunt, but I was immersed in thought and I would put it into words as I could think of.


"If I'm really limiting you, I won't do 'please' or anything else that would make 'owe' me. Lord Joyeh deserves to be protected even by using my identity. In other words, does Master Celery think that there is no one besides you to succeed the Master of Sorcery?

One convinces himself to nod at the thought that fell on Ston and his chest for putting it out in his mouth.

Yes, to look at Master Celery's series of actions, the one thing that he fears most about this case is that Lord Joyeh will crumble.

As Lord Joyeh also said, I guess the suspicious magic equipment that Master Celery exposed during his retirement was meant to make him quickly overlap his achievements. That's how I got some scaffolding, and I put him face to face with me as much as I could on an equal footing before I considered him a further feat. It seems to me that it was unforeseen for Master Celery that this happened. You're probably right to think that you made me and the Sorcerer face to face a little like that.

Instead of being crushed by a bad nobleman, there's somewhat of an upward and downward relationship between me and the sorcery division.

Master Celery wants Lord Joyeh to be the magic master everyone acknowledges. When I think about it, I can see why I didn't say anything to Lord Joyeh and the others at HQ.

Proceed with your mood uplifting to the thoughts of Master Celery you have seen. It felt good to be able to read its intentions with certainty, as it was often rolled without knowing why.

"But Master Celery said nothing"

"Is that because you're the magic master? And I scolded you and the two of you who were watching over there, and at no time did Lady Celery."

Because he remains the supreme power of the Sorcery Division.

And I tried to go on, but I was about to say, and I panicked and whispered. But it was already late, and Lord Joyeh, who had heard my words, opened his eyes and stopped on his feet.

... failed.

I speak and reflect on matters that Master Celery would have liked to make himself aware of. I didn't say the last word of it too long, but I felt so excited that I explained everything.

Lord Joyeh, I'm coming.

"- Yeah, yeah."

It's almost like I said the answer, but at least with all the resistance, I slap Lord Joyeh on the shoulder and pull him back into reality.

I stepped on it, making sure he walked out looking at Albione, and I walked forward, too.

By remaining silent, Master Celery indicated that it was Lord Joyeh who would hold the reins of the forthcoming Sorcery Division. I can't be honest with you, but he's taking our future seriously.

That being the case, it was still not a good idea to have answered Lord Joyeh's question. There would not be a great obstacle to Master Celery's thoughts to this extent, but this was something Lord Joyeh should have understood on his own.

"- I knew I couldn't keep doing this. But if it's gonna happen, I've always wanted to stay like this."

As I reflected deeply in my heart, I heard a zero grunt. No, if you look at Lord Joyeh in that dialogue in your ear, he will have a lonely look on his face and close his eyes so that he can indulge.

"I miss you, but it's time to break up - from now on, I will"

The next moment he bites something and gently opens his eyes, Lord Joyeh draws an arc at its mouth.

That change in expression is hard to put into words. It was a vibrant change that somehow gave me a sense of hope, like the light coming from the cracks of cloudy skies.

"Thank you for letting me know, Lady Aginis"

"- No."

I couldn't find a word from Lord Joyeh in return for me, and I finally answered that.

Without worrying about me like that, Lord Joyeh moves on. There was no previous atmosphere of humiliation towards Lord Joyeh chasing Albione, and he had a confident look on his face that he did not consider to be the same person. I understand that I have just witnessed a moment when people change.

At the same time I caressed my chest down with relief. I thought I might have disturbed Master Celery, but it seemed to be my concern. I also smile small at Lord Joyeh, who has received Master Celery's sincerity and cemented some determination.

After walking for a while without even having that conversation, Albione stopped and told him.

'... so far. I can't go after him anymore. "

"Okay. Lord Joyeh, that's it."

Tell Lord Joyeh the words of Albione. He turns to me when he looks in the direction where he thinks the remnants of his magic were continuing on what he was told.

"Okay. May I help you a little more to find out over there? Dear Aginis."

Of course.

I'll snort at him for asking me for help without getting lost.

What stopped Albione was the path leading through the corridor to a room building a little further away from the castle, in the corridor that proceeded in the opposite direction from where the salon was located. There is only one place, such as where intruders head from here.

"It helps. Let's go back once for reporting and preparation."


Be sure to reveal who you are and catch them.

I nodded forcefully to Lord Joyeh, who floated such a strong will.

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