"That, didn't you hear? There must be Serena and the others around noon tomorrow. '

Mother, Meryl and I were told by Mr. Obza to come after the training we were doing before dawn.

Having heard that information, I first asked Balad if it was true. Because Balad will change where he visits next, whether he understands it or not.

If Balad knows, it won't be that horrible. If it's something I don't like, Ballad tells me how much I don't care. You can think of it as a surprise, no harm to me at the time Balad agreed to the shutdown. Then I don't mind letting it go.

The problem is if Balad did not know. That is, a warrant has also been laid against Balad to avoid obstruction and information leakage. When this happens, it becomes a hassle inside.

I asked Balad, praying that it would not happen.

"Balad, I heard that your mothers are here around noon tomorrow..."

"Is Serena here already?!?"

But the response that came back ruthlessly was unexpected, and Balad looked out for my words. He didn't even know Balad to see that look.

There is also an information network in the castle that Gardi was putting up. If you dive through the information networks of Gardi, who is connected to the Knights and the nobles, the gardeners and the underworkers, and Balad, who has handouts to the vendors and merchants who come and go, you will need to hold more than one person who has quite a position.

That's what I thought, and then I turned to Master Gray. Because I needed to see how far people were taken in by their mothers and queens.

We have to talk before noon tomorrow, when Mother arrives. I spared no time waiting to hear back from you. I waited for Master Gray to pass me to the office after breakfast, in a place not so unnatural.


He spoke to me from Master Gray, who found me. Like Gray, I'm lucky enough to come by and say hello in the morning, and then tell the truth in a small voice.

"Good morning, Master Gray - I'm sorry to be in such a place all of a sudden. I need to ask you something right away."

"? Oh, good morning"

Though Master Gray raised a slight eyebrow at my words, I urge her to continue the conversation with my eyes as I return the greeting.

What we're talking about is a hallway that connects the Kings' office, and even though it's early in the morning, we can see the civilians. Concerned for their eyes, I asked Master Gray in a small voice.

I heard your mother is staying at the castle tomorrow afternoon.

"... sure?

"Uncle Wynn is going to welcome you, too."

"… Tomorrow afternoon we will be calling the merchants who will deal with the goods of the Majesta. I think it's about time the messengers got tired of the tea party, so my mother asked me if I should let them choose souvenirs. The Messengers of the East are certainly absent. It's called a tea party, but it's essentially shopping. Many have declined if they do not have a female companion. So I hadn't noticed… perhaps I was going to let Lord Serena into the castle, distracted by the merchants' entry and exit"

As a result, Master Gray taught me that with a very bitter face.

As far as that look goes, Master Gray seems to be on my side. I stroked my chest down on that first. But the peace of mind also blows to the words that followed.

"I guess I wrapped up Lord Serena because I said I couldn't lend the sorcery division. You repeatedly said you couldn't do it because of the cost and talent, but your mothers hadn't given up yet... just fine, you stay the same."

Apparently there was already a stifling, and Master Gray's words were disturbing.

Following Master Gray walking out, I'm walking out, too. At the same time, unspeakable anxiety spread to my chest. I honestly don't have a very good feeling about it at the point of the sorcery division.

... What are you going to do with the queens when you can't do it because of the cost and the talent?

This ceremony is a kind of state business, of course the budget is also allocated to luxury. Yet it is fair that permission is not granted.

Claire, who often acts with me and Master Gray, is a delicate place, but as far as I can tell, we should assume that the queen, the side queen, the rear palace officials and the made-up of the castle are definitely on our mothers' side. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the merchants to get her to climb the castle or secure a place to stay out of the sight of Lady Gray.

But when that happens, it becomes harder to even get information instead of stopping it. They are the most honorable women in this country. I can't explore the rear palace.

Even if you get information from the maids, it's other than intimidating or threatening a female opponent, and in the unlikely event of such means, you will eat socially painful retribution. Because the more you look back at the past, the more you can't count, such as the man who lost his reputation and was unable to climb the castle as a result of molesting or belittling a woman.

Nothing is more horrible than the women I have bonded with. I wish my mother would respond to my persuasion, but what if she didn't reconsider? The only way to stop the queens is to ask your grandfather, Celery, Prime Minister Libro and Elva to help you.

By the way, in this case, His Majesty the King and Father should not be counted on. Fathers who love their wives will not be able to leave their mothers, queens and concubines. If you suck, mummy removal can be mummy.

Fortunately in the midst of misfortune is that Master Gray has once opposed and rejected it. Cost and human resource impossibilities should naturally have been opposed by Prime Minister Libro.

I ask Lady Gray, who seems to know what's going on while I find hope.

"What do the mothers want to do?

"At first, he said he wanted to capture Heavenly Horse and get you on it. I wonder if it would be nice for you and Claire on a white Heavenly Horse to come down from heaven. Of course, catching a Heavenly Horse is not a big deal. Legendary creatures with long record of sightings in the first place, but not those who have actually seen them, are forced to decide. Well, I guess that was above my mother's knowledge. I told the white horse to magically wear phantom feathers because capture would not be possible. Let's fly the horse with wind magic. If you can't fly it, he said you can just slow it down off the balcony. But it was also naturally rejected. There are some magicians who can use phantoms, but if they are to be established as spectacles, it doesn't make sense in an instant, and I'm interested to know it's a phantom at a glance. To maintain a certain amount of time and completeness, you have to have a few percent of powerful magicians. But the bigger the festival, the more problems there will be on the day. This one wants more mages and knights on standby to be able to cope with whatever happens, but I don't allocate personnel to that. It also takes a lot of work and money to create magic props. More than anything, the men who were there agreed that you were pathetic. Then the mothers offered the next condition that they couldn't do."

Lady Gray, who told her so much, sighs loudly with her tired face.

"As an alternative, I asked you to marry me. When Lord Alan proposed to Lord Serena, he knelt with a bouquet of roses. Ever since I heard you two talk, I hear your mothers admired you. Claire should be happy too, so I'm sure she'll let you do it. Light it up, send down the petals, add magic to it at the stronghold, and you'll be more excited. If you think calmly, you're just a exposed person, but the impact of Heavenly Horse earlier was terrible. I guess the neighborhood was also a mother's induction, but many felt it wasn't bad if they thought it was a magical play. It was about to be accepted at stake, but Prime Minister Libro asked, 'Where will it be on stage? Ready for your seats? What about the security in the middle? Who's gonna let you do the play? If you're going to make a spectacle like Tenma, it's just shame if you don't let someone with that much skill do it. In the end, it will be the feather that drives the sorcerer out. Rejected.' I also realized that the words would eventually expose you, and I did everything I could to disagree. After the persuasion, my mother and I were supposed to compromise by decorating the bran... I didn't want Lord Serena to do it. Indeed, if Lord Serena, called the Virgin, is good at light magic, so the performances will belong to your hand, and the amount of magic is sufficient. We can tie the line, so we can keep it safe without using escorts. At least the shortage of talent that we cited as a reason to disagree with was resolved, a blind spot."

"I have a lot to say, thank you first! Master Gray."

I said thank you from the bottom of my heart to Master Gray, who breaks my eyebrows if my head hurts. Of course, I also express my gratitude to Master Libro in my heart.

What Mother and Queen are trying to make me do was worse than I imagined.

Few students attend the ceremony, such as the retrieval of nobles. It's a national matter. Naturally, I hear there are some teachers, including the school director. While they have their eyes, flying in the sky with a white Heavenly Horse or something, it hurts too much. On the day I did that, I'd never be able to go back to school again. I can't get back on my feet for a few years lightly. It is a level of thinking about embarking on a martial arts training journey.

You think the alternative is a public confession? I don't like both. I apologize for offering any more topics, even though the fire extinguishing when I gave away paper roses was not enough.

"Well, I'm glad you found out now. All of a sudden you have to decide to be ready to be thrown off stage, but now you can still avoid it. We've finally got our plans together, and we just got our final confirmation. It is very difficult to re-route or re-route an appointment. Everyone will help convince you, so don't worry."

"With a slight force, let me help you!

"Thank you"

I would like to thank Master Gray and Jin for their kind offer to cooperate. At the same time, in my heart, I offered my thanks to Mr Obza.

Thank you so much, Mr. Obza!

I was able to pick up my life in shame, and I went to the office with Gray and the others, whining in my heart.

He then briefed His Majesty the King and Prime Minister Libro, who came to the office.

He was sent to many people, including Chancellor Libro and Assistant Lutus, who wrinkled between his eyebrows, his father, who seemed uncomfortable when he brought out his taming with his mother, His Majesty the King, who gave him a pitiful gaze, and the guard whose cheeks were drawn, to the queens with Gray and Jin.

Thanks to His Majesty the King for immediately giving the queens a heads-up, I have been able to meet you very much. That's how I begged them to become lunch and their toys in the morning, and they managed to keep me in mind.

The persuasion to Mother and Merrill was also promised by the Queens to undertake.

A lot was heard and lost instead of stopping the plan, but this reassures me first.

Thus, having spoken with the queens safely, I broke up with Master Grey and headed to the headquarters of the Magic Division to fulfill my promise to Lord Joyeh.

"That was tough."

"Yeah. But I managed to make it"

With such conversation with Lord Joyeh, I turn to the compiled report.

The effect of the formation put together by Lord Joyeh and the others was to react to the same magic that was left over from the broken demonic props.

Today is the fourth day that a magician wearing a magic formation wanders around or sets up a formation where it's hard to see and see reactions. It was narrowed down to the corner of the guestroom building due to the frequency of the reaction, but it says no further tracking was achieved.

"There was too little magic left in the magic props. Because we could only react to diminished magic as a criterion, we seem to be reacting to the magic that has moved to the nearest one."

"Still, you narrowed it down to three pairs."

Suspicious in the report are the Armony and his wife, who were from a small country in the south, and the Apostolic Hall of Agricult, who arrived on the day of the incident, and then the King Prince of Edelstein. Everywhere is a small line of seven to twelve people, accompanied by squires and escorts.

The least of them are seven of Edel, four escorts each with Prince Wang and his squire and maid. The most common are twelve in Agricult, two entourages with a messenger taking care of himself around one, and nine escorts. Agricult heard that there have been more warcraft lately and that there are a few guards on the road who have retailed. Then there seems to be a total of ten Messengers Armony and his wife from the small southern countries, and eight caregivers and escorts around him and his wife. They cross the ocean, so I guess the escort and his squire will be combined when you consider the possibility of meeting the pirates. They've been lodging ships in Handel's harbor, and only a limited number of people are coming to Majesta.

"Yes. But I don't know any more. We all met in person to make sure, but we all felt as much magic in the matter. I don't know if you're doing magic to everyone or letting them have things that have transferred magic, but I think you're leaving your magic behind besides yourself in some way."

"So, he suppresses his magic to delude himself, and possesses demonic stones and other magically packed objects to undo his original magic."


"Twenty-nine in total, twenty-eight in person excluded. It's going to be tough to do magic to everyone, but when you leave a little bit more magic than that remnant, it's not going to be such an unscrupulous demand."

"Yes, I can afford it if I have enough magic power to get into the Magic Division"

We go ahead and talk as we come up with each other's opinions.

In the meantime, Lord Joyeh spoke of his concern.

"I think the most important thing to fear is if the intruder's purpose has already been fulfilled."

"... that breaking demon props was in itself the purpose of this one?

"Yeah. Earlier, I said I could afford the amount of magic I could get into the sorcery division, but still, it's hard to keep calling twenty-eight people every day. If you realize you're on the lookout, you'll have to steal our eyes and call us back before the magic falls out, or you'll need to recover it in a day or two if you want it to hold in some way, and turn it into something new. They'll be using other magic to keep us out of sight."

"Even if it still has a purpose, the drainage is too intense on the troublesome side," Lord Joyeh said?

"Yes. During the ceremony, we and Mr. Doyle were too busy to follow. I just need to buy you three more days, so another case will suffice. If there's a case in the public eye, it won't be tracked down by post-processing. I won't, because I want to hide myself from the ceremony not 'until it begins' but 'after it's over'. It is certainly hard to do small magic many times, but it is less likely to be found than to leave a great deal of magic behind and give clues. Thinking about it, I feel like I'm going to stick around."

Lord Joyeh's words make sense. If this intruder is trying to harm Majesta, the first case is too pointless. If you hadn't broken into the headquarters of the Corner Sorcery Division, you could have damaged the building by harming the watchmen and causing some more noticeable damage. You can steal the rare items that are there, or you can easily damage them and target the discretion of the Sorcery Division. No, if you were willing to do another job later, you had to.

I didn't do so because the only purpose was to destroy the demonic props.

- If you're not willing to antagonize Majesta and think you just didn't want to be pursued for that demonic prop root, then surely all your actions will stick together.

It explains why you don't disappear knowing you're being looked for, and why you disguise yourself as not being identified until you use troublesome means. Because intruders are unwilling to abandon their current lives and want to live as they have always been.

That's what I've come to. I'll tell Lord Joyeh.

"... if the killer is meant to run off like this, you have to change the way you track him. Not only do we have to keep an eye on it, we have to think about trapping it."

"Yes, we may be bothering Master Doyle, but there's actually one way I'd like to try it"

Lord Joyeh was waiting. I just told him that, and he looks at me with a caged eye of anticipation. The expression was lively and I could see confidence in my own measures.

... Master Celery would have definitely given his consent after all.

I thought that to Lord Joyeh, who is asking me if I can act before I do it, because if I fail even if I am confident.

That was yesterday.

After that, when I heard the details, I told Lord Joyeh to do whatever he wanted.

Then he went back to his room and had dinner and went to bed as he heard the information named Rumor Balad had gathered during the day.

He also asked Mr. Obza to see his training before sunrise this morning and welcomed his mother with his Uncle Wynn and his grandfathers around noon.

I didn't have a problem that far. Yes, there was nothing.

- How did that happen?

Right now, at the end of my gaze, Grandpa stands with flames on his love spear. Why.

Around, the junction that Master Celery would have probably strained. The domed junction has been developed quite extensively, and if you gaze at it, you can see that it is stretched multiple times.

The ceiling of the junction is far away, and at the top of the dome stands Master Celery himself and the Spirit Fir of Fire, who looked like a young girl he had previously met. This junction seems to be helping her too, and I could see the occasional fire dancing on the surface of the junction.

Outside thickly overlaid junctions, many spectators. I have no idea what they are talking about, but some of them are Ballado and Leo seniors, Master Gray and Jin, and then even the appearance of apostles like Lord Sumva and Lord Pinez in the face of the Knights and the Sorcery Division.

More importantly, I am concerned about the medics led by Master Elva, who is waiting in front row of the spectator with a large quantity of drugs, bandages and other luggage, and Merrill on her mother. All the therapeutic personnel placed at equal intervals are fully prepared, as if they were seriously dying together.

This situation was suddenly brought in shortly after I welcomed my mother and was instantly put in place.

Honestly, I can't swallow the situation at all.

But unlike me, Grandpa is very motivated.

"I don't need to hesitate. Call me with all your strength, Doyle!

From a spear that responded to Grandpa's temper, the flames blow up and the firepowder scatters.

Down comes the firepowder chiseling his hair and the hot air stroking through the border strokes his cheeks.

In the meantime, I think.

What the hell happened to you? and.

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