Looking around, pharmacists, magicians and knights, squires and maids, nobles of the Majesta and apostles from various countries. The pharmacists seem a little tingled about being nervous about a job to come, but the audience's faces are colored with anticipation, excitement, curiosity, etc., and it turns out that this situation is perceived as a kind of spectacle.

The look on the faces of such discerning people as Mother, Gray and Ballad, who seem to be in the hedge to support their thoughts like that, is not so dark. There are worrying colors, but no one has a serious look on their face. Probably, but they all knew.

... I'm the only one who hasn't been notified?

This situation, which should have just been picked up by your mother, was thrown in by a terrible collaboration.

My eyes were black-and-white at the sudden unfolding, but somewhat calming down, I looked back at my memory this morning as I observed my surroundings.

"Go with the messengers of the East and pick up Lord Serena and the others."

Yes, Prime Minister Libro told me just after breakfast.

The location is the office.

After my training with Mr. Obza, I went back to my room and had breakfast. I was told by Chancellor Libro that I would "show my face in the office as soon as breakfast was over," so I quickly cleaned up the breakfast I was on my way to the office.

In the room I visited, Chancellor Libro and Assistant Lutus had already begun their work, and I spoke to you both with my head down.

That's where I was ordered to pick up my mothers.

"Is this your mother's welcome?

"Oh. I have a lot to tell you. If they follow, bring them straight here. Well, it's also for you."

"I gave the news that the conspiracy with the Queen had been exposed, and I had a proposal for you to wait at home until the day, because I don't know what you would come up with if you let the women go free. It is possible that the queens have not given up, so Lord Serena has asked us to remain within our sight."

"So your case is solved, but there are some problems that arise with her climbing the castle. Because many people want to get close to [the Virgin] and [the Duchess of Aginis], both domestically and internationally. I can't walk freely around the castle because I'm free."

"It's a few days, but we're going to strengthen cramps. Before you do that, I mean candy, and you welcome me. Can you do me a favor?

Chancellor Libro and Assistant Lutus alternate. The two of you told me to fold up, and I nodded with slight doubts.

"I understand. Is that all you need?

"Oh. I got it."

"I'm sorry I called you. Please."

I asked you about something else, but you two didn't seem to have much to talk about, so I thanked you for leaving the room.

"I'll take care of it. Now if you'll excuse me."

... That's when you thought it was strange.

Unlike the queens who wanted to carry things in secret, there is no need for Prime Minister Libro to hide her mother's visit. Yet I was wondering why the two of you bothered to summon me to ask for 'Mother's Welcome'. Instead of telling him, "Come to the office," he thought it would have been nice to say, "Pick him up and bring him to the office."

But when I thought of your previous achievements, I wondered if there was a reason why I couldn't get it done with a message.

There are so many things you two can't count that didn't pose a major problem. The only problem with the successor to the Aginis family that happened because of me was the noise that Grandpa and Lady Celery caused in the castle before they retired.

It was no surprise that the houses that had been in the past had raised their names as traces of the Duke of Aginis and were fighting to wash their blood with blood.

Also, the fraudulent and disturbing items that the grandfathers exposed. The fact that they came out of the castle, where His Majesty lives, is only scandalous, and if they are bad, it is a case of questioning their ability to reign.

But in fact, it doesn't.

The trace issue of the Aginis family was observed as an implicit understanding, and I had been given a long time. So I could start over.

Everyone just laughed bitterly at the outrage of Grandpa and Serry, and no one questioned the king's managerial responsibility. Rather, I feel that His Majesty had a sympathetic gaze gathered in the two lavish ways and in their sudden retirement.

Both when I retired and when my grandparents retired, I had some clever intelligence manipulation.

He was there to keep us from stepping through and falling off standing on thin ice. It would have unwittingly reinforced the path that was about to collapse so that it could be safely crossed, guiding us in the safest possible direction.

'Cause otherwise, they're both going too well.

The insignificant and unaware will rarely be appreciatively appreciated by Prime Minister Libro for the rest of his life. But once you realize it, you feel two shadows in everything you look back at.

Numerous achievements, never spoken of.

Both Chancellor Libro and Assistant Lutus have continued to support the Magister in a shady direction. Never the people who do things for nothing.

When those people move, there's only one reason for what's there.

I'm sure that's the same for Grandpa and Lady Celery.

- What does this battle mean?

Think of that to Grandpa with a spear and Serry standing at the top of the junction.

The reason you sent me to pick up your mother must have been to push her into this situation without letting me take it personally. And the reason you bothered to call me to the office was to make time to talk to someone other than me.

Balad didn't know about your mother's visit until I asked him yesterday morning. Like Master Gray and Jin, Chancellor Libro should not have known. I don't think their attitude was acting. If so, it was after yesterday morning that I made this plan.

Think that far, and I'll look up at the stretched ties.

Multiple overlapping sights widened the horizon of the highest junction that the current Magister could stretch. If you gaze at each layer of the junction, you can read that it has effects such as impact diffusion, magic absorption, and heat and cold resistance. The juxtaposition, where the magic formations overlap showing various attributes and effects, looks like a geometry when looked up in this way, and is as beautiful as peeking into a kaleidoscope.

No matter how much Master Celery, it should be difficult to establish so many boundaries. In fact, Fia will be helping us to connect, and from time to time, the surface is caught on fire.

Looking at the hands of the junction, I can deduce that Master Celery and Grandpa have been planning this battle for a long time. Perhaps it was Grandpa who said it.

When I sorted it out, first my grandfather wanted this fight with some intent. And it would be reasonable to assume that Mr. Celery, who agreed, helped.

It is likely that it was this place now because of the presence of my mother and Master Elva. If there are court pharmacists led by the Virgin and the Chief Pharmacist, it would be helpful if they weren't instant deaths. I don't know if Grandpa knows, but there's Meryl.

Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, a little over two days. With all that time and all this face, you should be able to recover until you complete the ceremony without having to fight.

... So Chancellor Libro and Assistant Rutus cooperated?

And I think so.

Assuming Chancellor Libro knew his grandfather's plan beforehand, he would have had a great deal of trouble. If you get hit on your own and I or your grandfather can't attend the ceremony, it's a big deal. But it is harder to make Master Celery call it off than he is showing a cooperative attitude.

On top of that, the story of her mother climbing the castle, which she had consigned with the queens.

What if there was a shift in ideas there, and you came up with a situation where even if you were seriously injured, it would be okay for you to do it?

When I went to get permission to enter the guestroom building, Prime Minister Libro said, "Keep it as much as you want." If Chancellor Libro knows everything about Zenos and how far he has been grasped, but not all about Seniors Ljeci, the noise he made the other day with the pharmacists and the sorcerers, and Lord Joyeh and the intruders he's after, the 'more' will be well beyond his reach.

We have all the facials that allow for reliable treatment, and we have time to recover. If the battle materializes, Grandpa and Master Celery will be satisfied, and if there are any injuries to us, Mother will be well treated and nursed. I take care of it, too, and I'm made to take care of it more by the Ballads than I am.

And to me, who is sick, the queens can't push the challenge. Isn't that perfect?

If we can play this game safely, we can make grandpa and Celery, queens and mothers look after each other. And it serves as a stop for me, combined with a warning to "stay put until the ceremony is over."

If you look around, the medics you see are definitely paramedics. If so, it's no surprise that magicians and knights mixed with the hedgerows also have a role.

If you look closely, they all carry weapons and canes. Maybe this is the personnel that will stop me and Grandpa from fighting in case. No, there's also the possibility of escorting the messengers.

If my thoughts fit, Master Celery and Fia are peering inside from the top of the junction because they are willing to stop by force in times of need. If you are willing to unravel a part of the junction and come in, then drilling a hole directly above it will not do the most damage to your surroundings, so Master Celley and the others are the stoppers. Are the knights correct in escorting the messengers and guiding them when letting them escape?

So what's the point of having the messengers watch the game until we have an escort? What did Master Celery so strictly connect for? What's the point of Grandpa taking a fight on me here and now?

- For me, is that it?

This situation, which was brought in with no idea what the translation was, fell into.

In a junction stretched around not to miss a drop of the aftermath of the battle, the meaning of fighting grandpa, no [the fiery spear brave], while being seen by the emissaries who are dignitaries of the nations.

Thoughts tried to get to the answer, then.


He looks up to the powerful voice that calls me.

"Take that sword and let these men prove it! I don't need a veteran in Majesta anymore!

Jen royally stood with the spear in one hand, and the grandfather's eyes were gentle to tell.

Words directed at me echo in my chest.

"It's a great opportunity and pleasure to make a name for it - if you can defeat it, we're not talking about it!

I raise the end of my mouth with Ni, the invincible things of my grandfather.

... where is the old soldier?

I put my hand on Esperda, smiling bitterly at my grandfather who put up a spear all over the flame. Then make sure there is an oreol on the other side.

I'm looking for Rafael and Albione. They were on their way from the Ballads' side to the Fier. I guess you're going to watch the game on the side of the fia. I suppose if you call it, you'll come through that junction, too, so if you stay at the top of the junction, it's fine.

Confirming the location of the weapon and the spirits, I drop my hips and enter the position of a living slayer, sending magic to Espada.

Exhaust your breathing while strengthening your espada.

Floating are scenes of the days spent with Grandpa and Celery, Prime Minister Libro and Elva.

Slowly open your eyes to the cold air that spreads with the sound of a kink and ask your grandfather.

"All the best, okay? Grandpa."

He showed me how to fight, and my grandfather put up a spear and screamed.

"Don't be shy! Bring it on!

The grandfather, with an invincible grin, was very ambitious worthy of the name of the fiery spear brave man.

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