Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode 141: Chancellor Libro

"Cut yourselves up and rest."

"Chancellor Libro, assistant Lutus. If you'll excuse us."

"" Yes ""

Stand up from your seat and worship His Majesty and His Highness Gray, who will leave after today's service.

If I raised my head, the king's father and son would almost leave the room with Alan and Jin, the escorts. Drop off the four until they disappear on the other side of the door and head back to your desk.

The two people left in the room were me and Rutus, my right arm. Unlike the executive desk of His Majesty, who just left, there were only a few documents left on our desk.

Me and Lutus will resume our work without exchanging words.

Clarity, the sound of writing crisp letters on the sound of wrapping around a piece of paper. Use them as background sounds you're used to hearing, and clean up the paperwork. At the same time I thought of Doyle, who had been around for a long time.

I have held the post of Chancellor for more than forty years. It was before breakfast, such as doing my job to one of the hassles of thinking.

'Excuse me. I want you to sign here today, and I'm here.'

Permission to enter the guestroom building, given with such words. I was surprised by the fact that I was chosen not by His Highness Gray as Chief Officer, but by the fact that the heads of the guestroom building had already signed it, and by the reason for the entry, as I had put it on, but the most eye-opener was the "Magic Division" that entered the guestroom building.

Not Doyle himself or the Knights, but for some reason the Magic Division.

The first thing that came to mind was Celery.

He seemed bored the other day over the spirits that Doyle was taking with him, but there was no sign that he was close to the sorcerers before or after that incident. My grandfather and father belong to the Knights, so it's reasonable to assume that if Doyle were to be close to the sorcerers, it would be cellulous.

That idiot, who had just retired after consorting with Zeno, liked Doyle so much that he chased her to school. I also heard he looked pretty eyed and adored being cellulous.

It is easy to speculate that such a doyle was pushed into the back shield of Joyeh, who was also eyeing him. Instead, I thought me and Lutus would do that one day.

Doyle will inherit Alan's trail in the near future and will be the Kingsguard Knights Commander. If so, it is Jin who will succeed the Knights. I was honestly surprised when I heard Doyle introduced the apostles of the East to Jin as the future 'Spear Brave', but I am delighted that those on His Highness's side have a good relationship with each other.

Doyle was originally close to the Knights and has a good relationship with the future Knights Commander. Then you can't just miss the sorcery division. Thinking about the future of both Joyeh and Doyle, I knew Celery would move.

But it's premature to make contact.

The pan between the perimeter and the doyle is gradually beginning to unravel and is beginning to be accepted by the perimeter. If we successfully complete this ceremony, we will also get a firm position. Jin doesn't originally have a problem. The future of Doyle and Jin is almost certain, and their strength is origami.

To line up with those two, Joyeh is now weak in position and identity. Fortunately, however, both Doyle and Jin are students, so there is time for them to build a system based on His Royal Highness Gray. Celery would have established the position of the two of them as chief magicians of Joyeh among the students and put them in contact with the Doyles in as equal a relationship as possible.

But me and Lutus' readings came off, and Doyle had already moved as Joyeh's back shield. In the present situation, the Sorcery Division and Doyle rarely meet naturally. If so, that Celery hastily engaged the two.

Doyle... there isn't. What happened within the Sorcery Division?

Recall the many reports that come up from my information network that I have stretched out over the years. I haven't had any noticeable problems with Doyle. It is reasonable to assume that something has happened that must be guarded by Joyeh abruptly.

I can't help but say that Celery, who has just retired, can't make a stand and move. The presence of Celery and Xeno is huge, and both the Sorcery Division and the Knights have recently finally settled down. Now that their voices are starting to turn down hoping for their return, it's going to be a hassle for Celery to move.

I don't know what happened, but I know it was best to leave it to Doyle at some point in the room building for me. In fact, he showed up to Celery's expectations. The names of the nobles written in the permit attest to how well Doyle stood around.

It is understandable that Doyle's future will be delicious to help Joyeh, who is powerless here.

But I dare say. "I thought I was finally back, and there's more to motivation. How can you be a little adult!".

Why can't Doyle sweeten and take care of the favors he can give when he says we've been ready for a long time to come to the sunny scene in the corner, in a full mood?

I came to the Knights of the King's Capital, and gathering information is good. If we start practicing and creating information networks now, it will be useful in the future. I deserve credit for having laid eyes on the pharmacists to scratch His Majesty and Alan's eyes, and I'd say it was a boulder that took Gardy in.

But what about that guy who pulled it off after that? Pharmacist Elva was extremely dangerous at a time when he was in possession of a drug ban he had never seen, but he was also involved in the birth of the Demon King in the Abyss Forest?

Besides, we're not only sending Gardy into surveillance of a man to get information, we're even bringing him in secretly to something that looks like an official of that man's. What's Doyle going to do? How far are you going to stick your neck in? I don't know how many organizations are involved behind this, but it would be dangerous.

Gardi has a good face for the nobles as well. I tolerated the actions of His Majesty, Alan and Zeno, but it was a complete failure, that Doyle, who would face many nobles at this ceremony, would have the necessary talent.

Gardy is too user-friendly for Doyle.

And the man allegedly involved in Princess Claire's kidnapping, did you say Scion? It's nice to have surveillance on hand, but it's troubling that Doyle's range of action was expanded by letting Zion protect the Ballads. Ballads often hesitated because they were worried, even though they were just fine with Doyle's shackles.

It also hurts that Zion held a whole army of mercenaries to whom he belonged. It was honestly helpful to have the Hendra Chamber of Commerce working with us to scatter the mercenaries, but it was the seeds of headaches that Doyle secured the strength of the time of need. There are only a few things he can do on his own, but if he has the manpower to use it, there will be more behaviors to choose from. Doyle has a lot of money because of the colored paper, and he won't be able to chase it when he's joined up with the pop-up mercenaries on his own.

Alan also has a past where he flew out on his own when he was younger and headed for the Demon King Crusade, but you don't have to imitate him to that point. Please stay out of sight.

If I think of Doyle's behavior these days, I'm going to have a bumpy headache. He's overdoing it. I want you to pull yourself aside in the right place and leave the rest to me. I haven't even graduated from school yet.

... The problem is that the adults around Doyle are too extreme in the first place.

His Majesty and Alan trying to push an already nesting child into the birdcage, and Celery, who is willing to stand still until he is about to die pounding into the valley of Chihiro so that he won't have any trouble being alone, Zeno, who thought he would grow up right even if left alone.

Xeno, who pulls his legs and doesn't help at all, is out of the question, but I can't endorse Celery's method either.

I am currently not able to help satisfactorily in my position even if there is a problem in the sorcery division this time, and I entrust Joyeh to Doyle. If you don't get ready enough to push it into the valley, just let it die. It's too late to try to help, I can't help myself, what are you going to do if you find yourself in a situation, that idiot?

He always says he can do whatever he wants. I want to tell them to try to be us wiping our asses.

Why can't Celery and the others be prepared to help children on any path they choose and act on while watching them until the end of the day?

I'm just going to help you out a little bit so you don't get noticed if you can't, making sure you're growing as much as you can stand up on your own, even if you're frustrated.

Kids, like Doyle, sometimes show amazing growth. The discernment and patience of the watching side is tested, but I guess that means' raising people '.

Doyle is also Doyle.

I don't have to work that hard, but I admit enough around. In the next few years, you will be so relied upon and made to work that you don't need to rush into life to grow a little slower.

Now the experience I've gained over forty years and the information network I put up is better, because I can follow Doyle's actions. Measures can also be put in place. The problem is when he's more powerful than me and deceived me.

Doyle is rapidly gaining status, identity, ability, and connectivity now. Because he wanted it that way, because he has successfully ridden the various thoughts of the adults and has sometimes used it to make it his own.

Its growth is both delightful and a seed of headache. Doyle can't help me and Lutus in time.

Doyle would never pull a bow on a Majesta with Her Royal Highness Gray or Princess Claire. Now and always, he loves childhood tamers, respects Zeno and his parents and thinks of this country.

Ever since the birth of His Highness Doyle and Grey, I've been watching.

I watched silently when I took spears and mace in my chest with hope for the future, when I was deepening my friendship in my serene routine, when I knew reality and was frustrated, when I had suffered from an irrevocable bond, when I stood up over it.

If you think of what they've gotten over, you're not going to question their readiness and thoughts.

So I won't interrupt.

As long as Doyle chooses his own path and acts on it, we'll just watch him push his back sometimes. Be prepared to help under any circumstances at any time.

That's why I signed the permit and Lutus gave me the room building roster...

In the meantime, we need to find out as soon as possible what happened in the sorcery division. I can't tell how far Doyle's going to go with the Joyers like this.

At the same time, you should be aware of the movements of His Highness Gray and the others. I pretended to be what I always was, but I was upset that Doyle chose me. Be aware that Doyle will or will not talk and His Highness Grey's behavior will change.

Having thought about it so far, I notice that there are no more documents that were once unprocessed. The feeling in my stretched hand was not of the dry paper, but it was stiff, smooth and a little cold.

If you gaze sideways, the pile of processed documents is a little higher. I put my feather pen on the tabletop, sighing zero at the work that was done at some point. At the same time, my neighbor, Lutus, put down his pen.

"Good luck. You seem to have been worried a lot. Are you okay?

"The children are too healthy to be enemies."


If I returned that to the words I cared for, Rutus laughed bitterly as he found out what I was trying to say. I decided to keep an eye on Doyle and the others, and I'm even more genuine with him for a long time.

"I don't think they're going to let me die of overwork these days."

"That's what grown-ups do, right?

When Lutus says so, he gives his gaze to the large window made behind His Majesty's desk.

Outside the window, the sunset was dyeing the blue lawn red. From the slightly open window a pleasant temperature breeze blows in, shaking the beige curtain.

- Well, Doyle!

- Put down the mace and then say it!

I thought I heard a young Doyle and His Highness Gray, who I shouldn't have heard. What comes to mind is the appearance of young children who were running around on a blue lawn with brand new spears and mace in their hands.

"... don't be done with that soon"

"That's right."

If you remember and whine about Doyle you haven't seen in a long time, Lutus nods. The word sounds short but emotional and slowly crosses into me.

- It was a long time.

I thought of His Highness Doyle and Grey, who grew up enough to be called youth, and I thought so.

"I think I struggled a lot because of the idiots, even though I said I was just watching over them"

There was a lot going on, but I finally got here.

Doyle is returning to His Highness Grey and the castle is also changing generations. In a couple of years, our time will be completely over and a new breeze will blow in the Majesta.

I can't fight and physically protect you like Zeno or Celery, and I can't heal wounds and diseases like Elva.

So I just watched over the next generation.

Watching in silence was outrageously hard, and it was hard to admonish myself that I was going to stick with my hands. It wasn't once or twice that I was willing to kill Zeno, who liked me and Lutus elsewhere.

That will pay off in a little bit too.

Almost there, we can celebrate a day of loneliness and joy.

Until then, both Lutus and I will be watching over everything we can.

"It's still too early to take shape in the past, Libro. Naturally, you're calling, aren't you?


Rutus snorts bitterly at the words of Lutus, which bring me back to reality in fear of emotion. Celery needs to be told a lot in order to safely nest the next generation.

- Huh.

Celery doesn't break an attitude that you can't eat at any time, whether you're happy or sorry.

I sighed heavily when I remembered that I was going to have to confront a guy who was out of the group and hard to read among the four Yingjies.

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