A beige curtain and blue carpet shaking in a large window give a soothing atmosphere to His Majesty's office.

If you enter the room following the lead of a squire who opened the door, you will first see His Majesty the King's desk. A lot of sunlight fell from the large windows set in the rear, illuminating His Majesty the King and his father, who stood by him.

On the right hand side of the room, His Highness Gray is on his desk, behind which stands Jin. On his left hand, Chancellor Libro and his aides were preoccupied with his work.

On the side of each desk are figures of officials, knights who came to report, and nobles who await the order of their petitions. In the meantime, I proceeded to the person I was looking for and inquired about the moment when a person broke up.

"Excuse me. Chancellor Libro, may I have a moment?

Chancellor Libro, who responded to many but never stopped his hand and did not raise his face from the paperwork, stopped moving the feather pen the moment I spoke. Then, slowly raising his face, he opens his mouth.

"- What can I do for you, Doyle? It's rare for me, not His Highness, Gray."

Without hiding the unexpected look, Prime Minister Libro told him so.

... this guy is getting old too.

I think of the flowing years because of the whiteness of my hair, which was caressed separately exactly the same as before.

When I was young, I was often scolded with His Highness Gray and thrown into a garden that I could see behind His Majesty, but with much more wrinkles than I did back then. Unexpectedly look for a difference from the old days in the face of Chancellor Libro, whom I haven't seen up close in a long time. But that's how I was the only one who missed the old days.

"Hurry up. I'm not free."

I laugh at the person who looks straight at me. He's the same guy who doesn't dress his teeth.

"Excuse me. I'd like you to sign here today, and I'm here."

I put the paperwork in my hand on the desk, feeling the gaze from the people that would belong not only to Chancellor Libro but also to the aides sitting next to him, His Majesty the King and Father, His Highness the Grey and Jin.

What I gave you was a permit to enter the Sorcery Division guestroom building.

The name is to inspect and strengthen the boundaries in order to improve the safety of guests staying in the guestroom building. Beneath the documents are the signatures of the nobles, who are the heads of the guestroom buildings, the rest being completed with the signatures of more than the Chancellor, that is, His Majesty the King or His Highness the Grey, and Chancellor Libro.

The corridor leads to the guestroom building, following the remnants of pale magic.

So Lord Joyeh told me to "help" and I broke up on the way to the salon where the nobles gathered.

To root the rest of the way, the guest building, so that Lord Joyeh and the others can freely examine it.

At present, the Majesta brings together persons of various statuses from different countries as messengers, headed by the former king, Lord Pinez, and the king's brother, Lord Sumba. Magesta was not only royal to them like that, but many nobles were gathered together in the castle to deal with them.

The guests staying in the castle are handled by the queen, the Grays, the Chancellor and Shi Yingjie, but the guests staying in the building away from the castle are welcomed by the nobles because the priority drops slightly.

To be honest, if the Sorcery Division only gets permission to enter the guestroom building, we can ask Master Gray. But relying on Master Gray would be unfavourable to me and would be a pain in the ass again.

They were originally entrusted with the guestrooms because they were quite high-profile people. It hurts their retention to ignore their existence completely and have their permits drawn up. The spearhead of that anger is the sorcery division where Master Celery left.

Then no.

'Cause I can't move. Hey. Can you do me a favor?

"I miss you, but it's time to break up - from now on, I will."

I recall Master Celery, who guided me through the fate of his disciple, and Lord Joyeh, who decided to complete the position he had inherited from his master.

As soon as he was ready, he turned to me, the younger one, for help without getting lost. Lord Joyeh's readiness to abandon his possession if it was to be accomplished was preferable, and as long as his actions were for the Majesta, I wanted to help him.

I don't know what to say, but Master Celery is looking after me.

... I'm sure I'll have a long relationship with Lord Joyeh.

Like Grandpa and Selly.

Going out with the Magic Division and the Knights is a must for a smooth turnaround of the country. This opportunity, which Master Celery has fed us at the corner, must be made for the future.

To that end, I, as a buffer this time, needed to root for the sorcery division not to complain or complain from the nobles.

So he visited the salon where the nobles gathered, bowed his head to each and every one of them, and purposefully collected the signatures of those responsible.

'Sending a maid or squire is no different than the treatment as it stands. That won't dissatisfaction be resolved either. But I was wondering if I could get everyone with nobility in a good mood. Your inferiority to the nobility of another country depends on the prestige of the Majesta. Some hands, such as letting the Knights go, will be too intimidating for your ladies in their eyes to be trained. If you're magicians at that point, the lines are thin and there's no visual force. We can make a superficial name for strengthening and inspecting the boundaries, so we can keep this face, and if the court magicians bother to snoop around, let their self-esteem trickle down. There may be some discontent from the magicians over a job like a small-time job, but I'll tell you that.'

Say something like that.

There were times when the maids told me that I was dissatisfied with the way in which they made fun of the magicians and the several groups that were actually guided to the building far from the castle, and they all gave me a pleasant signature of approval.

Chest for all sorts of thoughts with those who honestly agreed with me, with the ambitious people who expect problems to arise on this occasion, with those who were in a high mood who hated acts inferior to others, with those who wanted to be close to me and with whom Lord Joyeh did not often think that he had taken up the post of Magic Master about the level of Associate Baron.

... Well, at a time when Lord Joyeh and I are already connected, the thoughts of the ambitious rollers will not come true.

I think of faces that were filled with lowliness in my suggestion and raise the end of my mouth small.

The magic master and princess's fiancée status is delicious if they can take their place. And if you're gonna get rid of me, there's never been a better chance. If there's a problem in this castle, you can rub it in diplomacy, and it will scratch my name, the star of this ceremony.

But that carries great risks. The other lead is Claire and the ceremony is hosted by the royal family, if you don't do it well enough, you buy the royal discomfort. The ambitious rollers should have weighed the profits when they did well and the risks when they failed, and were lost.

Such a fold, it seemed to portray the idea of 'the difference between the Sorcery Division and the Aginis' because I was somehow making fun of the sorcerers there. It's dangerous for me and Lord Celery to stand up for Lord Joyer, but if we crush each other like that, we can take advantage of each other without labor. You must have wanted to have a convenient dream.

As far as I'm concerned, I won't notice the connection between the magicians until the ceremony is over, and if they take care of me, I'm in full swing. Only Zenos, suspicious maids, intruders headed for the guest building and outside customers are busy. I want you to be as big as the guys in the country.

It's a demeaning form of use of the Sorcery Division, but it's for Lord Joyeh and hence for me in the future. Given the hassle of having them sign it, this much use would be allowed.

If you have a hard time with that and look back, you will see Prime Minister Libro, who should have thought of the documents you gave him in his hands.

I don't know how long you've been looking at me, but I panic and squeeze my mouth in the eye I can point at. With such a difficult look on my face, Master Libro called out his name.

- Doyle.


"Is this me chewing one?

Answer Chancellor Libro by nodding, who has dropped his voice as much as possible and asked about the presence of Master Celery. Master Libro, who watched me move like that, wrinkled so much that even this between his eyebrows.

- Huh.

And when I sigh loud looking tired, he signs the permit.

"Take it."

"Thank you"

I thank Chancellor Libro for the paperwork he offers as he rubs and unwraps his eyebrows.

... Nothing, you don't ask.

Slowly bow your head in reverence for the kindness of Chancellor Libro, who sees through or trusts you, asking nothing more.

"Now if you'll excuse me, Prime Minister Libro."

That's what I told him, and when he stepped out to exit, he called out on my back.

"... I don't know what you're thinking, but keep it that way."

To that word, stop your legs.

Master Libro, who turned around and looked, had already lost sight of the documents. And without raising his face, he refers to Master Gray and his fathers with a feather pen.

'Cause if there's anything wrong with you, they're annoying.'

Because I was moving my eyes to follow the feathers' movements, I watched all the sights of His Majesty and Gray rushing back to the paperwork, their father and Jin standing back behind them.

After putting their appearance in sight, we return our gaze, but Master Libro never uttered any more words. As if to follow such Prime Minister Libro, the aide, who was quietly watching over his accomplishments, tells him.

"Me and Libro were all waiting. Your number one priority is to keep this ceremony safe, and don't put your neck in too much danger. Then be careful not to be over-affected by the array. I don't mind if I count on you, but you can't apprentice me by mistake, can you?

With a soft grin, he pulls down Master Celery's aide, pulls me on the cheek, and elsewhere he takes a piece of paper.

"Here you go, too. It'll help."

It was the roster and room splitting that included the guestroom building escorts and maids.

"... thank you"

"No. Please, be careful"


I felt I was being seen through what was written on the paper I was offered.

... I've never found a prank on these people.

No matter how carefully I planned and executed it, at the end of the day I was bound to be found and scolded by these people. The name of Chancellor Libro, who is hailed as Four Yingjie, and his aides, who have followed him like that for years, is not Dada. Isn't there something in the castle that they don't know?

You know everything, but your spine gets cold on the two of you who don't say anything.

But because of the warm grin the aide had, and the gentle air of Chancellor Libro piercing his silence as he noticed me receiving the roster.

I beg your pardon.



I bow my head deeply to the words and care given, and walk out on my back with the two replies.

Finally, he quietly folded his hips in front of the office door and left the room behind.

I didn't see the look on Master Gray's face dropping me off like that, but I felt he was laughing at me.

The hallway of the Magic Division headquarters.

From the other side of the door lined up on both sides, I feel various signs of magic with many people. But there's no shadow in the hallway I'm walking in. I guess I'm caged and working in each room.

I walk down a quiet hallway with the feeling that if my hands were free, it would be very different from the Knights, who had a lot of noise about training and matchmaking.

At the same time I thought of the earlier Prime Minister Libro and the others on paper who claimed to be Casali and Presence in their hands. Neither Chancellor Libro nor his auxiliary officers asked about the apparently suspicious permit.

He was confirming the existence of Master Celery, so I guess there's also trust in his people. Because from your words and attitudes, your trust in Master Celery was distorted.

But however involved Master Celery, it was a broken response that pushed my back instead of letting me go silently. That's not all. His Majesty, Father, Lady Gray, no one said anything. Chancellor Libro, who takes that attitude, would obviously have been suspicious.

I think they trust me.

I wish I was free to act, as much as you think.

I'm glad you think so.

'Cause that means you can believe that I'm not gonna do anything for Majesta.

- I want to get the results I deserve for the expectations I've been put in.

With that in mind for the feel of the paper I feel, I laid my hands on the door I had just visited with Master Celery this morning. Take the clutter indoors one step, one step further, feeling the unique air drifting into the open room on your skin. That's how we got to the deepest point, in that same place as this morning, where Rin stretches out his back and calls on the names of those who give instructions to many sorcerers.

"Thank you for waiting, Lord Joyeh."

"Dear Aginis"

Stop giving instructions to your men. Give Lord Joyeh, who saw me, the two pieces of paper he had. At the same time, the vice-secretaries and magicians who were at Lord Joyeh's side also stop and peek into the paper. Naturally, there is no sign of Master Celery.

"Go ahead. This is the room building access, and this is the roster and room division, including the escorts."

"That's fast......"

If you hand over the documents that you bring, Lord Joyeh glances back at the two pieces of paper that you received in a way that you cannot wait to see.

Behind it, his deputy and the magicians said, 'Is this the man of power...'

"That's all I'm expecting - and you should be with me."

"Dear Doyle,"

I tell His Highness Joyeh, who raised his face to my words, and the sorcerers who turn their gaze, to proclaim.

"Let's give those who push their backs the results they deserve."

"- Yes."

I answered Lord Joyeh and the sorcerers, who stared back at me and nodded vigorously, with a grin.

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