"I have a reaction to the magic team I put together to detect, but I can't confirm my appearance. But from the location of the formations that had reactions, the range of target actions has narrowed down, so we plan to use more advanced formations starting tomorrow - hope. I won't regret your help."

Three days early yesterday after I gave the permission I received from Prime Minister Libro to Lord Joyeh. That's what Lord Joyeh told me last night when he came to report on his achievements for the time being.

The words and prank grin of Lord Joyeh, who spyed unwavering confidence, were reminiscent of Master Celery.

I'm sure Lord Joyeh and Master Celery are more alike than their surroundings think. It was a discovery that I was looking forward to and at the same time horrible. I would like to establish a friendly relationship with Lord Joyeh.

There have been such discoveries, and I am currently keeping them static when it comes to finding intruders that I initially intended to help with. However, I want to see with my eyes what it looks like and how it is going really well, so I plan to visit the guestroom building sometime this afternoon.

That's how I welcomed you today, four days before the ceremony.

As the ceremony approached, I was confronted by Obza, who laid his sword in one hand, at a previously visited outdoor training ground.

The sun is now finally starting to peek into my face, about the time. In the distant sky, the stars are still shining.

In the meantime, I and Mr. Obza had their own gains in hand.

What we are doing is rewarding pure sword moves only, without skill or magic.

Situations where there is nothing to rely on other than your own technology make you see differences in experience. Essentially, you won't be able to learn from schools or knights how to apply a wide variety of applications, the techniques to feint and reciprocate, and how to fight with kicks and fists that are rolled out at exquisite times.

Early morning training with Mr. Obza gave me a sense of the experience he had accumulated as an adventurer and the length of years he had put on his sword.

- That's the last time.

Unlike at the beginning, when apparently he was slashing knots with Mr. Obza for quite some time, which was dark and unpopular, the sky began to reveal and the voices of knights and maids began to be heard slightly from outside the training grounds.

My breath is rough, and I sweat to my palms. There is also sweat in the face of Mr. Obza, who seems to be able to afford it. Given that it's still early in the morning, it's probably time to stop around here. Any more workouts are likely to affect daytime behavior.

Gently adjust the lifting breath and pull out the other knife you were carrying with your left hand, which was your bare hands.

With me holding an espada in my right hand and an oreol in my left, Mr. Obza changed his mind. Unlike earlier, when you were pointing your cuttoe down and draping your arm in a natural way, that look with your sword tip pointed back at me and restated in front of your body is serious.

I also reassembled the knife in both hands and dropped my hips to the strong gaze I could point at.

The distance between me and Mr. Obza is less than three meters. I only use my legs to pack that distance, not far or short, at once.

The battle was momentary.

The moment we enter Mr. Obza's time, the sword is swung down from the diagonal top.

I tried to take the first shot. The sword was heavy, but it had a good angle to the thick muscle, so I thought it could flow beautifully.

I put Espada's blade to sleep, and I tried to use it from the ground to the flat to sway the sword down in the form of a hanging. But not long after I've passed on, Mr. Obza's accelerating sword meets Esperda. A blow on speed and weight, I rushed to its weight to add and support the orel, but even that was slow, and I was forced off every knife.

Passive in preparation for the shock that will follow the feeling of your feet leaving the ground. In the middle of it, Oreo, who was halfway through the grip because of a rush, was about to leave my hand, but he didn't want to hurt the knife and desperately squeezed it.

It was paid for from the diagonal, not from the front, so I had to take the passive horizontally, and on top of that, it hurt that my hands were blocked.

I glide a little over the ground, feeling the shock that couldn't kill me resonate in my body.

Impact sounding on both hands and body that paralyzes, pain of friction feeling on the half of the body. I rebuffed what happened earlier, thinking I could scratch this.

From the model sword technique used by Mr. Obza's genre, which I also taught him, to the applied edition, which adds fakes and so on that I think I've learned in traveling and going as an adventurer, and the body technique rolled out between swords. After showing scattered skill swordsmanship and strategy, at the end of the day, skill and nothing force moves.

- Awesome.

I just thought so.

Sword and knife, Mr. Obza and my physique and muscle strength difference. Given them, I see it is the easiest and unprotected attack. I was completely alarmed by the amount of bottomless maneuvers Mr. Obza had. The earlier method of "pushing it off with force" was my most alarming hand under the circumstances that I could not enhance my skills or magic.

It's unclear from which neighborhood Mr. Obza had planned it, but it fitted in nicely.

The world is wide, there is above.

Blurring with those words, I look up to heaven.

There were orange clouds floating in the sky where the walls could not be seen in the way until the end, but would be drawing gradients from blue to blue from Jomtien to the horizon. The view is as if at dusk, but the clouds that change from orange to white and the sun that gradually begins to show itself claim that it is morning. It's strange because the sunset and the morning sunburn make people feel sad and the morning sun makes them feel sad, even though the sights they create are not so different.

I was somewhere stunned by the unfolding that I didn't expect to be shock-cooled, and I was unwittingly enthralled by the morning burn that made me feel bright.

Tighten your eyes to the light emitted by the rising sun. Mr. Obza's voice echoes inside the workout to evoke me like that.

"- Mr. Doyle! Are you okay?"

"It's okay!

Return your gaze from the sky to the ground, which can be considered fantastic, to the voice of Mr. Obza you have heard.

- Steady, you flew quite a bit.

I laugh when I see Mr. Obza standing far away.

Even though he was not wary at all, he is overflown. I'm not inferior in stature compared to my age, but in my freshly growing body, I don't know what a boy is, and I guess it's light when I think of him as a samurai. So the minutes are bad when compared to pure force, and this is also easily skipped.

We will certainly build our bodies for the future, but it is not an early result. In the meantime, it looks like you should consider this technique of doing something about physique and muscle strength differences.

Still, you mean lack of training......

With that in mind, I pay the dirt I got up and wore. It hurt a little, but to this extent, it's fine. I am used to it because it was originally sturdy and everyday tea meals such as getting blown away.

I felt refreshed to return to Mr. Obza because I had found such a brilliant challenge to digest.

"I was flying quite a bit... but you look fine"

If I went back to Mr. Obza while checking for scratches on Oreol and Espada, what a good gaze I got for those words. If I were to speak for Mr. Obza's mood, it would be like, 'More than anything without injury, but all that flying and almost intact...'

"I'm used to it."

"Oh well."

If I gently returned that gaze, which I am used to getting from warrior and pharmaceutical students and teachers, Mr. Obza laughed bitterly.

"I hope it's okay. You know what's wrong with that face?

"Yes. I care about the amount of effort you were showing me earlier. I forgot the most alarming physical and muscle differences and headed from the front."

Mr. Obza, who nodded at my answer, tells me with a serious look.

"Right. Usually I didn't seem to feel disadvantaged because I use ice magic or anything to reinforce my weight and strength, but I should avoid pure force comparisons as much as possible. I'm taller, Doyle, but your shape is thin overall and you lack muscle strength. Something to watch out for when fighting adult men who have worked out to fight. You should keep in mind that women who run mercenaries are more likely to compete and lose. Then, Oreo and Espada won't break so easily, but challenging the sword from the front with a sword is reckless. In that case, you should have slipped through the side and taken the back, or taken another step deeper to make it harder to use the sword while guarding your hands and feet before you were in a battle."

Mr. Obza will not hesitate to tell of any physical shortcomings or actions that were not good. Honestly, it's a painful story in my ear, but I can't hope to grow if I run away here.


Take the word and gaze that can be directed straight at you and nod forcefully.

Mr. Obza went on to talk to me like that.

"While you can afford it, a frontal breakthrough is fine, but you should keep the way you fight when you have to. Tomorrow, let's use the speed to focus on more maneuvers and how to fight the opponent's void. Those ways of fighting are often criticized as unfavorable and cowardly when you're in a position like you, Doyle, but not everyone plays a beautiful battle like the knights, rather they're a minority. If they are the first to survive like mercenaries and adventurers, they have planted one or two hidden weapons. Naturally, I'm planting it, too. You should definitely know the commonly used methods and hidden weapons. It's easier to take action."

The hesitation was a moment.

"- More importantly, you too, Doyle, will one day have a day to choose between life and pride. If the choice is your own life or pride, you are free to choose which, but naturally, sometimes what you put on the balance is life other than your own. If you want to be on His Highness's side, Doyle, you have to be prepared to abandon your pride. There are no Kingsguard knights who should take precedence over the king's life."

Clearly and without blurring, Mr. Obza tells me. I stuffed the words while I didn't have a beat, like I thought I just took my breath off.

Mr. Obza's words poking at reality without refusal are painful in his ears. But while throwing harsh words like this, I know Mr. Obza is heartbroken, too.

- I know you've been caring about me for a long time.

Nobody wants to bump into tough words, do hated roles, etc. But Mr. Obza is too kind to escape the blame for rolling into smoke with sweet words. Unaccommodating honesty that you don't hide, don't delude, you can only choose to bump from the front.

I can believe it because it's the word of such a person, and I want to face it seriously.

Just sayin ', Mr. Obza doesn't distract from me, even though he has a slightly anxious color in his eyes. So I look right back in the eye and bow my head.

"Yes, thank you tomorrow, Master"

"... yeah, I'll get everything ready. Same place and same time, okay?

Respond with acknowledgement to the objector specifying tomorrow's time and place so as to mislead him in exhaling.

"Yes, I apologize for letting your hands slip from a time I can't say early in the morning"

Mouth words of apology at the same time.

From the time when the moon is still in the sky until the morning sun rises. That's the current training time for me and Mr. Obza.

From the standpoint of me and Mr. Obza, I can only say that this was the time.

Mr. Obza, who has been serving as an escort, cannot leave Uncle Winn's side during the day. Mr. Obza is only the "Guardian of the Apostles of the East".

And I can't stand up and be coached by Mr. Obza, either. Because if you're going to be coached, you might be told that your country will have the right users.

If Uncle Wynn were present, as he did when he received Oreo, he would be able to keep it in "Hospitality of the Apostolic Palace of the East" and "Because I am a blood relative," but it is also difficult because the Apostle has various plans and relationships.

As a result, we had no choice but to wake up. By the way, when something is said, I plan to return it to him: 'I happened to get up early and start working out, but I only had Mr. Obza with me, so I wanted to hang out with him'.

"No, I'm the one who told you to be my master, so don't worry about it. And I don't know how many more days I can mentor you, Doyle."

"Do you have any plans in the early morning?

I unwittingly listen back to Mr. Obza, who answered in a flamboyant manner. I can't think of anything to explore the memory of if there would have been an event before the morning sun rose that wouldn't have allowed me time. Am I misremembering, or is someone deliberately stopping the information? If it's the former, it's a big problem, so we have to check with Balad as soon as we get back.

Mr. Obza said something terrible, not knowing if he knew me in a hurry that he might have missed his appointment.

"That, didn't you hear? There must be Serena and the others around noon tomorrow."

"... Mother, are you there?

Unexpectedly, Mr. Obza asks me back in wonder.

"Tomorrow's already three days before the ceremony, right? Serena, you said you were very excited about this ceremony and that you were going to be staying early to get ready. So, Doyle, I thought you'd be busy too. Winn was definitely free around lunch tomorrow, too, because he was free to pick up Mr. Serena... maybe he hasn't heard from anyone?

He had a look on his face along the way like 'Doyle, I may have said something I shouldn't have told you,' but once he told me to the end, Obza asks me if he didn't know my mother's visit with a very awkward look as he slowly weakened his tone.

But you couldn't afford to worry about Mr. Obza like that to me.

- No, no, it's my first ear!? And you say I'm enjoying it very much? No, more of a concern than that is' stay and get ready '. Oh, isn't it early, Mother? Before I told you to wait under oath, I'm staying at the castle, but I don't have an hour by carriage from the Aginis family in the capital. Even if you're ready, you can handle it on the street, right? I mean, Father, you do that except when you're on night shift, right? Even your grandfather should have been there? Why do you need to stay? Mother, are you staying at the castle tomorrow? Seriously? Uh, where are you planning on having a room?

Spread in an instant, surprise and perplexity.

There's no way my mother won't come to the ceremony hosted by the royal family. And I heard he's got a lot of tension. But even though there is a house at the end of the eye and nose, it is unexpectedly a good place to stay in the castle. Master Gray and Barado, of course, have heard the oath from your father and mother, and they should be there for you. There's no way my mother's staying in a room next door or just a short distance from me.

My mothers don't take my feelings lightly. It won't be the reason you want to interact with me.

So why do you need to stay? I don't know, but are you going to do a trick so big that you need time for three days in your stay, or a performance? That also needs the power of the Virgin...... no, possibly Merrill.

The moment I thought about it so much, the chills ran down my spine.

Earlier, Mr. Obza called his mother "the others". I don't know about Sebastian, but Meryl will definitely come with her mother first. I can't help it if my mother, who is a little unknown, does it occasionally. That's a lot of oxygen, so it's hard to deal with. But Meryl's not. She is the type to soften her own harsh looking atmosphere with a straight face for backwards. And do everything you can to incite anything that sounds interesting that doesn't harm you. If your mother and queen are up to something, they are likely to stick around and help. That's more interesting too, in an embarrassing direction for me.

I just kind of have a bad feeling about it. I feel like my mothers are going to like it as it is, and then they're going to make me feel bored with shame during the ceremony!

"Mr. Obza, I have a slight bad feeling about this, so it's time for you to excuse me. Don't worry, we won't imitate you with vengeance."

Tell Mr. Obza about his exit as he recollects his childhood memories that sink in float.

I'm not using any skills or magic today so I don't seem to need to clean it up, but I'll soil magic to keep the place even while I wait for Obza's reply. Now all you have to do is go back to your room.

Get ready to go back to your room and wait for Mr. Obza's word. Even so, it wasn't a big time.


"Yeah. Sorry, excuse me."

I snort forcefully at Mr. Obza, who relaxed his expression to my words.

Then I bowed my head deep, and I left the workout early.

At that time, I couldn't help but notice the trend between my mother and Merrill. I have promised Lord Joyeh in the afternoon, so it was also a hasty factor that I only had time in the morning to question my surroundings.

That's why I wasn't listening.

"Mr. Doyle! Master Zeno is here with Serena and the others! - I don't know, don't you hear me like that? Well, can I tell you tomorrow morning"

After I left in a hurry, Mr. Obza was telling me about another critical piece of information.

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